Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

102K 4.6K 2.3K

Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 31 - In A Different Life
Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 50 - A New Ending
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 52 - A New Title
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball

1K 55 16
By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

Just as Rowan said goodbye to the last of their guest to leave, which just so happened to be Eileen Snape, a brown and sophisticated-looking owl flew into their room. Rowan gasped, ducking as it flew where her head had been only a few moments before. "Rowan!" Severus exclaimed, quickly running over and cupping Rowan's face, which had received a small scratch where the owl's letter had skimmed by her. "You're hurt," Severus said, his voice almost at a growl in anger. 

"It's only a scratch, Sev," Rowan huffed as she touched her cheek with her finger, wincing in discomfort. Severus' eyes darkened as he turned his attention over to the owl, who was now balanced on the back of a wooden chair. "Whoever is responsible for this will be-" Severus suddenly stopped as he clutched the letter tightly. "Rowan, dear, it appears we have forgotten we have somewhere to be tonight," Severus said sheepishly, and turned around to show that he was holding a letter with the Malfoy's family crest stamped on the front. 

Rowan thought for a moment, slightly confused for only a moment. The past few months had been so crazy, and they had made many plans that hadn't been able to come to fruition. "The Malfoy's, my love. They had invited us to their anniversary ball when I had gone over to help Lucius," Severus explained as he skimmed the letter. Rowan almost laughed at this; seeing as when she had talked to Bellatrix not long before now, she hadn't mentioned anything. "When are we due to be at Malfoy Manor?" Rowan asked, walked over to peer over Severus' shoulder. 

"In only two hours, I'm afraid," Severus replied, handing over the letter to Rowan so that she may look over it. Turning his attention over to the owl, Severus begrudgingly walked over to his drawer and pulled out a few Eeylops Premium Owl Treats. "A peace offering, you foul creature," Severus mumbled and held out his hand. After the owl had eaten a few of the treats, it flew back out the door it had come in. Luckily, nobody was injured this time. "Severus, the poor thing didn't mean to scratch me," Rowan said, almost in a scolding manner as she placed the letter on the table beside her.

A part of Rowan couldn't believe she had forgotten about such an extravagant thing, but then again, she had been kidnapped and found out she was pregnant in such a short amount of time. Nothing could have prepared her for something like that, and so it was pretty understandable that she may forget a few plans. "Rowan, just as I have told you a million times before, I will protect you. I'm not letting anything happen to you again," Severus started as he disappeared into the separated bedroom. "We don't have to go, you know," 

"Nonsense, Sev! We already said we would go," Rowan replied as she walked into their bedroom to find Severus shirtless, rummaging through his closet. Smirking slyly,  Rowan sat down on the bed and put both of her arms behind her to prop her up. If she was careful not to make much sound, she could enjoy the show. "Legilimens, my dear Rowan. You cannot sneak up on me," Severus chuckled as he turned around with a dress shirt clutched tightly in his hands. Walking over to Rowan, Severus grabbed her hands so that she was laying flat on the bed. "Those eyes," Severus mumbled lowly, leaving a slow and sensual kiss on Rowan's neck. Rowan gasped at the contact, Severus' scent filling her lungs. 

Pulling away, Severus smiled devilishly as he left her with only a quick peck on the lips. "You're evil," Rowan pouted, running her fingers along her neck. She knew he did that on purpose, and he knew everything it did to her. "Careful with your words, Miss Knight. I can show you evil if you so choose," Severus warned as he began to button his shirt. Leaning up so that her chest was pressed against his, Rowan bit her lip seductively. "Allow me," Rowan said as she took his shirt into his own. Severus' breath began to become shaky as Rowan only got closer with each button she did. When she was on the last one, she placed a kiss on his chest and suddenly stepped away. Severus gasped at the loss of heat but smirked at Rowan.

"A dangerous game you play, Miss Knight," Severus said in a low tone, shaking his head in disbelief. Rowan, who was beginning to become tired, only shrugged and laid back down. Ever since Severus had started to give her a potion to alleviate her nausea, Rowan had been able to do a lot more during the day. That being said, doing more was a lot more tiring than usual. "Rest, my love. I shall wake you before we must leave," Severus offered, placing a blanket over Rowan's torso. 

Nodding slightly, Rowan closed her eyes. No dreams came, but that wasn't a bad thing anymore. The presence of Severus Snape was enough to keep her feeling safe; feeling free. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Quite extravagant," Rowan chuckled as she clung onto Seveus' arm and entered Malfoy Manor. This was the first time she had seen it completely filled with tons of people, most of which she did not recognize. "We could always leave, darling. Just need to show our faces," Severus murmured, looking less than pleased with the situation. If there was one thing about Severus that everyone was certain of, it was the fact that he was not a people person. Rowan rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Nonsense, Severus. Enjoy yourself," Rowan smiled, placing a small peck on Severus' cheek. 

"Good evening, you two! May I offer some of the finest wine in all of Scotland to you both, courtesy of the Malfoys?" A man with an expensive-looking suit asked politely. Just as Rowan was about to accept, she was reminded that she was with child. "Just one for him," Rowan spoke, and before Severus could protest, Rowan was already gone; disappearing into the crowd. She wanted to see if she could find Bellatrix so she could hang out with her while Severus socialized. He could always come and find her if he wanted to leave early.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rowan spotted Bellatrix in conversation with an unfamiliar man; and the conversation seemed pretty one-sided. Bellatrix was staring out into the crowd looking rather annoyed. Though, when Bellatrix's eyes met Rowan's, they seemed to light up. "Ah! Excuse me," Bellatrix nodded toward the now disappointed-looking man and made her way over to Rowan. "Thank merlin! Someone I can actually stand to be around," Bellatrix exclaimed as she placed her hand on Rowan's back and led her over to the empty kitchen.

"Is that a compliment?" Rowan chuckled, simply happy to be away from the crowd. Bellatrix thought for a moment but didn't respond. She simply pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and filled them with water. "Drink. You need hydration," Bellatrix murmured, pulling out two barstools. Rowan nodded and took a seat beside her; Bellatrix would open up one day. "Who was that guy?" Rowan asked as she took a small sip of her water. 

"Some guy Cissy sent over to try and 'wed me,'; which I have no interest in," Bellatrix rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I hate this manor," She finished in an exhausted whisper. Narcissa and Bellatrix had always been inseparable, but everyone knew when Bellatrix had separated from her husband, she hated that she had to move in with her sister to survive. "Well, what's the lucky man's name?" Rowan asked as she looked over her shoulder to see the man still nursing his drink. He was swaying to the sound of hundreds of voices; most certainly drunk. 

Bellatrix laughed as she saw him, shaking her head. "I haven't a clue! Oh, Rowan, I'm horrible!" She cackled, throwing her head back as she did so. It was nice to see her laugh; Bellatrix didn't do much of that. "Nonsense, Bellatrix. Why don't you come and stay at Hogwarts for a bit? My old quarters are empty," Rowan offered. Having her friend around more often would be amazing; especially since she had never once judged Rowan. It was nice knowing where she stood with Bellatrix. "Oh, I couldn't-"

"Rowan!" Rowan turned around to find a rather annoyed-looking Severus. "I've been looking everywhere for you," Severus exclaimed, quickly running over and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Leaning her head back into his chest, Rowan smiled brightly. "Bellatrix," Severus greeted angrily, knowing it was her that had taken Rowan away from the crowd. "Snivellus," Bellatrix retorted as she rolled her eyes. "Watch it you wench-" Severus began but was quickly silenced when Rowan pulled away from his grasp and glared. 

Standing up, Rowan grabbed ahold of Severus' hand tightly. "Think about it," Rowan said with a smile before turning to Severus. "Their speech is about to begin. Care to accompany me, my love?" Severus asked, annoyance still laced in his words as he spot Bellatrix an intimidating glare. "I'd love to," Rowan answered and they entered the main room just as Narcissa and Lucius were getting to the beginning of the steps. The room became silent as the couple began to speak. 

"It may be hard to believe that Narcissa and I have been married for twenty-three years. As for myself, I can hardly believe it has been that long. I have never been a man of many words, none that were of any importance anyway. Narcissa has always been more for that," Lucius began, wrapping his arm tenderly around his wife's waist. It was almost possessive; greedy. "I would like to thank you all for coming today, and for being by our side through everything we have gone through. Friendship is the second strongest power, second only to true love," Narcissa chimed in.

"When I was younger, back in the Black family home, I never used to dream of having a family of my own. Andromeda and Bellatrix had always imagined children in their future, and a dashing husband of their own. I had never thought of this until I had met my dear Lucius," Narcissa's eyes glinted with a sense of adoration as she looked up at her husband. They were more than just married; they were soulmates. Rowan would bet her last dollar on it. "To be loved is to live. To live is to be with the one who will stand by you. She was with me through my darkest of days, and I will forever be grateful. She beared my wonderful son, and I could not be more proud of the boy we have raised together. Enjoy yourselves tonight, dear friends and family," Lucius finished, turning and kissing Narcissa gently. Draco, who had been sitting at the bottom of the steps, stood up and began clapping. Soon, the entire room was filled with celebrating and clapping.

Severus, who had been intently listening, leaned down closely by Rowan's ear. "Want to get out of here?" He mumbled, his breath sending chills down Rowan's spine. Nodding slightly, Rowan was quickly swept off her feet as Severus picked her up bridal style. Pushing through the crowd, the couple ended up outside in the crisp winter air. Without setting Rowan down, Severus pulled out his wand and mumbled a few words. As the wind whipped around her, Rowan closed her eyes tightly. She would never get used to apparition.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Before she knew it, they were back in the hallway in front of their quarters at Hogwarts. Carefully, Severus placed Rowan down on her own feet and pulled her into a passionate kiss. His hands found their way down to her ass as he grasped tightly. Rowan gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. It had been so long since she had found herself entangled in the arms of Severus Snape. They had come so far since the beginning of their relationship; at times it surprised her. 

Slowly and hesitantly, the two separated with only heavy breaths between them. "May I have your company for a walk, Miss Knight?" Severus inquired, rubbing his thumb gently on Rowan's cheek in small circles. Leaning into his touch, Rowan nodded. With that, the two began to walk down the corridor just like they used to. 

"How has your nausea been?" Severus asked as he took Rowan's hand into his own, grasping tightly. Rowan thought for only a moment and realized, ever since she had been taking the drought Severus had made her, she hadn't had any symptoms at all. "Completely gone, all thanks to my potion's master," Rowan giggled as they rounded the corner and stepped out into the courtyard. The pair sat down on a bench and looked up onto the stars. 

So many memories had been made just in this courtyard. It always seemed that they ended up here whenever something good was about to happen; at least, further into their relationship. In the very beginning, when both Rowan and Severus refused to admit their feelings, this would be the place it almost occurred. It never failed that one of them would run away from here, leaving the other guessing what went wrong. "Expecto Patronum!"Severus exclaimed as a blinding white light emerged from his wand. A Patronus he had only seen once, a black stallion, came to life before him. Rowan soon followed as her black mare Patronus prancing gleefully around the courtyard. 

"Do you remember when we had first seen that my Patronus had changed?" Severus inquired as he gently reached out and rubbed the side of his stallion's face; it still blew him away that he could feel his Patronus. "I do. Though, I mostly remember Albus making me fetch a sweet," Rowan chuckled loudly. Rowan's Patronus pranced over to them, leaning her head onto Severus' stallion's. It would seem that the pair had become rather fond of each other. Severus nodded, remembering when he had sent Rowan off for a lemon drop, the crazy old man thinks he's not being obvious about his self-motivating speeches. 

Severus' heart had begun to race as he finally came to terms with what he had planned tonight. He had wanted to make today perfect; a day to remember. Halfway inspired by the Malfoys' speech, Severus looked over admiringly to Rowan who was engrossed in the image before her. Their Patronus' appeared to be dancing together, intertwined at the neck almost as if in a hug. 

Taking a deep and shaky breath, Severus stood up so that he was in front of Rowan but not blocking her view. The last thing he wanted was for her to miss something she wanted to see. "Rowan Lennox Knight, you have done the impossible. Since your arrival at Hogwarts, you had always looked upon me differently than the others. To you, I wasn't an old dungeon bat or just some potion's professor," Severus began, reaching into his robe pocket and fumbling around his wand until he had found what he was looking for. 

"You have set me free and made me who I used to always be," He continued as he removed a small velvet box from his pocket, earning a small gasp from Rowan. He watched as her eyes grew large and her hand found its way over her mouth. Pausing for only a moment, Severus reached over and pulled her hand down. He wanted to see her beautiful smile. Getting down onto one knee, Severus looked up to Rowan. There was no doubt in his mind that this was right. 

"Will you do me the absolute honor of marrying me?" Severus finally asked, his voice shaky and his face had begun to sweat. There had never been a more terrifying moment in his life than this one. The chance that she may say no was enough to strike total and absolute fear into him. "Severus," Rowan whispered, placing her hand against his cheek. Looking down at the box, there was a beautiful golden ring with an emerald fitting perfectly in the middle. "Yes! It will always be yes," Rowan answered as tears began to roll down her cheeks. 

Severus removed the ring from the box and placed it quickly onto Rowan's left ring finger. It fit perfectly, almost as it if was meant to be. Smiling brightly, Severus placed his arms around Rowan's waist and lifted her, bringing her into a passionate kiss. As Rowan wrapped her legs around his waist, Severus couldn't help but think back on their first kiss. Just as that one had, this kiss had set off fireworks in his mind. "To spend forever together," Rowan whispered as the two separated. Severus leaned his forehead against Rowan's, a single tear rolling down his face. 

"Always, my love. Always,"

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