Beach Days (kidfic)

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Harry- 5

Louis- 28 (Daddy/ Dad)

Liam- 30 (Papa)

Niall- 16 

Summary: Harry is excited to go to the beach and has an exciting morning getting ready


Today the whole family was going to the beach! Harry was so excited it took Louis and Liam almost an hour to get him to bed last night and they were hoping he would sleep in in the morning so he wouldn't be grumpy but they had no such luck. 

"Daddy! Papa! Get up, it's beach Day!" Harry ran into Daddy and Papa's room yelling. He was so excited to get to the beach and swim in the lake and build sandcastles. 

Louis groaned and sat up on his elbows to look at his clock: 6:30am.

"Hazza, I know you're excited but can you come lay with Daddy and Papa and try to rest a little more so you can be at the beach longer?" Louis asked.

"But Daddy, it's beach day." He groaned. "I so esited for beach day!" 

Louis knew he wasn't going to get the little boy to sleep so he left Liam to sleep in and got out of bed and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and picked up Harry. "Let's go get some breakfast and you can watch some tv until Ni and Papa get up." Louis told him.

"Otay Daddy!" He replied. 

Louis poured him a bowl of cereal and sat him down in front of the couch so he could get himself a much needed cup of coffee. 

"Can I watch Spongebob, please?" Harry asked. 

"Yes you can, Bug. I'll turn it on for you." Louis told him as he flipped through the channels until he came to an episode of Spongebob. 

Louis left the boy to eat his cereal and went to the kitchen to get his coffee before starting breakfast for Liam and Niall. He made some pancake batter and got bacon out of the fridge. He looked at the clock and saw that it was now 7:30 and he knew Liam would be up soon and they would have to drag Niall out of bed as always. 

He started cooking and about twenty minutes later, he heard footsteps, Liam's, coming downstairs. 

"Morning, Babe," Louis heard him say. 

"Morning, Baby. How'd you sleep?" Louis asked while Liam poured himself coffee. 

"Good. Why are you up so early?" He asked. 

Before Louis could answer, the reason he was up so early came running into the kitchen. 

"Daddy, Daddy! I gotta wee!" Harry yelled. 

"Woah, okay, Bubba. Calm down, lets go to the toilet," Louis chuckled while Harry ran to the bathroom as he followed. 

When the pair came out of the bathroom, Liam had taken over cooking. Louis lifted Harry on to one of the chairs at the counter and then went to help Liam. "We going to the beach now, Papa?" Harry asked. 

"Harry is very excited to go to the beach today," Louis told Liam. Liam chuckled and shook his head. 

"No, not yet, Hazzy," Liam told him. Harry let out a dramatic sigh and threw his arms up, "We never gonna get to have beach day!" 

"If you want to get going sooner, why don't you and Daddy go wake up Nialler," Liam suggested. 

"Oh yeah, lets go!" Harry jumped off his chair and ran towards the stairs. 

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