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This was a request from @theharrytomlinson hope you enjoy!

(I don't know if I need to put this here or not but I will: TW: this chapter is about COVID-19, if the subject is triggering please don't read. Also, I don't know a lot about the covid rules for my country let alone england so if I got any of the isolation protocols and stuff wrong just ignore it and know that i don't know what I'm talking about) 

Louis- 20
Niall- 18
Harry- 17 (young mental age) 

Summary: Harry gets COVID and has to isolate. Louis isolates with him. 


"That fever's pretty bad, Hazzbear," I sigh, looking at the thermometer I'd just taken out of Harry's mouth. 

"Don' feel good, Boo," Harry whines. He's been sick for a couple days and it hasn't really gotten better. 

Liam had to take him for a COVID test two days ago because we needed it ruled out. He had almost all the symptoms so it wasn't looking like the test was coming back negative. 

Harry had been told to isolate until he got his test results back. Because of Harry's mental disability, one of us had to isolate with him in a room and the rest of the boys just had to stay home in case Harry was positive. 

Of course, I'd been the one to isolate with Harry. We were in my bedroom because there was more space, a bathroom, a TV and Harry's room had a small bed. 

So, we'd packed up all of Harry's diapers, pacifiers, bottles, a kettle to warm water for formula and Harry's comfort items and locked ourselves in my room. 

Harry was really clingy (he was always really clingy but being sick made it worse). He didn't want me to be anywhere but in the bed. 

He was very very tired and slept most of the day. He was also having so much trouble breathing we'd had to use in inhaler so often. 

"Should we turn a movie on, Bubs?" I ask, rubbing his back soothingly and trying to keep him calm. He had been crying earlier, he was just so confused and sick and tired and overwhelmed and it cause him to have a massive coughing fit. 

"Mhm." Harry nods. 

"What should we turn on?" 


Harry's been going through a Muppet's phase recently (I can't complain though, it's way better than the Frozen phase in my opinion). 

I turn on one of the Muppet movies and put a pacifier in his mouth. I reach over and hand him his comfort blanket and he starts to rub the material over his cheek. 

It doesn't take long for Harry to fall asleep, COVID was kicking his butt. I turn on something else for a while and just hold him. 

I'm not really supposed to be this close to Harry but it was impossible to be isolating with him and not be close to him, he needed the comfort and I wasn't going to just sit in a corner of the room and watch him suffer on his own. I had been wearing a mask the whole time and I was vaccinated so the health unit said we would be alright as long as I didn't go out too soon after Harry's isolation. 

Harry slept for almost three hours before I woke him up so he could have his bottle and take his puffer. 

"Bubba, can you open those pretty eyes for me, love?" I coo softly. 

Harry groans and rubs at his eyes, he looks so sick and tired. 

"There's those pretty eyes I love so much!" I say cheerily, trying to get him to wake up some more. "I've got a bottle for you and then we've got to do your inhaler again, honey." 

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