You're a evil Weasley then, a...


16K 520 90

Y/n Weasley is the first Weasley to be sorted into Slytherin. When his family heard the news they all had dif... More

About Y/n
Durmstrang's ginger
Herbology and naps
Potions and star gazing
(not a update) I messed up (plz read)
'In my...arms'
Christmas is coming and the hauntings
Going home pt1
Going home pt2
Summer's begining
An Awkward Dinner
A Weasley Morning
The days before The Quittich World Cup
The Quittich World Cup
Unspoken History pt 1
Unspoken History pt 2
Death Eaters
Back to Hogwarts

Green and silver

1K 34 4

Dinner had begun.

Y/n watches as the food appears on the table. But as much as cooked chicken, mash potatoes, corn, green beans and fresh bread rolls sound he couldn't eat. Not even the water that sat in the gold cup. He felt sick. Like he just got a stomach bug. So he just sat there, staring off.

Dinner had gone by fast and he was called by Dumbledore up to get his robes, extra stuff and his scedual. He took them into his arms. Green and silver. He did like green. But his family didn't. Y/n follows some Slytherin's to where the dorm is. Taking in every inch of Hogwarts in his memory. Taking in everything. He heard the Slytherin a head of him say the password.

"Pathetic Mudbloods." It made Y/n feel rage. He hated people who dislike another by looks, skin color, and blood. But Y/n said nothing as he walks behind them.

He had to say one thing. He did like the common room. Even though the windows lead into the black lake it made Y/n almost forget about his sadness. It was all green and black. the windows were tinted green but you could know you were underwater. Students talked and others were getting ready for bed. Y/n walked to the boy's dormitory and got his stuff by the bed he was assigned. He had neatly set up his clothes and folded ones he didn't need and placed them in his trunk. He set up a pair of dress pants, a white under shirt and a sweater. Just a plain grey one his mother knitted. A simple outfit for a simple day. Y/n changed into his nightwear and slipped into bed.

(next morning)

Y/n awoke early. Around 3 am due to a nightmer. Ever since that day he had nightmers. Just like the one he had. Y/n got
on his outfit, grabbed a book out of his trunk, grabbed his wand and left as quietly as he could. He decided on getting some reading in and maybe cast some practice spells. Even though it's his 3rd year he feels like he needs to know more.

About 6 am did more people start to wake up. Including the Prince. Draco decided to go simple but nice style. A black button up and black pants. When he left his dorm he didnt expect to see the ginger reading. Draco had to admit, Y/n was cute when he read. His eyes only focused on the words, how he mutters when something happens. Draco found himself wanting to talk to the ginger. He tried to tell himself that he was a Weasley, Gryffindor by blood. But then why was he in Slytherin.

" must be the new slytherin." Draco says as he approaches Y/n. He was laying on his back reading a book. Y/n sits up, places a bookmark in his book, and stands. Draco didn't relize that Y/n stands around 5 inches taller than him.

"Yeah, I don't want to talk about it." And Y/n left. On his way he heard the new password for the day.

"Allo minch."

As Y/n was walking down the halls he found himself at the Great Hall. People were spilling in for breakfast. Y/n takes a seat over at the end of the table. He looks and sees a boy with glasses looking at him from the Gryffindor table. With a lightning scar. Harry Potter.

When everyone arrived did the food come. Different things ranging from regular eggs to chocolate pancakes scattered the table bringing Y/n into a good mood. He hadn't eaten anything since last night. Adding some eggs and sausage onto his plate he began to eat.

"So your the new one, eh?" Y/n looks up to see a boy around his age looking at him. He was dark skinned and smirking at him. Next to him is the blonde boy from earlier and two other males. Y/n swollows the egg he was eating.

"Yeah, I am. Although I would not say I am happy about it." The russian accent showed as he spoke. It was a light accent and its the first time Draco realized he had one.

Y/n's pov
I just wanted to eat but no...I need to talk to people. But I'm glad I did. Me and Blaise, who's name I figure out a bit later, had some classes and he said that he could help me get to my clases. The blonde hair boy didn't really say much. Just stared at me then looked to his food before going back to me.

"You wanna say something or no?" I asked as I felt his gaze lock on me for the 12th time.

"You're a waste of space, Weasley." He says. I didn't say a word as he got up and left. A girl following him that I didn't notice was there.

For the rest of breakfast I talked with Blaise. We had some things in common. We both like green, swimming, quittich, and certain authors.

"Hey, Y/n. Don't let Draco get to you. He just doesn't like the fact your a Weasley. He'll warm up to you." Blaise says. By now the food was gone and few students remain.

"Why does he hate my family's name?" I ask. At Durmstrang  it only mattered if you were strong and good at playing quittich. Not last names.

"Because of you're wealth. How...not trying to be mean...very little." Blaise says. I nod in understandment. I knew that my family didn't have a lot of money but I think its better that way. We parted and I decided to go exploring.

The halls were mostly empty, many people went to Hogsmead and went out for fun. I was walking down a hallway when I saw Ron and 2 of his friends. I try to walk past them when I bumped into his male friend. Harry Potter. I turn to apologize but Ron had grabbed Harry by the shoulder and pulled him away.

"Stay away from us, and stay away from me." Ron then ushers his friends away. They walk down that hallway. I just stood there. I was  lost for words. Was being a Slytherin that bad, did my own family hate me because of it? I continue to walk down the hall. It was quiet and I continue to walk. I soon found myself at the edge of the forest. The trees sway with each breeze, the leaves slowly fall to the ground. Autumn fills the air.

3rd person-
At the end of the day Y/n was exauted. He had walked every square inch of the place and remembered where everything is. When he returned he got in oversized t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants and grabbed his book. He was currently reading Lord of the Rings. He sat down at one of the couches by the fire place. He was excited for his first classes at Hogwarts. He really liked potions after all.

Schedule -

Defense against the dark arts
Avadance potions
*free period*

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