The Alchemist At U.A.

By BeeAFairyTail

219K 8.6K 4K

When (Y/N) was murdered, she thought it would have been the end. As most would. But when she got a second cha... More

- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -
- Chapter Three -
- Chapter Four -
- Chapter Five -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter Seven -
- Chapter Eight -
- Chapter Nine -
- Chapter Ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter Twelve -
- Chapter Thirteen -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
- Chapter Nineteen -
- Chapter Twenty -
- Chapter Twenty One -
- Chapter Twenty Two -
- Chapter Twenty Three -
- Chapter Twenty Four -
- Chapter Twenty Five -
- Chapter Twenty Six -
- Chapter Twenty Seven -
- Chapter Twenty Eight -
- Chapter Twenty Nine -
- Chapter Thirty -
- Chapter Thirty One -
- Chapter Thirty Two -
- Chapter Thirty Three -
- Chapter Thirty Four -
- Chapter Thirty Five -
- Chapter Thirty Six -
- Chapter Thirty Seven -
- Chapter Thirty Eight -
- Chapter Thirty Nine -
- Chapter Forty -
- Chapter Forty One -
- Chapter Forty Two -
- Chapter Forty Three -
- Chapter Forty Four -
- Chapter Forty Five -
- Chapter Forty Six -
- Chapter Forty Seven -
- Chapter Forty Eight -
- Chapter Forty Nine -
Author's Note
AN: 09/15/2022

- Chapter Fifty -

2.1K 58 91
By BeeAFairyTail

Bakugo left the girl to shower before she eventually went to shower herself. Everyone knew they were a couple, but for some reason they felt more awkward when people looked at them together. It probably had something to do with the fact that they're not just a couple anymore.

They are a couple with a baby on the way.

(Y/n) still wasn't sure how far along she actually was. She estimated 2 months but she knew she wouldn't know for sure until she made an appointment with her doctor. Which she did right away.

The couple decided to tell Erasure and Mitsuki once they had more information. Like how far along she was and when she was due. That way they don't come off as completely irresponsible. Although it was very hard to do at this point.

Bakugo met the girl back in her room. He brought her some food and a warm drink to contrast the cold winter season.

"So I made an appointment." She said as she looked down at the warm tea in her hands.


"It's later today. 2pm."

"Oh.. that was fast.." Bakugo said nervously but blunt.

"Yeah.. I told them how far along I think I am so they want to get it check out as soon as possible. Katsuki.. Will you come with me?"

"Are you stupid? Is that even a question you have to ask. Of course I'm coming, idiot." He crossed his arms and looked up at the clock on the wall. "That's soon. I'll ask four eyes if we can use his car again."

(Y/n)'s eyes dropped to the floor. "What are we going to do when it's born.."

Bakugo froze and looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean. We're still in school. We have  almost 2 years left. We can't raise a baby in the dorms. And we don't have a career or money to get our own place yet." She hugged herself. "Bakugo.. there are other options you know. Rather than keeping it."

"You shut the hell up right now." He was suddenly on his feet with his fists clenched. His body grew hot with anger. "I will take care of you. No matter what. Got it?"

"But we don't.."

He took her hands in his own. "You forget you're with me now. My parents have money. And I know they would be more than willing to help us. Okay? And when I become number one I'll be making tons of money."


He sighed and got down to his knees. "It is your choice after all. If you want to get an abortion than that's up to you. But tell me now. Because if you want to keep it, then please for the love of everything don't say shit like that ever again."

Her eyes began to water as she suddenly threw her arms around his neck. "Oh Katsuki.. I do. I do! I want to keep it. I'm just so.. so scared."

He hugged her tightly. "I'll take care of  everything, idiot.."

"Knock knock! Hello?" Mina poked her head instead and gasp. "(Y/n)! What's wrong? Bakugo what did you do? You just got back!"

"Kacchan is here? Is (Y/n) okay?" Deku said next as he followed Mina inside. Kirishima followed closely behind.

"I didn't do anything ya damn nerd! Mind your business!"

"I'm going to tell them." (Y/n) said as she stood up and wiped her tears.

Bakugo jumped. "W-Wait what?  Now?! But I thought we were going to wait?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "They're gonna find out eventually."

"What's wrong?" Deku asked nervously.

The girl swallowed hard and walked over to her desk and handed Mina the pink stick wrapped in plastic. "So..."

Mina gasp and snatched the stick from the girl's hand. "You're pregnant!? Oh my gosh, (Y/n)! BAKUGO YOU DAMN IDIOT!"

"The hell did I do!?"

"Not use protection, that's what!"  Mina went from screaming at Bakugo to hugging (Y/n) tightly. "Oh my goodness Babes I'm both happy and terrified for you!"

"Hey careful!"

"Oh wow.." Deku said as he and Kirishima looked at the test. "So.. there's a baby growing inside you? "

(Y/n) smiled softly. "I.. I guess so."

Kirishima walked over and squeezed Bakugo's shoulder. "I want to congratulate you man. You had sex. But-.."

"I know I know! You don't have to remind me."

Kirishima shrugged and slapped his back. "Get it, I guess!"

"What is going on in here?" Erasure pushed opened the door that was cracked open. "What's with all the shouting."

"Aww Mr. Aizawa! Are you as excited as we are about the news?" Mina said as she clapped her hands.

"What news?"

"Mina Wait-..!" Bakugo and (Y/n) shouted in unison. But it was too late.

"That (Y/n)'s pregnant, of course! I can't wait to see baby Bakugo running around! How cute!"

Mina rambled on and on as if she was in her own happy little world. However everyone else was aware of the sudden thickness and danger that emanated off Erasure's body.

Bakugo swallowed hard as Erasure eyed him down. Taking a few steps back. "Now hang on.."

"She's... What?"

"Daddy it's okay! Really!" (Y/n) tried to calm him down by calling him dad, but that clearly didn't work as he snatched Bakugo up in his binding cloth and held him tightly.

"You got my daughter PREGNANT?!"

Bakugo coughed as he gasped for air. "It's not like I tried to! We were careful!"

"Oh yeah? Did you use protection?!"

"Of course we did!" (Y/n) shouted. Her and Bakugo glanced at each other. She was lying, of course.

She ran and gripped Erasure's arm tightly. "Please. Let him go. I'm just as at fault as he is. It's done and over with."

Erasute gritted his teeth and dropped the boy hard on the ground as he turned and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder. "How far are you?"

"I don't know yet. My appointment is in a few hours. We only just found out today.."

Erasure pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "No one prepared me for this situation when parenting."

(Y/n) hugged herself as her eyes fell to the ground. "I'm really sorry.. "

"No. I'm sorry." Erasure stood with his shoulders wide.

"What? Why are you sorry?"

"(Y/n) Aizawa. You are officially expelled from UA Academy."

The entire room erupted in gasps. "What!? You can't expell me! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Sir let's think rationally about this.." Mina tried go chime in.

"I am thinking rationally. If you plan on keeping this child then you can't risk hurting yourself. Even the smallest bit of damage even from training can hurt you and the baby. Not to mention villains that will eventually come that you'll have to fend off. I won't allow you to put yourself in harms way while pregnant."

"B-But...Becoming a hero was my dream!"

Bakugo stood to his feet with his fists clenched. "As much as I hate to say it.. He's right (Y/n)."

"What? Katsuki you too!?"

"I don't want you getting hurt either. If anything were to happen to you or the kid.. " he clenched his teeth. "Being pregnant while training alone is dangerous enough."

"(Y/n).." Mina walked up and placed a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder that was quickly shaken off.

Erasure furrowed his eyebrows and headed to the door. "I will be coming with you to this appointment. Until then start gathering your things. We're moving you back into the house tomorrow before Monday." He scanned the room and his eyes fell on Bakugo. "I assume your parents know?"

"Not yet. We were going to wait until after the appointment.."

The Pro Hero nodded before letting himself out.

Kirishima, Deku, and Mina followed him quietly. They weren't sure what to say. Mina was crying softly ad they left. They wanted to stay and comfort the couple, but they read the room. (Y/n) desperately wanted to be left alone.

The second the door closed, (Y/n) collapsed to her knees and began sobbing profusely. Bakugo dropped down and held her in his arms.

"I'm so sorry.." he mumbled as he consoled her. Brushing her hair with his fingers as he rocked her back and forth. "We'll figure this out. Okay?"

They didn't leave the room until it was time to leave. Erasure met them in the lounge. They were surprised to see Todoroki standing beside him. 

"Shoto? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked as the couple approached them.

"Todoroki is accompanying us to the doctors." Erasure chimed in. "The villain named Dabi had escaped authorities last night. He came after you last time so Todoroki is a safety measure."

"Oh.. so you know?" (Y/n) said shyly as her hands found her stomach.

The boy gave her a sad smile. "I do know." He patted her head softly.

"Shoto I.."

"It's okay, (Y/n). I understand."

She smiled softly and nodded before he turned and the four left for Erasure's car.

The place wasn't that far away, but the awkward silence made it seem like the drive would never end. The anticipation and anxiety that was built up in the girl's chest drove her mad.

Once they arrived, (Y/n) led the way inside the building while the three men followed her in. She approached the front desk nervously. "H-Hello. I have an appointment."

"Name?" The woman at the desk didn't even spare her a glance as she stared into her computer screen.

"(Y/n) Aizawa."


"Um.. 18."

"Is the father here with you?"

(Y/n) looked beside her at Erasure. "Yeah he's with me."

The woman finally looked up at the Pro Hero before her eyes gazed over Bakugo and Todoroki. A light pink flushed over her cheeks. "O-Oh My.. Er.. um. Which one?"

(Y/n) pointed at Erasure. "Him."

"No you idiot. She isn't asking who your father is! She's asking who the father of the baby is!" Bakugo hissed as his cheeks turned a dark red out of anger.

Erasure hid his face with his scarf and sighed heavily. "Dear god.."

"O-Oh! Him! He's the father!" (Y/n) corrected herself as she pointed to Bakugo who stood on her other side.


"Katsuki Bakugo."



The woman looked at the couple. "A little young to be starting a family, don't you think?"

"How bout you mind your damn business ya old hag!" Bakugo snapped as his hands rolled into fists.

"Katsuki!" (Y/n) hushed him. "Sorry about him.. when will the doctor see me?"

The woman sat back in her chair. "Have a seat in the waiting room. She'll call you when she's ready."

(Y/n) bowed her head. "Thanks so much.."

The group walked over to some seats and sat in silence. They didn't have to wait long when her name was called. A woman stood in the doorway with a file in her hands. Her eyes widened as the group of four stood up in unison.

"We all here to support mama?" The doctor said as she led them down a hallway.

"Something like that.." Todoroki commented as he acted extra cautious. Looking into each room as he passed them to keep and eye out for anything suspicious.

"Okay here we are. You can go ahead and sit up on the table. Now which one of you is dad?"

"I am." Bakugo said as he stood beside (Y/n) who sat on the table. Erasure sat in a chair against the wall while Todoroki stood out in the hall.

"Do we have an estimate of how far along you are?"

"Well.. we think at least 2 months or more." (Y/n) said nervously as the woman laid her back against the table.

"Well let's find out, shall we?" The woman said with a cheerful smile. 

The three watched as the woman prepped the girl for the ultrasound. "Alright here we go!"

Bakugo held onto the girl's hand as he watched as the doctor pressed a wand like device against (Y/n)'s stomach and a picture appeared on the screen. After moving around a bit, they finally got their first glance at the baby.

"There they are." The doctor said with a sweet smile.

"Oh my gosh.." (Y/n) covered her mouth with her hands as tears began to form.

"Holy shit.." Bakugo said quietly. Their eyes glued to the screen.

The doctor took a few pictures as she spoke. "So it looks like your estimate was pretty spot on. I'd say you're in between 2 to 3 months. But after a bit more tests we should have a more accurate due date for you! Sound good?"

"Huh? Oh.. Yes that sounds fine. Thank you.

"Great! Now let me just..-"

"Mr. Aizawa!" Todoroki suddenly busted in through the door and flicked on the light.  "We have a problem."

Everyone was on their feet. "What's going on."

"A nomu was spotted outside of the building. It's coming this way!"

"What!? Bakugo. Todoroki. Stay with (Y/n). Don't let her out of your sight! If a nomu is here.. there's no doubt the League is close by."

"But Erasure..-!"

"No buts, (Y/n)! You are no longer allowed to fight in combat. You got it?! Bakugo..."

"I'll keep her safe." He said sternly..

Todoroki nodded in agreement.

Right before Erasure could run, the wall behind him was suddenly blown to pieces. Bakugo shielded the girl's body as the doctor ran out of the room screaming.

Shigaraki was standing on the back of a Nomu with wings as it floated in the air.

"Shigaraki.." Erasure hissed as he stood guard in front of the students. "What do you want."

"Oh it's not what I want." The villain said with a bored expression. "It's what he wants."

Before anyone could react, (Y/n) scream rang in their ears as they turned their heads in her direction. There, standing in the doorway was Dabi with a devilish smile across his patchy face. He held (Y/n) in place with his hand around her throat and blue flames close to her face.

"You bastard! Let her go!" Bakugo growled.

"Ah ah ah.. don't come any closer or I'll burn this bitch to a crisp! Her and her little baby." He cackled.

"What.. how did you know about that already!?"

"Let's just say I know people.." he smirked. "My father was absolute garbage to me growing up.  There's no way I'd let my own child grow up without their father..."

The room grew silent as the color drained from Bakugo's face. "What..?"

(Y/n) struggled under his grasp. "You.. Will never.. touch my child."

His grip only tightened. "Our child.. and yes. Yes I will. Because either you come with me peacefully, or I kill everyone in this entire building!!"

"There's no way this is your child. I was only ever with one person, you sicko!"

Dabi chuckled. "That you know of."

"W-What the hell is that supposed to mean."

"Come on, princess. You're not that dense are you?" He lifted her chin softly with his finger. "You were under my complete control for atleast a month you know.. "

The girl's body felt heavy as her vision got dizzy. "N-No.."

"Yes.." he leaned in close to her.

"No.. You're lying.."

His lips were nearly centimeters away from her own. "I suppose we'll find out in 7 months if the baby has blue eyes or not." He smirked.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HER!" Bakugo couldn't hold back anymore. He launched himself forward to attack. Erasure and Todoroki followed in suit. As the two boys attacked, Erasure quickly disabled Dabi's quirk and grabbed the girl with his binding cloth and pulled her towards him, catching her in his arms.

"She's mine! You won't take her from me again!" Dabi shouted. "Shigaraki!"

"Yeah yeah.." Shigaraki pointed his finger towards Erasure and the girl and the nomu immediately flew inside with a blood curdling growl.

"Shit..!" Erasure jumped out of the way just in time, hitting his back against the wall hard as he held the girl to his chest.

(Y/n) was still trying to catch her breath as the nomu wasted no time to attack again, hitting her hard sending her flying out of Erasure's arms and into the opposite wall. She hit the wall with a hard smack as blood sprayed from her mouth.

"Don't hurt her! You'll hurt my child!" Dabi screamed as he his blue flames returned to him.

"That baby is not yours!" Todoroki shouted as he attacked the villain.

"And who's is it then. Hm? Is it yours, little brother?"

Todoroki sucked in a sharp breath. "I did always suspect Touya wasn't actually dead.. I knew your blue flames looked familiar."

Dabi laughed maniacally. "Took you long enough. And what about you, blondie? Did the little whore sleep with you too?"

"You shut your mouth!" Bakugo growled as he lunged forward, punching Dabi square in the jaw.

"Bakugo! Go to (Y/n)! I'll handle this.." Todoroki said as he stood strong to face his brother.

Balugo hissed but ran to (Y/n)'s damaged body and picked her up. 

"So it was you and Chisaki." Todoroki started. "You tried to kill (Y/n) all those years ago. And now you claim to be in love with her? You tortured her for days, months even. And just admitted to using her for your own sexual desires.. explain to me how that makes sense! How is that love!"

"And what do you know about love, little brother." Dabi smirked. "Our own mother poured boiling water on you when you were a child."

Todoroki's fists tightened as he gritted his teeth. "You sick bastard.."

The brothers then attacked one another. A mixture of blue and red flames filled the room.

"Bakugo! Get her out of here!" Erasure choked as he struggled to hold his own against the Nomu.

The girl's eyes were weary as she slowly lifted her head. Bakugo sprinted out the door and down the hall in a rush.

"You won't take my child from me!" Dabi screamed as he landed a solid blow to Todoroki's cheek and turned to run after them.

"You're not going anywhere!" Todoroki shouted as he quickly grabbed onto Dabi's jacket and began to quickly freeze his body, holding him still.

"Get your hands off of me! Let me go! Shigaraki!" Dabi shouted as he struggled under the ice. Even his blue flames weren't making the ice budge.

"Yeah yeah.. geez when did you become boss." Shigaraki cursed as he hopped off the Nomu and walked passed Erasure who was still fighting.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was sprinting through the hospital with (Y/n) in his arms. Her hands clutched her stomach as her body ached. "K-Katsuki.."

"Shh. You're fine. I've got you."

"I.. I think somethings wrong." She said shakily. She wasn't sure. But she had a gut feeling that something happened inside. "The baby.."

Bakugo hissed as he rounded a corner. "A doctor! I need a doctor now!" He screamed as he ran down another flight of stairs. They were on one of the basement floors as this point. He found a stretcher and laid her across it and rushed her into a secure room where 5 doctors were hiding. He closed the doors behind him and locked it.

"Please. You have to help her. She's pregnant." He pleaded.

"Isn't she the girl those villains are after?" One of the doctors questioned. "And you brought her here? We'll all be killed!"

"No one is going to die on my watch! Now please for the love of God help her! Save her!" He begged.

A woman stepped up first followed by two more. The two male doctors stepped back. The women propped (Y/n) in a position where her legs were up and bent. Bakugo stayed by her side and studied their faces.

He immediately noticed as one grimaced and glanced up at him. "What. What's wrong?"

"There's just.. a lot of blood." She said shakily.

"No.." (Y/n) mumbled as her grip tightened over Bakugo's hands.

"W-Well that could mean anything! She's fine! The baby's fine!" Bakugo said harshly.

The three women exchanged glances. They've seen this before. There was no question.

"Sir.. Ma'am.. I really hate to say this now but.. "

"No.. No!" (Y/n)'s heart shattered. "We had only just met them! I literally only found out today!"

"No.." Bakugo's voice shook.

"Please! Tell me you're lying!"

The woman's voice trembled.

"I'm so sorry for your loss..."

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