My brother in law 2!!!

By DarkFlower065

18.5K 1.1K 427

What happened after the engagement?? Most importantly what about Ohm?? Who is he going to choose - Nahm or Fl... More

Quality time
Soft side of Ohm
Oblivious Nahm
Ae's lost chances or snatched chances??
The relationship that ended before starting
Naughty Ae
Trip together
Team Wife
Ae's built up desire
Last day of trip
Someone from past
Taking care
My naughty husband
Peaceful day
Heavy heart
Making Pete happy
Sweet surprise
I miss him
Cute surprise
Sweet morning
Love nest
House warming
Sweet family
Long wait


370 26 10
By DarkFlower065

"He knows it!" Ae said stepping closer to Pete and wrapping his arm around his fiance protectively. Pete turned his head to look at his lover who had a look of predator who was ready to kill anyone trying to steal something that belonged to him.

"Oh!! Hi, I am Zee." Zee said extending his hand for a shake. "Ae..... Pete's fiance." Ae cleared while taking Zee's hand for a handshake and squeezing it a little to make the other person feel the pain. Zee clearly understood that Ae was being protective of Pete.

"Ae! Stop it." Pete said gaining Ae's attention. Ae let go off Zee's hand while he looked at his fiance who looked a little upset. "It was nice meeting you two and congratulations. I am going on a date with my fiance so I am in bit hurry. Have a nice day. Bye!" Zee said stepping aside and rushing towards the elevator.

"Ae, you don't have to scare everyone with that face." Pete said. "Huh?! What did I do?" Ae asked in confusion. "I saw what you did. I just met Zee and he saved me falling down. You could have atleast been nice to him." Pete said a bit disappointed.

"I am sorry na. You know that I don't like when someone tries getting close to you." Ae defended himself. "But it still doesn't make things right Ae. You know that I love you and will be with you forever. So stop getting jealous of every other person talking to me." Pete spoke.

"Hmm... I'll try." Ae said in a low voice. "That's good. I don't want our relation to get toxic. If we let these emotions get between us then we will lose most of our precious time over arguments. I want to have a happy married life with you." Pete said leaning into Ae.

Ae pulled Pete closer and sniffed his neck breathing in his baby scent. This beautiful moment was interrupted with a loud throat clearing from someone. "Ai'Pete, there are still few days left for wedding in case you want to change your mind about Ae. By the way, that guy looked handsome." Pond tried to tease.

"Asshole Pond!" Ae shouted and launched towards Pond who started to run for his life. Ae chased him and both the boys were soon out of sight. "No matter how much I try to pacify Ae, Pond will always push some buttons to make him get annoyed." Pete spoke to himself and than walked towards the couch he and Ae was sitting earlier.

He flopped down and started to go through the magazines placed on the stand. He was least interested in the content so he just kept browsing through the pictures trying to pass his time.

After a while, Tar stepped out wearing one of the suit selected by Pete. "How do I look?" The bubbly boy asked in cheerful tone. "This one looks good on you." Pete complimented. "Should I try the other two?" Tar asked doubtfully. "It's your choice." Pete replied.

"Well, I'll just try them to see if they look better. But I think I'll go with this." Tar spoke. He then walked back inside to check the remaining two suits.

Meanwhile, Ae finally appeared and was heading towards Pete with no sign of Pond. Pete looked around trying to get a glimpse of the person who had escaped for his life.

"Ae, where is Pond?" Pete asked. "In surgery." Ae said sitting down next to Pete. "Ae, don't joke. I am getting worried." Pete spoke trying to look around for the trace of Pond. "Fine! He's coming. Being a bit dramatic." Ae said.

After sometime Pond finally showed himself and Pete looked at him in concern. Pond was walking while holding his right arm with his left hand. "Ai'Pete, I won't be attending your wedding. Your would-be-husband broke my arm. I'll probably be in surgery and then will need to stay in bed for few days." Pond said while sitting down on opposite side to the couple.

"Aww Pond, don't say something like that." Pete was now getting worried. "There's you, who is so much concerned about me and sitting next to you is a son of a beast who is still trying to kill me." Pond spoke pretending to get scared.

"Stop your drama! Nothing happened to you. It was your mistake that you hit the wall while escaping. And you should thank me otherwise you would have been arrested if I wasn't there in time." Ae shot back. "Arrested?" Pete asked confused.

"The great pervert was running at such a speed that a woman standing by thought that he robbed something and was trying to escape. She started to scream and he security guard caught Pond. I stepped in and explained to them the situation and they finally left this Pervert." Ae spilled.

"Damn!! I missed the drama." Ping spoke as he approached the three carrying ice-cream cones. He handed one to Pete and then Ae and then Pond before finally sitting down to savor his own.

Ae watched Pete while eating ice-cream and his mind started to have some naughty thoughts. He shook his head trying to brush them off and then concentrated on the cone in his hand.

Tar appeared after a while wearing the other suit. By now all of them had finished ice-cream and Ae was cleaning the stains around Pete's lips with tissue. Pond and Ping had just sighed and tried to pretend to be lost in thoughts.

"How does this one look?" Tar asked excited. "This one looks pretty." Pete complimented. The rest of the time continued the same till everyone was done choosing their outfits.

Days passed by in blink of an eye and finally the wedding day arrived. Pete was excited and nervous at the same time. He didn't let Ae see his outfit since he wanted to surprise him. He had tried on many colors and ended up with the midnight blue suit and trousers. He paired them with red tie and white shirt. Anyone looking at this young man in this outfit would fall in love with him.

Pete stood in front of the mirror checking himself again for the nth time. He was starting to get cold feet and his hands were already sweating. "Nervous?" Sun asked entering the room. "Hmm..... I don't know what I am actually feeling. I could only sum up with – overwhelmed." Pete replied.

"Calm down. You are looking perfect. The ceremony is going to start soon. And if you are worried about the people present then, when you enter, just keep your eyes towards the altar. Don't look around. And we all are there with you." Sun assured.

Everybody was gathered in hall eagerly waiting for the ceremony to start. Ae was eagerly waiting or should I say impatiently waiting for Pete to walk down the aisle. Fluke was standing next to Ohm with Ae's family. Tuli seemed to be very happy with her second son-in-law.

Finally, the moment arrived and Pete appeared at the entrance. He then glanced through the room and the feeling of anxiety was back. His gaze then landed on Ae who was looking at him with sparkling eyes. He was wearing charcoal grey suit and trouser and had paired them with white shirt and black tie. The colors were complementing his personality and Pete was mesmerized looking at him.

He took a step forward maintaining his eye contact with Ae. He was a little scared earlier but when he finally saw Ae, all the fear was vanished. Everybody present looked at the descending figure in awe. Some were even jealous looking at how beautiful this person looked.

Finally, Pete was standing in front of Ae with a bright smile playing on his lips. "You are looking beautiful." Ae commented. "Thanks. You are looking handsome." Pete complimented. Both the boys looked at each other taking in each and every detail.

The priest started with the ceremony and everyone was sitting quietly. Ohm wrapped his arm around Fluke's shoulder and whispered, "I too want to get married soon." Fluke smiled shyly hearing those words.

The ceremony continued and Ae and Pete were now ready to exchange their vows. "I object!" A high pitch voice shouted. Everyone's head turned in the direction of the voice. Ae and Pete too were stunned and turned around to look at the person. Senior Intouch bared his teeth looking at the uninvited guest entering the hall.

A fragile women walked down towards the altar. "Ohm, you can't marry him!" The women shouted. "Nahm, have you lost your eye sight along with the brain?" Lay asked getting up from her seat. "It's none of your business." Nahm snapped.

"Nahm, at least try to know who is getting married before you say something. I bet, you didn't even bother to see the board outside." Lay spoke. Nahm then saw Ae and Pete standing at the Altar and Ohm and Fluke standing with the Intouch family. The women ignored everyone and then headed towards Ohm.

"Ohm, I love you. Please don't do this to me." Nahm said stepping closer. "Nahm, leave!!" Ohm hissed. "I won't. I am not going to allow you to marry him." Nahm said pointing at Fluke.

People present inside the hall started to gossip and senior Intouch was getting annoyed. "Nahm, it was my fault that I called cops to arrest you. I should have called the mental asylum and got you admitted. You seriously needs to be treated." Senior Intouch wasn't able to control his anger.

Seeing the situation, Sun decided to take the control. "Guards! Please escort this young lady out of this place." Sun said making everyone turn quiet. Soon, two bulky man appeared and dragged Nahm out of the hall. Pete was a bit disappointed with the drama. "What is a wedding without some drama?" Ae asked making Pete look at him. Ae then winked at him and Pete blushed. He almost forgot what had happened.

"Let's proceed." Senior Intouch stated and then the priest continued with the ceremony. "I Ae Intouch, take you Pete Pitchaya to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Ae said.

"I Pete Pitchaya, take you Ae Intouch to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Pete's voice was very soft when he spoke those words. The priest then blessed the couple and Ae held Pete's hands.

"Do you take Pete Pitchaya as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked Ae and the young boy soon replied, "I do." His face beaming with joy.

"And do you take Ae Intouch as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest now asked Pete. "I do." Pete replied with a smile.

Soon the rings were exchanged and Ae pulled Pete closer. He slowly pressed his lips against the soft plushy ones kissing his husband gently. Cheers erupted from the crowd and Ae had to pull away.

Ae held Pete's hand while they walked down from the stage. Pete was floating in clouds with the thought that he could finally call Ae his husband. This day marked their union and a start of their happy married life.


I don't know the actual procedure about how a catholic wedding takes place. I just took some brief ideas from movies and some little research online. Please pardon me for my mistakes.

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