By chickenwingschill

404 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


13 1 0
By chickenwingschill

Eli and Erica have been exchanging weird looks since we left my place. They've been looking at me weird too.

"For crying out loud just say it already." I heave as we approach the school gate.

"What?" Erica asks

"You two have been dying to either ask or say something so... spill."

They glance at each other once more then Eli sighs before speaking.

"It's just... Ace seemed pretty upset about something when we walked into the living room. He actually seemed angry. Are you sure everything's cool?"

"Yes..." I huff, "Ace is just overreacting. He'll be fine."

We walk into the school with the other groups of students gathered at the entrance. Erica and Eli don't ask any further questions but it's obvious they are still worried. I decide to ignore their concern because no matter what I tell them they won't be convinced to just let it be.

Once inside the building, we head straight to our lockers. Eli's and mine are next to each other and Erica's is on the other side of the hallway because she didn't want to be more of a third wheel than she already is; her words not mine.

"So... I heard Jeanna is throwing a huge pool party this weekend, like an end of freshman year party" Erica starts as she walks over to us.

"Isn't that what prom is supposed to be?" I interrupt.

"Yeah... but prom has chaperons and no alcohol..."

It's weird how she says that like it's the worst possible occurrence. We're literally 15, 16 and 16.

"And?" I question and wait for her to clarify her reasoning.

"You're such a goody two shoes"

I think she meant to say that under her breath but I heard it clear as day.

"Bev isn't a goody two shoes, she just doesn't care for such things." Eli corrects in and the three of us start walking towards our homeroom

"True... I mean, what's so appealing about drinking or going to a party without adult supervision?" I add.

"Without adult supervision, we can do anything we want!" Erica tries to explain

"I do whatever I want whether under adult supervision or not..."

Eli snickers and Erica tilts her head back in surprise.

"Like I said, Bev isn't a goody two shoes." Eli concludes.

We finally reach our homeroom class and maneuver through the chaotic room to our assigned seats.


Nothing interesting happens throughout the day. I heard a few more students mention Jeanna's party though and it seems the entire grade will be there. Even more reason not to go. All those people squeezed into a single house? No way. Not to mention they'll all be drunk and stupid. Maybe I'm missing a vital area in my brain that's supposed to find it appealing.

Now it's finally time for club meetings, aka the only worth while time I spend in school. I change into my dance outfit and tie my hair into a messy ponytail. I leave the locker room and as I make my way to the dance studio, I bump into her highness herself, Jeanna, and her mindless minions. I try to quickly apologize for it, but I know better than to think Princess Petty is going to let me off the hook that easily. Out of everyone in the whole school, she hates me the most.

"Watch it Sarah!" She screeches

"Jeez Jeanna, you'll burst my eardrums." I complain.

She glares at me so I smile in return before attempting to move past her for the second time. She grabs my arm and digs her claws into the surface of my skin. I pause to process the idea that this girl has the audacity to touch me and even attempt to hurt me.

"Where do you think you're going Gordon, we're not done here." She hisses

I clutch her wrist and twist it away from my arm. I continue twisting until I see her flinch in pain and that's when I throw her hand back at her.

"First of all, I am done here, and second.... If you ever touch me again, I'll make sure that bruising on your wrist won't be your only injury."

I push through the royal entourage and make my way to the dance studio with a hidden smile forming across my face.


Miss Barlowe, our dance teacher and club supervisor, was extra strict with us today during practice. She said she's gauging our skill levels. I was sweating so much that I just had to shower in the locker rooms, which I never do, before changing back into the outfit I came in. I arrange my sweaty dance clothes inside my gym bag then grab the rest of my stuff and leave the locker room. As I walk towards the exit I hear Eli's voice calling my name.


I turn back to see him closing the gap between us so I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"Yes?" I ask once he has caught up.

"I just wanted you to wait for me..." He disrespectfully admits.

"Really? you made me stop, and wait, just to continue walking again..."

He nods with a wide grin.

"Ugh... you are literally the worst..." I groan and we continue walking towards the exit together.

"Where's Erica?" He questions while scanning the area around us.

"No idea... she had a student council meeting so maybe she is still there."

"Makes sense... I'll text her to meet us at your place."

"Okay... but just so you know... my dad comes home early on Fridays..." I warn

Eli's body stiffens at the mention of my father. He is afraid of him. But that's because, ever since I told him Eli and I are together, dad has made a point to threaten him or glare at him whenever they're in the same room. 

"I mean, I need to build resistance so that when I ask him if I can marry you I'll be as confident as ever..." He points out.

Aww! He wants to marry me... that's sweet.

"I guess that makes sense." I nod

"I just said I'm going to marry you and you're just gonna say that makes sense?"

"I mean... it does make sense..."

What? It does.

Eli throws his hands up in defeat

"You're hopeless..." He scoffs into a chuckle.


When we get to my place we find Ace in the living room watching Troll Hunters.

"Isn't that a kids show?" I comment

He's eyes are stuck on the screen and he only acknowledges my presence buy shushing me.

"Shhh! He's about to say it!"

"Say wha-"

Ace jumps up off the couch,cutting me off, and holds his hand out in front of him.


I shake my head and gesture for Eli to follow me. We go upstairs to my room and away from the nerd's.... Nerdiness. Eli closes the door behind him once we are in my room and I plop down, cross legged, on my bed.

"So... about Jeanna's party..." Eli starts as he too sits on my bed.

"You can go if you want to Eli.. I really don't care. Jeanna and I may not be friends but that's between her and me, not you."

"That's not what I was going to ask"

I look at him with an arched eyebrow and piqued curiosity.

"Okay... what were you going to ask?"

Eli grabs both my hands and pulls them to his chest

"I would love it if you came with me tomorrow"

"Absolutely not!" I retort





"It'll be fun I promise!"

"Not even to save my life."

He places a hand on my cheek and pouts at me, which I hate because I always end up doing whatever it is he wants.

"What if it's to save my life?"

He asks in a slightly deeper voice.

"that's not even fair..." I complain.

"What if someone kidnapped me and said... you best go to that party or your boyfriends a goner!"

I watch him for a moment and consider my answer. I know the scenario isn't real but I can't bring myself to refuse.

"I'd go..." I sigh

"Well then... if you don't go... my heart will break and I just might die."

"Not if you stay here with me and binge marvel movies!" I entice

Eli inches closer, still beaming glossy puppy eyes at me.


I try my best to maintain a straight face but this dude is so unfairly adorable. I chew my cheek out of frustration, trying to stop myself from giving in.

"Stop it." I demand

"Stop what?"

"stop being so cute, okay...? I'm not going to that party. You know, today Jeanna dug her claws into my arm! She was bullying me... how can you even ask me to go to her house?"

I show him the marks left on my hand by the Regina George wanna be and fake a distraught tone. He frowns at the marks on my arm before looking up at me with genuine concern.

"She did this?" Eli questions with a less-than-happy tone.

"Relax... I'm fine. Plus, I doubt she'll ever touch me again." I assure, which piques his interest.

"What did you do to her?"

"I just bruised her wrist a little and then ... I might have threatened her... a little"

He chuckles into full on laughter

"You are seriously insane. I love you so much, you know that."

"I mean... how could you not?" I shrug

He frowns and closes more of the already short distance between us then looks me straight in the eyes. Some of his long curly brunette hair falls over his right eye perfectly contrasting with his tropical green iris'. I run my hand through his silky hair before allowing it to rest on his shoulder. I take a silent breath then look back into his eyes. I'm fully aware of what he is waiting for me to say but unlike him, it takes me a while to build up enough energy to form the words. I watch him a little longer, hoping he'll let me off the hook but he won't, so I let out a shallow heave and say it.

"I love you too."

His eyebrows raise and the most innocent, most attractive, most beautiful smile forms across his face. He inches closer before finally stopping when his lips are hovering right before mine. He looks into my eyes one more time before tilting his head to the right and kissing me.

"Hey Sarah, mom said we can order a pi-"

Ace's voice along with the sound of my door swinging open forces Eli to pull away.

"-the heck do you two think you're doing?"

This is another reason Ace is super annoying.

"Ace! Dude.... Not cool"

I fall back on my bed with my hands over my face, trying to contain my frustration.

"Not Cool? Uh uh, this door will remain open. I'm going to have to wash my eyes out with bleach!"

I force my body up and glare at the nosey, annoying third wheel

"That's why you're supposed to knock Ace!"

"Door. Open!"

He commands

"No! Get out!"

I bluntly respond.


"No, Ace, I am not leaving my door open ."

"Why not?"

"Because if you see me kiss Eli again, you'll freak out and ruin it! AGAIN!"

Ace steps back and holds his hand over his chest in shock.

"You're not even trying to hide it..."

"What's there to hide? Eli is my boyfriend."

Ace is silent for a moment before shifting his gaze back to a now terrified and confused Eli.

"I blame you for this..." Ace snarls while pointing at Eli.

"Oh my gosh, Ace get out!" I groan.

"Fine! But first, I need to know what pizza you want."

"No Onions, Tomatoes and/or mushrooms but lots of meat..."

"you really are a psycho..." He scoffs

I march to the door and push my nosey brother out before closing it.

"Ugh... He is so annoying." I heave then sit back down on my bed.

"You just plainly told him that we'll be making out?"

"I mean, we're teenagers and we're dating so... it seems natural that we would."

"Yeah but still..."

I fall back on my bed with my hands behind my head and my eyes shut.

"I just don't see the point in lying about it. I mean, it's not like I've never lied but I don't lie when there is no need to."

He laughs.

"So, can I make an ultimatum?"

I open my eyes and meet his watching me with a eager smile.

"I'm not going to agree before knowing what it is."

"If you don't come to the party, then you have to come to prom with me, otherwise I'll assume you don't really love me."

I force myself up and frown him.

"That's so not fair." I whine

"The only way I'll believe that you love me is if you choose to go to the party or prom with me."

That's blackmail, right? He knows I love him but somehow I still feel like I can't deny giving him what he wants. I know he's manipulating me. He knows I know he's manipulating me. And yet... Here I am... Still caving.

"Fine... I'll go to prom with you."

A wide stupid grin stretches into his face as if he didn't just basically force me to go to prom with him. Although, I was already thinking about it because of what mom and Ace said, but still.

"Honestly I was kinda hoping you'd choose the party..." He shrugs

How ungrateful, he should be content with the fact that I am going out to a people gathering with him at all.

"You shouldn't be so picky. The fact that I am actually going to sacrifice staying home to go to a large gathering of sweaty people with you, and just for you, should be enough."

I arc an eyebrow and tilt my head to express how serious I am, but he just chuckles.

"I guess that's fair enough. But, like Erica said, prom has chaperons and, unlike you, authority figures make me nervous."

I smirk at his fake innocent expression and pull him closer to me by his collar just to see him fluster.

"So, you think I have authority over you then because I clearly make you very nervous."

Just as he was moving closer, the door flings open, again.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm la-... oh"

Erica stands awkwardly at the door as she realizes she interrupted us.

"For crying out loud..."

I blurt as I fall back on my bed, AGAIN!

"Oh come on, it's just Erica! I'm sure she doesn't have a problem with us making out."

Eli pleads as he tries to pull me back up into a sitting position.

"Actually I do mind. I don't want to be a creepy weirdo who just stands at the corner while the two of you kiss! Also, you guys amplify my singleness and just rub it in my face enough as it is, I don't need to be reminded even more."

"Okay, wait for us downstairs."

Eli suggests while finally getting me to sit up.

"we'll have plenty of time to make out later... I mean, you did say you were going to marry me so..."

I let out as I jump to my feet ready to go downstairs with Erica.


Eli pouts as he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my stomach.

"Ugh... don't be such a baby Dez..."

Erica lets out as she folds her arms and rolls her eyes. Eli lets go of me and lazily stands up then all three of us go to the living room.

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