Chapter 2: Karasuno

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Lemme know if there are any errors!

"Thanks for accompanying me to the doctor, Tai-chan," Oikawa spoke up just as they reached the gym door, "I know you're usually busy with the club, but you made time just for me!"

"I had to make sure you were 100% okay before you return to practice, Bokekawa," The female manager rolled her eyes, "We can't have you hurting yourself before the inter-high preliminaries."

The captain took this chance to poke at Taiji, "Were you worried about me? That's so sweet of you!"

"Shut it, Bokekawa"

"You're such a tsundere, Tai-chan!"

Opening the door, Taiji was greeted by the smell of sweat and pain relief spray. Noticing that there were a few faces that she didn't recognize, she soon realized what was happening.

"Ah, I forgot that the match with Karasuno was today,"

"Oikawa senpai~" Some of Oikawa's fangirls started screaming.

Taiji furrowed her eyebrows, "Those noisy pigs can't help screaming, can they?"

Oikawa did nothing to quiet them down, even making them scream even more as he waved at the girls.

"Oi, Shittykawa," Taiji scolded, "Tell your toys to zip it, it's noisy."

Oikawa merely laughed, "What, are you jealous that I'm giving them attention?"

"Hah? Don't be stupid," Taiji raised an eyebrow, not noticing that her ears were tinted pink.

"You look so cute when you're jealous!" Oikawa smiled.

"I'm not jealous!" The green-eyed girl protested.

Oikawa patted her head, "You tell yourself that!"

"Oh, Oikawa, Taeko," The coach acknowledged as the two third-years reached the group, "You're back!"

"Yeah," Taiji put her gym bag down beside the bench, "There wasn't much wait at the health office."

"How's your ankle?"

"It's fine," Oikawa showed a little sign, "The doctor said I could get back to regular practice,"

The team raised their eyebrows, looking to Taiji for confirmation, to which she nodded.

"The doctor said it was just a slight sprain, so he should be fine if he doesn't overwork himself again."

"That's a relief," The coach sighed, "You were the one who requested that we play against Kageyama, what could we do without our official setter?"

"That's embarrassing," Taiji jeered, poking fun at both Oikawa and the team.

Oikawa's fangirls screamed again, asking him to take care of himself.

Rolling an eye to the popular captain, Taiji went over to her team, "So, how's the match going?"

"Terribly," Iwaizumi spat out, "Karasuno's way tougher to play against than we thought."

"There's this spiker who's really short, and this other spiker who's bald and has a scary face!" Kindaichi complained, "The blond kid is also really good at blocking."

"What about Tobio-san?" Taiji looked around for the black-haired boy, "How's he doing?

Kunimi face seemed to scrunch up, "He's different now too,"

The team went on to explain that Kageyama and the orange-haired boy had an amazing quick.

Taiji smiled, "Is that so?"

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