By chickenwingschill

406 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


10 1 0
By chickenwingschill

After some unnecessary cardio, we stop before a huge gate with a man dressed in fancy clothes standing behind a podium. We approach slowly and the man calls for us to stop.

"This area is only accessible to VIP guests. May I see your VIP badges please?"

The attitude in his voice as he asks us for our passes triggers me but not enough for me to want to do anything about it.

Dalton pinned his badge on his jacket so he just points at it. The man inspects it with his eyes before giving an approving nod.

"And you Ms.?"

He arches his eyebrows at me with a bothered glare. I sigh before taking my badge out of my purse and subtly waving it at him. His eyes widen as he inspects my badge.

"Y.. you're Kiera Gordons daughter?!"

He stammers in shock.


I respond while shoving the pass, which had my name on it apparently, back into my purse.

"Oh my gosh! I am a huge fan. I love her designs!"

Is this magic show part of the secret events Dalton mentioned because this guys ability to make his attitude disappear without a trace is quite impressive.

"Kay... I'll let her know I guess."

Dalton and I start to walk past him but he grabs my wrist triggering me to turn back.

"Could you please arrange for me to meet her?! I have so much to ask her! I'm also a part time model so I was hoping to get a job with her."

This guy is getting on my nerves. I jerk my hand away from him and step back to ensure he doesn't touch me again.

"Listen dude, five seconds ago you were more than ready to kick me to the curb, infact, I'd say you were eager. Also, I'm not going to set my mom up to meet with some rando I met in a park. If you want to meet her, earn it. And finally, my mom isn't interested in people who post shirtless black and white pictures on Instagram then label themselves 'models', Kay?"

He stares at me in shock.

"Y... You follow my gram?"

He finally manages to say. I roll my eyes and walk away into the gate with Dalton following closely behind trying to contain his laughter.


The other side of the gate is like another world. I didn't think the amusement park could be any bigger but there are even more rides and activities on this side.

"I didn't know you are such a celebrity Sarah"

Dalton lets out as we walk deeper into the amusement park Narnia.

"My mom is a celebrity."

I correct.

"Yeah but people recognize you because you're her daughter"

"No, People only recognize me as her daughter."

" Is that why you shot that guy down so harshly?"

"He had the audacity to ask me for a favour after being such a douch before. Just because he's my mom's fan? Of course I wasn't going to let that slide."

Dalton scoffs at me but I am too mesmerized by how beautiful the secret area looks to care. There are better rides and booths on this side.

We arrive at the fireworks site where we find out the show doesn't start for another hour and thirty minutes.

"Well, I guess we can kill time by trying out some of the rides on this side. They look pretty cool."

Dalton suggests.

"Yeah sure... whatever."

Of course I am eager to try the rides and booths out but showing Dalton that will convince him that I am actually enjoying this hang out and my ego will not allow that. I mean, I'm enjoying the rides, not being around him.

We bounce from ride to booth to ride starting with the drop tower followed by the bucket toss, the carousel, hoop shot and finally end our adventure with the flume ride which leaves us soaking wet.

As we walk back to the fireworks site with 15 minutes to spare I spot a cart with my biggest weakness.

"Cotton Candy! Get your Cotton Candy here!"

The attendant announces. I have an extreme sweet tooth, you could even say I'm addicted. I rush towards the cart without a second thought, like metal to a powerful magnet.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Dalton asks as he follows me.

"Hey there, want some cotton candy?"

The attendant asks as Dalton and I arrive before him. I squeeze Apollo a little tighter to stop myself from completely losing it due to excitement. I nod as normally as I can, afraid that if I open my mouth I'll end up yelling.

"Two cotton candies please, large."

Dalton's voice requests. I turn to face him because I was unaware of how close he was to me. But, if he is paying for the candy, I guess I can let it slide.

"Great, we have strawberry, mint, lemon, lime , grape, cherry and Pina colada, what flavour would you guys prefer?"

I briefly meditate on the attendant's question. All the flavours sound so good.

"Pina colada for me."

Dalton lets out, increasing the pressure for me to decide.

"Uh... Lemon for me."

I never regret choosing lemon, It's my default choice.

The process of collecting the clouds of sugar from the machine using a paper cone is always fun to watch. He hands us our respective cones and I accept mine while trying my best not to squeal.

"You two make an adorable couple."

The attendant lets out as Dalton pays him.

"Oh thank-"

Dalton starts but I'll be damned if I allow him to finish those words after the attendant just harled such an insult at me.

"-we aren't a couple, i am here completely against my will. He's just been stalking me and my mom coerced me into hanging out with him."

I deadpan as i walk away

"Really, after i bought you a slushy and cotton candy!"

Dalton whines as he rushes to catch up.

"You dragged me here away from the comfort of my bed, it's the least you could do..."


The fireworks area is just a big field with a clear view of the night sky. People have scattered themselves all over as they wait for the show to start. Dalton and I find a space to sit and wait as we eat out cotton candy.

"I don't think I've ever seen so many stars before."

Dalton lets out as he watches the night sky in awe.

"Neither have I... wonder if there's an alien living on one of those solar systems looking up at our star right now wondering if there are aliens looking at their star."

My inner thoughts let themselves out.


Dalton turns to me with a completely lost expression.

" Nevermind... I was just thinking out loud."

He chuckles before turning back to the sky.

"Hey Sarah, have you ever been in love?"

He asks suddenly, eyes still locked on the sky. An image of Desmond immediately appears clearly in my mind and a sharp cold feeling invades my every cell.


I answer softly.

"Do you think you'll ever fall in love again?"


"What if you meet someone who you can't help but have feelings for?"

"I don't think I'll never have feelings for anyone, but i won't allow myself to love them. I'll just wait for whatever feelings I have to die."

He chuckles but still does not shift his gaze from the sky.

"I've never been in love. I came to high school hoping to fall for someone so hard I'd do anything for them. I've never felt so strongly about anyone before, just seen it in movies. I want to cry for someone and I also want someone to cry for me. I've received a total of 20 confession letters from girls at our school claiming to love me and five have confessed in person"

"Okay, so... Why are you telling me this? Just pick one and love them."

"I'll admit, I wanted to do that, I actually thought it would work but.... I always reject them instinctively. None of it feels genuine. None of them seem genuine."

"Okay... still don't understand why you're telling me..."

I lock my hands behind my head and lay down on the soft grass with my eyes closed as I wait for him to get to the point.

"Today I realized why I keep rejecting them."

"That's great buddy, good for you."

I say in a tired sarcastic tone.

"It's because I already fell in love with you..."

My eyes shoot open and my heart stops for a moment as I replay his words, trying to determine if I heard him wrong. It's been what, a month?


I finally manage to let out as I arch my brow at him. He slowly turns and looks down at me with a soft grin.

"I'm in love with you Sarah Beverly Gordon, and one day, you'll love me too."

Before I can even respond, we hear the high pitched whistle of a firework being launched followed by the sound of a loud explosion accompanied by bright coloured flashes that light up Dalton's face, allowing me to see the genuine expression he's wearing more clearly. 

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