Played By The God Of Mischeif.

By TempestariiDragon

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Suzanna lives in New York under the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. When Loki God of mischeif... More

Played By The God Of Mischeif.
Chapter One
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One

Chapter Four

5.6K 125 43
By TempestariiDragon

Chapter Four

I hear my bedroom door open and close. Look’s like trouble has woken up.

I ask “Did you have a nice sleep Loki?”

Loki replies “Yes and thank you for letting me sleep in your bed.”

I flick my hand above my head and smile “Don’t worry about it.”

Loki comes and sits next to me. He watches the TV in amazement for about five minutes.

He asks “What is this you are watching?”

I reply laughing at the TV slightly “It’s called Total Whipout USA… It’s where people do these obstacle courses which are rather hard and painful by the looks of it so that they can win money.”

Both me and Loki cringe as a contestant gets punch in the face by the sucker punch.

We watch the programme until the end then Loki asks “So what are we going to do now?”

I shrug “No clue what so ever…”

Loki asks “What is there to do in this home of yours?”

I suggest “We could watch a movie.”

Loki asks “What is this thing called a movie?”

I smile “Okay we’re watching a movie.”

Loki nods and watches as I go pick a movie from the shelf by the main desktop computer. I randomly grab a movie which turns out to be ‘The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzamiya’ so I quickly put that back and grab another. This one turns out to be ‘I am Legend’ so I take that back over to the TV and put it in the DVD player and quickly go to make popcorn.

When I return Loki is trying to figure out how to use the remote for the DVD player. I take it off him quickly and start the film.

Loki looks at the popcorn and asks “What is this?”

I smile “Popcorn.”

Loki tries some and looks like he doesn’t know what to make of it.

After the film has finished Loki asks “What is there to do in this city?”

I reply “Lot’s of things from shopping to visiting tourist attractions.”

Loki asks “Can we do some of these things?”

I smile “I’d have to get you some proper clothes first.”

Loki asks “What’s wrong with the attire I’m wearing now?”

I reply “Loki you’re wearing your Asgardian amour minus the helmet and other stuff.”

Loki nods then sighs “I guess you’re right.”

I notify “I’ve got a pair of jeans which should fit you and I’ve got a black army top as well if you want to wear those so we can go shopping.”

Loki smiles “I shall wear those then.”

I get up and find the clothes I’d told Loki about. I bring them back into the lounge only to see Loki topless and just about to pull his trousers off.

I exclaim while turning my head away “What are you doing?!”

Loki replies “Getting undressed so I can change into this new attire you wish me to wear.”

I throw the clothes at him then escape into the kitchen.

Five minutes later Loki walks into the kitchen. He looks abit uncomfortable but I’m sure he’ll get used to the clothes.

Loki asks “How do I look?”

I almost say hot but I’m able to stop myself from saying it. What has gotten into me?

I reply “You look human which is what matters really.”

The army t-shirt clings to his body like a second skin and shows his muscles off to perfection through the shirt. His jeans aren’t too tight but aren’t too loose either which is good.

Loki asks “Does that mean that I look like an imbecile?”

I smile “Loki you look fine.”

Loki doesn’t look too convinced. I shake my head holding back a smile.

I notify “Wait in the lounge for a minute while I get a proper t-shirt on.”

Loki asks “What is wrong with the attire you are wearing now?”

I smile “Loki it’s the start of winter I can’t go out in just a vest top otherwise I’ll freeze.”

Loki looks confused but I just walk off into my bedroom to put on a decent t-shirt.

I do have to admit I don’t really want to go out today as it’s pouring with rain and looks stupidly cold.

I pull a purple long sleeved t-shirt over my head. It’s got a picture of a wolf on the front which suits me very well. It doesn’t cling to my body like Loki’s does but it still clings slightly. I walk into my bathroom and put on my normal amount of make-up. Once done I grab my shoulder bag, my coat and an extra coat for Loki then I head into the lounge.

I fling the coat at Loki who catches it then looks at it in confusion. He watches me put on my coat then puts his on. I grab my purse and keys then usher Loki to the door. We get our outdoor shoes on then we’re heading to the elevator. Yes I did remember to lock my apartment door before I left.

Once we’re on a good street for shopping I usher Loki into a clothes shop. I get Loki to try on lots of different clothes and Loki makes me try on some clothes. It’s a lot of fun because believe it or not Loki is up for trying on almost anything. I buy most of what I got Loki to try on and only a few of what Loki got me to try on. I’m very picky when it comes to what clothes I wear.

Eventually at around two o’clock I pull Loki not a café for a rather late lunch. I order a jacket potato with a tuna mayonnaise filling and a hot chocolate. Loki orders the same as me.

I ask in a kind of mocking way “Do you have to have whatever I have?”

Loki replies “I don’t know what else to have as I don’t know what any of these things are.”

I laugh and shake my head.

Loki smiles warmly then asks “So tell me abit about yourself Suzanna?”

I reply “Well for a start you can call me Zanna.”

Loki repeats “Zanna.”

I smile “Yes Loki.”

Loki asks “So what do you like doing in your free time?”

I think for a moment then reply “A lot of things really… Singing, playing my guitar, dancing, shopping, going out with my friends, swimming, running and being in my wolf form.”

 Loki smiles “What is it like in your wolf form?”

I smile “It’s brilliant…. I can just let go and be myself nothing matters except for my natural instincts… It’s absolutely amazing.”

Loki smiles warmly at me and I return the smile.

I ask “Why do you want to know about me?”

Loki replies “Isn’t it allowed for a guest to get to know their host.”

I ask “I guess not… So go on then tell me what you like to do in your free time which isn’t plotting world destruction?”

Loki replies with a smile “I do not plot world destruction… I like to read, practise my magic and cause mischief.”

I smile “So basically you’re just a pain.”

Loki smiles “I wouldn’t say that.”

I joke “Of course you wouldn’t.”

Loki bursts into laughter soon followed by me.

Our food soon arrives so we fall back into silence as we eat our food. Loki looks as if he’s enjoying the food and the outing which is good.

After we leave the café we continue to shop and get to know each other abit better. When I decide that I’ve bought enough clothes for Loki we head back to my apartment.

On the way back Loki asks “Can’t you teleport us back?”

I reply “If I want to reveal my powers then yes I could but since I don’t want people to know about my powers then I won’t.”

Loki moans as we continue to get drenched by the rain as we walk.

Loki moans “Why did we have to come out so far?”

I smile trying to stay positive “Because that’s where the best normal clothes shops are.”

Loki asks “How are you being so positive when it’s raining like this?”

I reply “It’s an act Loki I hate the rain with an undying passion.”

Loki nods then notifies “I think I do as well.”

I smile “I can see that… The way you keep moaning about the rain.”

It’s true he’s been moaning about the rain for at least ten minutes now.

We finally arrive at my apartment building and we quickly head into the elevator after I’ve taken the opportunity to grab my mail. Loki keeps trying to take the mail away and look at it himself but I keep moving it so he can’t grab it. I quickly shuffle through the mail. Bills, bills, another bill. A postcard from my friend lucky little thing got to go on a three week holiday to Spain. Last one is a letter from S.H.I.E.L.D. I’ll have to read that later.

Loki asks as we walk towards my door “What are we going to do now?”

I reply “Well I’m going to make dinner.”

Loki asks “What are we having?”

I reply “Chicken Stir fry with noodles.”

Loki nods then asks “What am I to do?”

I notify “You can hang your new clothes up in the cupboard in the lounge.”

Loki nods.

I open the door and take my shoes off. Loki takes his shoes off as well. We all quickly head off to do our separate jobs.

Upon reaching the Kitchen I turn on one of the hobs at the front and wait for it to warm up. While I’m waiting I go and begin to prepare the ingredients.

Unfortunately Loki walks in and decides to lean back on the hobs. His right hand goes straight onto the hob that I had turned on minutes before so his hand begins to burn.

Eventually once he actually feels the flesh on his hand burning he actually screams out in pain and pulls his hand away from the hob.

I’m by his side in seconds pulling him over to the sink and putting his hand under the cold tap. I look at Loki’s face which is full of pain. I can already tell that his hand is going to have at least one burn scar.

I order “Keep your hand under the water while I get my first aid kit.”

Loki replies “I will do.”

I quickly grab my first aid kit out of a nearby cupboard and head back over to Loki. I open the first aid kit and get the burn cream and bandages out.

I grab two pieces of tissue and place them near the first aid kit. I turn the tap off and pick up one piece of tissue.

I warn “This is going to hurt alright but do not move your hand.”

Before Loki has a chance to respond I start to dab his hand dry. Loki immediately cries out and tries to pull his hand away but I grab his wrist.

I order “Loki don’t move your hand or it’ll get worse.”

Loki cries out “It is so painful.”

I reply “I know but give me a few minutes and you’ll be fine.”

Loki nods but closes his eyes in pain.

I finish drying the wound then I apply some burn cream. I grab the other piece of tissue then I start to dab the cream around evenly. I grab some cling film and put that on his hand before putting the bandages around his hand.

Once done Loki sighs in relief and sits down on the floor leaning up against the draws.

I ask “Feeling any better?”

Loki looks at me then smiles “Yes it feels much better… Thank you Zanna.”

I smile happily “Don’t worry I’m just glad you’re alright.”

I’ve just realised what I’ve just said so I blush. I turn my head away and begin to make the stir fry. I’m careful not to trip over Loki’s outstretched legs as I rush from the frying pan to the chopping board.

Once the stir fry is cooking nicely I lean up against the island and look down at Loki who is looking around the kitchen.

I ask “How’s your hand now?”

Loki looks up at me then notifies “It feels extremely sore.”

I notify “I’ve got some pain killers if you want some of them to help soothe the pain.”

Loki smiles “If you think that will help me then I will take the pain killers.”

I nod and grab some from my cupboard. I fill a glass with cold water and offer it to Loki to hold in his left hand. I then push two tablets out of the pain killer packet and hold them in my hand ready.

I request “Can you open your mouth please.”

Loki opens his mouth and I place the two tablets onto his tongue. He immediately looks confused but doesn’t do anything.

I request “Now take a drink and make sure to swallow both of those pills whole.”

Loki nods and does as I say.

After Loki has swallowed both of the tablets his face screws up in disgust and he sticks out his tongue. I can’t help but laugh at the face he is pulling. He quickly gives me an evil look.

I smile “Pain killers always taste horrible so don’t go thinking I’ve done something to you… The pain killers should take effect soon though.”

Loki nods but doesn’t look too happy.

I quickly get back to the stir fry as it has fished cooking. I dish it up into two bowls and place them at the table.

I ask after I had sat down “Do you want to eat your dinner down there like an animal or up here like a civilised person?”

Loki doesn’t even reply he just gets to his feet and sits next to me at the island.

After dinner we end up just watching a random TV show but in the end I fall asleep leaning against Loki. I do have to say though that he didn’t seem to mind me sleeping on him. I think I’d go as far as saying that he actually enjoyed me sleeping on him as I think he put one of his arms around me. My wolf enjoyed having the physical contact that I’ve never properly had. Wolf blood’s crave physical contact well I should say their wolfs do anyway.

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