28. The secrets of Nekoma

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In which tetsu discovers that there are secrets that his not aware of.


This entire wedding fiasco has Tetsu frustrated. Kei has been swamped with work and it’s become increasingly hard for him to just spend time with him.This last week has been brief hugs and short goodbyes. 

Even hiro had been busy.

On the upside he got to finish all the work stacked up on his desk from weeks of not even showing up to the office. Tomorrow was the wedding and he was stuck In his office signing off on qoutes. He didn’t run the company. Atleast not fully. His father was still the CEO ,Tetsu was the COO so all his work still went through him. 

He bit his lip.the kuroo corporation was a family based one. So buying out shares on the board wasn’t possible. His father owned 53%of all of it just to make sure that no matter what he couldn’t be voted out. Tetsu majored in science and business and finished and it wasn’t easy majoring in two opposite fields but he graduated 2  years ago and has been working here ever since.

He started from a entry level office worked but he got pushed up the ranks and now for the next  2 years he’d be groomed to take over the company. Since the age of 25 is the age in which they take over and his only 23 it’s a waiting game. His phone vibrated and he looked up . Kenma's name flashed over the screen.

He hasn’t spoken to kenma in 2 or so weeks. It wasn’t a concern kenma would often disappear for weeks at a time .The most being a month. Tetsu isnt all that worried because he knows Yaku is always with him. Nekoma stayed together so all of them are connected in some way. Yaku thrives in business so his main department is running his and Kenma’s company. 

It was just a spur of the moment decision kenma had after he graduated. And tetsu simply shrugged told him if he provided a plan he would help financially. Yaku came on board around the same time. He was struggling with finding and internship since most of them want alpha recipients. The omega helped them build the company from the ground up and now he runs the company alongside kenma and Tetsu.

Nekoma occupies a large portion of the total shares.even those that aren’t directly interested in business have shares. But small ones like inouka has a modest 2% even if his just a vet. They bought into the company when it was still small as a way to support kenma so they were all for it now they all got enough money to start some sort of future. 

Tetsu picked up the phone and placed it on his ear.

"Hey did you get the email I sent you about the endorsement?" Kenma started.

Ahh yes kenma business first.

“I checked it out last night it seems straight forward and practical I have a conference call with mori tomorrow afternoon to work out some of the small market inconsistencies before we sign off.” he replied tapping his pen.

lev is going to be the front runner for this campaign.”kenma stated 

“I thought his still swamped with all the high end brands wont it be too much?”tetsus brows furrowed.

"Alisa is pregnant and since they got signed as a set so when she had to take off because of her high risk pregnancy they terminated the contract, so we making him the lead front runner to help his solo career"kenma answered 

“alisa not coming back?”the alpha enquired .

Alisa was a good seven or eight years older than lev, making her older than tetsu by 5 or 6 years. Shes been modeling ever since she finished school. She said she enjoyed it but it's not a long term job for her. She studied part time after she graduated lev joined her in modeling and they've been a set since. Lev is studying law and is 2 years away from graduating. He refused any financial aide so he models for his intuition. 

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