The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅

By JoonsFix

42.1K 2.2K 212

When Evlyn lost her job everything around her started to crumble. She'd been out of work for months and was d... More

Welcome to The Maid


1.1K 58 28
By JoonsFix

Jimin's current state of drunkenness was heavily induced by champagne, he swayed when he stood and stumbled when he walked yet neither of his significant others seemed to mind. He was happy and celebrating being free from Regency.

"Babe, have a seat before you fall on your face" Hoseok said while standing on his side, prepared to catch him if he did fall over "Hold on to me"

"More champagne" Jimin slurred with a firm grip on his fiance's arm. Evlyn shook her head and stood on his other side

"I think you've had enough champagne for tonight. You probably need to eat again to help soak up some of the alcohol" Only some of her words made sense to Jimin as he fell onto the couch with a hum

"Eat." was all he managed to say

"What do you want to eat handsome?" She asked while helping Hobi strip him out his clothes

"Ssssteak and-and tatoes" was his reply

"Coming right up" she kissed him on his reddened cheek and left the two men to go cook up a few steaks and potatoes.

It was almost one in the morning when they had arrived home. Getting the good news from his agent and lawyers, Jimin wanted to drink. Hoseok and Evlyn joined him at his favorite lounge for a few rounds then they ended up at a posh club, that was obviously for those with real money. She'd only ever heard about the place so to actually be inside as a patron was pretty exciting for her. It was at the swanky nightclub that Jimin bought someone out of the VIP section, and he emptied three bottles of Dom by himself as his lovers shared one bottle between the two of them.

His relief was felt by Hoseok and Evlyn too, they saw the immediate change in his mood and attitude when he told them the news. In three days, he would be going to KEM to officially become a part of the agency then a few days later was his birthday/Halloween party where he planned to officially announce his new deal.

The trio had the ultimate birthday bash all planned out, mansion was going to be converted to a haunted house by a top-rated party planner, two full -service catering companies were hired, and their costumes; although Evlyn wasn't too thrilled about her costume she agreed because both of her boyfriends teamed up against her for a vote of 2:1. The costume was cliche but she did look great in it so she caved in from their pestering.

The steaks were resting as she finished up the potatoes, doing a simple pan fry of some red skin potatoes in butter and truffle oil. She put the lip over the pan and pulled out the leftover asparagus to reheat in the toaster oven. "Let's give those a few minutes" she spoke to herself quietly as she turned the dial for the timer

Just as the timer went off, she heard Hoseok groan and went to see what happened. "I knew this would happen" Hoseok sighed while rubbing Jimin's back "Better?"

"Mmhm" Jimin moaned "Sorry"

"It's alright. I'm going to clean this up, are you still hungry?" Hobi asked and Jimin nodded "Okay, food is ready right?"

"Yeah, I'll clean him up and fix our plates" the two sober people completed their tasks before sitting on both sides of the drunk one and taking turns feeding him. He'd let out occasionally grunts and groans as he chewed and swallowed

"So good," he repeated after every third bite, making the maid smile. After he finished eating and guzzling a bottle of water, Jimin fell asleep.

"What are we going to do with him?" Hoseok chuckled as he ate the last of his meal. She shrugged and chewed her last potato. He took all their plates to the kitchens and promised to clean up in the morning so she wouldn't have to.

"Should we let him stay here or try to get him in the bed?"

"Leave him, he's heavier than he looks. I will sleep out here with him tonight just in case he vomits again or has any other accidents. You get in bed Kitten and get some proper sleep"

She pouted and frowned "I don't want to sleep alone"

"Of course, you don't. Go get some blankets, we're camping out here tonight" Evlyn jumped up and ran to get some spare bedding from the linen closet. She and Hobi laid Jimin out on the couch and made a pallet on the floor for themselves.

An empty bucket sat next to Jimin's head in the event that he threw up again and some bottled waters were placed on the table along with some aspirin. He looked fine but they wanted to be prepared he got sick again. The two cuddled together on the cozy pile of blankets, him hugging her as she laid on his chest with her arm hugging his side

"Seokie?" she called out quietly

"Yes Kitten"

"I-I just wanted to say thank you for everything. You and Jimin are so good to me. I have ever been happier with anybody in my past relationships than I am with the both of you; I appreciate you both so much and-and... I love you"

"I love you too Evlyn" he said it so easily, without even having to think about it "You are such an amazing woman and partner that we both started falling for you after the first night with everyone. You've added a measure of happiness to our lives that we didn't even realize was possible until you, I should be thanking you." He expressed while rubbing her back "We love you"

"Goodnight Seokie" she whispered quietly, allowing the steady rise and fall of his chest sooth her

Goodnight kitten" he whispered back followed by a kiss on the top of her head.

-------------One week later----------------

"I can't believe I let them talk me into wearing this" Evlyn scoffed while rolling her eyes in the mirror

"Well, I love it!" Gabby clapped as she she examined the costume from behind "Your ass looks amazing and I don't think I've ever seen your tits sit so high; kitten you look great"

"I agree, it's cliche, yes but you do look really good," Minah added. She sat on Evlyn's bed with a half empty cup

"I can't do anything about it now, party has already started" Gabby wrapped her arms around Evlyn from behind and planted a peck on her cheek, being careful off the whiskers she painted on her face

"Let's get out there before one of them comes looking for us" The three women left the room, locking the door behind them so none of the party guests had access.

The music was blaring throughout the entire house, the dark theme and decorations made the mansion unrecognizable. The party planner had really outdone herself, they walked down the corridor until it opened up into a sea of people dressed in varying degrees of sexy and scary. Evlyn was thankful for the half mask she donned with her french maid-kitten mashup costume, for some reason she didn't want to be recognized even though she didn't know 90% of people in attendance.

"Are you guys hungry? I'm starving" Minah asked, patting her exposed stomach. She was dressed as zombie stripper

"I could eat" Evlyn replied, leading the way to the dining hall where they had a small buffett setup. Gabby departed from them when she found Jungkook, who dressed as a police officer which complimented her sexy escaped convict getup.

The two hungry ladies found two empty seats and ate while bobbing their heads to the music, occasionally speaking to the people passing by. Just when they were finished Jimin spotted them

"Happy birthday baby" Evlyn shouted over the music and kissed his cheek,

"Thank you, kitten, you look exactly like I thought you would" He said with a lick of his juicy lips "So fucking sexy"

"Thank you" she blushed. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear

"You up for group activities tonight?"

"Absolutely. Joonie's looking so fucking good; I'm already struggling to resist sucking his dick right now, in front of all these people" She replied, immediately remembering his firefighter costume he was wearing without a shirt

"Me too" Minah chimed in which made Evlyn and Jimin giggle "I know I won't make it through this party without sneaking off for a quickie with somebody" She winked at Jimin

"I'm going to destroy you both tonight, bet on it" he growled then bit both of their necks as he was dressed as a vampire.

"Daddy" Evlyn whined as the lacy thong she was wearing became wet with her arousal

"Later baby, I promise. For now, I need to introduce you to some people. I invited pretty much the entire KEM staff" She thought her eye roll was subtle enough for Jimin not to catch it, but he did, he always did.

"Lead the way" she said, sliding her hand into his "You coming?" she asked Minah

"Nah, I'm gonna mingle. I'll catch up with y'all later." She waved and went in a different direction.

Evlyn was introduced to about ten people from KEM and so far, none of them seemed like they knew or recognized her which allowed her to relax a little bit more. With that weight off of her back she was able to unwind and really enjoy the festivities. Evlyn had removed her mask as she was dancing and moving around a lot, so she was getting hot and starting to sweat. She was having a great time, every now and then Jimin would introduce her to a new colleague of his. The party was raging on, everybody was having a great time-eating, drinking and playing games.

"Oooooooh!" everyone shouted when raggedy Ann impaled the apple with a miniature bow and arrow that was sitting atop Frankenstein's head

Hoseok noticed Jimin had been looking at the door every chance he got, not sure who he was expecting since everyone they knew and invited was already in attendance. "Baby, who are you looking for?"

"The nephew of the company's president was supposed to come but I haven't seen him yet" he answered, glancing at the door again

"Oh, well it's not even midnight yet so he'll probably show up. Maybe he he hit a few other pirates before ours"

"Yeah, you're probably right"

"Come dance with me" Hobi pulled his fiancé toward the dancefloor where they both awed the crowd that formed around them that included their girlfriend. Evlyn stood by watching their bodies move in ways she didn't think possible, captivated by their skill she completely forgot about Jimin's career changing injury because he moved like water.

"It's been so long since I've seen them dance like this" Taehyung said, cheering them on with the rest of the crowd

"This is my first time seeing it. They both told me they danced, and I've seen them play around but nothing like this; they are incredible" The maid was floored by what she saw. Applause rang out from every corner of the room as the two men hugged each other with giant smiles on their faces

"That was dope" Jungkook said, patting their backs

"Aww man that felt good" Hobi huffed, accepting the water bottle held out to him by Namjoon "Thanks" he ripped the cap off and chugged more than half of it before coming up for air.

"You two are amazing dancers, I have never seen people move like that" Evlyn said, shaking her head in disbelief. She gave them both kisses on their cheeks then patted their foreheads free of the sweat that accumulated there.

"Thank you, kitten, glad you enjoyed watching us" Jimin winked at her

"That was impressive" a foreign voice spoke from nearby, everyone except Evlyn turned in its direction to see "Wow!"

"Thank you, I'm glad you made it" Jimin smiled, extending his hand to the newcomer

"Of course, I have heard about the parties that you guys throw and could not miss out on it with an official invite. The place is amazing too"

"Thank you, I'm Hoseok Jung, Jimin's fiance, and you are...?"

"Oh, where are my manners!" Jimin jumps in "Baby, this is Allen Kleaver, Martin's nephew"

"Nice to meet you" Allen smiled while shaking Hobi's hand

"And these are my best friends, Jungkook, Taehyung, Gabriella, Namjoon and Minah" He shook hands with everyone as Evlyn tried to back away unseen

"Nice to meet you all, and Taehyung I am a big fan man, I love your movies. If it's not too forward of me to ask, can I get a picture with you?"

"Thank you, I appreciate that. Yeah, you can get a picture" Tae stepped out the crowd and posed for a selfie with the man

"My friends won't believe that I met you without this" Allen laughed, stuffing his phone into his jacket pocket.

Evlyn was frozen. The man that ruined her life was standing not even five feet from her, laughing and talking with her friends, charming them like he wasn't a sexual predator on the prowl for his next victim. Her mind was split, does she run away-spend the rest of the night avoiding him at all costs or does she confront him- putting Jimin's career at risk? She was so deep in thought she had not realized all of their attention had turned to her.

"S-sorry, what?" she asked, catching the concerning look Hobi was giving her

"I said, are you okay?" Jimin asked, lightly touching her lower back to push her forward. She never saw him make his way over to her since she had drifted from their small crowd

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's hot in here" she smiled, then looked directly at Allen. He had no reaction which confused her because she is positive, he knows who she is

"I'll get you some water soon but first I want you to meet Allen" He turns to the quintessential frat boy and introduces Evlyn "Allen this is me and Hoseok's really good friend Evlyn"

"A pleasure to meet you Evlyn, I'm Allen Kleaver"

"Yeah, you too" She forced a smile and shook his slimy hand, wishing she could rip it off his body and shove it up his own ass.

"Evlyn used to work at one of you uncle's other companies" Jimin offered "But lucky for us he was crazy enough to let her go" he joked

"Ahh, that's why you look familiar." Allen smirked, yeah, he knew exactly who she was. "Which company specifically?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Evlyn was already fed up with the man but played along, she couldn't ruin this for Jimin. "I was at Kleaver Financial" she replied, using the strobe lights to move away without it being noticeable but Jungkook saw how uncomfortable she looked.

"No doubt we've met before, I spent a lot of time over there" Allen's gaze roamed her costumed, immediately Evlyn felt exposed and wanted nothing more than to be shielded from his lingering gaze. Hoseok also picked up on Evlyn's discomfort and stepped in to rescue her.

"Well, it was very nice meeting you, we're going to get some water and fresh air. Come find us when you're done love" Hobi told Allen and Jimin while stepping in front of Evlyn


The group, with the exception of Gabby, separated from Jimin. They found themselves on the veranda. Everyone picked up on the weird energy between Allen and Evlyn, but Hoseok was the first to speak on it

"Kitten, what was that about?" he asked sitting next to her on short bench

"What was what?" she asked, trying to feign ignorance

"Don't do that, that whole interaction between you and Allen was weird. How do you know each other?"

"Drop it please, it's not worth mentioning" She sighed, looking at the stone tiles that made up the smooth floor of the outside space

"Evlyn, did something happen between you and him? He was looking at you like you two had history" Minah asked. Evlyn shook her head no but didn't meet anyone's eyes

"It's obvious you don't want to talk about this right now, but you need to give us an explanation soon." Hobi didn't want to fight with her and ruin the party for Jimin, so he let her have this battle

"Fine," she mumbled.

"Let's get back inside. I'm going to get you a drink" Namjoon said, pulling the maid up and pushing her into the house with everyone else following behind them. He got a fetched her a cup of punch, asking one of the bartenders to top it off with straight liquor until it sloshed over the rim "Drink this"

Without question or complaint, she downed the contents of the cup in its entirety. The alcohol burned her esophagus, leaving a rough and warm sensation in her chest but she welcomed it after coughing a few times to clear her airway.

For a while Evlyn was able to clear her mind of Allen and enjoy the party. She was pulled away by Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Gabby on several occasions for secret make out sessions: twice almost falling to her knees for Namjoon. She had more drinks and danced until her little feet were sore but kept on dancing. With so much alcohol coursing through her body Evlyn eventually had to run off the dance floor to the bathroom where the expelled at least a liter of liquid blissfully. As she is exiting the bathroom she bumped into a body, not paying much attention to who it was she blindly apologized while trying to rush off

"Sorry, excuse me"

"What's the rush?" the voice's owner gripped her forearm which cause her to look up at the person she bumped and inhale sharply

"Let me go" she said snatching her arm out his grasp

"Can we talk?"

"No" she was prepared to walk off when Allen grabbed her again, this time around her waist "I said no! I know it's not a word you're familiar with, or maybe you are and just don't care" She pushed against him, and he fell into the wall behind him

"I've always liked your fire, Evlyn; you try so hard to resist me and it turns me on-makes me really want you" The maid thought she was going to be sick.

"I'm not trying to resist you, you sick fuck. I don't like you at all- never have and never will, you are gross, and I hate you"

"I saw you" he said simply "I've been watching you pretty closely since I got here and I saw you sneak off with Jimin, Hoseok and the other guy, Namjoon, was it? Are you their little private whore now? Since you can't get a real job after being blackballed by my uncle" he smirked, closing the space between then "Since you're already getting passed around by a bunch of rich guys why not let me get in on the fun-"

Her movement was quick but powerful, Evlyn's palm stung but the slight pain took a backseat to her anger. Before she could get away from the creep, he grabbed her and throw her against the wall, hard enough to knock some wind out of her

"Be careful Evlyn. You do not want to make an enemy of me, you think I fucked you over before, well that will be nothing in comparison to what I can do. I will not only ruin your pathetic, piece of shit life, I will ruin Jimin's career and make it so he will never work in this country again" He threatened with a sinister amusement in his voice. He stuck a card in her in her cleavage and leaned into kiss her, but she turned away so all he caught was her cheek but just barely "There's an address on that card, I'll see you there in three days" He sniffed along her neck which make her skin crawl, before releasing her and slipping away under the darkness of the hallway.

Silent, hot tears ran down her face as she stood in the hallway alone, wishing she could disappear into the night. Once again, Allen Kleaver had her between a rock and a hard place, once again she was in a position to lose everything and this time she had so much more to lose-the love of two amazing men and friends that opened their arms and hearts to her from day one.

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