Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

62.1K 2.1K 1.4K

"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

Yaksha's Love

4.8K 65 93
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Hello everyone and happy New Year 2022!! Here's to hoping your holidays were full of nothing but cheer! We finally return here to Xiaolumi for season 3 but we won't be going to Sumeru right away. After a lot of thought and considering your inputs they'll be getting married back in Liyue around Xiao's birthday. Anyways this chapter is very chill and is a small timeskip, taking place couple weeks after they have left Enkanomiya behind. I look forward to taking this next wild ride for season 3 as it promises to be LONGER then season 2!!! Please excuse me, I got more research on Liyue weddings to do so I hope you enjoy this chilly chapter.]


The harmonic sound of bird sound on the gentle, cool spring breeze carried far and wide. The gentle warmth of the morning sun stirring the wildlife and citizens of Narukami Island into the waking world. Where there was once frost and snow was now damp earth as trees began to again regain their indigo and green leaves as blossoms bloomed. Petals cast to the wind like a gentle rain to fall and fill the streets of Inazuma City. Butterflies and electro crystalflies once gone had returned as foxes yipped and played.

In the woods of Chiyo Forest's cold blue glow a small heard of shika deer leaped and hopped away as plump, bushy tailed tanuki came out from their dens. While hoping and scurrying through the branches squirrels went about their business. Below the first signs of flowers beginning to grow and bloom could be seen. Towards the Yashiro Commission and the estate of the Kamisato Clan there was much hustle and bustle from the guards and staff. A certain blonde housekeeper was busy tending the garden and clearing out the debris from the months of a long winter. The last few days there had been much gossip and chatter due to the clan's very, very special guests.

"I can't believe the Traveler is getting married!"whispered a passing maid down the halls of the clan's home, baskets of laundry in hand. 

"Right? She looks so young and its to that handsome young man. But doesn't he come off rather frightening?"asked the other in concern.

"You only find him frightening cause he's not human. I hear he's actually an adeptus from Liyue. As for Traveler-sama she looks young but I overheard Thoma-san say she's actually of marrying age. Classic case of looking younger then she really is."countered the older maid. Their chatter went down to hushed whispers as they passed the sliding screen doors. The room beyond them heavily guarded signaling the very important guests inside. 

Inside said room the gentle morning light had begun to dapple the large, elegant guest quarters. Dark maple wood furniture filled the room along with delicate flower arrangements and décor. Ink calligraphy paintings covered the walls from indigo violet scrolls. On the far side of the room a plush dark maple wood king sized bed with indigo bed sheets could be seen with two lone figures curled up and snuggled close. Content was the beautiful petite golden blonde snuggled up into the bare chest of the boy laying beside her. His dark ebony hair with teal undertones tickling her face making her mummer but never wake. 

Adoring, loving golden tiger-like half lidded eyes more then happy to just lay there and run his scarred hand through her hair. His elfin ears just poking through his own bad case of bed head while resting his head on his other hand. The morning light catching the distinct glimmer of two silver rings on the couple's hands as he let out a bird-like hum of contentment. "What did I do to deserve somebody so wonderful?"he thought with a smile. But as much as he wanted to do so he couldn't just lie here all day snuggling his beloved traveler and watch her sleep. Such a shame she had her hair cut back to being short in the back. Lumine had looked even more beautiful with her golden hair growing out over these months. 

Her injuries from the Electro Archon and the Fatui had all but healed up with very little evidence left. Faint scars, still raw and red were the only evidence that she had ever almost lost her life last year during autumn. Her stamina was still not completely back but she had improved enough she had been deemed recovered enough to come out of their hide away below Watatsumi a few days ago. Which brought them here to the home of the Kamisato siblings. But their...activities from last night, Lumine would no doubt be exhausted. "I'll let her sleep, she's more then earned this moment's repose."he thought slowly sitting up revealing his bare, finely toned upper body. Countless scars faded from age and some new covered him though faint. The green tattoo in full view as he got up and vanished behind the nearby folding screen. Sighing when he realized the maid must have taken his clothes...great.

Thankfully they had left him a simple spring kimono that was black, gold, and vermillion in color that would suffice for the time being. To his relief his gauntlets and mask had been left alone right next to Lumine's own silver gauntlets within reach of the bedside nightstand. He had almost panicked before remembering and noticing it. The glimmer of an anemo Vision beckoned him over to retrieve the black gauntlet gloves and guards. Quickly putting them on where they belonged as he walked over to check on Lumine. Whom, thankfully had not awoken after all that. "She must be really exhausted."he thought sitting back down on the edge of the bed. His hand going to rest on her hand, the sun revealing the soft glisten of a silver ring with seven tiny different colored gems and a tear shaped brilliant diamond on her ring finger. She looked so fragile, so delicate like a newly blooming glaze lily.

Slowly she began to stir and bleary honey amber eyes opened to look up at him blearily. "Mhmm...Xiao where you going?"she mumbled tiredly.

"Did I wake you?"Lumine lightly shook her head.

"No you didn't wake me."she hummed sleepily nuzzling into his gentle touching caress. "Were you going somewhere?"

"Nothing for you to concern yourself with, Lumine. I shall not be long but if you need me for any matters just call for me."he whispered taking her ringed hand to kiss it as he got up.

"Don't worry...I will, Xiao."she yawned as she pulled the covers back over her shoulder. She really just wanted to sleep in today after last night. It was also only Monday and she hated mondays anyways. Xiao could probably tell this since he had tried so hard not to disturb her. Before her eyes in a golden wisp of light a pair of brilliant gold wings appeared on his back he began to unfurl slightly. "Is he going to go practice some more with his wings?"she thought. All winter during her recovery Xiao had been training when not tending and caring for her. It hadn't gone unnoticed as she often would watch him flying from the balcony window when they still had been in Enkanomiya's temple.

"Come back soon."she whispered softly as she started to drift off Xiao had slipped one of his feathers into her hair. The golden vermillion feather giving off a protective warding glow. A habit he had taken to doing now whenever he had to leave her side after her near death experience. The feather causing a very weak glow from the crescent moon shaped feather mark at the base of her neck; the mark of an adeptus's intended. Content she was safe and the Kamisato Clan wouldn't let any harm come to her or disturb her. Xiao quietly stepped outside into the garden sliding the door closed behind him. 

"Oh good morning Xiao."came a high pitched voice he knew well.

"Tsk, I suppose. Good morning to you Paimon."he greeted.

"Heading out are we? Paimon was wondering if Lumine was awake so she can come get breakfast with everyone."asked the fairy only for Xiao to motion for silence. Growing curious Paimon flew over and stole a peek inside through the window. Sure enough Lumine was fast asleep. Understanding the situation Paimon nodded and hurried off on her way. She'd let her friend sleep in.

Xiao stretched out his wings and with a few strong flaps took to the air and high into the heavens. Oh this feeling the wind and the updrafts that made it so easy for him to just lazily glide and swoop. The feel of freedom no one would be able to deny him ever again. A radiant, bright, and breezy laugh he had not let loose since his innocent years escaped him as he remembered the lantern rite just weeks ago. His ancient primordial side singing in delight as his heart soared. The joy making him soar to literal greater heights before folding his wings tight to go into a stoop straight for some corrupted monsters he had sensed plunging straight onto them causing the beasts to cry in agony. 

His tiger-like golden eyes sharp and fierce but there was a determination in them like never before. An action so simple and easy, one he did many times over the centuries as he dispatched his foes with swiftness and frightening ease. "Lord Morax is right about having somebody I love making me want to fight harder."he thought. And fight hard for his beloved bride to-be he would. She was waiting for him to return a thought that made his actions only strike harder and faster. No longer bound to Liyue's borders but his contract still stood and such evil spirits and monsters had to be purged where he found them.

"Well lets not keep her waiting shall we?"he growled calmly giving his jade spear a quick toss behind his back only to catch in his other hand as he walked towards the completely corrupted samurai. A confidence in his strides as for a brief moment the smirk of his old self appeared eyes gleaming in the darkness of the sea inlet cave. These were too close to the estate of the clan and too close to his mate. They were a danger in more ways then one due to that corruption and they must be purged.  And they would begone from his sight before daylight's end!

Never again would he let anything try and steal her away. He never wanted to know that agony ever again as long as he drew breath. He wanted to see her star shattering smile, feel her warmth, smell her floral cosmic scent, and hear her bright and radiant laughter. But these corrupted beings and his duty to purify came first. Such was Xiao's duty as the last yaksha of Liyue and his contract. But now he also had a new contract, one to his heart and he would follow it. What his heart desired, his final contract; For the love that a yaksha adeptus gave was a treasure far more valuable then any mora. With a flick of his spear he walked past the slain bodies of the corrupted fiends as his wings gave an eager and restless flap to lift him up taking him back towards the glowing forest woods near the estate as he landed at the Kamisato Clan's front gate. 

The guards fast too bow and greet him,"Welcome, Lord Suzaku-sama!"

Xiao paid no interest nor attention as his wings vanished into golden particles of light as he passed them by. They weren't of any interest to him as he walked into the garden to be greeted with a smile group of faces of Lumine, Thoma, and Paimon.

"Xiao~!"she giggled hurrying over to him in delight.

"Ah welcome back, Xioa-sama how was your morning?"Thoma asked.

"Fine, thank you."he stated calmly before content to quietly twine his hand in Lumine's as she snuggled up close to him in delight. With the effects of Courtship Rite gone he wasn't as bold in his affections anymore, to Lumine's disappointment. But she had seen he was trying as his confidence grew. For now both were content with just these soft, gentle show of affections when around others. But when alone Lumine saw that bold Xiao make himself known. Actually she was noticing Xiao had not suffered any of his karmic rebounds in quite awhile. Was it because he never wandered far from here during all this time? Was this her ability to purify at work? Neither of them knew for sure. But he wouldn't kick a gift horse in the mouth as hummed kissing her gently. Which she eagerly returned.

"Eew~! Paimon's not sure how much Paimon can take of your make out sessions!"squeaked Paimon. Earning a blast of electro from Lumine's hand in response; a warning she did not approve of the retort as the fairy dodged easily.

"Oh hush, leave them be Paimon. They are engaged to be wed and I think that's a wonderful thing seeing them happy."Thoma laughed crossing his arms with a bright smile. No matter the nation the joining of two couples was always a momentous and important event. But this wasn't just any kind of wedding coming up in the near future. Knowing Liyue's Qixing, Thoma had no doubt they would make a huge deal out of it. Adepti weddings were always such a huge deal and treated differently then traditional Liyue weddings. "But that's still far off."Thoma thought.

"Oh yes, M'Lord and lady were wondering when is your wedding by the way, Lumine-chan and Xioa-sama...if you don't mind me asking that is?"Thoma asked. Xiao and Lumine looked at each other then their curious blonde fixer friend. Paimon giggling with a knowing look as she had overheard them from her pocket dimension. 

"We're still deciding but Xiao and I agreed we want it on April back in Liyue. We just don't know where yet."hummed Lumine thoughtfully.

"We will figure it out."Xiao agreed and assured. but to frank they both already knew the exact date. They did not feel like divulging it quite yet until things had been finalized. But the date had been set in their minds. Just a couple weeks to; so much to do and so little time to do it. It was exciting and frightening as Xiao was more then content to lead Lumine away before scooping her up into his arms before vanishing in a dark mist to sit with her on the roof with her in his arms. Her laughter music to his ears as he held her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder with a purr. Lumine more then happy to return the affection.

"Soon."he purred.

"Yes, soon."she agreed pecking his cheek with a tender, soft kiss. How blessed they both felt and the many things they had gone through to get here. No longer would she need to hide and no more would he need to fear. For love was most defiantly something befitting of eternity and of contracts and everything between. For now they would enjoy each other's warmth on this spot that overlooked to the sea. The silhouette of a familiar ship on the horizon heading for Ritou soon caught Xiao's eye.

Was that the Alcor!?

What was that sailor doing back in Inazuma?

To Be Continued....

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