Home Sick

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This was a request from @theharrytomlinson  Hope you enjoy!

Louis- 24
Niall- 22
Harry- 13 (mentally younger) 


"Harry, time to go to school!" Louis called from the bottom of the stairs. 

Harry appeared at the top of the stairs and walked slowly down the stairs. It seemed like he was purposely walking slowly to waste time. 

"Still a little sleepy this morning, bubba? You're going slow today," Louis said. Usually Harry would be the one rushing Louis to get in the car, he loved school and always wanted to be there and he was always so excited to go and learn and play with his friends for the day. 

"Don' wanna go ta' s'cool, Boo," Harry whined. Truthfully, he wasn't feeling great but he didn't understand why so he didn't tell anyone. 

"But you love school, Haz! You'll have so much fun today, I promise!" Louis tried to sound more cheerful to hopefully bring Harry's mood up a bit. 

"Mm-mm." Harry shook his head. 

"Why the grumpiness this morning, Bug? Is everything okay?" Louis asked, getting a little concerned. 

Harry just walked the rest of the way down the stairs and plopped down on the floor to put his shoes on. Louis chuckled at his actions and grabbed Harry's backpack off the hook. 

"Are we all set then?" Louis asked when Harry'd put his shoes on. Harry just shrugged and took his bag from Louis. 

Louis opened the door and led Harry out. Other then them, Liam was the only one up but he had to leave for an early meeting so they left Niall and Zayn to sleep and left for Harry's school. 

The car ride over was pretty quiet, no one talking but the person on the radio. Louis keeps looking back to Harry in the rear view mirror and sees him rubbing his stomach sometimes. Louis just assumes he's got a bit of a tummy ache from breakfast because he usually does and he's been taken to a doctor for it. 

When they get to school, Louis unbuckles Harry from his car seat and helps him out, grabbing his back pack from the seat beside and taking Harry's hand in his own. 

"Let's go, love!" Louis says cheerfully. 

Harry smiles a bit which puts some of Louis' worries at ease. When they get to the front doors, Louis walks Harry to his class. Harry was put in a class for people who learn at a slower pace (I don't know how to describe it and I don't want to offend anyone, sorry if I do!!)  

He was in a regular classroom for a while when he still lived in Cheshire with Anne but she quickly realized that Harry was getting overwhelmed and wasn't actually learning anything so they made the change immediately and Harry was loving school now. 

Louis walked Harry to his class every day because the boy always had so much trouble getting around the school by himself and he just needed a bit of help. When they got to his class Louis crouched down and gave Harry a hug. 

"Have an amazing day, lovey! I'll be here to pick you up as soon as school is over," Louis tells him. 

"Don't wanna go, Louis," Harry mumbles into Louis' shoulder. 

"You'll have so much fun! You get to play with Isla and Wyatt and you'll learn so much that you can come home and tech the boys and I," Louis says. 

Harry sighs and grabs Louis' hand again, "C'n you come in with me?" 

"I'll come in with you and say hello to Mrs. Stacey." Louis agrees, knowing Harry was just having a moment. 

Louis opened the door and they walked in together, Harry's tummy was still really hurting but he didn't want to tell Louis in case he made him go to the doctors again, he really didn't like the doctor's office. 

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