By chickenwingschill

406 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


4 0 0
By chickenwingschill

The weekend is finally here. Mom has kept me on bed rest since the incident on Thursday. She didn't even allow me to go to school on Friday; which resulted in me receiving multiple texts and phone calls from both Desmond and Dalton, and refused me to practice the dance choreography. She even called our family doctor and he came to see me at home. But there was no new info, he just said what i already knew, that my blood sugar levels were low. Then he went on to lecture me about how I should be eating better and taking care of myself. Even referred me to a psychiatrist to be tested for anorexia. Why doesn't anyone understand that I'm fine! I just don't get hungry as much these days and sometimes I forget to eat, that's all there is to it.

I feel my phone vibrate under my pillow. Probably more insults and edited pictures of me {yeah, edited pis of me on animals and other unflattering stuff}. Well, let's see what they came up with today.


Hey Sarah! So, I was wondering if you want to hang out today.

I know a great place and it has great food so you'll have to eat something😁

Just as I am about to type no, mom barges into my room with an entire breakfast tray.

"Morning sweetheart!"

She hails as she carefully sets the tray down on my desk.

"You don't have to bring me breakfast to my room mom. I'm not even-"

"- do not say you're not hungry. You literally collapsed in school. You hadn't eaten anything in a day and a half because you 'weren't hungry' Mmh mmh... nope! Not today darlin'. You're going to eat and I'm going to watch."

"Fine, whatever, if it makes you happy I guess..."

I deadpan as i shift my focus back to my phone to reject Dalton's request.

"Who are you texting? I've literally never seen you text anyone."

Mom asks as she snatches the phone from my palms, leaving me staring at the empty space it used to occupy. She gasps as she slowly turns to me with wide excited eyes.

"Is this Zac?"

I heave and roll my eyes because I know she is going to make it a big deal.

"Yes mom, it is Dalton. No, we aren't friends. He is a stalker, if you couldn't tell from the name I saved him by. And I only have his number because we are dance partners and lab partners."

Mom makes a disappointed face before looking at the phone again.

"Why are you saying no to a hang out? He even searched for a place where you'd like the food so that he can be sure you're eating. He is so sweet. Are you really cold enough to reject such a sweet-"


There is a brief silence as mom waits for a sign that I feel guilty while I just stare blankly at her.

She finally lets out before she starts typing on my behalf.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I panic

"Aaaand sent."

I grab my phone back and see the horrid message she typed back.


Hey Zac! I would love to hang out today😊

Where should we meet?

I start laughing at message, feeling a little relieved

"What's so funny?"

"There is no way Dalton will believe I typed that."

"Why not?"

"Well, for starters, you called him Zac. And second, you used an emoji.... I never use emojis."

My phone vibrates again.


Thanks Mrs Gordon! I'll be over in like an hour to pick Sarah up.

"Is that him? What'd he say?"

Mom demands

"He thanked you and said he'd be here in an hour to pick me up..."

I can't believe this.

I start to reply but mom grabs my phone again.

"I don't think so... You're going. How can you be so popular in school and still not hang out with anyone?"

"What gave you the idea that I'm popular?"

I ask while struggling to take my phone back. Unfortunately, I'm the only short member of my family.

"You had lots of incoming and unopened messages. Lots of people clearly want to talk to you."

Ha! Yeah... I guess that's one way to put it.

"Please just give me back my phone."

I plead.



Mom and I sit patiently in the living room as mom does the final touches on my brows. At least she went for a very natural look today. The bell rings and dad, of all people, rushes to open it.

"I'll get it!"

He yells while speeding past the hallway.

"Did he order something?"

I turn to mom, confused.

"No... I told him Zac's coming to pick you up."

Mom gestures for me to be silent so we can hear the conversation.

"So... you want to take my daughter out... again?"

Dad grills.

"Yes, I do. She's a lot of fun to hang out with."


"Really? What makes her so fun?"

"I don't really know which one of her many awesome characteristics to start with. She is funny... Incredibly tough and confident."

Ugh... cringe.

"Oh... uh... well"

No, dad, don't fall for it!

"May I come in sir?"


Never thought I'd see the day dad invites a boy, who plans to go out with me, into our home. And of all the boys?! Dalton?!

"Hello Mrs Gordon!"

Dalton hails as he enters our living room followed by dad, who looks confused.

"Ugh, let's just go."

I let out while rising from my seat.

"Aww, i didn't think you'd be this excited."

I glare at Dalton as i ponder whether 20 to life is worth it.

"Listen Dalton.... This has happened twice... Twice! You know the saying, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me three times.... And I will kill you..."

I keep my eyes locked on Dalton's as I eerily walk closer to him.

"I don't think that's how it goes..."

"Yeah? Well, that's how I like to say it. Problem?"

"No ma'am.."

"Good, then let's go."

I march out the door and Dalton follows.


Dalton's driver drops us off in front of a huge building and my, already little, interest in this hangout drops significantly when I read the sign above he entrance.

"A karaoke place? Really Dalton?"

I whine.

"Come on... it'll be fun! Plus, I didn't want to come alone."

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure coming to a karaoke place alone is a sign of severe insanity"

"So what you're saying is... I'm not crazy?"

"A stalker doesn't have to be crazy."

"Don't they though?"

"Let's just get in."

Dalton grabs my wrist before I get in and pulls me back.

"Didn't you tell Alvarez that grabbing a ladies wrist isn't polite?"

I point out.

"Okay... before we go in... don't hate me."

"I already hate you Dalton..."

"Okaaaaayyy.... Don't kill me?"

"I can't make a promise like that. Why are you being so on edge?"

"Just... let's go."

That was suspicious.

It looks pretty cool on the inside. Royal blue carpeted walls and floors, LED light fitted into the corners and multiple booths for karaoke, big enough to fit a large group of people. I guess it isn't that bad.

"Here it is... booth 16."

Dalton announces.

"You booked ahead?"

Dalton folds his lips in and raises his eyebrows


That was a little too high pitched for my comfort.

"Well... what?"

"Let's just enter."

He opens the door and we walk in only for my eyes to be met by the most horrifying sight. Jeanna, Audrey, Jeanna minion one, Jeanna Minion two, Jeanna minion three, Drunk jerk from the party, Drunk Jerk from the party's friend, and worst of all, Erica and Desmond. The room, which was once lively, went completely silent.

I take in a very deep breath and bite my lower lip as I turn to face the soon to be dead man.

"Okay... wait... just hear me out. I mean, if you kill me here, you'll go to jail and... well... you wouldn't want to ruin your very bright future, right?"

He flounders

"Oh... I don't know Dalton... seems pretty worth it to me...."

I say through my teeth.

"Okay... but you're so pretty and smart though. You can literally be anything you want! Like a doctor or actress or model. You don't really want to throw all that away over someone as insignificant as me."

I continue to glare daggers into the man's soul. He sighs in defeat and takes in a deep breath before speaking again.

"Okay, but can I at least sing first before you kill me? "

I try to leave but he just blocks my path, so I turn on my heels and confidently walk to one of the empty tables, furthest from everyone, and sit. Against his better judgment, Dalton sits next to me.

"Oh... I see. You're plotting for her councilness and the dancing queen to kill me before i can kill you."

He sighs and leans in to whisper.

"No, I knew hanging out with them would be boring so i invited you so that i can have fun."

"So... you brought me here as a way of making them avoid you instead of you avoiding them since they would rather drink sulfuric acid than hang out with me?"

"No!... Yeah..."

"So you're using me?"

"Don't say it like that."

"Hey! Sarah, why don't you come sit with us?!"

Desmond hails suddenly.

"You too Zac..."

He adds hesitantly.


I slowly turn to Dalton with wide eyes and my lips folded in.

"Really? Even when you're already on death row?"

He locks his hand in mine and drags me to the table Desmond and Erica are sitting on. I can tell from the way Erica is glaring at Desmond, he's on death's door too.

"Thanks for the invite Audrey, Sarah and i were supposed to hang out today but when you asked me to come i thought karaoke would be fun so I brought her along."

Audrey's eye is clearly twitching and Jeanna is as red as a tomato. Safe to say they're not happy. But Dalton is playing dumb. He really is two faced.

" No problem, the more the merrier, right?"

Audrey says through her teeth.


Still playing the clueless fool.


A couple of performances later and the atmosphere hasn't become less intense. Well, there's Dalton who is stupid excited about performing.

"Oh! The food here!"

Dalton hails as the waiters serve us four cheesy fries and two chicken nugget buckets, like we ordered. The other two tables also get served and the awkward tension returns once the waiters leave.

"Oh! It's my turn!"

Jeanna exclaims before hopping to the mini stage. She scrolls through the songbook before picking a song and punching in the number into the karaoke machine.

"This is a song i really like so, don't read too much into it"

The fact that she has to say that means we should read into it. I realise why when  bite the dust by pussycat dolls starts playing. I'm guessing the song is meant for me.

"Looks like her councilness is very protective of her prince charming."

I mumble to myself but realize Dalton can hear me when he lets out a sudden chuckle.

Once Jeanna's lovely performance is over, Audrey takes the stage. She decides on me too by Megan Trainor. I'm not surprised. Then, Desmond took the stage next. He punches in the number into the karaoke machine and everyone waits in anticipation. Erica especially. I look away desperately suppressing the emotions resurfacing as a result of the melody he produces. Unfortunately, I'm only human, and so I allow myself to look for a moment only to be met by his gaze openly directed at me. Somehow the lyrics become clear.  Like this by Shawn Mendes, he sung it for me once before while playing his guitar. I'm pretty sure I have forgotten how to breathe and my heart is palpitating like crazy. I hate him! He can't even let me live peacefully in my singleness. Does he have to rub salt on the wound by being so... so... ugh!

"Wow Dez! You have a great voice!"

Audrey's voice brings my mind back to earth. The atmosphere is even more awkward than before and everyone is clapping hesitantly.


Still wearing a smile, Desmond gets off the stage and sits back down. Erica isn't in her seat anymore, she must've walked out during his performance.

"What was that about?"

Dalton whispers into my ear, which makes me twitch a little.

"What was what about?"

"You and Alverez? Staring into each other's eyes while he serenades you? Ring a bell?"

Is Dalton actually pissed?

"What? Are you jealous?"


I turn to face him out of shock. I didn't expect him to be so blunt about it. Before i can say anything, Erica walks in looking like she's about to murder someone in a very sadistic way. She sits down next to Desmond who doesn't seem to care even a little. Are they fighting? And more importantly, did he just use me as a way to make her mad?!

"I guess it's my turn then."

Dalton jumps from his seat then jogs to the stage. I be he is going to sing something so stupid.

"This is for you Sarah!"

Has he lost his mind?!

Everyone must be thinking the same thing because the room is now dead silent and everyone is staring at Dalton with wide eyes. He lifts the mic to his mouth and sings the intro line.

"Put your loving haaaaand out, baaybeeeh. 'cause I'm beeegin'"

I can't help but chuckle at his bold and very direct choice. I'm also surprised that he is singing the song so perfectly, his voice isn't half bad.

As if he hasn't embarrassed me enough, he dances his way to our table and proceeds to sing the rest of the song. I cover my mouth and glare at the crazy man who is still singing with a smile and a whole lot of enthusiasm. I am definitely going to kill him...

He finally finishes his over the top performance and sits back down with a smile on his face.

"Well, you're the only one who hasn't performed Sarah."

He points out while I think about slow painful ways to murder him.

"I don't want to..."

I deadpan.

"What? You intimidated? You don't have to be good, you know. Karaoke is fun whether you know how to sing or not."

Jeanna joins in. Her backhanded comment triggers my competitive nature.


I get up and march to the stage. As I scroll the songbook, I spot the perfect revenge song. I punch in the song number and walk to the center of the small stage with the mic. The song lyrics appear on the screen and I wait patiently for the countdown to reach one.

"I think it's so cute, and I think it's so sweet. How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me. But let me stop you there, before you speak. Uh to the nuh to the NO NO NO!"

No by Megan Trainor. Not only is it fun to sing, it also makes it clear to stalkers like Dalton that I am not interested clearly and directly.

I end the song with a perfect run, return the mic and walk out of the booth like the boss I currently feel like I am, leaving Jeanna with her big mouth wide open. 

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