Falling: How to Survive as a...

By misorinh

99.3K 4.5K 1.3K

NEW Post Schedule: Monday & Thursday (This is a 2V1 BL QT story, featuring a polyamorous vee. 2 MLs/gong/seme... More

HTSCF CH 001 It's just dying, no big deal.
HTSCF CH 002 Isn't the first world supposed to be easy?
HTSCF CH 003 It's impossible to avoid the female protagonist.
HTSCF CH 004 In the name of milk tea, I will slaughter all of you.
HTSCF CH 005 What zombie emperor? Isn't this just a pervert?
HTSCF CH 006 Are you an open pervert or a closet pervert?
HTSCF CH 007 Dealing with a plot hole wasn't in the job description...
HTSCF CH 008 Male lead #3 is yours just because you say so?
HTSCF CH 009 What love rival? Heh.
HTSCF CH 010 Tell me what you really want.
HTSCF CH 010.5 That hour (short extra)
HTSCF CH 011 Overbearing CEOs are a dime a dozen.
HTSCF CH 012 Sing to survive should be easy, right?
HTSCF CH 013 He really was tone-deaf.
HTSCF CH 014 A date with milk tea, his one true love.
HTSCF CH 015 Who is the real murderer?
HTSCF CH 016 I don't believe in fate. (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 017 Will I ever be the one?
HTSCF CH 018 How can I live without milk tea?
HTSCF CH 019 A wild beastman appeared!
HTSCF CH 020 Who's that beastman?
HTSCF CH 021 I want to be the very best like no one ever was. (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 023 I will travel across the land, searching far and wide.
HTSCF CH 024 Finally, a home. (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 025 Gotta catch them all!
HTSCF CH 026 You can look but can't touch. (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 027 Host, you can't just go offline.
HTSCF CH 029 The prologue that never was. (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 030 The epilogue that never was.
HTSCF CH 30.5 Extra Smut Chapter (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 031 Already dead?
HTSCF CH 032 no milk tea, no life
HTSCF CH 033 Boxers or briefs?
HTSCF CH 034 Distance never made me stronger...
HTSCF CH 035 All of your pieces...
HTSCF CH 036 The darling of the Wolf God and Dragon God
HTSCF CH 037 Finally (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 038 And then some (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 039 Befriend the shou? (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 040 Attending college for the second (?) time
HTSCF CH 041 Complete and utter chaos
HTSCF CH 042 When things fall apart
HTSCF CH 043 It kills me now
HTSCF CH 43.1 MMORPG Arc Extra 1 (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 43.2 MMORPG Arc Extra 2 (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 43.3 Azazel and Elior, After + Important Author's Note
HTSCF CH 044 Just your everyday beta...
HTSCF CH 045 Circles
HTSCF CH 046 The Strongest Alphas
HTSCF CH 047 Just the usual nonsense
HTSCF CH 048 Rebirth of the CP3
HTSCF CH 049 Lifemates (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 050 Returning to get married (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 051 The strongest omega (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 052 Emil & Freyr
Author's Note: 1 Week Break
HTSCF CH 053 You're just blind.
HTSCF CH 054 Running into the protagonist and the villain
HTSCF CH 055 Ray & Ark
HTSCF CH 056 Settling down again
HTSCF CH 057 The Two Perverts's Awakening
HTSCF CH 058 True Awakening (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 059 Old party members always want to make trouble.
HTSCF CH 060 The way to Gondoa
HTSCF CH 061 The Sword Hero (NSFW)
HTSCF CH 062 The Dark Flames King
HTSCF CH 063 After story: I will follow you
2 Weeks Hiatus!
HTSCF CH 064 Special Mission Part 01 Encounter

HTSCF CH 028 The arrival of the villainess. (NSFW)

1.3K 68 14
By misorinh

Beta: Jeannette

A/N: Very light birthing description, so...? If that is not your thing, well... Also NSFW warning!

Half a month later, the earthquake that was supposed to happen arrived. Early that day, Jun had been feeling some strange pulling pains at the pit of his stomach and Azazel went to get the witch doctor.

"He's about to give birth."

"Fuck." That was Jun.

The witch doctor looked at Elior. "Based on the timing, you're probably the father."

Hearing the witch doctor say that caused a tremor in Elior's heart. To think even he would have a day like this. Laying on the bed, Jun tried to visualize the birthing process and just couldn't do it.

The witch doctor saw that look and spoke. "He's a python so you'll be laying eggs."


Laying eggs—that didn't sound too bad. What was he? A chicken?

"They'll be about this big." The doctor held up his fist and Jun winced, picturing something that big coming out there. Then again, Azazel and Elior's combined thickness was even bigger than that...

"It'll be ok." Said the person who put him in this situation and wasn't the one who'd be giving birth. Elior held Jun's hand just to receive a glare and could only give a helpless smile in return.

Right then, Jun was suddenly overwhelmed by a sudden pain in the pit of his stomach and the world started shaking. The damn earthquake had to happen right as he was going to give birth! What timing!

When the earthquake ended a few minutes later, Jun had pushed out 3—that damn number again—fist-sized eggs with Elior's help, who held him up by the thighs to help the process along. The witch doctor had long been kicked out of the bedroom while Azazel stood by to watch the birthing and to protect Jun from any falling debris.

It was just a short moment, but Jun was worn out from the tension of the earthquake. He laid back down on the bed with the eggs next to him after they had been cleaned by Elior. Was he still human? Oh wait, he was a female beastman.

The witch doctor was allowed back in and explained to them how to incubate the eggs. "In about 2 to 3 months they should hatch if the conditions are good."

News of the birth traveled just as quickly as that of the pregnancy. Such things weren't privatized in the world of beastmen. When Sorrel heard about it, he was delighted. Faye had given birth to neither a female nor wolf cubs. Though he wanted Elior too, he wouldn't want to give birth to snake eggs or raise snakes, not that females had to be involved in the raising of their children. It was usually the males' duty.

Beastmen City had just survived an earthquake, and there would be a lot of things that needed to be rebuilt so he would leave Faye alone for now, but after...


A week after letting Jun recuperate, Azazel and Elior went back to their normal sex routine. That is, to do Jun at the same time. They had been deprived for nearly two months now, so the first night was especially vigorous. Due to the recent birthing, there wasn't even a need to stretch him out and have him get used to being entered by both of them again.

"Fuck! It feels so damn good to be inside you again, babe." The two men were caught up in their lust and even Azazel, who liked to slowly enter at first, couldn't control himself and was thrusting just as fast, just as hard, just as crazy as Elior, who was being silent unlike usual. "Ah... Fuck, still so tight, so fucking good..."

The sensation of having two rock-hard cocks inside him again drove Jun over the edge and he came very quickly. He hated to admit it, but he did miss this feeling.

When he came, Jun clenched down so hard Azazel and Elior also came a little too soon. They collapsed onto the bed and Elior took his member out. Azazel stayed inside and continued to move, and it wasn't long before Elior joined back in. Their activities lasted until early in the morning...

(End NSFW)

Two months later the snake eggs hatched. It was an anticlimactic moment, as it happened while they were asleep. Azazel and Elior woke up to Jun's startled shout after he felt something crawl all over his body. When he saw the snake face up close, he was reminded of the moment he first met Elior 4 years ago but much, much smaller.

They were kind of cute even. Elior must have some strong genes since all the little snakes were albino. "What should we name them?"

"You want to name them?" Elior asked.

"Shouldn't we?"

"Snakes are very independent. They'll probably leave on their own after a month, so don't get too attached."

In this way, both father and sons were very cold-blooded. Jun himself was bad at naming, so he just called them Little One, Little Two, and Little Three. They stuck to him like little leeches, just like their father, the biggest leech of them all.

Now that the little snakes had safely hatched, Jun could finally leave the house. Having been cooped inside for months he was ready for some much-needed air. Their family of 6 departed for the Trade Market, which had returned earlier this year due to last year's popularity. It was also a means for Beastmen City and the other tribes to regain their previous stability and prosperity before the earthquake happened.

Around this time in the storyline was when the big villainess arrived at Beastmen City and Jun wanted front row seats to watch the drama. If anyone could help him unravel Sorrel's true face, it would be her. The original Faye was just cannon fodder barely worth a few paragraphs. He suffered because of his stupid jealousy only to suffer even more.

The villainess, on the other hand, had a personal grudge against Sorrel and was supposed to be a badass. Jun was her fanboy. As a woman, her physique was even worse than Sorrel's, but she could fight a rank 3 male beastman on equal terms due to her hard training and agility. She could even hunt for beast cores on her own.

Colossals were out of the question, but the point was she didn't rely on her men unless necessary, as opposed to Sorrel who left everything to his men. Their conflict started when the villainess's brother became harem member #6 and forgot about his dear little sister.

When she was accused of committing some crime by Sorrel, her brother did not back her up and was the main perpetrator behind her exile. Before Sorrel, she was the apple of his eye, so it couldn't be anyone's fault but him. Now she was back, stronger. With her harem of males containing a King beastman, it wouldn't be wrong to say that their reunion would be the battle of the century.

And it would happen right in the Trade Market. Jun made sure to bring his milk tea in the portable drink container that Elior crafted for him, and they arrived just in time for the show. Accompanied by Azazel and Elior, who stood out like strobe lights, and with one little snake resting on his head and the other two on his shoulders, Jun became the most eye-catching person at the Trade Market.

"It's the villainess!" Jun did a fanboy squeal and clutched onto Elior's arm while pointing at a figure.

Because she was a lynx female, the villainess had a very voluptuous figure. If he were a straight man, he might have drooled over her, but alas, breasts were not his kind of thing. He preferred muscular arms and legs, Adam's apple, and a deep voice much like the person whose arm was on his waist, the biggest leech—er, snake, and the one on his right side with the almost perpetual expressionless face.

Azazel saw Jun's distracted face and leaned down for a quick peck on the cheek. "Villainess?" He repeated.

"You'll understand in a little bit."

At the moment, Sorrel and the villainess, whose name was Sylvia, made eye contact. Sylvia was the first to speak: "Didn't expect to see me again, did you?"

"Sylvia..." The protagonist was showing a bleak look. "It's good to see you again."

"Good to see me again? What bullshit are you spouting?"

"Sylvia, what happened between us is in the past. Let's let bygones be bygones."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'll show everyone your real face today." At that moment, Sylvia's eyes met Jun's, and dread welled up inside him. She wasn't planning to bring him into this, was she?

"Faye! You tell them the truth!"

Everyone looked at the person with three little snakes on him with questioning gazes. Jun could only play along. "What truth?"

"That I wasn't the one who poisoned you and turned you into a mute!"


There was such a thing? Since Jun didn't have the original Faye's memories, he couldn't remember exactly who had poisoned him, and the plot didn't mention anything about it either. Nor did it mention that that was the "crime" Silvia had been exiled for. It had been a few years now since he last experienced this, but wasn't this a plot hole?

"... I don't remember who it was." Seeing the relieved expression on the protagonist's face proved a suspicion of Jun's. But why poison him? To make him mute? For what reason? The original Faye must have seen something he shouldn't have, something that would have ruined the protagonist's image. But what? It was unfair that he wasn't able to obtain the original's memory.

"You..." Silvia didn't know what to say.

"Well, since the person in question doesn't remember, let's not fixate on the past anymore. I'm sure Faye also forgives you for your mistake..."

Sorrel was trying to use the cannon fodder him again. No way was Jun going to let that happen. "I never said it was Silvia who poisoned me. I said I don't remember."

Silvia was relieved while Sorrel was caught off guard. Faye wasn't this assertive or straightforward in the past. He was a pitiful and dumb person who tried hard to gain everyone's attention and favor, but the current "Faye" was low-key and had managed to snatch the attention of those he wanted but couldn't have yet.

No longer interested in the drama anymore, Jun left, feeling guilty that his being there had ruined Silvia's original initial meeting with Sorrel, which had included a modest greeting, something more provocative and threatening. There was also something he needed Azazel and Elior to help him with.

A/N: I mean, how can you not have smut when it comes to beastmen... Am I right? LOL

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