Chapter 5: Interhigh

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"Today's the day, " Taiji grinned as she walked with her two best friends, "Interhigh as third-years."

"I'm actually kind of excited," Iwaizumi threw his head back a little, "We have a great team this year, and we've gotten a lot of practice."

Oikawa smiled as his friends bantered back and forth.

He had a good feeling about today.


A perk of being part of a powerhouse was that people constantly talked about you.

"Our match is in the afternoon," Taiji glanced at the lineup, "It would be a good idea to watch Karasuno one more time,"

"That's a great suggestion, " The coach smiled, "I'm glad we have you on top of things."

"Isn't that Aoba Johsai?" 
"They're really strong,"
"Their manager is kinda hot, isn't she?"
"Where's their captain though?"

Taiji stopped in her tracks and turned around to check.

"Where did Tooru go?" 

The team stood in silence, they recognized Taiji's tone.
She was about to kick his ass.

"Ah well-" Yahaba stuttered, "His fangirls have him in their clutches."

"Iwaizumi, Taeko," The coaches sighed.

"We're on it."


Taiji held a volleyball in her hand, "Do you wanna do it?" 

"Hell yeah," Iwaizumi grinned.

With a swift move, the ace spiked the ball.

"A picture?" Oikawa smiled at his fangirls, "Sur-"

The ball hit him square in the head at full strength.

A wave of panicked look filled their faces, "Oikawa-san!?"

"Ouch!" Oikawa whined, "Not even the coach hits me!"

Taiji caught the ball with ease, "Maybe he should."

The tall captain turned his head, greeted by the sight of his two friends, neither of them had smiles on their faces.

"Sorry," Oikawa turned away from the girls, "Let's do pictures next time."

Another wave of disappointed sighs could be heard again.

Reaching the two, Oikawa started whining again.

"You didn't have to hit me so hard!"


"Yoo-hoo, Tobio-chan, Shrimpy!" Oikawa flashed a peace sign, "How's the freak quick?" 

Taiji pushed the captain away, "Hey guys!"

Seeing his senpai, Kageyama lit up, "Taiji-senpai!"

"Good luck with your match!" The manager gave him a thumbs up.


Settling into their seats, Iwaizumi and Kindaichi noticed Karasuno's new players.

"Karasuno has a libero now," The ace grinned, "The big dude wasn't at the practice match either."

"I recognize them," Taiji adjusted herself, "Number 3 is the ace and number 4 got Best libero in middle school,"

"That'll be interesting to see."


Looking at the time on her watch, Taiji stood from her seat, "We should get going, warm-ups are starting soon,"

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