Stockholm Syndrome |n.h

By StarCrossed13

131K 4K 890

Sure I've read the stories and seen the movies. I thought about the topic many times But I never thought it w... More



1.3K 56 18
By StarCrossed13

I just wanna say real quick that I miss Zayn, and in my mind he will always be a member of One Direction. For the sake of this fictional story, Zayn will remain apart of it.

Enjoy chapter 42 (: {i can't believe I've gotten this far in the book omg thank you guys for not giving up on it}


"What?" I am wide awake in three seconds flat. "Really?"

"Yes Evanna." He sounds rushed. "Meet me at the jailhouse." and without another word my dad hangs up the phone. I stare at the blank screen for a few seconds before I actually stand up and get dressed. I put on jeans and one of Niall's hoodies.

Rushing into Harry's room, which is the closest to the one I was previously in, I open his door and turn on his light.

"Harry!" I whisper yell and shake him. "Harry," he doesn't wake so I grab his thick blankets and pray to god that he has clothes on. I rip off the blankets, and his lower area is covered (thank god) and he is still asleep. I flip him off, even though he can't see and walk into his connected bathroom, filling up a small cup with ice cold water.

Walking back over to his bed, I grin. He is going to hate me.

I slowly tip the cup, only a drop of water hitting his face. Then another, and another until I spill the whole cups' contents into Harry's curls.

He jolts away and looks around the room with wide eyes. "What the hell?!"

"Come on!" I laugh. "Let's go."

"Wait what?"

"My dad called." I bite my lip and back out of his room. "We have to go."

Harry doesn't care that I spilt cold water on him anymore. There on his face is one of the most brightest smirks I've ever seen. "Have you woken the others yet?"

"No... you get Zayn and I'll get Liam and Louis." I start out of his room but he stops me.

"No, you get Zayn. He is scary." I roll my eyes but give him a thumbs up and make my way into the bedroom that no one wants to go in the mornings. Let's just say Zayn is a heavy sleeper and he likes it that way.

"Zayn." I sing, walking up beside his sleeping body. "Wake up." The only reply I get is a soft fart. "Oh come on." I groan. I get closer to him again and sing a little tune in his ear. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey."

"Eggs?" He says, still asleep.

"Uh... yes! Yeah it's almost noon and I made breakfast for everyone." I lie. "Get dressed and come downstairs." Zayn finally opens his eyes and nods.

Why does food wake people up?

"Ev!" Louis rushes to me, I'm ugly plaid jama pants and a white shirt, once I'm out of Zayns room. "Are you serious?"

"Look at my call log if you don't believe me." I smile. "We are getting him out."

"This is amazing." Louis cries. "Oh god, I missed the little asshole."

"Me too." I almost cry. Almost. "Zayn is coming." I wipe my pants. "You guys go get dressed and meet me downstairs." Everyone nods and I make my way down there and turn on the lights as I go.

"You lied to me." A deep voice startles me. "There are no eggs." Zayn emerges from the shadows of the kitchens and glares in my direction.

I fold my arms. "Well, if scrambled eggs are better than getting Niall out of jail then you stay here." I offer and turn away from him, teasing.

"What? He called?" I turn back around and jump into Zayns arms without being able to stop myself.

"A few minutes ago." He hugs me back tightly and I hear everyone else coming down the stairs. "We have to meet my dad at the jailhouse." I tell to no one in particular.

"I'll drive." Harry suggests. "I mean, I am the most awake." He glares. I smile at him and we all make our way outside, making sure to lock the door to the house.

"Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?" Liam asks me.

"This is really happening." I confirm with a nod and a smile.

"I'm still disappointed their was no eggs." Zayn pouts.

"What is that about?" Louis leans over to ask me.

I roll my eyes. "I woke him up by saying 'wakey wakey eggs and bakey' and then proceeded to tell him I made everyone breakfast."

"Oh, well now you're making breakfast when we get back." Louis huffs.

"I'm sure that's what Niall's going to what." I smile just thinking about him at home.

"Um.. she can't cook." Harry says from the steering wheel. "Why don't we go to a diner?" He suggest.

"Hey!" I argue. "I can to cook."

"Not very well." He scoffs.

"Whatever." I lean back in my set at and rest my head on the back of it.

"And, we all know that the first thing he is going to go after is definitely not food." Zayn snickers. My eyes widen at his suggestion.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oh, poor and innocent Liam. Louis giggles and Harry smirks.

"We all know the first thing e is gonna want is Evanna." Zayn fills him in.

"Oh..." Liam reddens. "Yeah. Of course." I turn back and glare at the both of them, and Zayn sends me a wink. I roll my eyes and face forwards again.

"We are almost there." Harry says. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and my heart beats the speed of a race car.

"It will be fine." Liam puts a hand on my shoulder. I reach up and squeeze it. "He will be so happy, I know it."

"We all know it." I laugh. "Who would want to be in prison. He has been waiting to get out for a long time."

"Yeah, well," Harry sighs. "His dreams are coming true. We're here."

I look out the window and see that we are in fact at the jail house. I can even see my dad's car in the parking lot.

Harry parks the car and we all are outside in less than thirty seconds.

"Okay, he is probably inside talking to the attendant at the desk so let's go in."

It is really early in the morning, I dot want to wake Alex by calling him but I send him a text, hoping e will get it when he wakes up. 'He called, he chose me! At the jail picking up Niall'

I am the first one in, and I see my dad sitting in the waiting chairs. He stands up when he sees me and walks over to us calmly.

"Thank you." I say once he is in ears reach.

He nods. "I've already taken care of everything. I'm just waiting for him to come out with the sherif."

"How did you do it?" Harry asks.

"I told them that the evidence I had was false, that it wasn't his voice." he shrugs. "But I know it was him." he points to me. "And I expect an explanation."

I nod and go along with it, even though he will never know what happened in that basement a few months ago.

No one could sit down in the torturous minutes that we were waiting. No one could talk, hell, I could barely breathe.

"How long does this take?" Zayn pulls at his hair.

"They take the clothes that he was arrested with, so they have to get those back to him. And personal belongings like his cellphone and wallet." My dad explains. "It could take anywhere to fifteen minutes to an hour."

"Thank you again." Liam says. "He isn't a bad person."

Mason nods, and clenches his jaw. He wanted to say something. At least he is trying to hold back.

Then, we hear a beep and a door opens. All of our attention goes towards them.

First out is the officer. He is holding a set of keys, swinging ten around on his index finger.

Then comes Niall. He is wearing the clothes he wore on New Years and his hair is flat from the lack of hair products this place has.

His blue orbs set on mine as soon as he is through the door. He is the first one to start running. If this were a movie, it would be cute and slow motion. But we run to each other like a fat kid runs to the last piece of cake. No offense to fat kids.

Niall's arms wrap around my whole body and he lifts me into the air, spinning both of us. I close my eyes and burry my head into his neck.

Niall starts laughing as he slows us down and sets me on my feet with his arms securely around me. I don't know weather to laugh or cry, so it's a mixture of both.

And before anything else happens, Blondie's lips are on mine in a hungry kiss, and damn it feels good. I kiss him back just as passionately, if not more.

"God, I love you." Niall growls against my lips.

"I love you too." I whisper, with my hands in his hair, "but I don't think everyone else wants to see you love me." I peck his lips one more time with a smile, and take Blondie's hand and guide him toward his best friends. They get to him before he gets the chance and is invaded in a hug.

I look back and smile at my dad, but when I look, he isn't there.
Turning back to Niall and the boys, I laugh and join their hug.

"Alright you kids." the officer who escorted Niall out says. "Get out of here."

"Don't have to ask me twice." Blondie smirks. "Let's go."

I am the first one out of the smelly building, hand in hand with Niall. I lead everyone back out to the car and take the very back seat so I can have my way with my boyfriend.

"Now, eggs." Zayn demands from the middle row of car seats.

"Eggs?" Niall laughs.

I roll my eyes. "Long story."

"Okay.. But I could do with some real food." Blondie says as he reaches up and takes hold of the necklace hanging from my neck. "I love you to the sun." He whispers before leaning down and kissing me again. I smile against his lips and lean back.

"It's midnight." I giggle. "Is a diner even gonna be open?"

"It's a diner." Harry scoffs. "Of course one will be open."

We went to the same diner we were at with Abby. Niall seems to have been there before, because all he can think about is the potatoes that they serve here.

"Well, don't just sit there, come in!" Louis claps and jumps out of the car and runs into the diner without looking back to us.

"Well, he sure is excited." Blondie mumbles.

"Not as excited as me." I smile and lead him into the diner without letting go of his hand.

"It was only a few days, Ev. You could have been that lonely."

"A few days without your lover is like a few years in a teenagers eyes." I quote.

Niall just shakes his head as we sit down in a booth. We are handed menus and we have ordered in no less that ten minutes. Niall was anxious.

"Here you are." A waitress smiles, giving us the plates of food.

"Thank you." I smile at her.

And this night will go on my list of favorites. We laughed, cried, laughed some more and ate just about all there was to eat. Niall shared with us some stories that he had gone through down in the jail, some of them were actually really funny. Not all of the people there are that bad, according to him.


When we got home, everyone said their good nights and went to bed all but Niall and I. He had other plans.

We went down the the basement where we could could be loud and wouldn't wake the guys.

I set up a movie and Niall sat on the sofa. When I was done, I went and sat next to him with my back leaning against the armrest and my legs over his. He rubs my legs up and down as the previews come on. He squeezes my knee and I squeal, it's one of my tickle spots that he has just rudely found.

Blondie perks up as I squirm under his touch. "That tickle?" He teases. "and here?" He gets to my sides.

"Niall!" Laughing, I push on his chest. "Stop it!" He sits up and straddles my waist, ticking everywhere he could possibly tickle.

"Never!" He laughs. I squirm underneath him out of breath. And all of a sudden his tickling stops, and he just sits on me, staring into my eyes.

His lips quickly come in contact with mine. I squeal in surprise but kiss him back. I run my fingers through his perfectly blonde hair.

A moan slips my lips and Niall groans, pushing his hips onto mine. I gasp and Niall takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

"Stop." I whisper and he pulls away, raisin an eyebrow. "Bedroom."

Niall grins and stands up, I am about to follow his actions but he snakes his arms around my legs and my back, lifting me up into his arms princess style.

I giggle the whole way there until he sets me on my feet. He playfully pushes my shoulders and I fall backwards onto the bed. Niall whips off his shirt before he crawls back onto the bed and straddles me again.

"I think it's only fair," Niall kisses my forehead "that you return the favor," his lips travel down to my jaw. "And take your shirt off too." He whispers against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

And so I took my shirt off, and gave him everything.

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