By chickenwingschill

405 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


16 3 0
By chickenwingschill

"Okay, that's enough practice."

Zaccai and I both collapse to the floor once we hear those words. Tess and Mike are also tired but remain standing to prove they're better or something.

"Now, the four of you should rest up. I'm going to need you guy to be at 110% tomorrow."

"I don't think i have a 110%"

I let out, struggling to catch my breath.

"Sarah, if there's anyone on this crew who brings 110% at the least, it's you."

Tess snickers at Mrs Barlow's words after Mike lets out a, not so subtle, yeah right.

"Mike, Tess, whatever problems you have with your teammates, deal with them like grown up. Stop acting like five year olds. Speak up or Shut up."

I mimic Tess' snicker as I watch their smug expressions fade into irritated glares.

"It's not fair that you favour her so much Mrs Barlowe."

Tess starts

"I hardly call working me to the bone and never leaving me without a blister or bruise 'favoritism'. I mean, you can take my place if you want."

I tease.

"No one was talking to you Sarah."

Mike sneers

"Okay, If you're going to start throwing tantrums just get out and go hang out with the rest of the toddlers at the playground. I'm a dance instructor, not a babysitter."

Mrs Barlow's firm tone pushes them to leave, but I know I'm not getting away with this.

"Ugh...I'm this close to kicking those three off the team... If only they weren't good dancers."

"Don't get mad at them on my account... I really don't care"

I advice.

"Plus...they're all bark and no bite."

Zaccai joins in.

"Oh, they bite. It's a harmless but extremely annoying bite. Like Chihuahua's"

We all laugh at the mental image of Tess and Mike as chihuahua's.

"You two should leave to. Go relax and mentally prepare yourselves for tomorrow."

We get up and start walking out of the hotel gym studio.

"See you tomorrow Mrs B!"

Zaccai hails as we leave the room.


"So, what do you wanna do?"

"Uhm... rest, like Mrs Barlowe told us to do."

Zaccai turns to me with a brash expression.

"Come on, we're in a cool hotel with awesome facilities. You don't want to do anything?"


"Buzz kill."

"You can do as you please, i am going to take a shower then sit in a relaxing bath so that i am calm and relaxed tomorrow."

"But things aren't as fun without you."

"What's wrong with you?"


"You, what's wrong with you?"

"Jeez, you don't have to get so pressed, I wasn't trying to be pushy."


I stop in my tracks causing Dalton to stop a bit ahead before turning to face me.

"Why are you still here, why are you still talking to me?

"Because i'm your fri-"

"-No Dalton! We aren't friends. I'm the bad guy, don't you get it? I hurt people and I don't care. If people like that bother you, why still hang around me? Why act like the argument we had the other day didn't happen? Huh? The argument where you made it pretty obvious that the way i treat people bothers you. If you think you can ' change me' you can't! People only change when they want to and I don't want to. So, the charade can end now."

He remains silent before facing his guilty expression away from me.

"I... I didn't know..."

He starts.


"You're right, that night, I didn't know what to make of your attitude towards others anymore. I was honestly starting to think that maybe you're just a jerk like Audrey Mike and Tess."

At least he's honest.

"So what if i am-"

"- you're not! You're nothing like them."

"Sure about that?"

"I didn't know about the chat rooms and all the bullying that was going on. I didn't know about all the awful things they say to and about you... That is, until Hope told me..."

Hope told him?


"You mentioned something about the things they say to you during our fight but kicked me out without revealing any more. I needed to know but figured you wouldn't tell me so i asked Hope and she showed me everything. She is in the groups but has never participated in them. Audrey added her and she was afraid of making Audrey mad by leaving. I felt guilty for what I said to you after I saw that, I shouldn't have confronted you the way I did, but I didn't know how to apologize either..."

"So you decided to just talk to me like nothing happened?"

"I decided to support and protect you no matter what from then on, and... Yeah..."

"I'm not a damsel in distress Dalton, I don't need you to defend or protect me. The things they say don't get to me, I don't care."

"Excuse me for being blunt but, yes you do..."

I laugh at the idea.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because, when we were arguing... when you were yelling about the things they do... there were tears in your eyes."

"What... no there weren't..."

My voice is more passive now as I step back in shock. Before I can move back far enough, he holds my arm and pulls me back slightly.

"It's not a crime to feel hurt by the words of others..."

He whispers.

But I never said it was a crime. I just, I don't care. I never have and never will. I yank my arm away from him and step back three more steps, preparing to escape.

"You don't know what you're talking about Dalton. You have this idea that I'm hiding my true feelings from everyone like some cliche emo main character, but I'm not. I never cared about them from the start and I don't care what they think or say."

I start to quickly walk away, trying to maintain a calm demeanor but at the same time wanting to get out of the room as fast as possible.


"- Leave me alone!"


The final day of the competition, before the award ceremony, is finally here. There are only five of us in the bus; Mrs Barlowe, Tess, Mike, Zaccai and me. The tense atmosphere is thick enough to cut and the pin drop silence enhances it.

"So... Are we all excited?"

Mrs Barlowe starts, attempting to lift our spirits but the other three just give a series of vague mumbles in response.

"Come on guys..."

She pleads.

"We're just nervous."

Mike lets out, clearly wanting her to shut it. The message is communicated loud and clear.

As we exit the bus after arriving at the venue, Mrs Barlowe tries to lighten up the mood again.

"You guys better go and slay the competition. Y'all got this!"

Only to receive an awkward silence as a response once again.

"Owkaay... this clearly isn't working. Just, do your best, give it your all and all that. I believe in you guys and I know you can bring the first and second place trophies."

Again, awkward silence and not uniform nods


Why does the stage feel so intimidating all of a sudden. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty and my stomach is tight. Zaccai is on the other side of the stage, also waiting to make an entrance once our turn is announced; me from the right and him from the left.

"Wow! That was a beautiful story and dance, i don't know about y'all but i'm in tears."

The Mc announces once the dance ahead of us ends and the performers exit the stage.

"But now, up next is a school that hasn't ceased to amaze, coming in with their second performance of the day, performed by two crowed favourites. Ladies and Gentlemen, BrightView High's Sarah and Zaccai!"

The crowd's roars somehow worsens my anxiety. I feel my hands begin to shake and my chest tighten. It's like someone sucked out all the air in the room. I can't seem to calm myself and every attempt worsens my condition.


Mrs Barlowe calls after grabbing my hand, pulling me out of the spiral.

"Are you okay? You're trembling, I've never seen you nervous, ever."

"I'm fine."

I struggle to form the words. What the heck is wrong with me? I'm stronger than this, I can't afford to be weak, especially not now.

"Awe, sweetie..."

She starts and pulls me into a hug, burying my face in her chest. I remain still for a moment before finally asking.

"What are you doing?"

I'm not sure if she understood my muffled words.

"Hon, you need to let other people help you every once in a while. It's not a sign of weakness to need help."

I push myself out of the hug and turn back towards the stage entrance.

"I know that, but I'm fine."

I hear her chuckle but remain focused.

"And without further Adieu, Sarah Gordon and Zaccai Dalton!"

The roar passes over me this time as I patiently wait to hear the song begin and let it consume me. The violin sounds and I feel the force of the music pull me onto the stage, my body performing our rehearsed choreo. Zaccai appears from the other side and we meet at the center. For some reason, even as I am transported into my dance realm, I can still see him. I'm dancing with him. Somehow, despite the fact that I don't even want to speak with him, I feel more connected to him as we dance compared to before. I'm putting more energy into keeping up with him than before. Not that it's hard but his style has changed. It's still a breed between gentle and aggressive but now there's something else, it feels... real. It was just a story before, a story we were telling the crowd. But now it feels like he is speaking to me. It reminds me of the past few months with him, how annoying and persistent he's been despite my clear disinterest. My body fits so well in his arms, every twirl, every lift, every dip happens so smoothly; it's kind of nerve wrecking, like when you're in the zone. He's not taken his eyes off me this entire time, but I guess I know that only because I haven't taken my eyes off him. The current of the song flows through us both, guiding our movement and radiating the emotions of the dance and the story it tells to the crowd. I've never felt this way before, it's all sparkly but dull at the same time.

I'm in love with you Sarah Beverly Gordon, and one day, you'll love me too

His words echo in my mind suddenly.

I want you to dance in the rain with me...

What a child.

I want to dance in the rain with my first love...

What an idiot

I'm in love with you Sarah...

It's only been a couple of months... He really needs to get a grip...

Sigh... I really need to get a grip.


The crowd cheers, pulling me back to reality and letting me realize that Zaccai and I are looking directly at each other. I didn't even notice. The stage lights go out and we immediately head backstage.

"That... what... How?"

Mrs Barlowe stammers as we walk up to her Mike and Tess.

"Use your words."

Zaccai teases

"That was... Magnificent... Simply... indescribable. Your flow was so smooth, it almost looked fake! And the story came to life... it might've been a 3 minute dance but it felt like we watched a whole film! The crowd was completely silent the entire time! You guys had them entranced!"

"Ahhhhhh! There he is!"

A girl cries backstage and suddenly the two of us are swarmed by Zaccai's fangirls. At least it wasn't Oscar, that guy's basically a celebrity.

"Looks like someone's got fans."

I tease.


"You wish."

Before I can slip away from the small crowd, three guys approach us.


One of them hails with sparkling eyes.

"Looks like I'm not the only one."


I mimic him.


I roll my eyes at Zaccai and continue moving out of the crowd.

"Hey! My name's Chester, these are my friends Alex and Jax."

One of the three boys starts once I'm out of the crowd.

"Okay, And?"

I deadpan. My tone catches them off guard but chester decides to ignore it.

"W... we're huge fans. You're a talented dancer."

I remain silent waiting for him to get to the point.

"Uhm... We're from Amton High, and I was wondering...."

"...I don't have all day you know."

"Right, of course. Uhm, I'd like to know if, when you're free, you'd like to go out for drinks or something?"

"Like, me and the three of you?"

"I was thinking more like... just you and me."

Chester bites his lip and stares at me intensely, only receiving my blank expression in return.

"Like... a date?"

I can feel Zaccai glaring.

"Yeah... or do you got a boyfriend? He doesn't have to know you know."

Is he serious? L. O. freakin' L!

"No, i don't have a boyfriend bu-"

Zaccai clears his throat, interrupting me. I take a deep breath and proceed.

"But I'm not interested either."

I turn to Mrs Barlowe.

"I'll wait outside, by the parking lot."

And with that, i make my way out of the building to the parking lot.


ACE ️🙄

How'd it go? \(◎o◎)

Bet you nailed it!  ⊂((・▽・))

Like a Gordon do!(◠‿◕)

Didn't you watch the live?

Okay, is it so wrong for me to want to hear you talk about it?

I'll find out if i nailed it tomorrow.


I look up to see who has the guts to be so disrespectful as to speak to me when I'm seated alone being antisocial. It's the guys from earlier.

"Ugh... you guys, what do want? I already said i'm not interested."

"You really think you're all that, don't you? Ugly ***tch"

Jax voices.

"Woah! Someone doesn't handle rejection well."

I chuckle.

"I don't like being disrespected Gordon."

Chester says in an ominous tone, forcing me to be guarded.

"I rejected you... you don't have a right to me liking you."

"Is that so?"

He leans in, supporting his body close to mine by holding the back support on the bench I'm seated on.

"You are way too close buddy..."

"You see, usually, i teach guys who disrespect me a lesson by beating them up to a bloody pulp with the help of my two friends here. But, the three of us don't like to beat women."

"Oh, lucky me."

"Yes, lucky you indeed because, for girls, we offer a different kind of punishment..."

Despite already being uncomfortably close, Chester leans in even more.

"You mean, assault?"

My question catches him off guard and he stops in his tracks. He grabs my neck out of frustration.

"The stubborn ones are always the most fun!"

He whispers through his teeth.

"Resistance isn't stubbornness! Perv!"

I lift my knee and force it into his stomach. He falls to the ground in pain and I use the opportunity to make a run for it. Unfortunately, he doesn't take too long to recover and the three of the chase me. I turn a corner on instinct but feel myself being pulled back.

"Where do you think you're going?"

One of them asks, holding my arms behind my back. He pulls my body against his and sniffs my neck.

"You nasty perv!"

I cry before stomping on his foot with my heel and turning to kick him in the face, landing him in a concrete face plant.

"Oh, you're violent too? Just my type."

Chester announces before aggressively grabbing my hair while Jax helps Alex stand up.

"She broke my freaking nose dude!"

Alex complains, holding his bleeding noise. I punch Chester's throat just before he can address Alex's complaint, forcing him to let go. I push him as hard as i can into his friends and take off again. I take out my phone and scramble to find Zaccai in my contacts. I can probably knock one of them out but they're not going to attack me one by one.

"You persistent little cockroach!"

I feel the vibrations from the three boys footsteps behind me. My heart nearly stops and my whole body has turned cold but I keep running because that's all I can think to do. I struggle to press the call button beside Zaccai's name but before he can pick up Jax knocks the phone out of my hand.

"Who are you calling? I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?"

What should I do? I can't take on all of them, they're all pretty built.

"Now, where were we?"

Chester starts as Alex and Jax pin my legs and hands to the wall.

"The heck is wrong with you?! Leave me alone."

Why am I still trying to sound so tough? I'm trembling like a deer in headlights. I'm out of breath and I'm totally pinned.

"Unfortunately for you Sarah, you've pissed off more than just us. Consider this community service."

Does that mean someone asked them to do this?

"It's too bad you're such a ***tch because you are extremely hot."

"You're disgusting!"

He grabs my neck in his giant, crusty, never heard of vaseline before, palms again before whispering.

"Let's see if you'll still think so in a few minutes.

My body freezes as his hand slips under my shirt, slowly climbing up my skin.

It's happening again. I can't breathe, I can't think, I can't hear, I can't see, I just want to run, run as far away from here as I can.

Please don't... Please!

"Let me show you what you're missing out on by rejecting me."

He presses his giant self against me and forces his lips on mine, not only crushing my body but I can feel his fat hand crashing my windpipe. I struggle to break free but my attempts are futile.

Is this how I'm going to die?  I can't breathe at all and my neck is throbbing. Why? Why this happening? I've tolerated Audrey and Jeanna all this time, I never once tried to get them back. So why has my life been getting worse and worse? Why an I still weak?! So helpless!!!


I hear Chester exclaim before he is sent flying.



"Oh my gosh! Sarah!"

Mrs Barlowe cries after appearing from behind Zaccai. Alex and Jax let go of me and  gang up on Zaccai. Helplessly, I fell to the dirty floor, paralyzed by fear.

"Are you okay, Sarah?"

No, Mrs Barlowe, I'm not!

She rushes to my side and rests her hand on my shoulders as Zaccai fights off the three animals.

"Sarah, I need you to look at me, kay? Sarah?"

Her plea allows for the gravity of what just happened to dawn on me. Again, chest tightening, air getting thin, body trembling, heart palpitating, mind racing . If zaccai hadn't come to help, they... would've...

"Sarah? You okay?"

Zaccai asks, crouching down next to me after having taken care of the wild pervs.

I can't seem to find the energy to form words so I just shake my head gently. The boys get up to run away but before Zaccai can chase after them I grab his sleeve. I don't want him to leave me, I don't have any solid reason, I just want him to stay here with me. I feel safer with him here.

"Sarah, are those the guys from earlier?"

Zaccai asks gently and I nod, still trying to process everything.

"They're gone now, and I'm here, no ones gonna hurt you..."

The air is still thin, or maybe I've just forgotten how to breathe...

"Zac... I think she's going to pass out."

Mrs Barlowe's concerned tone warns. Zaccai lays my head on his chest, tucks his arm under my legs while wrapping the other behind my back and lifts my limp body off the floor. The two of them mumble a few more words before everything goes dark. 

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