Chapter 9: Fever

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Taiji waited outside Oikawa's door for 10 minutes.

"What's taking him so long," Taiji whispered under her breath, "Iwa already left."

Fumbling with the keys that Oikawa's mother had given her a while ago, Taiji made her way into the Oikawa household.

"Tooru?" Taiji called out as she closed the door behind her, "We're going to be late to practice."

Seeing that nobody was home, she made her way up to Oikawa's room.

"Oi Shittykawa," Taiji knocked on his door, "Are you still sleeping?"

There was a soft thump, indicating that someone had fallen. Shuffling soon followed, leading up to the door.

The door creaked open, revealing a very disheveled Oikawa. His hair was a mess and his face was flushed, his clothes were also crumpled.

"Tai-chan," Oikawa smiled, obviously not in his right mind, "What are you doing her-"

Oikawa didn't get to finish his sentence as he fell forward onto Taiji.

Taiji caught him from falling and slowly moved him to his bed. With a hand on his cheek, she sighed.

"You have a fever." 

Oikawa was too disoriented to respond, or even to comprehend what was happening. All he felt was Taiji's warm hand against his cheek, and he wanted that to stay.

As she tried to get him a warm towel, Oikawa reached out and laced his fingers around Taiji's wrist.

"Just one more minute," He muttered in his drowsy state.

Taiji moved his blanket over him, "I'll be back in a bit, don't worry."

This was an odd experience for Taiji. Not because she didn't know what to do, but because this was a rare moment where Oikawa was so vulnerable. 

He would flirt with her often, but when he grabbed her wrist with such earnestly, it confused her a little.

She thought maybe she wasn't used to him being so honest.
Maybe it was something else.

After getting a wet towel, Taiji rummaged through the medicine cabinet, looking for any sort of medicine to help his fever. But she found none.

As she made her way back to Oikawa's room, Taiji's phone rang.

The caller was none other than Iwaizumi.

"Where the hell are you guys?" The person on the other end was not Iwaizumi.

"Hanamaki?" Taiji held the phone away from her ear, "Why are you calling me from Hajime's phone?"

"We stole it from him," Matsukawa popped in, "But why aren't you here? And where is Shittykawa?"

"He's sick," she re-entered Oikawa's room before hanging up, "I'll call you guys back later."



On the other end, Taiji had already ended the call before they could finish.

"Rude!" Hanamaki squinted at the phone, "I can't believe she cut me off like that."

Matsukawa folded his arm, "She said Oikawa was sick? Does that mean.."

The two shared a mischievous look, they knew something that even Taiji and Oikawa didn't.

"Where the hell is my phone?" Iwaizumi's voice could be heard from the other room.

"Oh, crap!"


Taiji placed the cool towel on Oikawa's forehead, he seemed to be asleep already.

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