Assassination classroom (koro...

By kikiyo1p

8.8K 146 58

??: father, where are you going Father: I'll be back in a couple of hours. Okay ??: okay. Be safe father. ... More

Almost Raped Again
We meet again
Confronting Him
Her painful song
Flash back
Flash back 2
Flash back- Date (18+)
Flash back: pain
I'm back
Flashback: Pain part 2

She's awake

55 0 0
By kikiyo1p

The sound of someone knocking on my door could be heard throughout the house. "Shippo could yo-" I stopped mid-sentence when I just remembered what had happened yesterday night. A single tear rolled down my face, the pain of remembering was horrible. "aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh" I yelled for a few minutes, I grabbed my head with both hands.

"Please stop, make it stop," I said as the pain kept increasing, I started to hold my head with both hands. 'what is going on y/n' Dabi said, 'make it stop, MAKE IT STOP' I yelled at Dabi. she just looked at me shocked and worried why I'm yelling in pain.

'y/n please tell me what's going on' Dabi asked in a worried tone. I was about to tell her something when another scream came out of my mouth, but this time the pain was excruciating. my veins felt like they were being squeezed with sharp needles and being filled with fire. 

In bed tossing and turning holding my neck as I try to gasp for air. The next thing I know I'm hit with the full force of something being forced or entering into me. the pain in my body kept increasing and increasing, "AAARGHGHG ARGHH" I screamed scratching my neck until it started to bleed, I moved on to my arms they were burning with the feeling of something crawling in my skin.

"MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP, SSSSSTTTOOOOP." the pain stopped for a split second before it started again. The pain was so bad that I fell off the bed.

I could hear a faint sound of knocking. 'I wonder who it is?' I thought as I blacked out on the ground from the excruciating pain.

??? pov

I was at the door of y/n's apartment, I knocked on the door three times waited for two minutes then I hear someone scream. looking around, I saw no one but that's when it hit me. It's coming from y/n's apartment. I banged on the door, trying to open it but to no avail.

" Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I yelled out and heard nothing but just pure aggrandizing screams. I kicked the door multiple times until I heard nothing. 'One last kick will do the trick' i thought.

I did a spinning back kick and the door flew off its hinges. I ran inside, to a gust of strong wind in my face and on the floor their laid a pile of ashes. 'where is shippo?' I thought, I walked straight to y/n's room only to find her on the floor. blood running down her neck, arms too, tears running down her face. I[ got closer and saw that her blood is glowing.

'why is her blood glowing?' I thought, but that's when it hit me. "SHIT SHE'S GOING THROUGH ANOTHER ONE ISN'T SHE" I yelled out as I carried her out of the house and took her to mine.

20 min later

I slammed open the door open, I looked ahead to see my mom standing there, Clinging to another man. I just sighed before heading upstairs.

"KARMA WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING. GREET MY GUEST." Mom said that, I just sighed ignoring the fact that she just asked me to greet her guest that she is clinging to like a bitch in heat.

"KARMA" she yelled, slamming the door to my room. I laid y/n on my bed, ran to the bathroom to get a big tub of cold water. When I got out of the bathroom. I saw mom looming above y/n.

"Mom what are you doing?" I asked as she gently touched y/n's face then slapped it so hard you could hear it from downstairs. "MOM WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU DOING" yelling making my way to mom punching her across the face. she fell to the ground, her boyfriend was at the door. he just stood there in shock. 

"take her away before I do something to her," I said in a very sarcastic but menacing tone. 'FUUUCK, now I have to fill the tub back up.' i thought, looking to my right there was a big puddle of water on the ground. sighing, I grabbed a stack of towels from my nightstand. dropped two onto the puddle of water. 

3 days later 

'I've been watching over y/n as she is struggling to overcome another thing going into her body. I've seen it multiple times just sitting down in the chair I have beside y/n as I care for her. all they do is touch her hair hoping that she would wake up. they would occasionally talk to me about how y/n is doing and why he chose her to be his host.' I thought

I was in the kitchen when I heard a loud thud coming from my room, Sprinting to the room. I slammed the door open, only to see y/n, dabi, and the thing that's been trying to bond with y/n. they were all on the floor. scurring to y/n and Dabi's side I put their heads on my lap as I waited for them to wake up. 

Not even a minute they all got up at the same time which scared the shit out of me. "where am I?" y/n talked, she looked around when her eye's landed on me. "Karma what are you doing here," she asked I just scratched the back of my head. when I smelled something burning. shooting up and sprinting out the room toward the kitchen. quickly but swiftly moving the pot off the stove. I let out a huff of air, as I was sweating profusely. 

"Now we let that cool down," I looked up to see Dabi, Y/n, and the thing sticking their head out the kitchen door. I threw a butter knife at them and it went straight into Dabi's head. they looked at me and then proceeded to take it out of their head. Faceplaming myself in the face, I let out a long exaggerated sigh as all three of them just looked at me with blank stares.

I was about to throw another thing but I just let out another long sigh, "guys, could you all go to the kitchen table and wait as I serve the food for you three since you guys might be hungry. since you all haven't eaten in about 4 days." I said, they all just followed y/n since she is the only one that knows their way around the house.

It took me about seven minutes to get their plates ready since Dabi and Y/n are picky eaters and her new companion isn't at all. they only told me to put whatever I would like in mine. y/n plate was rice porage with chicken, chives, and a bit of fruit in a separate dish. Dabi likes theirs with, extra chicken, the soup is made of fried onions and garlic, they usually get second or more. and the other one asked about the way I like my rice porage. I like mine with beef, chicken, chives, extra onions, and a hint of fish in the soup. 

I took the plates to the table and they all started to eat like pigs. I just sat there staring at them. "so what's your name" I asked they looked up and gulped their food down. "my name Is Zan." he said as he took another bite of his porage, he really does have a nice face but there's something odd about his face. it was somewhat human a but at the same time it wasn't, it kinda looks like a windigo mixed with another creature that hasn't been discovered just yet. 

I examined his face more, he has dark silver eyes, rose-colored lips that go with his slightly pale skin, he was three scars on his face. one under the left eye, the second one straight down the right side of his lip, the third one is on his right cheek.  

those scars look like an animal had attacked them, but with a very sharp but jagged nail. I was about to look away when they looked straight into my eyes, their eye's changed for a quick second to a gold color.  I just sat there contemplating my chooses, to ask him what I just saw. 

"karma, can we use the gym?" y/n said as she brought me back to reality. "ah, yeah. you all done eating so we could go now if you guys want" I said, looking around the table they all just nodded. getting up and walking to the basement door that is underneath the spiral staircase. 

Pushing aside a bookshelf full of nothing but fake books.  "I really don't know why your parents don't fill that bookshelf with real books instead of cardboard." y/n said as both Dabi and Zan looked at her with wide eyes. y/n and I burst out laughing at their surprised faces. "you guys were really fooled at the fact that these are fake books." y/n said as she giggled even more.

"well it looks so realistic that we both were fooled," Zan said but Dabi examined the books even more before pulling one particular book out and opening it. her eyes started to glow, her silver/gold eyes were glowing. she looks up only for glowing marks to emerge all over her body. strange patterns were made. circles and with a langue I've never seen in my life. 

"Zan close that book right NOW," y/n said as she yelled that last part with fear in her voice. Zan swiftly took the book out of Dabi's hands before seeing the contents of it and closing it. "What happened?" Dabi said as she held her hand. those marks that were glowing faded but they left a faint tattoo of what she had growing all over her body on her right arm. 

"Dabi do you feel normal or out of the ordinary." y/n said with concern in her eyes, Dabi shook their head side to side. "y/n, this book gave dabi those marking and she has it on her right arm," Zan said pointing to Dabi's arm.  y/n grabbed her arm and looked at it closely before walking down to the training room. we all followed after exchanging eye contact. 

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