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Louis woke up to a loud sneeze. It wasn't him that sneezed, though. It was the little boy who used to be asleep beside him. Louis rolled over and found Harry sitting up in the bed rubbing his nose against his sleeve. 

"Haz, you alright?" He asked sleepily. 

Harry jumped a little at the voice, he was half asleep himself. "Boo, I 'neezed!" He whined tiredly. 

Louis sat up a little and rubbed Harry's back, "I heard, honey. Are you feeling alright?" Louis knew he was probably fine, but he still worried about the young boy sometimes. 

"M'ead 'urts, Boo," Harry sighed. Louis reached over and turned on the lamp beside the bed, it was 7:30, so everyone would be getting up soon anyway. Louis figured Harry wasn't sick or anything, he knew it was most likely his allergies flaring up because it was summer. 

He heard Harry sniffle and looked over to see tears running down his face. 

"Oh, honeybear, c'mere to Boo," Louis reached out and pulled the sniffly boy into his lap. Harry's allergies were always really hard on him, he constantly had a runny nose or irritated eyes or a sore throat, sometimes his ears hurt too, and when it got really bad, he had all those symptoms at the same time. 

"I no feel good, Boo!" Harry sobbed, his baby talk getting more prominent as he got more upset. 

"Shh, I know you don't feel good, bug." Louis rocked them back and forth gently. 

Harry's brain wasn't developed like other people his age, so he needed a lot of extra help with basic things but it also meant his go-to reaction to anything was tears because he just didn't know any other way to express himself.  

Harry buried his face in Louis' chest (definitely getting snot all over the place) and moved one of his hands up to pull at his ear. 

"Is your ear hurting you too, Hazza?" Louis cooed. 

He felt Harry nod into his chest and Louis sighed. He knew this would only last for a couple days, but there wasn't a lot anyone could do for Harry while it was happening. Cold medicine didn't do a lot because he wasn't actually sick and Harry's allergy pills didn't do anything right away either. 

"How about we go get some medicine to stop the pain in your ears and then we can get a bit of breakfast before the rest of the boys wake up?" Louis suggested softly to Harry. 

Harry nodded again and sat back a little bit, rubbing his teary eyes with his fists. "C'n I 'ave a pacy, pwease?" Harry asked quietly. 

Louis sighed, they were trying to cut back on Harry's pacifier use during the day because they didn't want it to become a bad habit again, but he wasn't feeling well and was probably looking for some kind of self-soothing method. Louis nodded, "You can have it after you take all your medicine like a good boy, alright?" 

Harry perked up a bit at the thought of getting to show Louis how good he could be. 

Louis got out of bed with Harry on his hip and carried him into the on suite bathroom where most of Harry's things were kept because Harry spent the most time with Louis. He set the boy down on the sink counter and rummaged through a drawer until he found Tylenol and Harry's allergy medicine.  

"Alright, here we go bubba, drink this whole cup and then you chew this one," Louis said as he passed a cup full of liquid Tylenol to the boy who made a grossed out face. 

"Yucky," Harry whined. 

"Hey, bug, remember what boo said you could have if you took all your medicine like a big boy?" 

"Paccy," Harry mumbled. 

"That's right!" Louis smiled. "Now, do you think you can drink all of that and then we'll get the paccy?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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