50 : 50 | Taegyu ✔

By taecup_k

53.2K 2.5K 887

"You have one choice." "But I-" "Just one and only." WARNING : EXPECTATION - Swearing - physically abuse/ bru... More

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478 26 16
By taecup_k

Soobin flinches away from the plushie pillow, holding his wrinkled arms over his chest as his upper body inverts slightly, his eye lenses wandering around its space.

His heart shaped pair of lips pouts a trifle which makes Yeonjun only more soft inside.

"Darling, Soobin! What are you doing here?! I'm sorry, did i made you frightened? I didn't mean it..."

Yeonjun runs towards the bristling male, softly snuggling his chin on his shoulder, his nostril reeks the warm scent of parfume and car conditioner.

Soobin also embosoms the other with a mellifluous smile.

The tall male riddles his chin on the other lean shoulder, reveling the pretty sharing moment. His smile gets even more broad as he sense a nose digs into his crook.

"How are you?" Yeonjun ask softly.

He makes cycling movements with his index finger around the broad back, still clinging on his boyfriend.

Soobin nervously releases an airy breath, having to force him to answer. A heavy weight humps on him, making him only arousing a weak hum as he chucks the pillow at somewhere.

The meaning of somewhere is Taehyun.

Soobin glances to his left, inspecting Taehyun being knock by a fluffy thing but he seems unbothered since he doesn't spends his attention to them but on his phone, scrolling.

Thereby, Taehyun rather pretend to do so.

As soon as he recognizes Soobin, he is instantly awared that this guy is a best friend of his ex. It feels weird somehow, being surrounded by his ex's friends even though they did nothing.

In fact, he distants himself from Hueningkai either whereas he just catches up with the curly blonde for a while ago.

"Just don't look at him, just don't dare to lay your eyes on him!", Taehyun warns himself a lot of times.

But there he could recur these words over and over again, at the last minute he have to tolerate with the fixing gaze on him.

He burrows his body under a cottony blanket, unwithering, keep on looking natural.

To not being bluntly obvious, he actually unlocks his screen. So many articles are waiting for him, already plaster in his entire social networks. His temper boils at the amount of fans sharing their thoughts on the recent dating news.

"Seems like he is good without me", Taehyun mumbles under his breath.

Although he still feels someone darting his eyes on him such as a target, he abides dissmisive, not sparing a glance to the heartwarming, clinging couple in the entrance.

He takes one last look at the comments below the article before switching to his galery. Searching for the certain collection, he doesn't stop himself on deleting each particular photo and videos of Beomgyu and him together.

Every deletion, occasionates his finger fidgety. Seeing the deletion symbol appearing on his screen and the loading sign cause him on having a feeling of regret. Every deletion makes him sick such like a knife stambs into his chest deeper and deeper.

But he collects all the guts to continue until he halts on the last picture — a secret taking picture of Beomgyu in the ferris wheel. The brunette hasn't his eyes on him, just focusing the breathtaking view from the outside. All before the disaster got to happen.

Being vulnerable inside and outside doesn't make him live easier.

"Um hey, i better go now." the blonde mumbles as he is slowly about to leave the room.

He storms out of the lounge, making an short, a really short eye contact with Soobin before leaving them alone.

His shoulder still hurts a lot, making him stumbling his way. He let out a painful hiss as he takes each, small step forward until he loses his balance. His feet instantly give up which makes him driving directly against the wall outside the lounge.

The blonde let out a painful yelp, shuting his eyes in hope to recede the keenly ache. His breath becomes unsteady so he takes a deep breath first while his hands grips his shoulder tight.

"Taehyun?? Shit, uh baby i've to go after him. I need to take care since his manager got a high fever recently." Yeonjun excuses briskly, breaking the hug.

"P-please don't go."

Soobin claws onto the other's wrist, digging his eyes fully onto the raven haired guy. Yeonjun frowns.

This only cause him to sense something, something he cannot predict telling by his the male in front of him sags down his upper body. 

Near the wall, Taehyun stays quiet on his spot, carefully caressing the wound on his nape to calm himself down from the nonstopable pain. He dearly wants to leave this place for god sake but there is no way how he could move out from here.

"Baby, you are not okay at all...what is the matter?" Taehyun hears Yeonjun ask.

Gosh, he really wants to get out from here. No offense to Yeonjun, but he doesn't want to waste his time here only to listen to their lovely dovely sweet-talk when he fights with the cramps, basically next to them.

He put all the strength at once before he tries to lift himself away from he wall but his torso get heavy so he just plunge back on where he was.

He doesn't defer to release a following whimper, since his still keep in mind that the two love birds might get disturb by this awful sounded noises of him.

"Alright, hopefully they don't do nasty things in there"

"Um okay, i'll tell you but don't get mad please."

Yeonjun raises one eyebrow, slightly tilting his head.

"I'm fine unless you are cheating on me." he then makes a joke which make the other even more serious.

Yeonjun gulps at the reaction at one go.

"You aren't, right?"

Soobin looks down on his feet, looking somehow in pity, which makes the older's curiousity growing.

"A-aren't you?"

"No, no, of course not! No, it's about something else but...i don't...i don't know. I feel so securely on the way earlier on."

"You don't have to-"

"But i want to, okay! There is this one offer for a new serie and i got an appointment but it is set in a...america."

Yeonjun once sweet smile fades away.

A this point, Taehyun instantly leans his already percking ears against the wall. It's like magic that the pain somehow manages to go away.

"T-that's awesome." The blonde hears Yeonjun saying in a sad tone.

"And what should i do? Should i accept the offer? Or should i not? I don't want to leave you here alone"

"It's okay, we will find another way. I-i know there is a..."

Yeonjun pauses a while as a not so bad idea pops up in his mind. A smile, that shows his teeth, forms on his lips again, making Soobin knitting his brows.

"There is actually a way! Babe, there is a way! Yay, we won't be ever sepersted again!"

Taehyun blinks with no clue on his face written.

"And what is it?" Soobin chuckles after the sad atmosphere.

"KSJ was actually signed with another entertainment in america so we have to move out from korea. We did a vote session in which every one have to give a vote for or against the cooperation. I was against it since you are living here but CEO Seokjin gave us a timelimit to change our choice!"

"And what now?"

"Dummy, if I'm gonna change my choice, the voting rate will turn to the side 'for' the cooperation so we can go together to america!"

Soobin's face lits up into a smiley one as he hold the older onto his both shoulder.

"Really?! You can? Wow! Let's do this!"


[Infront the dorm, 9:57 p.m]

Beomgyu and Hueningkai arrices in front their dorm, awaiting their sweet home in any moment.

"You really want to move on?" the younger ask bluntly.

"How many time do i have to repeat myself. I don't have any feelings for him, okay? Everything i said in the van was all a lie." Beomgyu defies coldly, inserting the key into the hole.

Hueningkai rolls his eyes at the older, shaking his head.

"You literally screamed 'I hate myself for still fucking loving Kang freaking Taehyun! I'm such an idiot and i want to go to him only to make this husky voice, saying: 'Baby, be mine again',  and pinning him at the kitchen counter to continue on kissing him like there is no tomo-' "

"Ya, i didn't said this!"

"But you have thought about it!"

"N-" Beomgyu pauses for a while, blankly staring at the keyhole.

Hueningkai shrieks a laugher in triumph, pointing his index finger to the brunette nose.

"You even admit it! God, i'm a fucking genius."

Beomgyu shakes his head immediatly at the sudden thought, unlocking the door. Of course he would never come up with those things, nah.

"I never said yes so just shut up the pretty mouth of yours, buddy."

"Aw, now you don't even want to believe it, mmh...?"

Beomgyu wince his eyebrows at the teasing. Sometimes, Hueningkai just bangs on target if it is about those kind of things, in any sort. It continues to be a mystery on which resource he always pulls whenever he get the chance but on thing must said — this boy doesn't seem innocent as he looks like.

"I just spitted some lies to preventing on arguing in the van. This poor driver had to almost hear about all our life biographies."

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Beomgyu shoots a lousy glare at the curly blonde before entering the dorm. Hueningkai just flatters his lips onto a wiry smile, breaking the eye contact as the door flings open.

"You still loves him~" Hueningkai cooes into the other ear, giggling michiviously.

"Bro, if you say one more word, I'm gonna chope yo-!"

"Hey Beomie."

Beomgyu was cut off by a female voice which he could recognizes everywhere.

His gaze investigates the livingroom until he figures a person sitting causally on their couch.

"Juhee, what are you doing here?!"

Juhee doesn't seem to be back off guard but pouts slightly, patting on the space next her. 

"Oh hey Huening." the female greets kindly the way too paralyzed Hueningkai.

Being outraged as anything, Beomgyu approaches the actress in disbelief. He squints his eyes once as he doesn't believe her being in their livingroom at this second.

"How did you enter without any key? Since when are you waiting here? Why are you even here??"

Juhee yanks her phone off the table, waving it over his sight.

"Get ready and put this pyjama on. We are gonna doing a live on insta in any time."

Without having a thinking pause, she instantly swathes the plain white shirt on him by stripping the hoodie Beomgyu currently wears, leaving  the brunette sitting with his bare chest across her.

The younger male just burst out laughing, flipping on the floor.

"Wha- what are ou doing?? D-don't look!" Beomgyu ballast, covering his naked chest with Hueningkai's jacket the younger lends to him.

"Come on, put this shirt on and those pants" Juhee mutters, typing in her phone, probably to get in her instagram account.

At this point, Beomgyu just notice that she is also wearing a silky, short night dress, covering up the half of her thighs.

Since he doesn't want to stand there like a pervet, he looks away respectfully, sliding into the shirt.

"Ju is probably working for the CIA" Hueningkai comments, preparing something to eat.

Juhee chuckles while fixing her wavy, brown hair to the side, sliding down on her left shoulder. She then beams her gaze at Beomgyu who doesn't seems to understand a thing.

"Remember, we are dating? Joshua assigned, we are currently in your place and deciding on doing a live together before going to sleep."

Beomgyu heaves out a sigh. He completely forgot about the fake reliationship with her. How much would he give away if he could forget about Taehyun in this way either.

"Huening, could you leave for anytime. Slme fams might notice you." Juhee pleads, being in her element on checking the setting.

"Ah, yes of course. Have fun" Hueningkai says, nooding at Belmgyu to show him that the mullet could weather this livestream and heads to the bedroom.

"Are you ready?"

Beomgyu swiftly slides the pyjama pants over his actual pants. He doesn't believe what he is doing At this point — it feels abnormal.

"Yes, i am."

"Okay good, let me just..."

Juhee grabs for a blanket to cover both of them together so they must to sit really close. She preset the plan in what they could do oknthe ongoing livestream such as a lot of skinship and randomly throwing sweet words would be sufficient.

As they pull onto the live-button, their sharing screen was full on display and many people enter the live in a split of seconds.

"Heyy everyone~" Juhee greets, waving her hand cutely while Beomgyu keeps on reading comments.

"Hey guys" he also greets, pulling Juhee near his chest so she is now leaning on his chest and he is resting his chin on her head.

He even top the top and snaking his strong arms around her tenously waist, making the comment section overflowing. 

Beomgyu cracks a genuine smile at it, feeling like to make more of those touches even though he doesn't enjoys it more compared when he did it with Taehyun often.

" 'You both looks so cute together', thank you!" Juhee cheers, snuggling her occiput against his broad chest.

The comment section goes like:

Oml, you're looking so hot together wtf

Couple of the century!

You both looks perfect together<3

You are meant to be together! I'm happy with you!

Nah back off, Beomgyu is only mine, duh -_-

Aish I'm in love!!


"Are you all excited for the movie? It is only two weeks left" Juhee ask the fans while brushing her finger through the male's hand.

Beomgyu burrows his face into the bunch of hair causing the female to chuckle bubbly.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

"Loving you."

Yeah, it is just impressive on how good they are acting, so realistic. Actors or not, they take their profession as much serious as expected only to satisfy the fan's wish.

Juhee turns around to peck the brunette male onto his lips.

Nice move.


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