Teen Wolf Alternate Season 1

By QueenMorte

7.4K 256 35

Peter realized Stiles is his Son The son that he had been looking for upon years and years and becomes protec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

1K 41 8
By QueenMorte

Even though this was requested, it is still my story. Not fully since half of it wasn't my idea.
With that being said, I do not. I repeat, do NOT want nobody taking it like it's their own. It is originally my story. Even though the characters aren't mine originally, this story along with my other stories are.

I worked hard for the stuff I had written and I'll be damned if someone tries to take it as their own.

I can be nice when needed.

Enjoy the story😇😇

A/n: Don't start the music yet

3rd POV

Today was the day of the ball.

Stiles and Angelique had a lot of bonding together and Angelique had taught Stiles how to do magic.

While this was happening, Peter had slowly started to get sick.

He knew the consequences when he came here so that Stiles and Angelique can reunite. He knew he was going to get sick. And he knew that he will slowly but surely die because of it.

As you know Peter and Angelique are mates. Bonded mates.

So when Peter came in contact with his mate once again and Angelique rejected him, he started to get sick.

With being bonded mates, the person that got rejected will die.

They weren't in contact with each other for fourteen years. Within those fourteen years, Angelique was having a love story with someone else while Peter was dealing with his family and now only nephew, only to get pushed away by his nephew and get rejected by his mate.

Since they marked each other, Angelique's mark will disappear since he rejected Peter, and Peter's will stay.

Stokes knew something was going on with his papa and he was going to find out, starting now.

"Hey mama? Can we reschedule this for another time?? I need to do something." Angelique hesitated for a minute but looking into Stiles's eyes, he knew something was wrong so he agreed and kissed him on the forehead before leaving.

Stiles was speed walking to his papa's room. He knew something was wrong.

"Papa! Papa are you okay??"

Going in there, Stiles saw his papa sweating and coughing up blood.

Stiles's hands immediately started glowing and he put them on Peter's chest.

He slowly started to heal but not permanently.

"What's happening papa??" Stiles was worried for Peter. I mean who wouldn't be worried if your papa looks like he is dying.

Peter was trying to think of a lie but he couldn't. He could barely think, so he just told him the painful truth.

"I'm very sick Mischief. I-I guess I should tell you why."

And with that, Peter told his son what's happening, why it's happening, and how it's happening.

Stiles was mortified, he need to talk to his mama, and he needs to talk to him now.

"Papa don't worry. I'm going to fix it and I promise you that."

Stiles ran, he ran to his mama's house. He wasn't thinking about his car, all he was thinking was about his papa.

Of course, he is glad that he ran with wolves and with Klaus.

After five minutes he was finally there.

He banged hard on the door. Tears were falling down his face. He can't. He just can't let his papa die. He just got him.

Nobody was answering but their cars were outside, parked.

So Stiles being Stiles, did a spell to open the door.

Once in, he felt his powers weakening so he knew something was going.

He closed his eyes and thought of his fox. His eyes were turning a dark flaming blue, indicating that he was using his powers.

Couple of minutes later, he felt a presence near him. Knowing that it was his fox Ravana.


Stiles's hands start to have bright blue flames coming out.

He heard something upstairs. He quietly and surely went upstairs and to the room he had heard that noise.

What he saw made his blood boil.

There was his mama, beaten and a man above him. Already knowing that this man was the so-called boyfriend, Stiles told Ravana to get the male and put him in the dungeon.

Once he was gone, Stiles helped his mama out of the house, teleporting to his house once out.

When Stiles and Angelique were in the medical room, Stikes started to heal him and started giving him energy.

"Why you never said anything mama?? I was here....papa was here. We could have helped."

Angelique was quiet for a second before talking.

"I was scared I guess." Stiles hugged his mama, Angelique, before helping him up to his feet.

"You shouldn't be afraid mama. I mean you are a goddess. A POWERFUL goddess. If anything they should be afraid of you."

Now that made Angelique smile and giggle softly. He is glad he has his son with him in his arms.

It was silent for a moment before Stiles sighed sadly.

"I know what happened in the past hurt both you and papa but he needs your help mama." Now that made Angelique have a worried expression on his face.

"He is sick mama. When you rejected him...he started to get sick and he is slowly dying. I healed him, but I couldn't heal him permanently."

Angelique never wanted this. He will always be in love with his mate no matter what.

"Where is he μικρή αλεπού??"

When Stiles told his mama where his papa was, he immediately started going towards the room.

What Angelique saw hurt his heart badly.

There was Peter, lying on his bed with blood slowly coming out of his mouth.

Angelique rushed towards him and took his hand into his own.

"Mark me." He had whispered, which made Peter shake his head.

"I-I can't. Not like this. Y-y-you only doing it to save me. Not be-because you love me." Peter said, coughing up blood between the words he had said.

Angelique closed his eyes before opening them again, his eyes now red indicating that he was using his powers.

He lifted two fingers and put them on Peter's forehead, making him look through his memories.

The memories showed the damage it caused after losing their son. Afterward, it shows his ex coming up towards him once he had left their home.

He took him in, manipulating him, making him believe that he was the only one that could take of him.

It now shows what happened when Peter came to Mystic Falls with Stiles.

He can now see the fear when his ex confronted him about his mate being here.

How the abuse worsens going forward after they had arrived.

Last, it shows Mischief getting him out of that house and putting the ex in the dungeon.

Once he had shown him all he needed to see, he took his fingers away from his forehead and reopened his eyes, his eyes now being his bright blue eyes.

"I love you Peter and I'll always love you. Always going to be in love with you. So please mark me again. Please."

Angelique was now begging. He didn't want to lose his mate and sure as hell not going to.

Peter coughed a little more before his eyes were bright red with a hint of darkness in them and his 3.5 inches long canine teeth coming out to play.

He slowly but surely pulled Angelique close to him. Angelique beared his neck out in a submissive way, waiting for him to mark him once more.

Peter sank his teeth between his shoulder blade and the neck area.

Angelique moaned softly before his dull red eyes and his vampire-like teeth came out to play as well.

Once Peter was done marking him, it was now Angelique's turn to do the same.

He moved Peter's head slightly and sank his teeth between his shoulder blade and neck.

When done, Angelique had a dark star and moon wolf on his hip while Peter had the same thing on his chest, where his heart is.


It was now dark outside. But it wasn't just dark outside, tonight is the ball.

Mischief felt like something was going to happen tonight and both Angelique and Peter told him to follow that feeling because it's never wrong.

After the incident, Angelique and Peter bonded really well in the hours they had by themselves.

Mischief knew what was coming and he knew Klaus always had a thing for him for a long time.

But what Mischief didn't know was that he was slowly falling for him and giving in.

Once they were ready, they were out the door, not wanting to be there at this moment.




When they arrived, they got out of the car and head into the ballroom.

Klaus knew what he was getting into when he met Stiles.

He had known that Stiles was one dangerous person to mess with.

He is smart and with that smartness, came manipulation.

He can manipulate anyone and anything.

He knew he was playing a dangerous game.

And yet he couldn't let go.

So when Stiles came into the ballroom with his parents looking even more dangerous.

He wanted more of him.

"Brother, let's go. Mother is waiting." Elijah put a hand on Klaus's right shoulder, squeezing it a little.

Klaus glanced at Elijah before looking at Stiles one more time.

He walked towards where the rest of his family were and got his glass of drink the waiter handed to him.

Stiles looked intensely at the drink before looking at Klaus, making eye contact.

He tapped his ear, knowing that Klaus was listening and only him.

"Don't drink the glass wine Esther will bring in later on. I'm warning you Niklaus." He whispered making Klaus nod his head slightly.

"May I get your attention for a moment."

Everybody quieted down, letting Elijah speak.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us."

He paused for a second before continuing.

"You know whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance."

In the very back you can hear, if you have supernatural hearing, two vampires talking.

"You seeing what I'm seeing."

"Oh yeah-"

"Let's pick a slow sentimental song. So if all of you please find yourselves a partner. Please join us in the bowl."

Klaus was behind Stiles in seconds, holding his waist.

"May I have this dance love."

He looked at his parents, seeing them nod their heads in approval.

He turned around and gave him his claw jewelry hand and bowed slightly.

"You may."

A/n: Start music

They went to the dance floor and stepped away from each other.

Stiles slowly bent one leg while Klaus's hands were behind his back.

With each step going towards each other, they hit every beat.

Stiles put his clawed hand on Klaus's chest and slowly went down until he was bowing.

He put his hand on his waist, going upward, with Klaus doing the same.

Both circled each other slowly.

Klaus put one hand on Stiles's waist while holding one of Stiles's hands, making Stiles put his other hand on his shoulder.

Klaus walked forward making Stiles walk backward.

"Κάτι σχεδιάζουν Κλάους."

Translate: They planning something Klaus

Klaus twisted their body slightly on every beat.

"Φιν και Έστερ??"

Translate: Finn and Esther??

Stiles nodded his head. Klaus picked the hand he was holding high and spun Stiles around slowly.

Stiles kicks his leg up high before bending it and Klaus dipping to the right once bent.

He spun Stiles around before pulling him back.

"Η μαμά ήθελε να ακολουθήσω το ένστικτό μου γιατί δεν είναι ποτέ λάθος."

Translate: Mama wanted me to follow my gut because it's never wrong.

Klaus straighten their hands out, slightly marching to the left.

"Είσαι δυνατή αγάπη. Πρέπει ή σου λείπει κάτι μεγάλο."

Translate: You are powerful love. You have to or you going to miss something big.

He spins Stiles slowly again while saying that.

He had his left hand behind his back and right hand behind Stiles's head, leaning Stiles backward.

Once up, Stiles seductively moved his hands around his upper body before pressing his back against Klaus front and giving him his clawed hand.

They slowly but surely marched to the right.

"Θα είμαι εκεί για εσάς όταν συμβεί."

Translate: I will be there for you when it happens.

Klaus put his arm around Stiles, still holding his hand, and bringing it back. He did it one more time, making Stiles now face him.

"Θα είμαι πάντα εκεί για σένα αγάπη."

Translate: I will always be there for you love.

Klaus turned Stiles back where he was before separating his body away from his, still holding his hand.

He twirled him around before pulling him in and dipping him.

Stiles had his clawed hand out behind his back while Klaus held him.

He slowly brings the both of them up, smiling lovingly at each other.

"Θα είναι καλό στο τέλος. Υπόσχομαι."

Translate: It will be good at the end. I promise.

Stiles had put his clawed hand on Klaus's chest yet again.

Klaus picks Stiles up and spins them around.

They were now in the outside partner position, turning slightly at every beat.

Stiles slowly and slightly twisted his body before straightening back up.

Klaus put one leg behind Stiles's leg and dipped him again.

Still holding each other, once up, they started to go into circles.

Looking at each other in the eye, Stiles wrapped his right leg around Kalus's left leg, bent his other leg and Klaus dipped him again.

"Σε ερωτεύομαι."

Translate: I'm falling for you.

Stiles lifted one leg in the air before going down, along with the leg that was up.

"Ήδη σε ερωτεύτηκα, αγάπη μου."

Translate: I already fell for you, love.

Stokes wrapped his arm behind Klaus's neck, leaving his other arm to his side. While Klaus wrapped his arm around his waist, doing the same with his other arm.

Stiles slowly slid his hand down before Stiles turned, making them stand side by side, one arm around each other waist now, both walking backward.

They pulled apart a second before Klaus is spinning Stiles right back to him.

Once back, Klaus lifted one of Stiles's legs up and dipped him, both Stiles's hands out.

Slowly but surely, Stiles came back up, Klaus still holding his leg up and Stikes wrapping his arms around Klaus.

Stiles lifted his other leg and put it on Klaus's shoulder, Klaus spinning them around slowly.

Stiles put his leg back to the ground and Klaus slowly put Stiles to the ground.

Klaus pulled Stiles back towards him before slowly turning him around so his back was facing him.

Stiles clawed hand slowly went behind Klaus's head, seductively moving his hips.

Klaus put one hand on his waist and the other behind his back, leaning forward.

Klaus twisted and turned Stiles back around.

Once face to face, Klaus put the hand that was behind his back under Stiles's leg, lifting him up.

Stiles put his other leg on top of Klaus's arm that was attached to the hand he was holding his leg.

Klaus dipped Stiles once more, still in that position before grabbing his waist and spin him around slowly. While doing that, he slowly but delicately put him back on the ground.

They both circled each other before Klaus was twirling Stiles in a circle.

He pulled Stiles back and dipped him once more.

Stiles put his clawed hand on Klaus's chest and his other hand behind his head.

Klaus had his hands wrapped around his hip and waist.

Once he did that, everybody around them started clapping.

They looked at each other in the eye lovingly, breathing slightly hard, before Stiles started talking.

"Let's go speak to my parents."

2655 Words

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