Chapter 11: Spring High

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"So, Date Tech?" Taiji looked up from her schedule, "I heard that they got a new member," 

Oikawa smiled as he peeked over her shoulder, "This should be fun."


With a yell from Iwaizumi, the ball flew past Koganegawa's arms, earning the win for Seijoh.

Although the win was an adrenaline rush for the team as they celebrated, pulling their manager from her seat, Taiji could only fix her mind on one thing, that their next match was against Karasuno. 


Taiji watch as Karasuno continued with their warm-ups, both teams were tense and excited for the match.

She also noted that they had a new manager, which Kiyoko had mentioned during a text conversation, and Taiji was excited to meet her.

"Hey," She walked over, noticing that the first-year had squeaked in surprise, "I'm Taeko Taiji, the manager for Aoba Josai."

The blonde blurted out greetings in surprise, while the two older managers share a small wave.

"Wow, I didn't know all managers were pretty," She muttered under her breath.

Just then, Yahaba came chasing after a ball, asking the managers for help. Yachi, being the nearest, picked up the ball.

Just then, a stray shot from Hanamaki came flying, Yachi in the zone of impact.

As if on cue, the two managers swiftly moved to protect the cute blonde. Kiyoko pulled Yachi away, and Taiji caught the ball with ease, glaring daggers at her friend who raised a hand in apology.

The manager held a stern face to her junior as she put the ball in his hands, a scary smile on her face.

"Be careful, won't you?" She reprimanded, as she knew of his original plan, "Now go finish your warm-ups."

Turning back to a very shocked Yachi, Taiji gave her a warm smile and an apology, asking if she was alright.

The first year fumbled over her words, which Tai smiled and gave her a head pat before turning back to her team.

"If I could speak to her again I would gladly get hit a thousand times." Yachi's face flushed as she turned back to her manager duties.


"You alright, Kyo-kun?" She raised her eyebrow at the junior, who had a rather foul look on his face today, more so than usual.

Kyotani only had respect for 2 people on the team, Iwaizumi, and Taiji.

Iwaizumi because he could never beat him, and Taiji, for some reason that no one could quite understand.

"Yes," He muttered under his breath.
"Don't think too much," She handed him a bottle, "It's just a match."

He furrowed his eyebrows, not saying another word.

The whistle blew, indicating that the captains were called forward,
indicating that the match was starting soon.

Oikawa came back to the group, announcing that they were serving first.

"This isn't the first time we've played against Karasuno, but they've surprised us every time, so don't let your guard down." The coach reminds them, "Stay calm, no matter what they pull."

Just as Oikawa turned to walk to the court, Taiji spoke up.

"Hey, Tooru."
He turns back around.

The third years all share a smile, 
"We're counting on you, Captain."

Oikawa was stunned, but recovered quickly, "Aw guys, that's embar-."

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