Two Halfs, One Heart

Autorstwa PaigeMarieHall

4.1K 185 203

When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... Więcej

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 17- Gwen 10
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 32- Game Over
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 39- The Visitor
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1
Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

Chapter 10- Lucky Girl

62 3 0
Autorstwa PaigeMarieHall

We were at a museum, learning about so many interesting things. I was hoping to learn about magic so that I could further my own. Ben was busy looking into a mask while I was listening to our guide speak. "And behind this impenetrable glass... is the recently discovered and only known existing copy... of the Archamada Book of Soells," The woman informed us. "If only I had this... my magic would be even greater than it is now," I thought.


"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s," Gwen and I said, along with our guide. "Maybe you two should work," The woman said, unimpressed. "Don't let mummy-face get to you, princess. She's probably older than that spell book," Ben said, making Gwen and I laugh. Suddenly, we were all lifted off of the ground. "Well, this can't be good," I thought, holding onto Ben. I looked at Max, silently begging him to let me use my magic. He just shook his head.


"Everytime," I thought, frustrated. "Something tells me this isn't on the tour," Max said. Suddenly, a man wearing red and black clothes and holding a staff appeared. "The Archamada Book of Spells. All of its power shall soon be mine," The stranger said. Suddenly, the glass broke. The four of us closed our eyes because the light was so bright.


"Now be a good time to go... hero," Ben said. Then we started falling.



In a flash of green light, Ben was now XLR8. I was on his back but he didn't seem to mind. He took one of the tapestry's and tied the ropes to railings to act as a net. "Everyone out," Ben commanded. I nodded, "Please be careful, Ben," I said as I kissed his cheek. He nodded, "I'll be OK, princess. Now, go," Ben said. "Ben, be careful. You don't know what tricks he's got up his sleeve," Max said. "Dude, you want a book, try the library," I heard Ben say before Max led Gwen and I away.


Gwen, Max and I threw trash cans at the strange man. "Guess we got his attention," Gwen said, nervously. "Kind of wished we hadn't," Max said. I nodded, completely in agreement with that statement. Suddenly, the three of us were blown back by an unknown force. "Nice job," Max said, complimenting his grandson." "Just doing what I need to do and keeping it low-key," Ben said. Outside, there were photographers waiting for Ben.


"Who's your hero?" Ben said to the crowd. Gwen and I looked on in disdain. This wasn't the Ben I knew. Where was the Ben that saved people because it was the right thing to do, not to get attention and praise? Where was MY Ben? Gwen could see that I was having a hard time watching the scene play out. So, she led me back to the Rust Bucket.


"All I'm saying is that you didn't exactly stop that creep all by yourself today, OK? Paige and I helped save your sorry butt, but does anybody notice us?" Gwen asked, looking grumpy. "Hey, being a hero is not about getting attention," Ben said. "Who's your hero?" Gwen said, mimicking Ben's words from earlier. "Hello?" "I noticed you, girls," Max said. "We're related, so that doesn't count. Also, Paige is going to be a Tennyson in the future so you noticing her doesn't count either, grandpa," She said.


"No offense, but you threw a trash can at the guy. That doesn't exactly make you a hero, unlike me " Ben said. "What about Paige? She threw a trash can at the guy too," Gwen said. "Yeah but she's always been a hero to me," Ben explained. "Wake up. The only reason you're a big hero is because of that watch. If Paige or I found it instead of you... we'd be getting all the attention and all the cool souvenirs," Gwen said, frustrated.


Ben was rummaging through the box and pulled out the charm that I saw earlier. "All right, here, take it," He said, holding it out to his cousin. "Really?" She said, smiling. "Yeah, I got tons of other stuff," "Gwen, don't you have something you want to say to Ben?" Max asked his granddaughter. "You know this doesn't change the fact that you're just plain lucky... but thanks," She said. "You're welcome." Then Ben looked at me,"Do you want something too, princess?" I thought about it. "Yeah, I want a kiss," Ben chuckled. "I'm more than happy to comply with that request," Then he kissed me, softly.


We were now at a restaurant eating dinner. "I've been counting. You've had eleven crawfish to my nine," Gwen said to Ben. "Sounds like it's time to make it an even dozen," He said, reaching for the crawfish. All of the sudden, Gwen's fork hit Ben's hand. I gave her an angry look but she didn't see it. "I don't think so," She said.


Then a bowl of uncooked crawfish came from the kitchen, flew through the air and landed on Ben's head. I was shocked and tried so hard not to laugh. Gwen picked up the crawfish and ate it. "OK, now I'm full," She said. "But they're not..." Ben said as one of the crawfish went up his nose. Now, we were walking along and looking at the different stands that were set up.


"You know, in all my travels, I never actually saw... a crawfish climb in someone's nostril until today," Max said with a laugh. "Glad I could make your day, grandpa," Ben said, unamused. "By the way, thanks again for the charm. I feel like I should get you something in return," Gwen said. Then she went up to a hot dog stand. "One, please," She said.


"Help, they stole my purse," We heard. Then we looked to see three thugs coming our way. "That's far enough," Max said. "Yeah? Who's going to make us? You, pops?" One of them said, smugly. "Actually, him and his close personal friend Diamondhead," Ben said. I went with him so he could transform in a safe place. "Come on, work!" He said, frustrated by the Omnitrix. "This is not my lucky day," The Omnitrix still wouldn't work.


"Let me take care of them," Ben said as he pushed Gwen out of the way. Max grabbed one of the thugs and he wasn't going anywhere. "Cool," Gwen said as she looked to see that the charm was glowing. "This little girl is a hero, officer," The woman who lost her purse said. "Who, me? Just lucky, I guess," She said. The next morning, it was still early so Ben and I were trying to sleep. But Max was snoring so loud, we couldn't.


"Hey, Gwen. You got a mega-sized cork on you? Gwen?" Ben asked. We went outside to see Gwen playing basketball. "OK, we are definitely not playing horse," Ben said. "Give me the ball" She demanded. "Now till you tell me how you did that," He said. "What can I say? I'm charmed," Gwen said, a cocky tone in her voice. "It's like every time it glows, everything just goes my way," She explained. "Nothing like a good night's sleep. Who wants breakfast?" Max asked us.


All of the sudden, we heard a very loud noise. Construction was going on nearby and something was wrong. A cable snapped and the construction workers were in danger. "Time is watch a real hero at work," Ben said confidently. "Yeah, me. I'll be right back," Gwen said. As she left, I was giving her a dirty look. "That stupid charm has gone straight to Gwen's head," I thought. I couldn't watch this, so I went into the Rust Bucket. "It's totally not fair! Ben found the Omnitrix and he gets to use it. Gwen has the charm and she gets to use it. I've had this magic since the day I was born but I don't get to use it!" I said, outloud. Then I screamed out of frustration.


Then I heard the door open and Max came in. "Paige, what's wrong?" "How come I can't use my magic? Ben has the Omnitrix, Gwen now has a charm. They get to use them but I can't use the magic I've had since the day I was born. It's not fair!" Max didn't say anything. I sighed, "I think I should just go home. I never should have come on this trip in the first place," I said, finally giving up.


I began to gather my stuff and begin packing. "Paige, wait. Let's talk about this," Max said, trying to stop me from what I was doing. "There's nothing to talk about. Ben and Gwen can use their powers but I can't. What? Am I being punished? Is my magic not good enough? Why can't I use it?" I'm going insane and quite frankly, I think my magic is too. It's getting harder and harder to push it down." I don't know what to do anymore," I said as I started to cry.


Max hugged me, "I know it's hard, sweetheart. Your mom and your Aunt Regina had the same problem with their magic. They haven't aloud you to use it yet because they think you need more practice," I was confused by that, "How can I get more practice if I can't use my magic?" He sighed, "OK, I'll call your mom and aunt and see if they'll let you practice. I smiled a bright smile. "Thank you, Max. I love you," I said as I hugged him. He chuckled, "I love you too, kid. Now go, Ben's probably worried about you," I nodded as I headed outside.


came outside to see Ben as Wildmutt and he was in a cement mixer. "Some hero, you are Gwen. You almost turned Ben into cement," I thought, angrily. "Slide down the chute," Max said to the construction workers. "How did you pull off this amazing rescue?" I saw a reporter ask Gwen. "With style, of course. Who's your hero?" Gwen said. I looked on and rolled my eyes. "You heard it here first, live," The reporter said. "Ben, are you ok?" I asked as I stood beside him, he just nodded.


"I cross-referenced the Archamada Book of Spells... with dark magical charms, and look. It's part of a set called the Charms of Bazell. This charm is luck. There are also charms for fire, levitation, reincarnation," "Those are the charms Mr. Freak at the museum wore... when XLR8 kicked his butt," Ben said as he high-fived me. "That's why he wanted the Book of Spells. But it says all the Charms of Bazell must be used... for the spells to be at their full power. Oh, well. His loss is my gain," Gwen said.


"I'm afraid more like was. We need to turn that charm into the museum," I nodded, agreeing with Max. "It's the right thing to do," Gwen looked at me, "Have you forgotten about doing the right thing or has that charm's power gone to your head?" Gwen shook her head. "Hey, I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm saying it because I've seen what having incredible power does to people," I said. Gwen smiled and hugged me.


All of the sudden, the radio went off. "And in the news of the weird, reports are coming in... that the city's famed Haunted History Mansion has come alive... trapping dozens of visitors inside," "Grandpa!" Ben and Gwen said after hearing this news. "On it," He replied. We arrived and both Ben and Gwen were eager for some action. "Back off! I'll handle this," Gwen said. "I'm the real hero here," Ben said. I nodded, agreeing with that statement.


Before Max and I went inside, he pulled me aside. "I talked to your mom and aunt and they said that it's ok for you to use your magic," That made me smile. "Thank you so much, Max," I said as I hugged him. "You're very welcome. Now, let's get inside. You can't let Ben and Gwen have all the fun. Plus, they might need help," Max said as we raced inside.


We got inside and it was absolute chaos. People were screaming, running around and holding onto railings for dear life. "I'm afraid of heights!" I heard a woman say. "The whole thing is going to crash down!" Another person said. "Everyone, stay calm. Lucky Girl's in the Haunted House," Gwen said, a hint of attitude in her voice. I rolled my eyes, "Did I even get through to her at all? After this, we are so getting rid of that charm," I thought.


Ben, Max and I ran for cover as wood came right at us. "You don't need luck when you've got skill," Ben said as he went to activate the Omnitrix. He was now Four Arms and Ben grabbed onto a piece of wood to steady the structure. "I've got it," He said to Gwen. "But who's got them?" She asked. She grabbed onto a chandelier, I used my magic to keep her steady. "Everybody, grab hold," She said.


All of the people grabbed onto the chandelier and it headed for the ground. Just then, Ben threw away what he was holding and he flew into a wall. "They must have gone that way," Max said as the three of us ran to find Gwen. When we found Gwen, she was wrapped up in some kind of vine. Ben ripped it off of her and she was free. "Thanks," She said, in gratitude.


"Where is he?" Ben and I asked her. "Time to turn this city into an old memory," I heard. We looked over and there was the man. Ben immediately ran to confront the villain. Max, Gwen and I ran down to help but Ben held a hand out. "Stay back!" He ordered us. "You dare challenge me?" The stranger said. Then stone statues of gargoyles came alive. Ben began fighting with them, punching and destroying them.


Gwen threw a rock at the villain. "Luck only takes you so far, guys," She said. Then Gwen threw another rock at the man and he fell down. Max picked up a big hammer. "Going... Going... Gone!" He said as he hit a stone gargoyle and it got destroyed. Ben grabbed the man and said, "Time for the magician to disappear," Then he threw him in a crypt and Max closed the lid. I looked over at Gwen as she held the charms.


"I could fly... shoot out bolts of electricity, bring trees alive. I'd be unstoppable! Or, I guess, I could just be me," Gwen said as she threw the charms down and used a shovel to destroy them. Their power went up to the sky and a blue light appeared. Then the police arrested the man. "You know, you three make a pretty impressive team," Max said. "Made, now that my power's history," Gwen said. "You did the right thing destroying those charms," I said as I snuggled up to Ben. "I guess. So, Ben... now that you and Paige are back to being the only heros around here... just one favor?" "What?" Ben asked. "Maybe just admit I did a good job?" She asked him. Ben sat up and sighed. "Gwen, you did a good job. There, happy? "Totally," Gwen said. "Good, because I'm never saying it again," Ben said, adamantly. "You don't have to," She said, holding up a recorder and pressing the button. On it, was Ben saying over and over that Gwen did a good job. He covered his ears with pillows to block it out. Gwen and I started laughing and high-fived each other.

Hey everyone! In my book, Emma Swan is my mother and Regina Mills is my aunt. They are both characters from Once upon a time

Emma Swan- My mother

Regina Mills- My aunt

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