The Long Lost Mafia Prince

By Luna18Baby

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~~ "Torturami ogni giorno, ma ferisci chi amo, pagherai." ~~ {} Rayver Cruise is not your cliché male chara... More

Cast - Main and Parents
Cast - Rayver's Friends
Cast - Italian In-group
Cast - British In-group
Chapter 1 - My Confusion Level Just Hit Sky High
Chapter 2 - Some Things Are Just Impossible
Chapter 3 - You Can't Even Say One Word Straight
Chapter 4 - I Felt Something
Chapter 5 - One Out Of Ten
Chapter 6 - This Is Why I Extremely Dislike Extrovert Professors
Chapter 7 - Who Says He Will Live?
Chapter 8 - Why Would She Even Bother To Look At Someone Like You?
Chapter 9 - And I Am Deadly Serious
Chapter 10 - Excuse Me While I Internally Vomit
Chapter 11 - I Am Cringing So Bad
Chapter 12 - 🖾🖾🖾
Chapter 13 - I Just Called Mr. Luciano, 'Dad'
Chapter 14 - He Is Someone Worthy Of Love
Chapter 15 - The Day I See Regina Care Is The Day I See Her Beg
Chapter 16 - And You, Are The Long Lost Mafia Prince
Chapter 17 - Tomorrow Your Training Begins
Chapter 18 - That. Was. Disgusting.
Chapter 19 - I'm In Love With Regina
Chapter 20 - I Know Your Mother
Chapter 21 - Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
Chapter 22 - Would We Be A Family?
Chapter 23 - Strong Sensuality, And A Deep Loathing
Chapter 24 - I Am Worth To Be Called Her Brother
Chapter 25 - Worthy Of The Luciano Surname
Chapter 26 - The Things I Do To Keep You Safe
Chapter 27 - I Guess We Were Both Pluviophiles
Chapter 28 - Help
Chapter 29 - The Cause Of Her Demise
Chapter 30 - I'm Already Forever Damned
Chapter 31 - Addio, IL Mio Re
Chapter 32 - I Know You Love Me
Chapter 33 - The Queen Bloodlust
Chapter 34 - Meeting Both Voices In My Head
Chapter 35 - Hope
Chapter 36 - Even The Powerful Regina Luciano Has A Kryptonite
Chapter 37 - You're Gonna Forget About This, Everything Here, Okay?
Chapter 38 - Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend
Chapter 39 - Desperate Male Indeed
Chapter 40 - Colors
Chapter 41 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 42 - Awake
Chapter 43 - I Love You
Chapter 44 - Selfish For Now
Chapter 46 - Do With Me As You Will
Chapter 47 - Fino Ad Allora
Chapter 48 - A Part Of Him That He Couldn't Accept
Chapter 49 - Purple Hyacinths
The End
Bonus - Her Lullaby

Chapter 45 - I'd Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees

768 34 16
By Luna18Baby



Countless people in black stormed into the cathedral, alarming the guests present. Each one of them had a gun with them, pointing toward the couple in the middle. Without stopping, they all encircled the church, standing on what could seem like a well-practiced formation. 

The guests that had nothing to do with the Mafia businesses eagerly and quickly left. Surprisingly, they all went out unscathed and hurriedly fled the scene, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. The reporters had all left as well, even though they had wanted to stay and get some scoop, they were all scared shirtless of the suspicious people. Even the priest has already run away. 

Meanwhile, all of those that were in the Mafia had quickly taken out their guns, pointing toward the unexpected enemies. Strange, why didn't the snipers do anything about them? Unless… They had already taken out those snipers. 

From the other side of the cathedral, another squadron suddenly entered. Upon recognizing who those people were, the few members of the British Mafia that were present at the wedding were relieved. Backup was here, and they outnumbered these intruders. 

With both sides welding guns, silence embraced the whole place. Since the opposing side hasn't taken the first shot, the other didn't dare to. 

A cough broke the silence bringing everyone's attention to the two people still standing in front of the altar. 

Cavillor couldn't stop coughing. Unlike before, this coughing fit was far stronger than those before. Surprising him, his strength suddenly seemed to have left his body, causing his knees to buckle. This action made him look as if he was kneeling on the floor. Kneeling to Regina.

Unable to stop it, blood dropped to the floor, coming from Cavillor's mouth. His sheer white clothes were then stained with the crimson stain of blood, contrasting heavily.

He looked up at the woman that he loved, his eyes portraying a clear message, "Help."

But when he met her eyes, he stiffened. They were… Cold. 

Utterly emotionless. 

Still, he wanted to try. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a small part of him in her heart. Just… A tiny bit of hope. 

"Help…" Cavillor whispered through the silence, glancing up and meeting his beloved's cold eyes, "Help me, Regina…"

He again coughed blood, staining her dress with the crimson liquid.

She eyed him indifferently. "That defeats the plan, don't you think? Why'd I waste all of my efforts every day just to heal you?"

After a few seconds, he then realized that she had been poisoning him all along with the coffee she gave him every day. She always called it poison… 

And now…

Arthur Willows, Cavillor's father's former second in command and the father of Nicholas, the current second in command, realized what she had done as well and yelled, "What are you all doing? Shoot her!"

Alas, no one moved. Even though she had indeed poisoned their king, she was now legally married to him, thus crowning her their Mafia's Queen. And everyone knew of the first law that Cavillor made was that the Queen had a higher stature than the king.

Not only that, but she had successfully gathered the members' respect, even more than Cavillor himself. This realization made the remaining people that were loyal only to Cavillor pale, their blood running cold. 

"Why…" Cavillor choked out, "Why would you do this? I thought that you…"

"I 'what'? Huh? Love you?" She scoffed, narrowing her eyes, "Please, Cavillor. I'm shocked that by now you haven't realized that this —whatever this is— between us was all a lie."

"Why… Why, why, why?!" He roared, anger coating his whole being. 

Mostly was, however, headed to himself. Regina didn't know it, but he was angry at himself for not being enough. No, he didn't regret falling in love with her. He knew that she hated him, loathed him, even. But he was hoping that she had been softening to him as he was to her. Alas, he had fallen in too deep with his feelings, that he didn't realize that she had all been acting.

Regina, however, laughed mockingly in reply, before silencing to a point that it became too cold to repress the shiver that danced down their spines.

She looked at him softly, making him remember the past in which she had been looking at him that way. Now, he realized that it was all a ploy. 

"Oh, my dear, Cavillor. Didn't you know?" Her face then hardened," I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees. Sure, you made my position higher than yours, but it's still painfully obvious that I'm but a mere prisoner in your golden cage like a fucking bird."

His body spurted out blood by itself, but he still strives to say, "No, you never were, Regina! Tell me, what more could you have possibly wanted that I haven't given you?!"

At that moment, a figure entered from the entrance of the cathedral. "Of course, she wanted what she deserved. And that was to rule this entire world that you have.

They all, except Regina who was still staring at Cavillor, looked at the entrance and saw someone entering. Someone that they all had thought was already dead. 

Soren Bianchi.


Flashback to Chapter 27


"Have you heard of the news?" Soren asked Regina the moment she stepped in the doors. She gave a nod in answer as they continue to walk into the main meeting room for the in-groups where the others should be waiting. 

They entered, and just as she predicted, they were all there. Silence emerged as Regina walked to the head of the table, followed by her second-hand mam. Finally reaching there, she slammed her palms to the table. It stung, but she merely relished the pain. 

"We need to get our king back," Regina growled lowly, the others nodding along with her. "Here's what we're going to do. First, I need their whole perimeters to be hacked, Krista. Then, find a blueprint of the whole place so that we could find an entrance with the least guards. Since there would still probably be some guards in that area, Wynter, you use your charms to them, then plunge a dagger in. After that, we go in, spill as much blood as possible, get our leader out of there, and blow the whole place up."

She had to admit, that wasn't the best she could have come up with, it was the only thing she could as of the moment. 

The others nodded at her plan, and off they went in different directions. As they all went out, Regina suddenly put her hand in Soren's, making him glance at her. Clenching it for a brief second, she kept his stare and took her hand out. She then left him there, staring at the small piece of paper that she had slipped into his hand.


Getting the point, Soren walked, but not to where he and the others were supposed to be meeting. Instead, he directly went to his room and entered the bathroom. Once he was sure that he was alone and no one else can see him, he opened the piece of paper in his hands. 

'My house, my room. Bathroom, the second drawer is underneath the vanity. The maroon lipstick.' 

He waited a few minutes until he was certain that Regina and the others had left, and went down to the garage. Then, he drove speedily to Regina's house and followed the instructions. 

When he found the lipstick, he opened it and saw that there was another sheet of paper inside. When he opened it, this one seemed bigger than the one that she had slipped into his hand earlier. Then, he read its contents with a heavy heart. 

'Soren, if you're reading this, this meant that something had happened. While I hope you never will, it is pretty much inevitable. I'm writing this to tell you that I think, no, I BELIEVE we have a traitor in our midst. Whoever it is, is fucking good. I can never get ahold of them properly. If you're reading this, then remember that whatever happens, do NOT come for me until I give you my signal. There's a burner phone in my cabinet of soaps, and when you see a message that says 'Plain Waffle', then that's your signal to trace the phone's location and come to me, alone. I don't know what will happen, but if ever the British mafia gets ahold of our Mafia, then you're going to have to lay low and act like some random goon while making sure that there aren't any traitors in our people. Remember, do not do anything until you confirm that I'm dead. Until then, just continue on the training as I prepare to bring hell to their doorstep.'

Inhaling deeply, Soren ran his hands through his face. He couldn't believe that he didn't even notice that there was a fucking traitor amongst them… 

Unexpectedly, a small smile twitched on his lips when he thought of how she had trusted him the most to tell this to him. 

Abruptly pulling the grin off his face, Soren reprimanded himself, 'The fuck, Soren? This isn't the time.'

With a worried mind, he followed what she had instructed and waited patiently. What he didn't follow was her orders to lay low, though. With only Krista as the one last person who had come back alive from their failed suicide mission, Soren and Krista kept tabs on the Mafia. When they learned that Rayver was being brought to Canada, they immediately made arrangements. 

After successfully getting Rayver back, they thought of where to bring him to ensure his safety. Knowing how Rayver had lost his memories, they then had the same thought of where to let him heal. 

After they came back to New York with an unconscious Rayver, they quickly admitted him to a hospital and anonymously called up Rayver's friends that had been looking for him all the time that he was missing. Using Regina's uncountable money, they paid in full for Rayver's expenses and checked up on him now and then. Thankfully, Rayver's Friends turned out to be true friends and took care of him even when he was in a state of comatose. 

Going back to the Mafia world, true to Regina's expectations, the Italian Mafia had been put under the orders of the British Mafia. 

When they were informed that Regina was dead, Krista was about to believe it, but Soren quickly told her what Regina had ordered him. Not to believe other people's words unless they personally confirm.

They held onto this until the day came. After many years, the burner phone that they were almost stuck with had vibrated. Looking at each other with hope and doubt, Soren took the courage, and shakily opened the message

'Plain waffle'

She was alive!

Quickly, Krista traced the location of the phone, and they were both shocked to find out that she was in a whole other country!

When they met, Soren had to control his urge to run up to Regina and crush her in his arms. It wasn't the time for that.

Then, Regina told him about Cavillor's infatuation with her, making Soren unconsciously fist his hand. Regina didn't notice and continued to tell him all that had happened.

"Why don't you use that… Interest… Of his to your own gain?" Soren suggested, feeling disgusted as he searched for the right word to say Cavillor's infatuation with her.

Regina rose a brow, "You think I haven't?"

This shut Soren up.

She then admitted to him that she had found someone to sell to her a slow-acting poison. It was tasteless, odorless, and colorless, making it so much easier and better.

It wasn't cheap at any rate, but it worked wonderfully. The one that sold the poison to her told Regina that this poison had to be used every day, for a much better effect when the time came.

Satisfied that she didn't reciprocate Cavillor's feelings, Soren could breathe much easier.

Then, they planned Xavier's death.

"That old guy. He needs to die soon."

Soren looked at Regina in confusion. Who's the 'old guy'?

Seeing his lost face, Regina rolled her eyes before explaining more clearly, "Xavier. Flare. Come on, Soren. Have the years made you rusty? He needs to die soon, because only then will I have the chance to completely control that blonde mutt."

Gritting her teeth, she continued, "He's the final string that's keeping me from fully brainwashing that mutt, so without him, things are going to go a whole lot more smoothly."

Soren listened to her plan and agreed to it, even though he didn't like that she had to seduce another man.


Hiding in the background, Soren kept his head down and acted like a decoration on the wall. It was the fancy crowning ball that the arrogant mutt had arranged, and if only he wasn't supposed to make sure that Regina was successful, then he definitely wouldn't have gone through the entrance.

Finally, after a long wait, he saw her, walking to the stage. Her dark violet dress was very eye-catching, completely different from the other colors that were present.

His ears were mute to the loud rumbles of confusion of the crowd, his attention solely based on her.

She did it. She's going to be queen.

With that assurance in mind, Soren left the building, telling himself to be patient for the next time they met.


When she entered the coffee shop, Soren felt his throat tighten. It was always like this. Why? 

Oblivious to her second-in-command's hitch of breath, Regina sat down in front of him. He stared at her, wanting to re-assess the woman in front of him once more. Without hesitation, she stared right back. 

The atmosphere was silent until he spoke first, "It's been a while." He breathed out. Damn, why is it that his collar suddenly felt tight? 

"Yes, it has, hasn't it?" Regina replied nonchalantly, sipping the drink that was in front of her. Knowing well what her favorite flavor was, he had ordered a hot chocolate drink for her, watching her blow and nod in appreciation subconsciously. 

This movement made him smile noticing that her habit was still unchanged, but he quickly suppress it. 

It was quiet again until he spoke once more, this time with a serious voice, "How long more?" How long more do I have to wait? How long more until he's far from your side? 

Regina shrugged, glancing around boredly, "I don't know. Three months? Five? Maybe a year, perhaps?" 

He couldn't help but scoff, leaning back on his chair with a frown as he noticed something. "What's this? You have their accent now? What happened to that Italian accent I used to lo--" He cut himself off, clearing his throat. 

He just can't say it, can he? 

Regina continued speaking, seeming to have ignored his statement, "Just make sure that they're ready. By the way, are many in already?" 

Clenching his jaw to push away the wrong thoughts, Soren nodded an affirmative. "Infiltrating and bargaining slowly by slowly."

Regina nodded in approval, making his eyes light up. Again, there was no sound between the two, and the only things they could hear were the soft background music of the coffee shop and the chatter of the people at other tables around them. 

Soren didn't care. He was already satisfied with staring at the woman that he loved. 

Regina then stood up after finishing her drink, but just as she was about to leave, Soren's hand seemed to have a mind of its own and clasped her wrist. 


She didn't move, nor say anything back, letting the male speak. He said in a soft voice, "Are you sure of this, Regina?" 

After a beat, she replied, still not turning to face him, "There will be no forgiveness and no way out. Remember that.

Having done with the conversation, she took back her wrist and walked to the door, leaving the man to stare at her retreating back.

'No forgiveness, no way out' she had said. So then, why did it seem that she hesitated?

It couldn't be that she also felt something for that mutt… Right?


Back to present


Soren neared the altar, and seeing no response to him from their king or queen, the ones from the Italian Mafia and the others from the British Mafia didn't fire a bullet towards him.

He then stood beside Regina, making Cavillor glare at him. How dare this lowlife even dare to stand side by side with his woman?! His wife! It was hard to be intimidating with a continuous trickle of blood down his chin, though, making Soren snicker at his pitiful state. 

Unexpectedly, a movement was made on the side of the British Mafia members. All eyes went to Zachary, and they watched as he made his way to Soren's side. Seeing that the auburn didn't seem to be surprised by this movement, the rest of the British Mafia's in-group were shell-shocked. 

"Zach, what are you doing?!" Blake, Zachary's boyfriend, yelled at him, his head muddled by his boyfriend's actions. Zachary ignored him and stared straight at Angelo. 

Angelo then smirked as his and Zach's eyes met in a staredown. 'So, you really did betray your own people, didn't you?' 

Cavillor, however, couldn't care less about the betrayal of someone, when the woman he loved was betraying him right this second as well.

"So this is what you've been hiding underneath that mask of yours?" Even though he was glaring daggers at Soren, it was clear that he was talking to Regina, which still looked at him indifferently.

Smiling evilly at him, she said, "This may sound petty as fuck, but I honestly hope that you're miserable until you're dead. Oh wait, you are! Poison is very painful anyway, how about adding heartbreak as well?"

Cavillor could feel his heart throb painfully at her true words. Yes, he loved her. He loved, but he still lost her. And yes, it hurt more than any wound or any sickness. 

Then, another burst of blood spewed out from his mouth, making Regina grin with bloodlust present in her features. "Do you want to know what this poison does? First, it builds itself up, slowly by slowly. It takes about three to four years or so to make it become fully grown, and then it will be more stronger and powerful. When it is ready, it then attacks the internal organs of its victim, mostly the lungs, but also everything else. Then, you die."

Cavillor listened to her short description, and as he felt his life slowly fading out of his body, the loud sounds of the church bells suddenly tolled. Hearing it, Regina's eyes hardened to a new degree, and she sneered in a low voice, "Hear that? That is the final sound you'll hear as you descend to hell."

With his last remaining strength, he whispered to her, "I still love you, Regina Flare. My queen."

Something flashed in her eyes, but then she quickly came back to gazing at him coldly, not saying a single word.

Right before he died, he realized something. In their whole 'relationship' she had never told him that she loved him, as he did to her. 

But it didn't matter. Because he loved her too much to even live without her loving him back.



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