After 4 | βœ“

By AFTERloovver

379K 5.8K 990

"Put your heels on the headboard." Hardin instructs, grabbing by my calves and pulling up my legs and spreadi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapters 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
The end❓

Chapter 76

2.1K 45 4
By AFTERloovver

Tessa's POV:

These comments are giving me migraine, I shouldn't have read them in the first place but now I can't stop myself. I just can't stop reading these hatred that they are throwing.

They're making me emotional, making me want to cry which I haven't done since...a very long time but reading these harsh comments it's really hurting me, my feeling and my heart. They're not only coming at him, they're coming at me too, attacking both of us aggressively. That's why I was so angry with him writing this book let along publish this shit story across the judgmental world.

-I get it Hardin do love her but what's the point of continuing the bet why not end it? If I'd in her place I'd never ever forgive this bastard.

I moved on with that stupid bet and it's better if that stays in that way but no this book has to remind me all over again, it'll always be there, isn't it? Reminding me how our relationship begun over a lie.

-Toxic couple of the year-no century award goes to these bitches.

Yes, please give it to me. I'll put it on the showcase for everyone to see.

-I thought 'After' is a romance story but no it's a horror story because nothing is scary than being in a toxic relationship.

They all are saying Hardin and I had a toxic relationship, was it really we had? You're in denial, my annoying subconscious adds. You fucking shut up! I'm here breaking down and she's nagging me with her stupid words.

Lifting Hardin's arm around my waist I put it onto the mattress gently without waking him up I roll over and sit on the edge of the bed.

-She's calling other girls whore but in reality she's the one. She's the one who quicks to open her legs to a punk boy who she didn't even know.

I really want to pluck my eyes out so I can't look the screen which apparently show the truth. Yes, the hideous fucking truth.

-She plays the victim card. Like girl take some responsibly.

What they're talking about? I did take the responsibly for my irrational actions, didn't I?

-She instigates him to do bad things. Forces him when he did't want to be with his dad which make him more angry and he looses his temper. It's her fault.

Tears coming and collecting at the corner of my eyes, I cover my mouth with my hand to control my muffle snivelling.

- Hardin thinks Tessa is good for him but i don't think how? Sorry but she's crippling him mentally.

Why they all are coming at me? They've no idea what I suffered, they don't know my point of view of the story so it's better they keep their judgmental opinion to themselves.

Even though my eyes are full of water making my vision blur I can read what's written on the giant screen.

-They should'nt be together.

-They both are so bad and toxic for eachother as well as to their surroundings.

-If they're still together then they should immediately breakup that's how they can be happy. No other way.

I try to drink up my tears but few them shreds anyway and lands on the phone's screen. Closing the app I wipe the screen clean on the sheets before lay it down on the nightstand.

My heart is screaming inside me, it couldn't held so much pain, so much hate that people are giving me. Putting both of my hands on my mouth I stop my pathetic wailing.

Did I really crippled him the way they're saying? Do I don't deserve to be with him? Do we both don't deserve eachother? And if I choose him will I ever be happy?

I was so sure that we could work this time. I was thinking giving him the other chance that we could be happy but I'm not sure anymore.

I know I shouldn't be believing what public are saying but i couldn't help it. They're right. They are so right that Hardin and I shouldn't be together.

I'm the darkness in his life and he needs light. He needs someone who brings colors and joy in his life rather grief, which he doesn't deserve. He is saying he wants me. He wants me to be his light and be with him forever but I'm not ready for that real relationship just yet, I can't give him the chance that he wants me to give, even if I know deep down he won't let me down, let the chance down this time but I just can't give it.

He suffered a lot and now he should deserve happiness. He earned this position where he's at because he worked hard and he's also worthy it. He should be enjoying his fame rather than stuck with me and my problems.

I should just leave now there's no place for me here, not with him atleast. Climbing down from the bed I gather my clothes quietly and put them on hastily. I pad back to the bed to see him one more time.

He came here to visit me and I'm acting like a bitch by leaving him without saying a word. I sit down on the bed and look down at the sleeping beautiful man with messy long curls on his face. Brushing of the hair off of his forehead I lean in and give him a kiss on her cheeks.

I'm sorry for doing it but it's necessary, your happiness only matters to me which is without me. I feel bad, really horrible, my heart is aching to leave him but it's a good choice, I think it is.

With another kiss on his forehead I write a note because it feels awful to leave without saying anything and if he reads it when he'd wake-up he wouldn't be panic to see I'm not here and do what this note is saying to do.

Slipping my feets into my heels and putting my purse on the shoulder I leave his room after I glanced at Hardin one more time.

Hardin's POV:

I wake up by some sounds coming from the hotel hallway like people laughing and it's very loud. What the hell, can't I sleep peacefully with my girl? I roll over to Tessa's side to reach her and hold her close to me, only to find she's not there.

Maybe she's in the bathroom so I call for her, "Tessa are you in there?" No one responds after couple of seconds passes by, maybe she didn't hear so I call again. "Tess?"

Again no response. What the hell she's doing? I force myself out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom, I barely keep my eyes open as I turn the knob and open the door. The light are off and no one there.

Where the hell she go? It's like six-thirty in the morning where else she wouldn't be on Saturday. I walk back into the room to see if she's there but no she isn't or neither her clothes which were on the floor or anything that belongs to her. But there is a pile of my clothes that I wore yesterday sitting on the wingback chair folded neatly.

I'm half asleep and I can't think straight. Where the hell she go? Did she left without telling me? What the fuck!

I cross the room to get my phone, I pick it up from the nightstand and there is a paper underneath it. What is this? I grab the paper and unfold it. It a note and it's written by Tessa saying me to go, also that we can't be together and she can't give me the chance because she isn't ready for any commitment with me. What the fucking hell is this?

Quickly dialling Tessa's number on my screen only to go into her voicemail. "Tessa please pick up your phone I really need to talk you please baby." I plea on the receiver.

Why she'd leave? I thought we were having good time and she wasn't mad at me visiting here so why?. What the hell just happened to her? I know I didn't say anything to upset her I only asked for another chance and said about living together. Did she left because I said me moving here in New York with her?

I don't think so. She was happy even after until...I talked about the stalker fans of mine. Is she jealous that the girl loves me and want to have sex with me? No she can't be because she knows I wouldn't do that and I told her too. Then what?

It has be something big that made her upset right? Is it that the attention I was getting from the readers? No, Tess is not like the selfish girl I know, what the hell I'm thinking. Then...the comments?

Yeah, it has to be it. She was acting weird after reading them. I go through the comments again and there it is. It is full of the bullshit hatred comments, few of them are good but she might ignored them and only focuses on the bad one.

Typically Theresa young. Guess she hasn't changed a bit.

I call her again but she isn't picking up, so I call Landon instead.

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