10.Emotional prostitution

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In which kei reminisces on the day it all started.

Kei fell asleep on the train and was forced down memory lane.


It was during his first training camp. One of shinzans players went into rut before dinner and put all the Omegas in heat which in turn put all the alphas in rutt.and everything went to shit.

Luckily there was enough betas present to control the situation . They got separated. Omegas and alphas. Luckily the training camp was at a school so there was enough space. 

All the pairs were allowed to tend to each other. The alphas were each separated because more than one alpha in rut in a small space is dangerous. The omegas were set up in one of the gyms since they weren’t really dangerous during heat. 

It was dark by the time kei left the gym after his forced heat. The cold air engulfed him and he shivered abit. So he zipped up his jacket all the way up. He spotted a red nekoma jacket hanging over the side of the roof and he got curious. He went up to the roof thinking he might have someone to talk to until one of the karasuno people were done.

He found the roof relatively easy not long after he was pushing open the door of the roof. The scent of juniper hit him and he smiled abit. He closed the door and he walked out on the roof he turned the corner and there stood the alpha. His  back was to the railing he seemed to be typing something on his phone. Between his middle and index finger was a half lit cigarette. 

“Didn’t peg you as a smoker.” Kei leaned against the wall opposite the Male. He was startled abit but smiled when he looked at the male. “it’s a horrible habit I cant seem to shake.” He replied smoothly after taking a long drag.

He pressed send and shoved his phone in his tracksuit pants. “you the first one out?”he asked glancing down at the entrance of the gym where the Omegas were.

“I don’t know”

“Did you see kenma or yaku?”

“I wasn’t feeling especially social in there “ he snorted. 

“how come?” 

“Did you forget we like 20 something Omegas in there  just cause we wont kill each other doesn’t make it any less awkward. Felt like I was in a brothel.” Tetsu stared at him shocked. 


“It just you the first omega to speak so straight forwardly  about anything that is remotely heat related.”kei blushed 

“Well I was raised in a household with the population of Omegas being 1 and that’s me,so I’m sorry if I didn’t go to any omega behaviour classes.” He grumbled. 

The alpha laughed loudly and kei smiled.

His laugh might be cringy but it made kei all bubbly inside.

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