Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

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Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time


1.6K 26 6
By 17blackcherry

Harry- 17 (mental age about 3)
Louis- 20
Niall- 19
Zayn- 19

I thought this posted on Halloween but it didn't, oops 😬


"Lili, wakey, wakey." Harry poked Liam in the cheek to wake him up. He knew it was too early to get out of bed but, he had a good reson to be awake. It was Halloween! He couldn't wait to get dressed up and Louis told him they would carve pumpkins too. He was just too excited to sleep!

Liam opened his eyes, "Haz, why are you out of bed? Don't you remember the rules?"

Harry nodded agressively. "Sorry, Lili. I's jus' so esited fur lalloween!"

Liam chuckled and sat up in bed. "I think you mean Halloween, Bubba."

Harry giggled, that's what he said! Silly Liam!

"Where's Boo?"

"Still sleepin'," Harry told him. He climbed up into Liam's bed and cuddled into his side, he was still kind of tired but he didn't want to go back to bed.

Liam wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder. "How come you didn't wake him up?"

Harry rubbed his tired eyes, it was only about 6:00 am and he always slept (or laid in bed until someone came to get him) until 8:00. "Boo's a meanie when I wake 'im up," Harry said.

"Ah, I see. SO you woke me up instead." Liam laughed and ran a hand through Harry's hair. He really wanted to try to get him back to sleep for at least another hour or he'd be pretty grumpy later.

"Muh-huh, Lili's nice in da mornin's!" Harry kissed Liam's cheek quickly.

"Well, how about we go downstairs and I can make you a nice baba and we can watch a show."

Harry nodded. Liam stood up and, of course, Harry lifted his arms up to be carried. The boys really were trying to break the habit of carrying him but sometimes it was easier because Harry liked to wander off in public and he could be a slow walker sometimes too.

They got to the top of the stairs and were about to head down when Harry said, "Wait!"

"What's up, Bubs?"

"Can we go get me soothie and Jerry, pwease?" Harry asked.

"Of course we can!" Liam was happy to hear this, usually when he asked for his pacifier during the day he was tired so Liam knew he could get him back to sleep.

Once the pacifier was secure in Harry's mouth and Jerry, his stuffed bunny was safe under his arm, they went downstairs and got his bottle ready.

Liam sat down on the couch with his legs stretched out and Harry lay on top of him, drinking the bottle and watching Doc McStuffins with glossy eyes.

Eventually, Harry took his bottle out of his mouth and handed it to Liam. It was still half full so Liam asked, "Are you done, or do you want me to feed you?"

"Done, Lili."

Liam watched as Harry picked up the soother and put it in his mouth, hugging Jerry tight. Liam rubbed his back in soft circles and layed quietly until Harry drifted off again.


When Louis woke up and went to find Harry, he wasn't in his bed.  

He went downstairs and found Liam on the couch, watching Paw Patrol. Harry was asleep on his chest, soother bobbing in his mouth and stuffed rabbit loosly in his hands.

"Catching up on Paw Patrol?" Louis teased.

"He woke me up at six because he was excited for 'lalloween'," Liam whispered, using airquotes on lalloween. "He asked for his pacifier though, so I gave him a bottle and he fell back to sleep."

Louis chuckled and shook his head fondly. Harry was always such a positive lad, always excited about something.

Suddenly, a small groan was heard from Harry. He lifted his head a little, his hair was wild and his eyes were half closed still.

"Morning, Bug!" Louis smiled and walked closer.

Harry didn't say anything, just sat up and lifted his arms out to Louis. Louis picked him up and bounced him on his hip. "Still a little sleepy?" He asked.

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and nodded.

"Too sleepy to make pancakes and carve pumpkins?"

This perked him up.

"We do punkins?" He asked excitedly past his soother.

"We sure will, Bubba. Just gotta have breakfast first."

Harry clapped his hands together and smiled at Louis from behind his pacifier.

"Can I get a kissy first?" Louis asked. Harry leaned forward and pressed his pacifier against Louis' mouth and giggled.


After Harry helped wake the other two boys and breakfast was eaten, it was time for pumpkin carving!

Harry had made sure to pick out the best pumpkins when he went to the store with Niall and Louis the day before and he had been waiting to carve them in 'funny faces' (his words) all morning.

"Alrighty, pumpkin, let's carve pumpkins," Niall said, ruffling Harry's hair.

Harry giggled, "I not a punkin, Nini!"

"Oops, sorry, pumpkin!" Niall teased, laughing at Harry's pout.

"What face do you want on your pumpkin, bubs?" Louis asked.

"A nice one. Not too scary, Boo," Harry said.

Only Harry would want a 'nice' pumpkin. "I think we can do that," Louis reassured him.

"I wan' 'im to be smiley!" Harry told him.

Louis laughed at his big smile. "How about we have Zee draw you out a big, smiley pumpkin?"

Harry nodded, Zayn had been put in charge of drawing the designs on the pumpkins because he was the only one who had any artistic talents.

"Zee, can you dwaw a smiley on my punkin, pwease?" Harry asked.

"Of course I can!" Zayn pinched Harry's cheek gently and started drawing. "How's that, bub?"

Harry looked at the face very closely before answering, "Looks so good, Zee!"

"I'm glad you like it," Zayn chuckled.

Harry looked back to Louis, "What we doin' now, Boo?"

"Now, we have to scoop the pumpkins guts out," Louis told him.

Harry made a face, "That yucky, Boo!"

"I'll help you, it'll be okay."

Louis cut the top off the pumpkin, making sure Harry, who was very curious, stayed away from the knife.

Once the top was off, Louis showed Harry how to scoop all the pulp out and Harry had a funny, disgusted look.

"I fink you do that part, Boo," Harry said finally.

All the boy laughed at the boy's sassiness. "But, Bubba, it's your pumpkin. You gotta help."

Harry sighed and said, "I try but you gotsta move my shirt first."

He held him arms out for Louis to roll his sleeves up but Louis just decided it would be easier to take the shirt off. They hadn't gotten him dressed for the day yet becasue they knew pumpkin carving would end in a bath anyway.

Harry hesitantly stuck his hand inside the pumpkin and squealed when his hand touched something cold and gooey.

He ripped his hand from the pumpkin, bringing a few guts out with it.

Niall was laughing hard at this point but Harry didn't notice. He just looked at Louis with a grumpy face.

"Don' like, Boo!"

"I have an idea," Louis said. He went and got a big spoon from the drawer.

"How about you use the spoon to scoop it," Louis said.

"M'kay, I twy." Harry took the spoon and stuck it inside the pumpkin.

When he pulled it back out, there was only a small bit of pulp on the spoon. Louis knew it would take all day if they let him keep going so, he stuck his hands inside and started scooping too.

Finally, after about an hour of pumpkin carving (and fighting with Harry about using the knife), they were all done.

"We gonna put light in it?" Harry asked while Louis carried him up to the bathroom for a much needed bath.

"Yep, we'll put candles in them later," Louis said. "When it's dark, we can do it."

"M'kay," Harry nodded.


Later that afternoon, Harry was lying on his stomach colouring in his new halloween colouring book.

"Boooo," Harry whined, rolling onto his back and looking up at Louis on the couch.

"What's up, Haz?"

"We gonna put my cos'ume on?"

Louis smirked, he knew they'd be bugged about it sooner or later. "We can but why don't we wait until later when we go to Jeff's house," Louis said.

The boys wanted to take Harry trick ot treating but they knew he might get some funny looks if he showed up at peoples doorstep. He may not act too old but he was getting a little too big to not be questioned about his age.

The boys didn't care, as long as Harry was happy but they knew a lot of people weren't as understanding and when they made comments it tended to bum Harry out and they didn't want him to be sad when he was so excited for the day.

So, in leiu of trick or treating, Jeff Azoff and his wife Glenne were having some people over for a costume party. They had decided on a group costume, Harry was dressed as his favourite movie character, Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz.

The rest of them were all going as the rest of the characters too. Niall was the scarecrow, Liam was the coawrdly lion, Zayn the tin man, and Louis was 'The Great and Powerful Oz'.

Harry had seen the Dorothy costume in the store and had gotten so excited about the pretty dress that they knew they had to buy it for him. He hadn't stopped talking about it since, telling everyone how he was 'gonna be Dofy' and that he got to wear shiny shoes.

"We pwease do it now?" Harry asked.

Louis sighed, "Well, since you asked so nicely, I suppose we can." It wasn't long until they had to get ready to go anyway and if Harry was ready, it would be faster for the rest of them to get ready.

Harry jumped up and clapped his hands excitedly. He ran up to his room with Louis close behind.

"Alright, my little Dorothy," Louis said, getting Harry's costume out.

He helped Harry into a pull up quickly because he knew Harry would probably be too excited to remember to listen to his body and ask to go to the bathroom so, it was easier than ruining the costume and ending the night in tears.

Next, he got the red tights on and the frilly bottoms (A/N I know they have a name but I can not for the life of me think of it).

Finally, the dress went on and the sparly red converse Niall had found. Harry jumped up and down and spun around in the dress.

"I pwetty, Boobear?" He asked with wide eyes.

"You're very pretty, Hazza," Louis assured him. "Should we go put some face paint on now too?"

"Paint face, paint face!" Harry giggled again.

Louis picked him up and walked to the bathroom. He wasn't any good at makeup but, he had watched some youtube videos just for Harry, because he wanted him to look as adorable as possible.

He sat Harry down on the bathroom counter and dug out the blush for his cheeks and some other things too.

While Louis rubbed the blush onto his cheeks, Harry giggled and swung his dangling feet back and forth against the counter.

"Does thats tickle, bubs?" Louis laughed.

"Tickly, Boo!"

"Well, I think we're done. Now, for the final touch!" Louis booped Harry's nose.

He pulled out a bow that matched the dress and clipped it into his hair.

"All done!"

"I see the miwow, pwease, Boo?"

Louis helped him turn around and face the mirror.

"I wook so pwetty!" Harry squealed. This made Louis beyond happy. If Harry was happy, they were all happy.

"You do, my love! Shall we go show the boys?" Harry nodded agressively and as soon as Louis helped him from the counter, he was off.


"Let's get going, everyone!" Liam called. They were all getting into their costumes and getting ready to leave for Jeff's house.

"C'mon, Nini!" Harry tugged Niall's arm, he was sitting on the couch in his costume and Harry was trying to get him up and out the door.

"I'm comin', calm down, calm down," Niall sighed, standing up and taking Harry's hand.

Once everyone was ready, they got Harry buckled into his seat and they were off to the party.

The whole way there, Harry sang Over the Rainbow, his favourite song from the movie and talked about how much candy he was going to eat.

When they got to Jeff's house, Louis got Harry out of his seat and held him on his hip.

"Harry, can you look at me please?" Louis said quietly.

Harry looked into Louis' eyes.

"Now, please listen, I want you to be on your best behaviour tonight," Louis said sternly. "That means no shouting, no pouting and don't do anything you know Boo or Li or Zayn or Nini would get upset about. Got it?"

"Gots it, Boo!" Harry nodded quickly.

They all walked into the house when Glenne opened the door.

"Look at you all!" She smiled.

"I Dofy, Glenney!" Harry told her excitedly.

"You make a very pretty Dorothy, honey!"

Harry giggled and hid his face in Louis' shoulder, all of a sudden getting shy.

"Come in and have a seat, make yourselves at home," Jeff said, walking up behind his wife.

They all walked to the livingroom and Harry climbed into Louis' lap. He was already a little sleepy from being awake so early and doing all the fun activities but, he was vcery excited about the party.

Louis rubbed his back gently, all the boys knew it would most likely be an early night for them all.

"Is someone sleepy already?" Glenne asked, tickling Harry's leg a little.

"Not sleepy, Glenney, jus' restin' for the party!"

"Oh, I see." Glenne laughed and shook her head fondly.


It didn't take long for everyone to show up. There were some great costumes but everyone's favourite was Harry's.

Lou and Lux had shown up and Lux and Harry were off playing or eating candy while the rest of the adults laughed and chatted.

"Luxie, who're you dwessed as?" Harry asked.

"I'm a witch," She told him.

"A mean witch?" Harry asked nervously.

"No, silly! A nice one."

Harry relaxed again.

"We gotta go get some candy," Lux said.

"B-but, Lili and Boo say I no have candy wif out 'em," Harry told her. He did really want candy but he'd promised Louis he'd be good.

"C'mon, Harry. It'll be fine!" She assured him.

Harry didn't want to be bad but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted candy so they went to the kitchen.


Lux had found a way to sneak a whole bowl of candy out of the kitchen without anyone noticing.

"We gonna eat this all?" Harry asked in shock. He was never allowed more than a piece of candy at a time at home, how was he going to eat the whole bowl?

"We can try." Lux smiled greedily at the bowl in front of them.

Harry wasn't too sure but he didn't want to be a party pooper so, they started at the candy.


"Have either of you seen Harry?" Liam asked Louis and Niall a while later.

"He was playing with Lux upstairs last I saw," Niall told him.

"Alright, it's getting sort of late, we should get going soon. Don't want to deal with a grumpy boy tomorrow," Liam said.

"We'll go in a while. There hasn't been any tears yet so, I think we're still good for a while," Louis said, sipping his drink.

Liam shrugged, "Guess you're right."

The boys kept talking for a while until Lux came running into the room.

"Louis, Harry needs you!" She tugged Louis' shirt and he stood up.

"What's going on?" He asked. Lux looked worried but also a bit guilty.

The pair started walking upstairs to where she and Harry had been playing, followed by Liam (worried about him as usual).

"I-I'm sorry," Lux looked up at them. "I thought it would be fun to get some candy and so we ate it all and now Hazzie's crying cause he's got a tummy ache."

"Shit." Louis heard Liam mumble under his breath.

"How much did you eat, Lux?" Louis asked, walking a bit faster to go comfort Harry.

"We ate the whole bowl." She sounded so upset over it and Louis couldn't really be too mad because it was Harry who'd eaten too much and gotten the tummy ache.

"Alright, let's go find him and I think it's time to go home," Liam said.

When they got to the room, they found Harry laying on the floor curled in a ball, clutching his stomach and sniffling.

"Oh, Haz, what's happened?" Louis asked, crouching down beside him and pulling him into his lap. Lux, feeling a bit upset for her friend, left to go find her own mummy.

"B-boo!" He sobbed.

"Shh, your tummy hurts doesn't it?" Louis asked softly.

Harry nodded and cried into Louis' chest. "S-sowwy! Eated too much candy!"

"No, no, it's alright, Baby. But, now you know why we don't let you have so much at home right?" Harry nodded and sniffed.

"Do you think you're going to be sick or does it just hurt?" Liam asked, crouching down too.

"J'us huwts, Lili."

"Should we go home and have some tummy rubs in bed?" Louis asks. Harry nodded.

Louis stood up with Harry in his arms and carried him downstairs. They didn't run into anyone on the way out but, Liam made sure to get the others and thank Jeff and Glenne for the party.

"Alright, let's get you buckled in, my love," Louis cooed to Harry as he got him into the car.

The rest of the boys were quick to get in the car as well so they could get Harry home.

He didn't fall asleep the whole way home and made Louis rub his tummy the entire drive.

When they got home, Louis took him upstairs and got them both out of their costumes and into comfy clothes while Zayn made him a warm bottle.

Once they were changed and had gotten Harry's bottle, sutffed animal, soother and blanket, they set up camp in Louis' bed for the night.

Louis fed him the bottle and rubbed small circles on Harry's sore tummy. Once Harry was mostly done the bottle and his eye were drooping shut, Louis replaced the bottle with the soother.

"Did you have a good Halloween, Bug?" Louis asked softly.

"Da bestest 'lalloween evew!" He told him.

"Really? Even with your sore tummy?" Louis asked.

"Da candy was yummy." Harry smiled sleepily up at Louis.

Louis laughed and pulled Harry into his body and they fell asleep.

I'm so sorry this is like two weeks late lmao I swore it posted on Halloween.
Anyway, hope anyone who celebrates had a good halloween and enjoyed the story!

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