Best Friend (Oikawa Tooru X O...

By tai_yy43

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"Hey, wanna be friends?" 4 word that led to a friendship of a lifetime, And maybe something more. Taeko Taij... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Karasuno
Chapter 3: Saturdays
Chapter 4: Fans
Chapter 4.5: Somebody
Chapter 5: Interhigh
Chapter 6: Karasuno pt2
Chapter 7: Junior High
Chapter 8: Backbone
Chapter 9: Fever
An update: discontinuing
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Spring High
Chapter 12: Final set
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Hinata
Chapter 15: Feelings
Chapter 16: Mission get two dumbasses together
Chapter 19: Closure
Chapter 18: faraway

Chapter 17

272 13 0
By tai_yy43

So, what do you do once you kiss your best friend?

Taiji's head would spin at the thought of it, 

Oikawa didn't pull away,
That was a good thing, right?

But he also didn't say he liked it
she couldn't assume.

"Oh, what was I thinking," She groaned as she trudged her way to school, trying her best to avoid the person that plagued her head. 

But alas, she always did have horrible luck.

"Oi, Taiji!" She could hear Iwaizumi yell, the distant voice coming closer at a rapid pace.

...If Hajime is there, that means-

"Tai-chan, wait up!"

She jumped at the silky voice, legs immediately taking bigger steps to try and outrun them, but they had the obvious advantage of being tall.

"Seriously, we're we supposed to walk together?" Iwaizumi glanced at his watch, "Why'd you run anyways?"

She would have answered with a smooth lie, like how she had cleaning duties... or something, but with Oikawa only three steps behind the spiky-haired boy, her thoughts spiraling out of control again.

"I-um, uh." She glanced away, narrowly avoiding the gaze of the brown-haired boy, "...Bruh moment..?"

Iwaizumi raised his eyebrow at his friend's babbling., not missing the rising blush dusting her face.

He looked over to his other friend, who carried a similar look.

The pin dropped.
Oh, he mused to himself,  guess our plan worked.

"Well I'm just gonna," Taiji turned away from them, "Go to class, okay bye."

And without another second to waste she was gone, blending into the crowds of students.

"Shittykawa, what's with her-"
"Well look at the time, bye,"


Lunch was more than a little awkward. 

Usually, Taiji and Oikawa would sit together on one end, sticking together like peas in a pod, but today, Taiji opted to sit on the opposite end, next to Hanamaki.

If anyone didn't know, they would have figured it out by then.

The spikey-haired spiker finally had enough, dragging his friend out by the ear.

"What happened between you and Tooru?"

There was a moment of silence after Iwaizumi asked that question.
Taiji let out a sigh, "Is it really that obvious?"

The ace broke out into a laugh as he saw his best friend turn redder than a tomato.

"Don't worry," he assured, "I won't tell the team."

Taiji's shoulder dropped as her face sunk into her knees, "I kissed him."

"You did what?" Iwaizumi stared at her quizzically, "What happened after?"

"I couldn't look at him, so I ran away."

"Because!" Taiji exasperated, "It was a mistake to kiss him."

The female manager's face twisted into a pained smile.

"I ruined our friendship."

A loud smack was heard after those words escaped her lips.

"Ow!" Taiji yelped, "Why'd you hit me?"

Iwaizumi had an irritated look on his face, "Are you stupid or something?!"

The female manager was confused, "What does that mean?!"

"Shittykawa likes you back, you dense idiot!" Iwaizumi was done watching best friends dance around each other.

Taiji's eyes softened, "That's not funny, Hajime"

"Think about the way Trashykawa looks at you,"

It suddenly hit her.
The summer of their second year.
That night, the way he looked at her had changed.

How had she not realized earlier?

"You see?" Iwaizumi shook Taiji's shoulders, "Shittykawa's a lucky guy."

She gave the ace a soft grin.

"Thanks, Hajime."


"So, who made the first move?"
"Excuse me?!"
"Was it Taiji? I bet it was her,"
"Called it."


The two sat on the bench, the sun setting right before their eyes.

It was awkward.

Both wanting to say something, yet neither having the courage to do it.
Taiji was too afraid to even look at him, the feeling of his lips against hers was still fresh.

"Look, Taiji," Oikawa started, "We don't have to ever talk about this."

She still stared into the distance.

"I promise, we can just forget that the kiss ever happened," He continued, feeling nervous about her silence, "It'll be like it always has been."


Oikawa was taken aback by her sudden words.

"I don't want things to change," her eyes were still averted, "But I also don't want them to stay the same, you know?"

Oikawa was quiet, he didn't want things to change either.

"But I'm willing to take a risk,"

He broke out into a smile.

"Taiji, I lik-"

"I like you, Tooru," She interrupted him again, turning to look at him, "Please go out with me."

"Hey! You beat me to it again!" Oikawa sulked, "Am I even the man in this relationship?"

Taiji laughed again.
Things were never gonna change.

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