The Time Traveler's Wife. (Bo...

De AdriWrites16

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This is book two of The Time Traveler's Wife! This is based on Season two of The Umbrella Academy. Five Hargr... Mais

Meet the siblings (book/season 2)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Just to make sure we are all on the same page.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
My imagine book!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
I made another Five book!
Season 3 photos
Book 3!

Chapter 7

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De AdriWrites16


So we just found out that Reginald is somehow here in 1963, standing on the Grassy Knoll while the president is getting shot. Honestly, nothing surprises me at this point. I turn around and look at Elliott. He has a confused look on his face.

"Dad?" he asks through the cloth around his face.

"My Dad from the future. The one who bought us," I tell him.

"Of course Dad would be involved in the assassination. I should've known," Diego says.

"No, you're jumping to conclusions," Five says as he paces around.

"What else is he doing standing on the grassy knoll, holding an open black umbrella on a sunny day in Dallas the exact same moment the president gets shot," Diego yells.

"It doesn't look good, I admit," Five says.

"No, he's the signalman for the whole goddamn thing!'

"Easy, Diego. Seriously."

"Diego we don't know why he is here. We can't jump to conclusions," I say.

"No, it makes sense. This is what Hazel was obviously trying to tell you Five. We have to stop Dad from killing the president!"

"Woah calm down their buddy. As much as I hate to say it, Dad would never do that," I say.

"I agree. Dad was no Boy Scout, but presidential assassination? It's never been his thing," Five says.

"How would you know? You two skipped out on his golden years," Diego says.

"Diego, don't start," I beg.

"Skipped out? You think we had it easy, Diego? We were alone... for 45 years! We only had each other. As much as we didn't like him, don't think we wanted to skip out on his golden years," Five says as he walks closer to Diego.

"BOYS," I yell as I step in between Diego and Five and look at both of them.

"We don't have the time for this right now. Dad's clearly in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him. Maybe he can help us fix the timeline."

"Dallas is a big place. We need to find him first," Diego says.

"Gee, if only we had some magical, old-timey way of finding people and their addresses," Five says sarcastically.

I walk over to one of the kitchen drawers and open it. I take out the phone book and set it down on the kitchen table.

"Let's start simple. His name," Five says.

Diego opens the phone book and goes to the H section.

"Hargreeves... Hargreeves... Hargreeves...Shit, nothing here."

"Try his company," I say.

"D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Co," Five tells Diego.

"Yeah, I know the name. Thanks."

Diego flips the page some more and scans through it.

"Holy shit. D.S. Umbrella. Eighty-two Olive," Diego whispers.

"Let's go," I say.

I pull down on the projection screen and watch as it goes back up above the door frame. We all walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. We can also hear Elliot muffle something as we walk away.

"He okay to leave here like that?" Diego asks.

"Yeah, he's fine. What about the girl?" I ask.


Five sighs and Diego walks away to find Lila.

"What do you think Dad is doing here in Dallas?" I ask Five.

"I don't know, but we are going to find out," Five says.

"I didn't even know Dad lived here in Dallas in the 60s," I say.

"Well dad was never an open book so we don't know much about him."

"True. I just hope he will be able to help us," I say.

Diego comes back from one of the rooms and we all walk downstairs. When we get outside Diego unlocks one of the cars and gets in it.

"How did you get this car?" I ask as Five and I get in the back seat.

"Lila stole it."

I just nod my head and Digeo drives away.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

"This is it," Five says as he gets out of the car.

I was about to open the car door when Five blinks outside of my door and opens it for me. He holds out his hand and I take it.

"Look at you being a gentleman," I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Five says as he rolls his eyes.

I interlock my fingers with Five's as we walk up to the front door of the building. When we see the sign next to the door we both stop walking. I was getting really nervous and I could tell Five was too. I give his hand a squeeze and he gives me one back.

"You two okay?" Diego asks as he looks at us

"Yeah, fine," Five tells him as we walk up to the door.

"Just...," Five begins to say but stops.

"Nervous," I whisper as I look through the glass door.

Diego pulls out a knife from his back pocket and starts to try and unlock the door.

"How long's it been since you two have seen the old man," Diego says.

"Forty-five years," Five says as he leans against the building.

"That's a trip."

"No kidding," I say with a scoff.

"You know, when we were stuck out there in the apocalypse, there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head," Five says.

"What was he saying?" Diego asks.

"I told you so."

"Well, if Dad's here, he's never met you two before, so he can't say, I told you so."

"I'm sure he'll find a way."

We all stand there in silence for a couple of seconds until Five blinks inside the building and unlocks the door. He walks outside and holds the door open for Diego and me.

"Right. Gotta remember that," Diego says as he gets up.

We all walk inside and look around. We were in some type of lobby-looking thing. Everything looked like it hasn't been touched it months. Where we in a front? Five walks over to one of the lamps on a table and turns it on. As we were walking towards the door the light suddenly turns off.

"Shit," I mumble.

"Guess Dad wasn't much for home decor," Diego says.

Five hits one of the pillows on a chair and dust comes flying off of it.

"Feels more like a front," Five says.

"Exactly what I was thinking," I tell him.

"A front for what?" Diego asks.

"I don't know."

"Well, I'll take the left. Yell if you, uh... get in trouble," Diego says.

Before Diego leaves, he pulls out another knife from his pocket and hands it to me.

"Do you remember how to throw these?" Diego asks.

I scoff and look at the wall next to me. I throw the knife at the wall while looking at Five and Diego. I can hear the sound of the knife hitting the wall.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask as I pull the knife out of the wall.

"Alright then," Diego mumbles.

I put the knife in my dress pocket and walk out the door on the right with Five. We walk down a long hallway as we try and look for any unlocked doors. Really I could unlock them all with my telekinesis, but we don't want anyone knowing we were here. We reach a door and Five tries to open it but it was locked. I notice it was a Dutch door and open the top half of it. Five flips on the light switch next to the door. In the room were three mannequins sitting on a couch and a chair.

"Look, it's Delores's cousins," I say.

"What is he up to," Five whispers.

The lights suddenly switch off causing me to jump a little. I close the top half of the Dutch door and we continue to walk down the hallway. We tried every door but they are all locked. What was so important that needed to be hidden? We reach the end of the hallway and Five tries to open the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked.

"Come on," Five whispers.

We walk into the room and see three more mannequins. This time they were sitting at a table with cups and plates in front of them. In the corner of the room were kids' toys and a camera. Five walks over to a desk and turns on a lamp on it. Five looks at some papers on the desk while I look around the room. I put my finger on the table and look at it. It was really dusty.

"Hey check this out," Five says.

I walk over to him and look at the papers he was looking at. He hands me a small piece of paper and I read it out loud.

"Mr. Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala to be held at the Mexican Consulate on Monday, the 18th of November, 1963 at 5:00 o'clock."

Hillenkoetter... I have heard that name before.

"What the hell is this?" I ask.

"I don't know, but we are going to find out," Five says.

I hand Five the paper and he folds it up and puts it in his blazer pocket. Suddenly, we hear something moving around in corner of the room. I pull out the knife Diego gave me from out of my dress pocket and hold it to my side. Five and I look around the room as we continue to hear something moving around. I check under the chair and tables while Five looks behind the shelves. I turn towards one of the corners of the room and notice a small figure.

"Five, look," I whisper as I point to the figure.

We watch as the small figure slowly walks to us. When it got close enough I could see what it was. A baby chimpanzee. I put the knife back in my pocket and look at the small animal.

"Hi," Five whispers as we get closer to it.

"Is that..."

"Pogo," Five whispers.

Pogo moves back a little bit and looks at us.

"Hey. It's all right, little buddy," I say.

I look at baby Pogo and smile. He had the most adorable eyes and was wearing little shorts. He comes to my side and tugs on the bottom of my dress. I bend down and Pogo wraps his arms around my neck. I stand up while he wraps his legs around my waist.

"Hi Pogo," I say with a smile.

I put my arms under Pogo's legs as he continues to hold onto me. He reaches out towards the necklace Five gave me and pulls it out from under my dress. He holds the charms in his hand and looks at them. Pogo points to the brain charm and then points to my head.

"Yes! Brain," I say with a little giggle.

Pogo claps his hands and points to the hourglass charm on my necklace. He looks around the room and then points to something. I look around and see an hourglass sitting on a shelf.

"Yeah, hourglass," I say with a smile. Pogo claps again and I turn towards Five.

"Pogo. It's good to see you," Five whispers.

Five goes to pet him but Pogo scratches Five's neck. Five falls to the ground and Pogo jumps from my arms. I turn around and watch as Pogo busts through a window. I look down and see Five has his hand over his neck.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I bend down towards him. I remove Five's hand from his neck and look at it. Shit, he was bleeding.

"Diego," I yell. No response.


I help Five up and grab a tissue out of a tissue box sitting on a shelf. I wipe the blood off of his neck to see four scratches.

"Let's go back to Elliott's," I say.

"We need to find Diego first. The cut isn't that bad so I should be fine," Five says.

Five and I walk out of the room and down the long hallway. We walk back into the lobby-looking room and go to the door Diego went through. We looked inside every room that wasn't locked but still couldn't find him.

"Come on, let's just go back to Elliott's. I'm sure Diego will meet us there," I say.

Five nods and blinks us inside the kitchen of Elliott's apartment. We walk into the living room to see Diego laying asleep on the couch while Lila sits on top of him. I look over and notice a wound on Diego's stomach. Did he get stabbed?

"Oh. He isn't dead," Five says when he sees Diego.

Five walks over to the counter and grabs a paper towel. He wets it a little a puts it on his cuts.

"Disappointed?" Lila asks.

"Oh, to see you? Always."

"So much hostility in such a tiny package."

"Here let me look at it," I say to Five.

He removes the paper towel from his neck and I look at the cut.

"It's not that deep which is good. I will just have to clean it so it doesn't get infected."

"Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy," Lila says.

I sigh as I throw the bloody paper towel away. God, Lila was getting on my nerves.

"No, we just ran into an old family friend," Five says.

"What happened to him?" I ask as I point to Diego.

"He got stabbed. Had to drag his bloody ass all the way here," Lila says.

"Wait... how did you know where we were. Did you follow us?" I ask.

Five looks at me and then at Lila. Lila was about to say something until I heard snoring coming from behind us. Five and I turn around to see Elliott, still tied up, asleep in the chair he was in.

"You didn't untie him?" I ask Lila.

"Was I supposed to?"

I walk over to Elliott and untie the electrical cords around his stomach and feet. When I am done I take the cloth out of his mouth and throw it on the ground.

"Dad," I whisper as I shake him.

"Dad. Wake up."

Elliott's eyes slowly start to open. He looks around and sees me.

"Y/n?" he asks.

"Yeah. Come on, go to bed. It's almost midnight."

I help Elliott out of the chair and watch as he walks downstairs to his room. When he was gone I turn towards Five.

"Let's go, I have a first aid kit in my room."

"It's gonna be confusing on who you are talking about when you say Dad," Five says as we walk down the hall.

"If it makes it any simpler, I only call Elliott dad when I am talking to him. I call Reginald dad when we are talking about him, or if we somehow see him, then I will call him dad."

Five and I walk to the last door down the hall and into my room. Five walks over to my bed and sits on it while I grab my backpack with my Medkit in it. I sit next to Five on the side where the scratches are and get my medkit out. I pull out a rubbing alcohol wipe and look at Five.

"This is going to burn like hell," I say as I open the rubbing alcohol wipe.

I wipe the cut on Five's neck while he hisses in pain.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm almost done cleaning it," I say.

I finish wiping up the cut and throw the rubbing alcohol wipe away. I put my medkit back in my bag and set it in the corner of my room.

"I'm surprised you didn't lose that bag in the vortex," Five says.

"Me too," I say as I walk over to my wardrobe.

I pull out a nightgown and unzip my dress. I throw my dress into my laundry basket and slip into my nightgown. I walk into my bathroom and take my hair out of the bun it was in. My hair actually grew a little bit since I have been here. I take out my toothbrush and toothpaste and start to brush my teeth. I look out my bathroom door and see Five sitting on my bed.

"You don't have a toothbrush do you?" I ask with a mouth full of toothpaste.

Five nods his head no.

"Come here I have a spare one," I say.

Five gets up off my bed and walks over to me. I open one of my sink drawers and pull out an extra toothbrush. I hand Five the toothbrush and my toothpaste. We both stand there looking at each other in the mirror while brushing our teeth. When we were done, we walk over to my bed and sit on it.

"Do you have any other clothes?" I ask.

"Nope. But I'm fine with this, I don't need any new clothes," Five says as he looks down at his uniform.

"At least let me wash it. I'm sure it's dirty."

"But then what would I sleep in?"

"I'll be back," I say.

I walk into the hallway and open the door to the storage closet. I look around until I find a pair of pajama pants. I walk back into my room and grab a oversized grey T-shirt I have. I toss the clothes to Five and he catches them.

"There," I say.

Five looks at them and begins changing. I stick my hand into his blazer pocket and pull out the invitation we took from Dad's office.

"Can't forget this," I say as I place it on my nightstand, "I will be back."

I walk out of my room and into the laundry room. I open the washer and throw Five's clothes in it. I also see Diego's clothes in there too. I put the laundry detergent in the washer and start it. I walk back to my room to see Five already laying  in bed. I go over to my bed and lay next to him. I turn off my lamp on my nightstand and Five wraps his arms around me to where he is spooning me. We both lay there in silence listening to only each other's breaths.

"Five," I say.

"Hmm," he hums in response.

"Let's try and not accidentally get separated from each other ever again," I say.

"I promise I won't let it happen ever again," Five says as he holds me closer to him.

"I love you."

"I love you too. So much," Five whispers as he places a kiss on the back of my head.

Fun Fact: Y/n used to talk to Klaus telepathically while their father locked him in the basement to get over his fear of the dead.

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