Our Demonic Love Story (BNHAx...

By kittenjjk

18.3K 368 58

Basically the reader is a Fem!Rin from Blue Exorcist πŸ˜… Rena Okumora is her name but she isn't exactly like R... More

Character Sheet of Rena
Let the Exam Begin
First Day
Quirk Assessment Test
Lunch with Bakusquad
Hero Basic Training
Twin vs Twin
Valentine's Day Special
Something You'll Never Forget
Update about Yuki's quirk
Damn reporters...

League of Villains

290 8 4
By kittenjjk

"Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you." An astronaut said as soon as we walked out.

Mido was going crazy, fanboying about this hero, apparently their name was Thirteen, the space hero. Flat Earthers should really have a reality show where they try to find the edge of the world- that'd be irritating but funny to watch.

"I cant wait to show you what's inside!" They say enthusiastically. I cant wait to see what's inside.

Inside was huge, it really did look like an amusement park like Kiri said. There was a shipwreck, landslide, a fire, windstorm, and many other cool disasters scattered around the place. Thirteen explained how they made this place with the goal to train us how to handle rescues in different situations which, first of all, they really made this place on their own??? That's amazing! Thirteen has my respect.

Aizawa, Thirteen, and All- wait- where's All Might?

Just as I thought this Mr. Aizawa went up to Thirteen to ask that same question. Thanks to my amazing hearing I heard them say how he used up all his power in the morning with Thirteen holding up 3 fingers. What's that supposed to mean? 3 fingers? Does All Might have more hero work to do? And what does she mean by "used up all his power"? Too much thinking-

As I was having an existential crisis Thirteen started explaining their quirk and Mido fanboying but what really caught my attention was what Thirteen said next.

"But my quirk could also be very easily used to kill"

Woah- okay that went from 0-100 real quick- 

"Some of you also have powers that could be dangerous" they explain. This is really starting to hit too close to home- especially with me carrying around and using a katana.

Thirteen then went on to explain how our quirks can be dangerous but we could use them for good. We cant lose focus when on the field, as one mistake could cost someone's life. This really hit me hard. I don't want to hurt anyone- I want to keep everyone safe and avenge my old man.

After Thirteens speech I was at a loss for words. They really know how to motivate us and make us aware of our quirks potentials.

Just then, I felt something off... I have no idea why but I went to Mr. Aizawa about it anyways.

"Mr. Aizawa" I start, "Sorry to interrupt but something doesn't feel right."

He looks at me, "what do you mean?"

"I mean the air feels odd, almost like a barrier of some sort?" I try to explain, "I don't know but just keep your guard up, my instincts never failed me before."

He takes a look at my face trying to find any sliver of uncertainty but once he realizes I was being dead serious, he nods and goes back to the class as they were cheering on Thirteen for their amazing speech. With my quirk, sensing danger is practically 2nd nature to me. It has only gotten really bad exactly one time, when the old man died.... That day, that sickening feeling was terrible, I almost felt like throwing up but pushed it aside thinking I was just getting sick. I regret ignoring it now and I learnt from it. I'm never ignoring this feeling again.

I see Aizawa talk to Thirteen about it and they nod their head. Suddenly I feel a shock go through my body.

"MR. AIZAWA THEY'RE HERE!" I yell at him. Everyone looks at me confused but Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen look around in alarm. Just on time the light started flickering and some kind of black hole starts to form in the middle of the USJ. The black hole thing gets bigger until I see a hand come out from it.

"LOOK OUT" I yell running to Thirteen and Mr. Aizawa at full speed with my quirk activated. I push them out of the way just in time as some sort of little creatures land where they were and giggle but explode into tiny bright blue flames.

"Damn, and just when I thought I finally could possess Eraserhead." A familiar voice said. "Blue flames huh? Say, what's your name little girl?"

I shake in anger. I know that voice... it's him! It's the villain Satan! The one who killed dad! "Yukio" I say in a voice full of hatred.

"Yah I know." He replies just as furious, "it's him, Satan"

"Stay together and don't move, Thirteen protect the students, Okumoras I know your upset but stay with the group DO NOT ENGAGE" Mr. Aizawa yells orders at us.

Everyone else seems to think this was part of the training but I quickly shut that idea down. "This isn't part of the training" everyone turned to me once more seeing my furious expression "those are real villains"

"Like Okumora said, this isn't training, stay back" Thirteen said with a tone of sternness. That's when everyone realized, this wasn't supposed to happen, we really were in danger.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead" another voice starts, "perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well"

"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and snuck onto campus" Aizawa states. So they're the ones responsible for making me go through that hell.

"Where is he? I went through all that trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to meet him" One other voice says with a voice that sounds like he never quick smoking.

"What a shame, I really wanted to possess All Might once and for all!" Satan says like the narcissistic asshole he is. Just hearing his voice sets me off. Little flames start appearing around me but Yuki's quick to come to my side and restrain me, although I can see him shaking with anger as well.

"They wanted All Might, the great symbol of peace" Twig says all creepily. "Maybe killing a few kids will make him come out to play." At that Mr. Aizawas bandages burst out with anger and he got ready to fight.

Everyone started going over how these villains got in here in the first place, but I wasn't paying attention, frankly I didn't care about all that. The only thing I was focusing on was the pounding in my head and heart, trying to control myself from attacking Satan for the sake of my teachers and classmates. I could see in the corner of my eyes, Yuki doing the same. My breathing was getting more ragged by the second looking at that damn villain... He took our happiness! He took someone special to us! He took the only person who believed in us!

"Okumoras. Look at me" We hear Thirteen say. Still, we don't turn around. "RENA, YUKIO!" Thirteen shouts. This gets me and Yukio out of our furious states and look back at Thirteen. We can see the students confused and a little worried about us.

"I understand how upset you are but right now you need to keep a level head" they say. "Being a hero is about making rational decisions and staying calm even in the worst situations, I know you want to get back at Satan for what he did to you but right now, you need to think of yourselves, as well as your classmates."

Me and Yuki look at Thirteen then at all our classmates. We see some of them shaking with fear and some worried about us. Then we look at each other. Yuki grips my hand and we nod to each other looking back at everyone we came to care about. "Right." Yuki starts, "sorry" I finish.

Thirteen nods and we all start running toward the exit leaving Mr. Aizawa to be a badass and give them a one sided beat down. As we're running though, that same black hole? mist stuff catches up to us and blocks our exit.

"There is no escape for you" the darkness says, "it's a pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello."

"Damn right it's rude. We were gonna work on our rescue skills" I huff.

"And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath?" He continues, "I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play"

"So you plan on killing him. You know, he isn't the symbol of peace for nothing. A bunch of low level thugs like you guys could never hope to take him on in a real fight" I spat with hatred. I'm getting tired of these guys thinking all high and mighty of themselves.

Just then Kiri and Baku attack him out of nowhere. "Did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?"

"You idiots get out of the way!" I yell as Thirteen yells for them to get back since they were gonna use black hole on the villain.

He chuckles cockily and says something about scattering us. I grab onto Yuki as we were all sucked into the mist, disappearing to who knows where. Me and Yuki were then dropped to what looked like the landslide zone.

We look around to see a bunch of villains surrounding us. We go back to back with each other already knowing what to do "you go left" I tell Yuki,"you go right" he says back. With that we disconnect and start fighting the villains, Yuki using his guns and shooting them with just enough force to push their pressure points and knock them out but not enough to draw blood, me on the other hand, was giving these villains a good beating and knocking them out a few at a time.  Just then me and Yuki feel a chill. "Could that be?" Yuki starts but gets cut off with seeing ice come at us full speed.

That's when we see him. "HEY TODOROKI! Watch out! We're here too you know!" Yuki yells towards him.

"Oh sorry. I didn't see you guys there." He says in his monotone voice. "I froze them to interrogate them, we should get as much information as we can out of these guys so we know what we're up against."

"All right." I says cockily, "this'll be easy" I walk up to one of the villains and take my sword out with a menacing aura. "Embarrassed of losing to a kid? Aren't you guys adults? Put up a real fight won't ya?"

I smirk and hold the sword up to his neck looking him right in the eyes "now, this can go one of many ways here," I start.

"As your stuck here your body will slowly succumb to frostbite and hypothermia." Todo takes over, putting a hand over another villains face with his ice side.

"Luckily for you we wanna be heroes, so we'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty. But we can only do that if you tell us how you plan to kill All Might." Yuki continues putting his gun against another villains jaw.

"Now, start talking" we say in unison glaring at the villains with no ounce of uncertainty in our eyes.

Chapter 11 COMPLETE!

Word count: 1952

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