Chapter 1

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Another boring day in class.

Taijj stared out the window, her mind wandering back to the days when she had just met those two idiots. 

The bell for lunch had rung awhile ago, but she hadn't notice.

The class door slammed open, on the other end, was none other than Oikawa Tooru. 

"Tai-Chan!" He called out to the girl, "Hurry up, the team's waiting for us!"

The green-eyed girl turned to him with surprise, "Oh God, I totally forgot about the meeting today!"

Jumping to her feet, Taiji grabbed her bag and Oikawa's wrist, running off to the meeting.

People seemed to jump out of the way as the two third-years rushed to the clubroom.

The male captain smiled to himself as he watched his best friend frantically pushed people aside with one hand, the other still holding on to his wrist.

Taiji, on the other hand, was too busy worrying about being late to even realize that she had instinctively grabbing Oikawa.

As they reached the clubroom, Taiji took a deep breath, clinging on to the handle tightly.

"Hold up," Oikawa stopped her, "You look like a mess,"

Pulling his best friend a little closer to himself, Oikawa lightly brushed Taiji's messy hair, making her slightly more presentable.

Giving him a small grin of appreciation, Taiji pulled over the door.

"Oi, Shittykawa, Taiji, you're both late!" Iwaizumi scolded, "Whose fault is it this time?"

"I was–" Taiji was cut off by Oikawa.

"My bad," he lied, "Taiji was rushing me but I was talking to those fangirls,"

Oikawa gave the green-eyed girl a knowing grin, 'You owe me this time,'

"Yeah, Trashykawa kinda held us up, but we got here regardless," Taiji lied, giving Oikawa a slight bump with her shoulder.

The meeting went on after that, talking about future meetings and matches.

 Oikawa nudged the girl standing beside him, "What are you thinking about earlier?"

Taiji slowly raised her head, "Ah, sorry, I was just daydreaming."

"About who?" The captain teased, "Me?"

That remark earned him a light kick in the shin from Taijj.

"Ow!" He whispered, "Meanie,"

"I was just thinking about some old things,"

"Like what, me?"

Another kick to the shin, not so light this time.


"Pay attention!" Iwaizumi scolded.

Taiji quietly chuckled at Oikawa's whining. Pulling a packet of milk bread from her bag, she sneaky handed it to him.

And both of them shared a smile.

That was the relationship between Oikawa Tooru and Taeko Taiji.

They would act like bastards to one another, all while having each other's backs.


"Psst, Hajime," Taiji whispered, "What are we doing again?"

"We're supposed to meet the first years today," Iwaizumi reminded, "We talked about this in the meeting earlier,"

Best Friend (Oikawa Tooru X OC)Where stories live. Discover now