Summer Love || camren

By jaurxgz

460K 8.2K 3.9K

When Camila decided to move back to Miami after finishing High School, she finds that their neighbour would h... More



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By jaurxgz

"Camz. It is literally just for a night, we are not spending an entire year over there." Lauren teased over the phone as her girlfriend struggled to prepare some of her essentials for that night's trip.

"But Lauren I need to bring these just in case." Camila pressed on.

"Babe, we are not even gonna sleep there. We are literally just going to watch the stars in the back of my car, lying down on a blanket and some cushions around us." Lauren explained, laughing a little to herself.

"Ugh, fine I'll just bring my guitar with me and a small bag. Are you happy?" Camila asked, with a slight hint of cheekiness in her voice.

"Yes babe, I'll just message you when I'm at your front door as usual." Lauren stated. "Now spend your time with Dinah, that girl can get real jealous with me spending a lot of time with you." Lauren added, chuckling a little at the memory of Dinah getting annoyed at Lauren being around every time the two friends get a chance to have quality time together.

"No she does not get jealous." Camila replied, denying Dinah's previous reactions towards Lauren and Camila being together most of the time.

"Yes she does Camz but it's okay she'll get used to it somehow." Lauren chuckled.

"Exactly so she better do it soon." Camila agreed.

"Okay will you please just hang up, I don't want to keep you from getting less time with Dinah today." Lauren dismissed once more.

"Okay fine. I'll see you later." Camila laughed. "Bye, I love you." Camila added.

"Bye, I love you too." Lauren smiled and Camila finally hanged up the phone.

Lauren then puts her phone in her back pocket and continued to pack some things that they might need later on that night.

She then takes all of them in her car and packed them nicely in the trunk.

"Lauren what are you doing?" Clara asked, once Lauren moved back inside the house after packing her things.

"Oh, hi." Lauren greeted. "I was just packing some things that Camz and I might need later." Lauren explained, moving towards her mum who is sitting in the lounge room.

"Where are you two going?" Clara asked.

"Just watching the stars from this place." Lauren explained, telling the exact truth on what they would be doing that night.

"Just watching the stars?" Clara asked. "Lauren, I want you to..." Clara started

"Mum. We are not going to. I mean we are not taking our relationship to that level at this stage." Lauren cut her off, knowing where her mother is going at this point.

"Just be careful." Clara sighed.

"Mum, I won't do anything that will disappoint you or disrespect and you know that." Lauren stated truthfully. "I promise that I will be careful." She then added, placing a reassuring hand on her mum's shoulder.

"I know and I trust you." Clara smiled at Lauren.

Lauren gave her mother a kiss on her forehead and walked over to the kitchen to grab a light snack from the pantry. A few minutes later, Lauren hears a knock on the front door and races to answer it before any of her siblings do. Lauren opens the door to reveal Camila and Dinah smiling brightly.

Camila took a small step to get closer to Lauren and gave her girlfriend a kiss, letting herself to linger on her girlfriend's lips for a little longer.

"I thought you two would have a bonding moment for just the two of you." Lauren stated. "What are you doing here?" She then asks.

"Wow Jauregui that is a really nice way to greet your friend and your girlfriend." Dinah commented.

"I'm sorry but seriously, what are you guys doing here? Camz?" Lauren pressed on.

"Lauren, get them to come in sweetie." Clara told Lauren who stood firmly in front of the door, asking her friends questions. "Don't be rude." Clara added.

Lauren breathed out heavily and moved to the side to make room for both Camila and Dinah to come in. Lauren shuts the door securely behind them and leads the two girls over to the kitchen.

"Hi Camila and Dinah." Clara greeted, having to get a glimpse of the two girls before entering the kitchen.

"Hi Clara." They both greeted in a unison.

"Camila I want you to take care of my daughter tonight, no funny business. Okay?" Clara smiled at Camila.

"Yes ma'am. You can count on me." Camila replied enthusiastically.

Lauren clears her throat to get Camila's attention back and gestured for her girlfriend to enter the kitchen to have something to eat. The trio all sat around the kitchen bench with some soda in front of them and some chips.

"So tell me again why you two wouldn't just have a quality best friend time together?" Lauren brought up once again.

"Mila here insisted to see you and I obviously couldn't win even though I tried manhandling her back to her bedroom." Dinah explained. "Trust me this little one has some weird shit going inside her." Dinah added, making a face at Camila.

"Jealous I tell you. Jealous." Camila smirked at Dinah.

"Camz, I told you to just spend time with that one since we will see each other tonight." Lauren pointed at Dinah.

"That one?" Dinah scoffed, amused at Lauren's chosen adjective.

"Yes Dinah. And whatever, I'll just make it up to this one soon. " Camila replied, exchanging her gaze between Lauren and Dinah who sat on either side of her.

"No but seriously, I need my doze of Mila time today before you two head off to whatever place you two are going." Dinah commented, taking a sip from her soda.

Lauren gave Camila a look, indicating that she should let Dinah have her time for now and Lauren can spend her hours by being lazy in bed until their time to head off comes.

"Fine, we're leaving in 5." Camila groaned and smiled at Dinah warmly.

"Was that too hard to give Camz?" Lauren chuckled a little.

"Yes, in fact that was really hard to get out." Camila played along.

"How do you even put up with her?" Dinah asked Lauren sarcastically.

"It takes time of getting used to Dinah." Lauren smirked. "I honestly don't know how you do it." Lauren added.

"Hey." Camila exclaimed, hitting Lauren on her upper arm playfully. "I'm still here." Camila added.

"I'm so sorry babe." Lauren chuckled and placed a quick kiss on Camila's lips whilst smiling.

Lauren, Camila and Dinah joked around for a few more minutes before Camila and Dinah decided to leave and have their own time together. Lauren walked them out of the house and waved them goodbye, promising to pick up Camila later on that afternoon.

"Hey Mila can I ask you a question?" Dinah asked, on their way over to the park.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" Camila asked.

"Are you and Lauren serious about all of this?" Dinah asked, seriously.

"I mean so far, I have been. Why'd you ask?" Camila asked.

"It's not that I'm not happy for the two of you, I am trust me. I'm like ecstatic about how happy you are right now with her and how she makes you feel happy and treats you." Dinah explained. "But have you guys thought about what would happen after this vacation is over? The fact that you two could be separated and would most likely be separated for college doesn't it bother either of you?" Dinah stated, concerned about her best friend's relationship status.

"It does and it scares me to think about it just for a brief moment." Camila exhaled. "I fantasise about the idea of Lauren and I spending our lives together building our own little family, living close to the beach but the fact that I also have to live for the reality of it scares me. So far I cannot see my life without Lauren by my side. I want to show her everything I know, tell her everything that I know, sleep with my arms wrapped around her and knowing that I will wake up the next day still right by her side. I want Lauren to be here with me until the very end." Camila expressed, her voice shaking a little.

Dinah walked closer next to Camila, their walk nearing to an end as they get closer to the park.

"But..." Dinah started.

"But the truth is that I don't think that will ever happen. Lauren would be better off here and I'm better off back home, where my futures lies ahead of me." Camila continued. "I cannot force myself into getting in to something here and just forget about the life that I have back home. The life that you and I shared, the memories, my family." Camila stated, a tear now escaping her eye freely. "I surely cannot and will not force Lauren into doing the same thing or even considering that for a fact. That will be too selfish of me." Camila sucked in a lungful of air before letting it out heavily and smiling to herself. "But I cannot let myself worry about that now because right at this very moment Dinah, I am happy and that is all that matters." Camila looked at Dinah, who has tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"I fucking love you and your way with words." Dinah laughed, letting the tears fall freely on her cheek at that moment.

Dinah then puts Camila in a warm and tight hug before they move over to the swing set in the park to have more of their quality time together.

The smaller girl and the Polynesian girl talked about their plans for the rest of the summer vacation, what parties they should go to and what movies they should watch as a group, even to the part where helping Ally and Troy set up the baby room is an idea. The two girls having a great time together, laughing and forgetting about anything else other than their own happiness right at that very moment.

Before heading back home, the duo decided to grab frozen yogurts on the way and grab some DVDs for them to watch the next day before making their way back home. There was also a few hiccups along the way, such as agreeing on what DVD to grab and what flavour yogurt they should get.

On their way home, Camila received a text message from Normani and Ally telling her to have fun and be safe later on that night and pass on the same message over to Lauren. The two other girls also reminded Camila to tell them details about the adventure that her and Lauren would have later on that night or they would force her girlfriend to tell them herself.

After the long, fun and filled with some emotional talk with Dinah, the two friends finally came back home just in time for Camila to get ready and to finish gathering her essentials for later that night with Lauren.

About an hour passed by, Lauren finally came around to pick up Camila, ready for their night's adventure. Before leaving the house, Dinah obviously had to make fun and annoy the couple first before letting them go and off to wherever Lauren is going to take Camila.

Soon after, they were finally off on the road on the way to the place that Lauren mentioned to Camila.

"So where are you exactly taking me?" Camila asked, looking at Lauren's side profile, the taller girl focused on the road ahead of them.

"If I tell you now, it won't be a surprise anymore." Lauren smiled.

"I never realised this is supposed to be a surprise." Camila responded, shocked with Lauren's comment.

"Camz, you know me." Lauren raised an eyebrow at Camila, with the corner of her mouth curving up into a smile.

"Lauren will you please just tell me." Camila begged, smiling at Lauren.

"No Camz. I'm not ruining the surprise." Lauren scoffed.

"Babe please..." Camila begged once more.

Lauren looked over at Camila who had puppy dog eyes plastered on her face, waiting and wanting Lauren to spill out the big secret.

"Ugh fine." Lauren groaned. "Only because you did that adorable thing that you do with your face." Lauren added.

"Yay!" Camila cheered.

"We're going to this place that I discovered recently. It's a place where I ran away before, it's kind of like my place to get away from things that bother me." Lauren started. "I went for a drive before because I had a massive fight with my parents and I just drove and drove until I reached this mountain kind of thing. It's like a cliff but like a forest at the same time. I stopped at the overlook area over there. It overlooks the city, the ocean and the houses. That area is just so quiet and peaceful that once you get there it's like you have your own space and peace of mind with you. That's why every time I have a rough day or I just want to get away for a while, I go over to that place and just look at and appreciate the view in front of me. Now that place is just plain magical and will be a lot special because I get to finally share it with you." Lauren finished, she then grabbed hold of Camila's hand with her free on and placed a soft kiss on Camila's hand.

"I... I can't wait..." Camila replied, lost for words as to how special that place must be for Lauren.

Then silence fell between the two of them, the soft tunes of Ed Sheeran's song on the radio are the only thing that keeps them from being in total silence.

And would you take away my hopes and dreams and just stay with me?

All my senses come to life
While I'm stumbling home as drunk as I
Have ever been and I'll never leave again
'Cause you are the only one
And all my friends have gone to find
Another place to let their hearts collide
Just promise me, you'll always be a friend
Cause you are the only one

Camila and Lauren sat quietly in the car for the rest of their journey, just appreciating each other's company at that very moment. The fact that the two of them get to spend some time alone, together at a special place that Lauren cherished and could potentially be their special place together. Just the idea of finally getting away and having to get some peace and quiet is what they both needed right now, to get to know each other deeply, to share their thoughts with one another and their plans for the future that lies ahead of them.

After the long drive, they finally reached the location of the overlook. Lauren parked her car against the view and hopped out of the car quickly. She then opens the boot to reveal the folded seats tucked away nicely to the car floor, Lauren then covers the car floor with the blanket and threw around the cushions that she's brought with her and offered Camila to join her inside to enjoy the view in a more comfortable way.

The smaller girl quickly goes around the car and joins Lauren in the back of the car and looked out to the horizon to look at the moon shining brightly as it lights the city's dark sky.

The couple cuddled in closer with each other in the back of Lauren's car, looking out in to the view of the city. The sat there quietly with Lauren's phone plugged in to the speaker that she has brought with her, a song from The 1975 playing in the background.

"I never want to leave this place..." Camila quietly stated, after a few minutes have gone by.

"I love this place a lot more than I used to now that I get to go here more often with you." Lauren commented, looking down on Camila who has her head placed against Lauren's chest whilst her arms wrapped around the taller girl's torso loosely.

"You're the most important thing in my life right now Camz and I wouldn't want to change anything at all." Lauren revealed honestly. "You are the only person that gave me a whole new perspective about life itself. I want it to be you so badly Camz. I want you. I used to think that I am terrible at finding someone who will stay in my life for as long I will need them because I've never been that good at putting my feelings into words, people have always misunderstood me and leave. I give everything out in first go, I go out and about just to prove to someone my love for them but ever since that I met you, it at changed Camz. You returned those to me in the most romantic and adorable way ever and I don't think I could ever thank you for that. We someone found the balance in this relationship and I never had anything like that in the past." Lauren explained, she shuffled around so that the two of them are now sitting up with their hands entwined together and looking at each other's gaze. The moonlight reflecting in each other's eyes, glistening brightly against the dark and silent surrounding of the overlook.

Camila smiled sadly at Lauren who has tears threatening to fall from her eye. Camila caressed Lauren's cheek and rubbed the pad of her thumb on her girlfriend's cheek lovingly.

"Thank you Camz. For everything. I know we have not been in this relationship for that long but everything that you've done for me is incredible and I could never thank you enough for those." Lauren smiled at Camila, a tear escaping her eye and falls freely on her cheek. "I love you Camz, I really do." Lauren added.

"I love you too Lauren." Camila replied, wiping at the tear that escaped Lauren's eye. "I love you now and forever. Okay? I will always love you." Camila added, placing a soft kiss on Lauren's lips.

The smaller girl lingering there for a while, taking in the moment and appreciating every single thing that Lauren said to her. The love that she has for the other girl is overwhelming and loving at the same time. For that very moment Camila's limerence towards Lauren will surely last a lifetime.

Soon Camila finally separated the two of them together. She opened her eyes to see her girlfriend smiling at her whilst looking directly in to her eyes. From that she knew for a fact that Lauren is happy, she makes Lauren happy and she didn't want anything to ruin that for her and for her girlfriend.

"You're such a dork sometimes. You know that right?" Camila laughed at Lauren.

"A dork that you'll always love." Lauren quirked up an eyebrow at Camila, placing a soft chase kiss on the smaller girl's lips.

"Well at least you know that one." Camila chuckled.

"Want something to eat?" Lauren asked, taking out a picnic basket from the side of her car.

"You got food..." Camila trailed off, impressed with Lauren's organising skills.

"You know me. I want things to be perfect and running smoothly." Lauren chuckled at Camila's amusement.

"Good thing you're mine then. If that's me, I would be forgetting a whole bunch of things." Camila laughed at herself for being a little forgetful with small things.

"That's okay Camz. That's one of the things I find adorable about you." Lauren smiled, scrunching up her nose a little.

"Smooth, Jauregui. That is very smooth." Camila praised, nodding her head a little.

"Here, I got us some pepperoni pizza. I also got us some chocolate covered strawberries and some soda." Lauren laid out the food in front of them, one by one and they both started divulging the food slowly.

The couple ate the food brought by Lauren whilst having small talks and sharing good memories with one another.

One particular one was when Lauren was back in the thirds grade and she fell, face first on the ground chasing after her puppy. She knocked out her two front teeth in public and went back crying in her mother's arm, not because of her teeth but the fact that her puppy ran away from her. Lauren laughed at the memory and how she finds that really funny that she cared more about her puppy than the fact that she fell in public and lost her teeth.

Camila on the other hand shared the memory of her witnessing her parents bringing her little sister home from the hospital for the first time. The memory of her being ecstatic about her little sister's arrival and the new chapter of her life as an older and responsible sister to Sofi. She made sure that from that day on, her sister is happy and living life as what little children should be. She played with her every single day, the two of them sharing secrets with one another and hiding things from their parents but only getting caught in the end.

Her girlfriend finding Camila's care and love for her little sister amazing, the moments that they both share and the bond that they both have is something special for Camila. Lauren now promising Camila that she will take care of the two of them and making sure that they both live a happy life together as sisters and promising to never break the bond that they have with one another.

As the night grows and the time fast approaches midnight. The two girls packed up their finished food and just enjoyed each other's company inside the back of Lauren's car. They stayed there, looking out into the view and appreciating the silence and the way that the city is sleeping right at that very moment. Camila soon decided to play a song for Lauren, the smaller girl having brought her guitar with her.

Camila soon strums the first few chords of the song and started singing the verse of the song.

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

The smaller girl then looks deeply into Lauren's eyes, the words having to describe how Camila is feeling towards Lauren right at that exact moment.

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

Camila then asks Lauren to join in with the song, the taller girl joining in with no hesitation.

I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
Well, I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

After reaching the end of the song and singing the last run of the chorus, Camila and Lauren packed up their things and decided to make their way back home, the hour just passed midnight.

Once back in the car, Lauren started the engine and put the car in gear and swiftly made their way onto the gravel road and back to the main road.

On their journey the song by Simple Plan, Save You, playing in the background. Camila hums along to the familiar tunes of the song whilst looking out the window, observing the vast lands of trees that was quickly replaced by city buildings and lamp posts. The road quiet and lonely at that hour.

Camila then changes her view, looking across to look at and appreciate Lauren's existence with a smile plastered across her face. After what felt like a really long time, Lauren noticed that Camila has been staring at her.

"What?" Lauren asked, her brows knitting together but her mouth curved up in to a smile.

"I just love looking at the most beautiful master piece in the world." Camila stated.

"Oh really? Where?" Lauren asked, playfully, looking around and outside the car window to exaggerate her sarcasm.

"Dork." Camila playfully hit Lauren on her upper arm. "I love you so much." Camila chuckled.

"Not as much as I love you though." Lauren replied.

"As long as you love me, I wouldn't argue against that." Camila kissed Lauren on the cheek quickly and returned to her previous position on the seat.

Lauren looked over at Camila, her eyes leaving the road just for a brief and sudden moment when they heard a truck loudly blowing its horn coming towards the couple at a rapid speed.

"LAUREN!" Camila screamed, pointing towards the trucks direction.

Lauren quickly stirs the car's steering wheel to avoid the oncoming heavy load, her car spinning out of control, Lauren's foot never leaving the break pedal whilst trying to make sure that none of them two hit the car's dashboard nor hit any other parked cars on the road. Lauren lost control of the car and sent it out drifting on to the direction of one of the street lamp posts and colliding with it, head on with big impact.

Camila and Lauren's body hit against the car's safety belt that made their heads collide with the car steering wheel and the dashboard.

Leaving the two of them unconscious inside the wrecked car.


Credit to my friend (deeyohs ) for giving me ideas about that 'accident'.

LOL, we like to make people suffer (go blame her for your ruined and unstable feelings/emotions).

K. Bye.

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