Infinity || Harry Potter

By kinsweasley

259K 5.4K 2.2K

I hope she is alright, wherever she is. I can't lose anyone else I love, specially not her. She is my 'first'... More

About Y/N
Diagon Alley
Platform 9¾
Sorthing Hat
Getting along
Sirius Black
Padfoot? Sirius Black?
Full Moon
Going Home.
Ash Letter
World Cup
Jealousy Jealousy
The Triwizard Tournament
Goblet of Fire
First Task
Yule Ball
Black Lake
Calming Draught
Final Task
Back to Hogwarts
Dumbledore Army?
Room of Requirements
Christmas At Manor
Going Back
pink women!
late night craving
Date with Harry?
Telling Friends
Joining Umbridge
Prank On Draco
Expecto Patronum
Vanishing Cabinet
Hogwarts Express
Cursed Necklace
Slughorn's invitation
Christmas Party
Back Home
Astronomy Tower
A.P.W.B Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Back to Hogwarts
Atlantes Thana
Atlantes's story
Hogwarts isn't Hogwarts
Back to the hell
What's going on?
Marriage proposal
Luna Lovegood
Running the hell out
Dobby the free elf
Bellatrix's Vault
Aberforth Dumbledore
The War Begin
War's downfall
War bring death
Y/N Malfoy
The one that got away
Another Ending!

Hogwarts letter

9.4K 165 45
By kinsweasley

(This chapter is edited)

It was a very pleasant morning. Like always the house elf were preparing breakfast. Draco Malfoy the oldest Malfoy's son was ordered by his father to wake his 'little' twin sister who was still sleeping

He knocked on the door but no one answered. Irritatedly Draco walks in and saw his sister still in bed. He rolled his eyes and walk towards her bed. Draco hated waking her up. Why can't she wake up on time by herself? Lazy prat.

"Y/n" he called her in a small voice but no answer by his sister. He rolled his eyes again and pulled her green silk bedsheets "get up ugly prat"

She turn around still her eyes closed and try to pick the blanket her brother just pulled

"Agh!" Y/n rolled on the bed than stretch her arms and finally opened her eyes. She glance at her brother "asshole"

"Father wants us down for breakfast in 15 minutes" with that Draco left her room

Y/n didn't waste any second and got up. When her 'father' says 15 minutes he means exactly 15 minutes. If she goes there one minute last than he will start with his lecture on 'you doesn't know how to be a lady and do things on time'

Y/n quickly went to the bathroom, her outfit were already on the hanger as she took them out the previous night. She took a quick shower and changed into her dress

(You can imagine whatever you want to wear)

After changing she went down for breakfast. She saw her father sitting in the front site, her mother on his left and Draco on his right. There was an empty chair next to Draco.

"Good Morning mother, Good Morning father" y/n smiled at her parents as she took a site near Draco

"Good Morning sweetheart" her mother replied with a bright smile but her father didn't.

A house elf name Lacy served the breakfast and the Malfoys started eating. Their old elf Dobby was no longer with them. Shame Y/n loved him but Lacy is sweet too

No one dare to talk. It was the most important rule 'only talk when you're being asked too'

Lacy brought something for Lucius Malfoy, it looked like a letter. He picked it up and read the name. His cold eyes met his daughter's sweet once. She was as curious as he was

"you got a letter" Lucius finally spoke. Narcissa and Draco stop eating and looked between the letter and Y/n.

She doesn't have any friends. The one she had back in Ilvermorny were never write to her after what her father did to them.

"Open it" Lucius said as he passed the letter to his daughter. She looked at the letter and it had Hogwarts crust on it

wait does this mean..

"I got accepted into Hogwarts" y/n spoke "how did they knew you- I mean I left Ilvermorny?" She finally looked up from her letter

"Doesn't matter!" Lucius spoke before Narcissa could say anything "it's a blessing that you got accepted into a school. I was so concerned you'll be homeschooled after what you did" he said angrily

'What I did?!' Y/n mentally rolled her eyes

Lucius was done with his breakfast. He got up and walked out of the room, kicking Lacy as he walked

'Poor elf' y/n thought

She put her letter on the table and sigh. Why can't he be happy for his daughter? He was the one who ordered to leave Ilvermorny in the first place. Y/n was happy there with her friends. But the only problem was.. they were halfbloods and muggle loving. Lucius doesn't liked that

"Don't think much of what your father said sweetheart. He's happy for you" Narcissa told her daughter

"If he's 'happy' than why doesn't he ever show it?" Y/n asked in a irritated tone

"His way is different" Her mother was lying to herself "on the good side, you and Draco can go to Diagonally this weekend"

"Blaise will be joining us" Draco said joining the conversation

Y/n got up after eating and went to her room thinking how she got accepted into Hogwarts and doesn't receive a single 'congratulations'

She picked a book and started reading and she heard a knock on her door

"can I come in?" the voice asked which belong to Draco "you may" y/n replied but didn't take her eyes from the book.

Draco came in and sit down on the other side of the bed "You nervous?" He asked

'Why do he care? He doesn't even smiled when I got my letter' y/n thought

"no" she simply replied

"well I want to tell you something" draco said and y/n looked up from her book at him "go on" she was curious

"Firstly congrats for making it in Hogwarts. I always told you, you should be there with me but on the second thought, Hogwarts full of mudblood shit!"

She doesn't like that word.

"Why haven't you 'congrats' me when I received my letter? It would have been more 'appropriate' don't you think"

"Father was not in mood you see"

"As if" y/n mocked "why are you here Draco?"

"Look.. you're a Malfoy -"

"Oh am I? I haven't noticed" Y/n said sarcastically

He ignored her and continued "have you thought about the sorting ceremony?"

Than it clicked in y/n's head

"You think I won't be a Slytherin don't you" y/n said coldly and by her brothers looks she knew she was right "don't worry about me Draco"

There was a silence

"but what about your- you-know-what?" There was another silence a long one this time

"I know how to control them" y/n whispered "what if-" draco begin again but y/n cut him off

"Look, I am glad you care about my you-know-what and I know you're worried about me but brother I am fine and I don't want this conversation right now"


Author's note

I hope you liked the first chapter. Don't forget to vote if you did and let me know what you think about y/n.

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