22. Redemption

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In which hiro and tetsu bond and tetsu learns more about his son.


Koutaro and Tetsu ended up arriving early from sheer excitement. Sho was still setting up . Only a few of the crows were helping set up a few of the tables he helped them finish up. When people started to arrive they were set up . Tetsu and Kou were sitting on the porch waiting for the rest to show up. Oikawa ,iwaizumi and satori showed up first. They were all sat down on the porch laughing when the rest of nekoma showed up save for yaku and Kenma who were still abroad after a brief greeting to thier ex captain Lev went right to bullying the tangerine. Yamamoto met up with the chaos duo from karasuno ,the libero and the spiker. 

Another couple arrived .the alpha looking angry and the omega not even flinching at the hostility of the alpha. They looked vaguely familiar but tetsu couldnt place from where.

“Well someone doesn’t want to be here" kou noted.Iwaizumi chuckled. “that’s his normal face.” They looked at him weirdly. Oikawa waved them down “yahoo cream-puff chan~” the Omegas eyes brightened as he dragged the alpha with him over. 

“Oikawa-senpai" the omega greeted happily the alpha just grunted. Tetsu handed him a beer and he  mumbled a thanks before taking a sip. They began talking and Tetsu found out that both of them were ex seijoh players and the alpha played volleyball professionally in the 2nd division and he enjoyed the conversation between all of them. He was essentially Iwaizumi if he didnt grow up with oikawa. So he didn't talk much but he seemed amused at what ever they were speaking of.

About 30 or so minutes later he saw the alpha he now knew as mad dog-chan move closer to the omega and let out,a low growl his brows furrowed and he turned his head to the direction he was looking.and his eyes narrowed. 

Ofcourse he needed to be there. He noticed he wasn’t the only one who let out another growl .Iwaizumi and mad dog chan joined in.

“Great, Date tech is here.”  Oikawa grumbled bitterly. The only person that reacted positively to the Alpha’s appearance was Kou waving at him. And he smirked when he glanced over to the group.he waved at them.

Smug bastard. 

Eventually the rest of the teams showed up and the party got started some people were in the pool. Or on the edge.  A gangster looking male with dyed blonde hair and piercings was in charge of music and he seemed to just play what ever he feels like. Cause the genre's were all over the place.

But no kei.

They actually ended up mingling with Date tech and they realised Kei was not exaggerating when he spoke about them because they were intimidating. They met the really tall setter that they were told about and keiji found it really amusing that Koutaro was mildly upset that the omega towered over him.

Kei did eventually show up and Tetsu was awestruck.the omega wore tight denim shorts that stopped at his upper thigh  showcasing his long legs. He also wore a soft green T-shirt  that hung loosely on him. On his side was hiro in his red swimming shorts and black T-shirt . His camera around his neck. 

How could kei look completely casual but still look like he walked off a run way.

Unfortunately for him he wasn’t the only one who noticed the males arrival. “KEEEIIIII!!!” the alpha from before ran towards him. Tetsuro’s anger rising already. The alpha was way to close to the omega for Tetsu's liking he circled them carefully.

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