The Surrogate

By Greyfictions

748K 35.1K 6.8K

"I want to be a dad but I don't want a woman" Despite having everything one could ever Dream of he wasn't sa... More

6 Re-Union
7- Not Your Slave
8- I care for you.
9- New Friend
10- Appointment
11- Am I wrong?
12- Tears of guilt
13 Pasta? or Burger?
14 Apology accepted
15- Yun?
16- Car keys
17- Change of heart
18- Inner conflicts
19- Trust
20- Hot flash
21- Shopping day!
22- ASD
23 - M..m..ommi..
24- Forehead kisses
25- My first love
26 - I told you
27- Bonding
28- Surgery?
29- Perfect family
30- Morning sickness
31- I am ready
32- Scared to love
33- Hidden talent
34- Pizza party!
35- painful past
36- Myself Yoo Bam!
38- She is back?!
39- Leaving
40- can't afford heartbreak
41- family?
42- A broken mess
43- New Life
44- Mother
45- Small world
46- The choice
47- Family
48- The surgery
49- Vulnerable Confession
50-Not ready?
51- Finally!
52- Welcome Back!

37- Two inner demons

9.8K 523 63
By Greyfictions

Namjoon's POV~

"Hyung , she isn't home yet?" Taehyung came running along with Lily.

"Ajhumma did she tell you something?" Lily asked Nara. 

"No, we had lunch and then I went to sleep. I was feeling a little coughy so I had some medicine and slept. I only woke up after Namjoon returned." Nara answered in a regretful tone.

"It's okay aunty. Don't be sad she will be back soon" Lily said trying to sound hopeful. 

I checked my watch. It has been an hour since I returned home and God knows when she left the house. I was trying to not be paranoid, she was a grown woman who had spent all her life alone taking care of herself. I tried reasoning that she might have forgotten her phone by mistake. Maybe nara was asleep so she went for a walk but nothing really helped . With every passing second I just grew even more anxious and scared. 

I hadn't felt this kind of emotions in a long time, there was this unsettling feeling of sudden fear . Fear of not being able to see her again, fear of something bad happening to her. 

" No no it won't work like this ." I turned to Taehyung who seemed to be calling a few numbers along with Lily. "Tae let's go. We can't just sit back and wait. Let's go and ask around" 

"Okay" Taehyung nodded. 

"I will come with y'all too" Lily stood up too.

"No need Lily. I am here" 

End of his POV~

You stumbled two steps back by the force his body collided into you. Hadn't it been for his tight grip around your body you might as well have fallen on the floor due to the impact. 

"Where the hell were you yn?!! And why didn't you take your phone? Do you even know how scared-"

His index finger gilded under your chin raising your head.

"Why are your eyes red? Were you crying? What happened yn?" A sudden panic hit him when he noticed your pale face. 

"Babe what happened ? Are you okay? Where did you go?" Lily asked worriedly. 

"I..I am okay guys. I just left for a walk . You know na how moody I am these days. I sat on the park bench to take a rest but somehow began overthinking and my hormones seemed to be all over the place forcing me to cry and then I didn't even realise how time passed. So sorry for making you all worried." 

Your words seemed very unconvincing to all of them but thankfully no one pressed further. 

"You don't have to say sorry yn but you really made us all so worried. Please carry your phone without forgetting."

"Yeah I will keep that in my mind from now on. Sorry but I feel tired. I am going up , Lily I will text you later. I want to test now" 

Your weird behaviour was pretty obvious to everyone there. After you, even Lily and Taehyung left . 


Namjoon slowly entered your room but you were already asleep, your back facing him.

"Yn, I know you aren't sleeping and are just acting. I can't speak for others but I could see it in your eyes that whatever you said earlier wasn't true. You don't know how to lie. I won't force you ofcourse but just know that I am always here . If nothing more than I will just listen to whatever you have to speak. It helps talking to people . " 

Namjoon waited a few minutes hoping you would say anything, if nothing at least turn around and let him see your face. He knew it, he knew you weren't asleep yet. He didn't miss how you immediately turned the other way the moment you heard the door opening. 

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything. I will be going but I hope you talk to someone, anyone if not me. It's really hard seeing you this way. Good night yn. "

With a very heavy heart Namjoon left the room. He wished he could just hold you and help you through whatever was bothering you. 

You removed the palm once you heard the door shut from your mouth, you had placed it so that he couldn't hear  your sobs . Burying your face in the pillow you let your tears fall free along with some muffled sobs. 

Is it some kind of game? 

Am I  a toy? 

Why is god playing such games with me? 

I was doing okay on my own, but why did he come ?

I don't want him .... It's so frustrating because I want to hate him, yell , scream and shout on his face but I can't...I just can't. 

Next morning~

Although he didn't want to, especially after whatever happened last night Namjoon had to leave for office quite early. He had a very important client coming from the US and he couldn't just stay home. 

You didn't leave room by the time Namjoon left , he tried to convince you to have breakfast with him but you just declined, excusing you weren't hungry even though you hadn't eaten last night either.

"Yn, I am sorry I don't want to but unfortunately I have some important work today so I am leaving now. Eat something when you feel like, you hadn't had your dinner too. I will try my best to be back as soon as I can. Take care. Bbye" Namjoon said standing outside your door. 

"Kay, bbye." Was all he got as reply but he was glad that you atleast spoke something. 

Namjoon didn't feel quite right leaving you alone  especially when you  seemed so off. He knew something was bothering you. So he decided to call Taehyung , he asked him if he could come visit you while he was away and thankfully Taehyung was about to get off in a few hours. 








Sitting in the tub filled with water you revisited the conversation you had yesterday. 

How is it possible?

"Yn, you are my princess see , see these yourself. You don't remember me but I do.... Believe me Yn, If you still don't believe me I can prove it" 

You suck a deep breath , everything felt so surreal and so fictional like some movie. You were having a hard time processing everything that was thrown to you without a warning. 

Yes, a large part of you was still so unsure and hesitant but a tiny portion of you knew it was true. Everything was in front of your eyes. 

You were distracted from your thoughts by the soft grumble coming from your own stomach. 

"I am sorry my sweet bun.... From yesterday I have been so lost in my own problems that I completely ignored you, and you needs. I am sorry I became selfish, my bunnie must be feeling hungry right? Let me quickly get out and wear some clothes then we can have some amazing breakfast cooked by Nara. She makes really tasty food doesn't she? I can tell that you really like them because I eat them so much more than I did earlier. Well it's normal since you are growing , I can see you have become so big. You are 5 months old now. We all are so excited to meet you, Lily aunty even bought two pairs of shoes yesterday, you know what she said? She said she wanted to buy so many clothes in fact she even searched through so many of them but she doesn't know if you are she/he . So she bought those shoes because they were gender neutral. They are so cute, I instantly fell in love with them. I am sure you will like them too. Now that I think of it, it your first shopping, yes neither have I or Namjoon bought anything for you, so technically it's your first item. ..........." 

And just like always talking to the baby you forgot everything. All your worries and thoughts just vanished into the thin air. 

I am sure she will be ecstatic seeing these, after all it's her favourite fried chicken. 

Namjoon walked into the apartment with a box . Taehyung texted him a few hours ago that he was here and Yn seemed to be okay now, but still he wasn't completely relieved until he ensured it himself. 

But then what he was didn't really make him happy or satisfied. There was some movie playing on the Tv and you and Taehyung were asleep .

(Imagine this as tae and yn without laptop. On the same couch in one blanket)

The sight completely ruined his mental peace. Seeing you both cuddled in the same blanket so close to each other only made him angry? Sad? Irritated? 

Get your shit together Namjoon. She is your friend , but she is her own person. Her personal life is not something you should care about . Stay away from her, don't fall in this painful web again. 

You like her Namjoon, you can choose to ignore the truth but the reality won't change. You have two options now, either keep being blind and lose her or man up and accept your feelings and let her know. 

We all have two sides in our personality , the two that are always against each other. Similarly Namjoon was going through something similar. He didn't know which to choose. Heck he didn't know anything. 

He just felt so frustrated with his own unclear feelings. 

Luckily even after Taehyung left you were back to your usual bubbly mood which somehow put his heart at little ease but still he barely got sleep that night. 


Taehyung was anxious. He kept fidgeting his fingers on the polished wooden table. 

Ahh yn! Why did you have to sleep before I could talk? I had gathered all my courage to finally talk to you but you had to sleep . 

 Taehyung had decided at some point while spending time with you that it's time to tell you his feelings. He was extremely anxious and scared hence decided to tell you after the movie but you fell asleep . 

But now he has an idea. He won't tell you yet. He wants to make it special, he has decided to take advice with one of the most apt people he knows. 

Taehyung smiled when he saw the tall man enter the restaurant. 

"Why did you call me Tae?" Namjoon. 

 Hyung would definitely give me the best idea. 


Another hanger🙃 I know y'all hate it but I love it, it makes everyone curious and excited for next parts.

Everything will change from here? Any ideas how will Namjoon react?

Who will be the first one to confess?

I hope you all are doing well

I love y'all and happy belated diwali .

Stay safe and healthy.

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