Chapter 12: Final set

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The coach went over their methods, things they could improve on.

"You guys are strong," Taiji spoke up, a smile on her lips, "I have faith in you that you'll do your best."

The team reflected her fears and hopes and dreams, and she would be there to remind them that they could stand balanced on their feet, even if the ground was crumbling.

"Now get out of here," She laughed, "And have fun."


With Kyotani butting heads with Tanaka, Taiji and the coach agreed on calling a time out before he ruins the flow that they had created.

"That Tanaka guy is a lot like Kyotani," The manager muses to herself, "But he's also really different from him."

"Are you sure you're not just thinking that cause they have similar hairstyles?" Maki grinned, sipping his water.

"They have similar faces too!" Matsun added, earning a squirt of water to the face from their manager, "Hey!"

She tossed a towel his way, "You both are seriously asshats."

Looking at Yahaba, she raises an eyebrow.
"If he doesn't start behaving," The manager smiles, "I'll send him your way, okay?" 

"I have faith in you, Yahaba,"


After Yahaba's lecture, Taiji could see the gears clicking in his head, pieces of a puzzle slowing fitting together.

"Sensei," Taiji raised her head, "We should put him back in,"

"Are you sure?" 

Watching him score was satisfying, the manager let a bitter smile wring its way onto her face.
"I'm jealous of him," She admits, the coach looking back in surprise, "What I would do to spike like that again."


With Seijoh at 23, Karasuno at 22.

Taiji held her breath, if the boys didn't end this quickly, the exhaustion would set in.

But when she heard the sound of a familiar serve hit the ground, it was a fair reminder that they would be okay, no matter what followed.

She reminded herself that Oikawa was there, and that the team was there.
They would be okay.

With Seijoh now at 24, it would be the last stretch.
No pulling anymore punches.


The scores evened out.

Taiji's palms were sweaty as the teams fell into formation.

Spikes, blocks, receives, all lining up as the rally continued, the ball refusing to go down on either side.

And with Kageyama's pesky dump shot, Taiji could feel the air in her chest getting knocked out.

She was beyond proud that her junior would evolve, yet she held a sense of jealousy towards him, how he could spread his wings,

yet she was.
A fallen angel.


The end was in sight.

Oikawa's arm outstretched, fingers pointed to one person.
Iwaizumi Hajime.

Oikawa raced after it, a long set up, from the edge of the court.
It was fast, and Taiji knew it was precise.

Oikawa was always more capable than anyone could ever imagine.

The setter slipped, crashing into tables and chairs.
Taiji shot up from her seat, panic filling her lungs.
Was he hurt? Injured?

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