Falling Again || bnha

By Helolo06

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❝BUT IF I HADN'T FALLEN, I WOULN'T HAVE MET YOU ❞ [various x reader] When an unknown... More

"Hello, World!"
Burn Marks
School or Prison. Aren't those the same?
This is why I don't socialize.
The Purple Man
Secrets. We all have them either if we know them or not.
V is for Villain
Midnight coffee
Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??
Don't you think it's a bit cold for ice cream?
A God/Hero wannabe
A Hug that was worth the wait.
Takoyaki: the love of my life
The goddamn Hero outfit
A Destructible God
Honey and Milk
Just like Home.
Urgh, Where are you, Sleep?
Me? A God? Pfft
Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?
Lil' Museum of covers (Falling Again edition)
The unordinary life of (Y/n) (L/n)
Crazy How Fast this felt Like Home.
My weakest point isn't my mind
The Beast isn't merciful.
I wanna become something else.
A magical girl! That's what I'll become!
Midnight and coffee.
Whatever you say, Brocoboy. Whatever you say.
How long I wanna stay by your side? Does forever count?
Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.
Infinity can't be determined? Then as long as you're alive.
I don't care if you're going to live for an hour or thousands of years.
I want you, so stop denying my love.
But I don't want your love.
Seth was big big dragon, with a big big heart.
Yellow is now my favorite color.
A broken home, makes a broken hero.
Aren't broken heroes, just villains?
Give me the goddamn stars
Almost a happy ending.
Love is such a bitter medicine, and I'll never take it.
I think the world likes to see me suffer.
Don't worry, darling, I will always be your safe Haven.
Monsters will always be my favorite.
Wow, so many creative names.
Has no one told you that you should bow before your god?
"Eyes blue like the Atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic."
I'll say a little prayer for you.
The World was only meant for the chosen ones.
I am not worth saving.
For you, I choose death.
We were meant to be. Can you not see it?
You were only a child.
Love is everywhere.
You are like cinnamon rolls

The light has gone out of life. It doesn't shine anymore.

1.4K 57 32
By Helolo06


Aizawa x y/n...

  this still feels like a father and daughter relationship to me.

So it's back to father and daughter because (Y/n) needs some kind of emotional support.

I mean, we all do.

Thanks to everyone who still reads this :)




you can't cheat reality.

When you're weak, you don't have the luxury to pretend to be stronger.


       "I'm............" (Y/n) started but soon stopped, intertwining her own hands, before setting them apart and patting the covers of the bed. "I feel like...." She stopped once again before holding her left arm that was wrapped in multiple bandages like a gift.

       No words. "I don't know what to say." She finally spoke like some kind of weigh held her down. "I...." She gulped, looking towards the hospital room door "My legs hurt."

      "The doctor said it was completely shattered, both of them." The man sat at the end of the hospital bed, looking at the clean white floor.

       "I never thought there would be a day where..." She bit her lips, looking away from the black haired man. "I shouldn't've jumped."

       "Sometimes you get too caught up on leaving the cage to notice the famished cat outside of it." The man could only remain quiet as he listened to her speak. The battle was brutal on her, the villains were merciless on her. "What a sinful being I am."

      "You..." Aizawa tried to say anything, but no words could relieve the heavy atmosphere. And no memories could erase the painful and regretful look on her face when they literally broke her.

     As if she wasn't the same (Y/n) anymore. "When you're born at the top of the world, it's a long way to fall. And until now," She wasn't the same. She wasn't the same. How many more times do I have to tell you that the fall is something tragic?

   Something painful, something so....horrible?

    How can I convey in words when all you ever were was a human and nothing more, reader?

   H̶o̶w̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶(̶Y̶/̶n̶)̶ ̶c̶r̶y̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶?̶ ̶

     "I feel weak." no, it wasn't like that. "No, I am weak. I am nothing without-"

     "Your powers?"

      "My origins." (Y/n) patted her legs once again. She sighed. "Shall I compare myself to a flightless bird or a dead one?" a slight smile appeared on her face.

      "You have a twisted sense of humor." Aizawa laughed.

      "Humor?" (Y/n) hummed towards herself. "I'd call it defense mechanism to make life not seem so bad. Some call it, ignoring life's problems forever."

     "I don't think that's healthy."

     "Last week I ate the biggest burger in my life, I might as well be emotionally unhealthy." A knock echoed in the air-conditioned room, the cold air did wonders to (Y/n)'s emotions.

      The door was opened slightly as if afraid of disturbing the calm yet slightly lighter atmosphere. "We have found Bakugo's location." All might's voice echoed in the room as a sigh of relief left Aizawa's mouth. He really cares about his students.

     "Do you mind if I come in? I wanna speak to (L/n) for a second" Aizawa stood up, side glancing (Y/n) for a second. 

     "Will you be okay?" He said as he looked at her eyes, a dark hue of (e/c) as if her eyes only shined because of her power, they looked so D̶e̶a̶d̶, All might already had the door wide open.

    "I mean," She shrugged "What else can I do? One day I'll be fine." She smiled without a care in the world, if she were to care, she'd probably would be long gone by now "now that I'm taking the time to think, losing the divine isn't the worst thing that has happened to me."

     "You worry me."

     "Well, you can't expect a 1479 year old woman, ex-goddess, to have a peaceful life."  

      "Can't argue with that" mimicking the smile on the girl's face, he left the room. 

       "We are more alike then you might think." The girl looked at the blond man as he sat by her bed.

       "We are nothing" there was poison in her voice. "alike."

How dare you
Compare yourself to me?

You are a Hero,

the closest men have achieved from divine.

You are loved

You are idolized

You are perfect

How dare you, All Might, compare yourself to me?

A sinful being?

A being that can't see ahead of theirself?

Something so...flawed?

How dare you compare yourself to me?

       "We are both doomed to lose our powers." All might looked at the girl, expecting some kind of reaction, maybe comfort?

       "How poggers." (Y/n) avoided eye contact "maybe we should make friendship bracelets?" She looked into his eyes.

      "But it's true" the man laughed at her sarcasm "Being compared to humans must make you feel bad, huh?"

       "I don't know anymore..." She avoided eye contact until...

        "But didn't you want this?" The protagonist's eyes dilated as she looked back at the man.

       "What did you say?"

       "Hm? I didn't say anything?" All Might looked weirdly at the girl, (Y/n) placed a hand on her head.

        "Ah, then it must be my head-"

   A normal life? That's the reason why you escaped, no?

to run away from the duties?

f̶̧̛̜̞̜͛̎̈́́̀͘r̵̭̓̅͆̚ö̴͇͙̯̠̯̙̻̅́̉͂͊͝m̵̧̡͇̼̯̩̝͗̽̾͘ ̵͈̤̯͕͈͓̖͂̎͛̐̀̇͠t̷̢̛̜̗̙̲̃́̽͂̕͝h̶̼͖̼̠̻̝̀̉́̐̄̎̌̕ͅè̶̝̲̟̠͜ ̷͚͌́r̶͈̈̉ē̶̞̘̽̈́͘g̷̗̦̥̒̾͑͘̕͝r̷̩̗̤̜̪̟͉̓͋̓̌̿̅̕ė̵̱̠̯̻̞̤̣̦t̸͉̦͈̽̚ş̷̢̤̮̠́̄̇̊̀̊̀?̸̥̱̓͑̂̎

     "I feel like my heads about to explode." She covered one eye, in hopes of the pain disappearing. which was not the case.

       "I'll get some painkillers, just wait a bit." All Might left the room, leaving (Y/n) alone with her thoughts.

      "I thought you would be gone with my power." The voice in the back of her head that guided everything, every thought that made (Y/n) crazy, how she loved for it to disappear.

You were happy that I was gone, weren't you? 

        "Yeah, I was. You make life hell."

Must be depressing, anyway, I came back for a reason.

    "What is it? What else would you like to remind me aside from my depressing life?"

Good. You already know it's depressing, one less thing to remind you.

"What the fuck did yo-"

You know what day it is?

    the girl sighed. "I do."

How long has it been since it  happened?

    "Almost 500 years."

It's been a while since you've mourned him.

     She stopped for a second, those thoughts that would barge in her head had been with her since she was little, something she thought would be part of her powers. Maybe it's her own mind? How fucked up.

  "...it has." She spoke shortly as All might opened the door to reveal a small plastic cup and some pills in hand.

 Painkillers won't make me go away, you know?

    "Here, I gotta go." (Y/n) took the pills and wished a safe journey for the teacher who only bowed and left the room.

Maybe you should go and visit him. Bring some flowers, maybe say the 'I love you' you never said?

   "maybe you should shut the fuck up and not talk about my brother like some kind of dead lover?"

Damn, fiesty.

"How about you bother somebody else?"

Imaginary voices can't change owners, sadly.

   "Urgh," (Y/n) groaned, maybe it was right, maybe she should go visit her brothers grave. "I hate you." The voice remained quiet as (Y/n) struggled with her unbroken arm to reach for the wheelchair, after a while of struggling she managed to sit on the chair and face the door.

    Slowly she surfed through the white hallways with random nurses greeting her and wondering why she was outside of the room, "I'm going for a walk" She told the main nurse as she sucessfully left the building.

Well, that was bullshit. At least pick a more original lie.

   "I don't care, besides," She grabbed her phone, which Aizawa had given her earlier this morning, she had always wondered why the hero Agency keeps giving her new prototypes when she does is break them when she receives it.

    Besides, wasn't it supposed to be unbreakable?

     Anyway, placing GPS before typing the location, (Y/n) spoke out loud "I've always wondered why he wanted to be buried in Japan."

Have you even seen the shrines?

  "They are cool, but I thought he wanted to buried close to home."

Buried in a place you hate?

"Buried in a place where we were together."

Urgh, you're too emotional.

    Slowly leaving the hospital, the girl who seemed to be talking to herself, headed for an abandoned and unknown shrine. It was evening and all of the students all were visiting Deku who was the only student aside from (Y/n) to have some kind of injuries. 

Sometimes I think that you and me are two diferent things.

    "How so?" But (Y/n) had made it clear she didn't want any visits. It was humiliating enough for her to be the only one in this state. But with a few kisses from the recovery girl, and she was already brand new. However she was forced not do any kind of movent that could danger her again. 

You are the soul and I am the brain. Without you I'd be filthy rich and without me....

For example she shouldn't have left the hospital.

you'd probably be in a ditch breakdancing for money or maybe stuck in that house forever.

      "That is so random." The girl finally reached the shrine place, only to be faced with a buttload of stair steps, and placing a lot of force on her unbandaged arm she took the bandage out of both her legs, and stood up. The pain was horrible and she tried to stop her legs from shaking from the unwanted weight of her body.

Life is random.

      Giving up on waiting for her legs to stop shaking, she slowly began to go up the hill. "Maybe," She started as she would from time to time stop to catch her breath. "without you," She gripped the railings harder as her legs shook even more, like they were just bones with no muscle to hold. "I would've been madly in love."

 With a mortal being? With someone who would merciless break your heart?

       "With life." And so she began walking again, leg after leg, and arm after arm. Slowly she reached the shrine, to see a monk ever so carefully taking care of the flowers, slowly bowing towards the man. He widened his eyes, before dropping towards the floor and staying in a bowing position.

Finally someone recognizes a god when they see one.

       Not bothering to talk to the man, seeing he wouldn't respond because of his vow of silence, the girl stepped inside the shrine. "I've always loved humans and religion, it's something so beautiful. To devote yourself to someone you barely know, must be nice."

      Sitting beside the prayers, (Y/n) sat there looking and appreciating every part of it.

Feels horrible, doesn't it?

     The girl sighed, waiting for the voice to, one more time, bring the atmosphere down to the denpths of sadness.

To know that if you someday die, nobody would do this for yo-

     "No, somebody would." She smiled "I doubt Seth would leave me alone after my death." She laughed, tear almost threating to fall as she reminded herself of all the memories she had made with Atrox, who now had only his ashes left in this heavenly place.

You're leading that boy on.

   "Anyway! Enough mourning. It's not like he'll come back if I do." Standing up, her legs shook a bit before finally managing to get used to the weight that was once more cast upon them. Looking outside, her eyes were quickly cast upon the monk who was still on the same position.

    "May the gods bless you." The monk trembled, as if receiving something good after a horrible day, after a day of almost considering ending his own life, nothing could be more important to him as he almost cried, ah what an amazing day to be alive. 

    And without looking back, the girl smiled and left the shrine with her back straight and a sense of proudness. She was happy.


    "Maybe you are right. I wanted a normal life, didn't I?" Ever since (Y/n) had counter backed every single insult from the voice, it had turned silent. "To become a tree, to grow and not hurt anyone. Must be nice."

     (Y/n) was the farthest always she could have possibly have been from the hospital, having taken a subway and random strangers cars that took her to random places, in fact, (Y/n) didn't care. I mean, she wanted to explore Japan, when else could she have done it? when all the time there are Heroes all the time forcing her to studying and fight?

     Walking slowly as she dragged the wheelchair behind her, she spoke more to herself "To be an ant and fight for glory. Haha must be hella nice." She wasn't the same, she was happier, lighter and somehow enjoying life without having to worry about danger and the heroes who were constantly forcing her to do stuff, besides, who would fight a god who wasn't a god anymore? A himbo for sure, and (y/n) absolutely didn't mind meeting one.


E̶y̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶d̶y̶ ̶o̶b̶v̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶.

To make new friends.... :)

       "(Y/n)?" (Y/n)'s eyes immediately dilated as she was faced with a group of friends she knew very well. Iida, Todoroki, Midoriya, Kirishima, Momo all looked shocked at their friend who looked like a freaking mess, with hospital clothes on and without shoes, carrying a wheelchair that seemed to be stolen from a hospital that was miles away. Literally, what the fuck, (Y/n).

      (Y/n) met eyes with everyone, before saying "Don't know who that is." and started dashing away with with the wheelchair barely keeping up. 

      "DID YOU RUN AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL?!" Midoriya yelled as Iida, with his mentallity of class representative and keeping everyone safe, effortless caught up to (Y/n) and somehow managed to pick her up and place her on the miraculously unbroken wheelchair and guided her back to the group.

    In fact, (Y/n) didn't even bother to run since her legs were begging for some kind of rest and it was kinda nice having someone push the miraculously unbroken wheelchair for her. "Care to explain?" Todoroki folded his arms, almost glaring at the girl for not staying in the hospital and taking care of herself.

    Before (Y/n) could say anything, Momo got close to her ears and whispered. "The hospital attire doesn't exactly.... how do I say this...cover your back up completely..." (Y/n)'s face immediately turned a dark shade of red as she almost yelled back at Momo.

    "PEOPLe ARE seeing my badonkadonkers?!" Momo sadly nodded as (Y/n) immediately covered her face between her hands, Midoriya took off his blue coat and placed over the girl.

    "Are you okay?" he said as she immediately replied.

    "no wonder people were offering me money...." Midoriya couldn't hold as he burst out laughing as (y/n)'s face somehow grows even hotter.

     "Don't worry, (Y/n)" Shoto spoke as their eyes met, a very slight smile on his face as he saw for the first time the girl in such a nice shade of red "You have a nice butt-"

     "STOOOOOOOOOP, NO PLEASE NO MORE" (Y/n) covered her face one more time, pretending that Midoriya wasn't almost dying and that Shoto literally smiled at her shame.

     "How about we get some clothing on that store?" Momo sweat dropped pointing at the store but before anyone could say anything a sudden weight was placed on her lap, looking up Kirishima looked away and said.

     "Here, it's for you to dress up, there's a public restroom over there" a nice shade on red was spotted on his face, and although (y/n) could drop dead and claim she had done enough on earth, she was really thankful for him.

     "This has never happened" She glared at everyone, before standing up, thankfully the coat covering everything, she walked towards the restroom.


    "Urgh, I so want to jump with a parachute, without the parachute on....what the fuck" (Y/n) came back to the friend group completely done with life and it's happenings, just to face all of her classmates completely dressed up with wigs and weird clothing that made them stand out.

    "Ah! (Y/n)! This is for you, I picked it out." Momo gave her a wig, something completely different from (Y/n)'s hair, something that would make her completely stand out, however not wanting to dissapoint Momo she placed the wig on, seeing Momo's smile become way bigger.

     "Why the wig, we going to an adult party or sumthin?" Thankfully, the red turtle neck sweater and black shorts that Kirishima had bought made her 100% more secure and 100% matching with Kirishima, it was somehow weird how the clothing fit her perfectly. 

      "Ah, we didn't tell you..." Midoriya scratched his cheek looking to the side.

     "We are going to save Bakugo" Todoroki spoke nonchalant, surprising the girl a bit, but what could she have expected from a group of teenagers that aspire to be heroes?

     "Absolutely not." Everyone and Iida, who once agree that this was dangerous, were surprised by the girl who would always agree to enter dangerous situation completely say 'no' without thinking twice.

     "What- Why?!" Kirishima stepped forward, his fist clenching.

     "Do you know how dangerous it is? They are killers, the ones without mercy. What if one of you gets in danger? I can't help you"

     "We are just going to save Bakugo, not face the villains." Iida said placing a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder.

      (Y/n) folded her arms, sighing "Do you guys at least have a plan?"

    "Yeah, we go, save Bakugo, then leave." Everyone except Kirishima sweat dropped at his dream goal

    "Oh yeah, maybe we can stop for ice cream after we are done" Kirishima high fived (y/n), completely oblivious towards her sarcasm.

    "No, we have a way detailed plan" Momo pointed towards the busy street "We'll explain it on the way there-" A sudden broadcast lit up the street making Momo's voice be completely drowned and all the attention towards the broadcast that showed Aizawa, principal Nezu and Vlad king all in formal attire.

   Something was definelty wrong.


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