Chapter 4: Fans

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Being close to Oikawa meant there were a lot of problems for Taiji.

Dealing with him, and his fangirls.

But she also had other problems.


"Oikawa-san!" A group of girls yelped as the third-years walked into school.

Taiji sighed as she changed her shoes, "It's way too early for me to deal with these rats."

Iwaizumi snickered at her remark. 

"Oikawa-san! I made this for you last night!"
"Will you eat lunch with us today?"
"Oikawa senpai~"

But as Taiji was about to walk away, she felt a crunch in her slipper.
Reaching in, she pulled out a small letter.

"How the hell did you not notice that?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow, "It's literally a letter."

"I was too distracted by the squealing." 

The letter itself was light pink and the handwriting was neat.

"Oi, Bokekawa," Taiji patted his shoulder, earning glares from his fans, "I think one of your fans mixed up our lockers."

"Eh," Oikawa opened the note, "But it's addressed to you?"

Hanamaki snatched the pink letter, "No way, someone confessed to Taiji!" 

"Taeko-san," He read, "You are very pretty, and I like your smile-'

Taiji grabbed the note before the pink-haired spiker could continue, "Okay, that's enough,"

"There's a name on the bottom of it," Matsukawa hovered over the manager's shoulder, "The dude's a second year."

Crumpling the note, the green-eyed girl tossed the love letter into the bin, "C'mon, we'll be late if you guys keep standing around."

The other boys caught up with her, "Are you just going to reject the poor boy?"

"Well, I don't even know him!" The manager furrowed her eyebrows.

"Still, you could hear him out,"

"Unlike Oikawa," Taiji adjusted her bag, "I'm not going to give someone false hope."

"Rude!" The captain whined.

"I'm just kidding,"


Walking into class was awkward for Taiji.
Mainly because of the giant balloon that someone had left on her desk.

Once the other boys had caught sight of her desk they broke out into laughter.

"This dude really likes you!" Matsukawa managed to squeak out between laughs.

The other guys were laughing way too hard to even say a single word.

Taiji sighed with frustration as her classmates helped her move the balloons.

"A second-year put it here," Takeshita, one of Taiji's good friends smiled, "We weren't too sure what to do so we waited for you.

One thing Taiji was grateful for, was that there weren't too many girls that fawned over Oikawa in her class.

There were a few that thought he was cute, but they didn't obsess over him like their underclassmen.

"Does anyone have anything  sharp?" Taiji sighed.

Another classmate, Hotaru, handed her a pin, the boys watched from afar.

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