Our Other Place In The Sun

By Durden42

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Rem and Subaru one night get mysteriously transported into Subaru's world. Subaru helps Rem get adjusted to a... More

Chapter 1 (The Rising Sun)
Chapter 2 (Far From Lugnica)
Chapter 3 (Reunited At Last)
Chapter 4 (Bad Romance)
Chapter 5 (An Unexpected Turn)
Chapter 6 (Going Places)
Chapter 7 (Double The Love)
Chapter 8 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)
Chapter 9 (Old Friends)
Chapter 10 (A Strange Man, In A Strange Place)
Chapter 11 (I See Everything)
Chapter 12 (Sick Day)
Chapter 13 (The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword)
Chapter 15 (Seriously!?)
Chapter 16 (Subaru's Long Lost Journal)
Chapter 17 (My True Friend)
Chapter 18 (Sweet Harmony)
Chapter 19 (Academical)
Chapter 20 (Völva)
Chapter 21(Tear Down This Wall)
Chapter 22 (Take That, von Hasburgs)
Chapter 23 (The Emerald Isle)
Chapter 24 (Bad Blood)
Chapter 25 (Crusader Kings)
Chapter 26 (Crusader Kings 2)
Chapter 27 (Our Words Are Backed With Nuclear Weapons)
Chapter 28 (Keeping It In The Family)
Chapter 29 (Trading The Narrow Path)
Chapter 30 (With a Little Help..)
Chapter 31 (Death Or Dishonor Or Cake)
Chapter 32 (The Good, the Bad, and the Weird)
Chapter 33 (Where The Heart Is)
Chapter 34 (AAA Credit)

Chapter 14 (The Bell Tolls For Us)

332 7 12
By Durden42

Rem's first week of school was about to come to a close. Throughout the week she was able to show Subaru her determination to adjust to school life.

Each night she examined her notes and every single paper the teacher handed out. A Lot of the teachers took notice of her impressive work ethic. During class they look over to see Rem working hard and trying her best on every assignment.

Her concentration and commitment went unmatched by the other students. She was often praised in the minds of the teacher's. The gym coach in particular was astounded at her performance in gym class.

Gym class was the only class where Rem was separated from Subaru, since the gym classes were split by genders.

The gym coach watched Rem perform various physical activities with inhuman stamina. Seeming to never break a sweat no matter what activity they were doing.

Her stamina caught his eye the very first class. When he instructed them to do push ups for as long as they could. The teacher usually did this at the beginning of the year to give him the idea of who the active and lazy students are.

When instructed the students began their exercise. As the minutes went by the most unfit and lazy students were dropping onto the floor in numbers. Time went by and eventually the more active students succumbed to exhaustion.

Soon there were only four students left. Three of which had established physical reputations. They always participated in every competitive sports program the school had to offer. Then there was Rem, a mysterious transfer student that hangs around Subaru all day.

Suddenly one of the other students gave in. It was down to the final three. All but one of the students pushed past the extreme exhaustion in their arms.

Rem continued not showing any sign of stopping. No exhaustion was present in her face. With a loud thud to the floor. They were down to the final two.

The other student continued the exercise determined to beat Rem. She saw every sports activity as a competition and was out to win every single one. Unlike Rem who was just taking this casually, but put in the effort of a real competition.

The student's arms couldn't support her weight anymore; they gave in with one last push sending the student to the floor. Declaring Rem the winner of the unofficial and made up competition.

She slammed her fist on the gym floor in disbelief that a tiny and random girl beat her. Turning her head slightly she got the view of Rems blue hair rising up and lowering.

Despite casually and unintentionally beating all the competition, Rem continued the teachers instructions of continuing to do push ups until she had enough.

She was so focused on her exercise. Her mind was completely oblivious of the envious and enraged looks she was getting. The very active students were very agitated when they saw Rem continue to do push ups casually. They all thought Rem was just showing off how strong she was.

The coach blew a whistle and instructed the class to perform a different activity. He was pretty impressed with Rem's stamina. Having a hard time holding back his excitement to push Rem's capabilities in the competitive sports elective.

On the first day of that sports elective. The gym coach searched his class of extremely active and competitive students for a small blue haired girl, but Rem was nowhere to be found. The coach looked at the attendance list and he didn't see Rem's name anywhere.

The coach could not believe this extremely strong girl did not sign up for his sports elective. Being a strong believer in strengthening people's talents, the coach couldn't help but get confused. He knew Rem had so much potential sports wise, yet she chose not to pursue it.

Throughout the entire week, Rem grew to be fairly unpopular in the female gym class. The very active and competitive students seemed to have a massive grudge against her. They all wanted to be on the opposite team as her, or even better to be her opponent when they did one on one activities.

Fortunately for Rem, most of the other students in her class didn't mind Rem at all, and just went about gym class not paying much mind to her.

Every activity Rem was met with a short line who wanted to go against her. Rem was actually somewhat happy that so many people wanted to play sports with her, but the feeling slightly faded when she felt the aggression in the sport they were playing.

On Friday the coach dismissed the class for the day. Everyone started to disperse to ready themselves for the next class.

The coach noticed Rem walk past him. He wanted to satisfy his curiosity about Rem's absence from his other sports classes.

"Rem, can you spare a few words?"

Rem stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look up at the teacher with an innocent smile on her face.

"What is it?"

"How come I haven't seen you in my more competitive sports class? Why didn't you sign up?"

"Rem just wanted to do food studies alongside Subaru"

The coach got a little bit confused as to why Rem pursued food studies instead of sports. She had so much sports potential he couldn't wrap his head around the possible reasoning.

"Food studies... Rem have you ever considered taking my other sports classes. You are more than capable. I noticed your impressive performance and stamina"

"Yes Oni's ha-" Rem cut herself off abruptly. Her smile faded as her facial expression grew cold.

The coach grew confused and concerned about Rem's strange behavior. She looked like she just saw a ghost. The coach worried that he may have offended her in some way.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine. I didn't take sports because I am simply not interested."

"You're not interested... Well, do you have any sports that interest you?"

Rem didn't respond; she didn't know what sport interested her. Added to the fact she didn't know much about the sports played in Japan.

"We have a swimming class coming up in a few weeks. Does that interest you?"

Rem snapped out of her thoughts and looked back up at the teacher, curious to hear more about this swimming class he spoke of.

"Swimming class?"

"Yeah, swimming class. Students go to the public pool instead of going to their home room. Sign up begins next week. Are you interested?"

"Yes, Rem is interested"

The coach smiled slightly, he was happy to be successful in convincing Rem to participate in some sports activities other than the mandatory gym class. Rem was dismissed and free to go and grab her things from the change room.

Rem walked in and changed out of her gym clothes back into her uniform. She grabbed her unbelievably heavy bag full of textbooks and made her way to math class.

She navigated the hallways of crowded students, trying to find her next class which was math. She had a small idea of the school layout, but she had yet to fully grasp it. Often finding herself getting lost in the massive crowds.

Rem noticed her class number on one of the rooms. Poking her head inside she saw Subaru near the back of the class. A smile came across her face knowing she successfully found the class without having to call Subaru to come find her.

Subaru's attention turned to Rem when she sat down next to him. Placing her heavy bag on the floor, unzipping it and began to pull out her math text books and writing utensils.

"Good to see you found me," Subaru said, glad to know he didn't have to get up and search for her like every other day.

"Rem is starting to understand the layout of the building," Rem replied happily. Happy to be growing comfortable in this new environment. Each day felt mentally easier for Rem.

She was no longer scared of the crowds of people. Though she still wasn't comfortable going up and talking to them casually. On the second day Rem almost had a panic attack when she went up to ask another student for a pencil.

The teacher walked in and class eventually began. Subaru slouched back in his chair and zoned out through the long and boring lecture. He could hear Rem write away in her note book as she took in every bit of knowledge the teacher had to share.

The lecture ended and a worksheet was assigned to the students that covered the current unit they were on. When the paper landed on Subarus desk. He picked it up and examined the questions.

He looked over to Rem and saw the thick pile of notes she took. It was like she wrote down every word that left the teacher's mouth including his cringe and stale math jokes. Before Rem could begin her work on the assignment a voice came over the intercoms.

"Every senior year student whose last name starts with N to R. Could you please come down to the first floor and line up at room 1-A to get your school picture taken"

Subaru stood up from his chair and stretched. Rem looked up to him confused as to why he was getting out of his seat. She wasn't exactly listening to the announcement made.

"Come on Rem, we have to go get our picture taken,"

"Why do we have to have our picture taken Subaru?" Rem asked

"Because the school uses it to identify you, I think. I don't really know the true reason behind school photos," Subaru said. Rem somewhat understood and got up from her chair to accompany Subaru down to the first floor and to the photo room.

A small line stretched across the hallways. They got in line and awaited to get their picture taken. The line got shorter as each student entered the room one by one.

Rem looked in confusion as she saw other students somewhat stressed out about their appearance, doing everything possible to make some last minute touches. Making sure their hair was straight and clothes showed no wrinkles.

Eventually it was Subaru's turn to get his picture taken in the room. Subaru walked in leaving Rem at the front of the line to wait her turn.

After a couple of minutes Subaru eventually walked out and looked over to Rem.

"Alright it's your turn Rem. I will meet you back in class" Subaru said. Rem nodded her head and walked into the room.

She immediately took in the sight of a massive camera standing up on a tripod, giant lights, and a hung up sheet. A photographer poked his head out from behind the camera.

"Please take a seat" The photographer requested while pointing to the chair in front of the camera. Rem walked to the chair and sat down.

"Can you please give me your name?" The photographer asked as he grabbed his clipboard that possessed all the names of the students.


"What's your last name Rem?"

"Rosswal" Rem answered confidently. Luckily this time she was able to remember her last name without issue. The photographer nodded and checked Rem's name off his list of Students. He placed his clipboard down and turned his attention back at Rem.

"Alright Rem, could you please look directly into the camera lens." The photographer asked. Rem looked directly into the massive camera lens.

"Please smile for me Rem" The photographer asked. Rem put on the biggest smile she could muster, as she continued to stare into the camera lens.

A fast light that lasted only milliseconds flashed into Rem's eyes. The photographer looked at his laptop and saw the picture he took of Rem.

"Alright you're all done, Rem. Please tell the next person in line to come in when you walk out." The photographer asked. Rem nodded in agreement and walked out the room. When she walked out the door she looked over to the next person in line

"Your next" Rem said happily. The student nodded and entered the room. Rem began her journey back to the class.

When she arrived back, Rem's attention went back to working on the paper given to them. As for Subaru he laid his head down on the desk, not even bothering to make an attempt to do the paper. Just wanting the class to end as soon as possible

Subrau shut his eyelids and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Subarus' consciousness was suddenly regained, feeling his shoulder being shaken aggressively. He kept his eyes shut tight not wanting to switch his warm and relaxing dreamland for a cold and dull classroom.

"Subaru, wake up!" Rem said as she continued to shake Subaru's shoulder. Subaru let out a groan, before he finally opened his eyes.

"Why?" Subaru mumbled, as his head continued to lay on the cold desk. Rem shook his shoulder again.

"Subaru, you need to finish the paper the teacher handed us," Rem said. Subaru threw his back against the chair, and rubbed his eyes.

"How long have I been asleep?" Subaru asked. He looked over to Rem and saw her working through the questions, already having the majority of the paper complete. She paused for a couple minutes after each question. Always trying her best to figure out the answer.

"Subaru, you shouldn't fall asleep in class. You also need to start listening to the teachers' lectures'' Rem said, not taking her attention off the paper in front of her.

"Rem, math is my worst subject. I never perform well when it comes to math" Subaru said. Rem put down her pencil, and turned over to look at Subaru.

"Well you have to try. I can give you the notes I took," Rem said. Subaru sighed as he slouched further back on his chair, and looked up at the clock.

"I will do it later tonight. It's not due until Monday" Subaru said. Rem shook her head in disagreement. She was not going to let Subaru continue his habit of putting things off until the last minute.

"Subaru, look at me" Rem said in a semi demanding tone. Subaru turned his attention from the digital clock on the wall to look over to Rem.

Rem looked him in the eyes and softened her face putting on her deadly and irresistible puppy dog eyes.

"Please Subaru. Try to do at least ten questions" Rem asked in a begging tone. Subaru held a neutral expression and sighed.

"That adorable look can't change the fact that I don't know anything about math," Subaru said. Rem moved her face to get closer to Subaru.

"I am asking you to simply try Subaru," Rem said. The bell rang signaling the end to the class. A smile came to Subarus face when he was finally free from the torture and torment of math class. Rem let out a defeated sigh, and packed her things in her bag.

"Rem is making sure you finish this when we get home," Rem said as she stood up from her chair.

Subaru gave her a reassuring smile as he stood up. "I will Rem. I promise" Subaru said. Rem held her hand out for Subaru to grab onto.

Subaru grabbed onto her hand and led her out of the classroom, and into the crowded hallways. They eventually arrived at their lockers. Subaru put in his combination. Eventually he pulled the lock and it came undone, permitting him access to the interior.

He swung the door open and looked over to Rem. He saw her pull the lock with every attempt, but each attempt came to no avail. She turned the numbers around seemingly at random. Rem had yet to grasp how to put in her locker combination correctly.

Each time Rem pulled the lock she seemed to be getting further more aggressive after each attempt. Subaru knew because of her Oni strength she was about to rip the lock clean off the more frustrated she became.

"Here let me do that for you," Subaru said as he nudged Rem's shoulder. Rem threw the lock back into place as she stepped away.

Rem was starting to get agitated that she kept forgetting her locker combination, but even when she seemed to remember it she had a hard time inputting it properly.

"Calm down Rem. It takes practice. You will eventually get the hang of it" Subaru said as he imputed Rem's combination. He pulled the lock and it came undone allowing the door to swing open.

"Thank you Subaru" Rem said as she placed her heavy math textbooks into the locker. Rem was kind of embarrassed that she got frustrated at imputing a locker combination.

When she placed her books down, her eyes took notice of a neatly folded up piece of paper. She reached for it and folded it out to look at the paper's writing.

"What are you reading Rem?"

"A piece of paper I found in my locker"

"Is it yours?"

The biggest smile grew on Rem's face as she read the paper "Subaru did you write this for me?" she asked in a happy tone as she hugged the note to her chest loving it dearly.

"..... Can I see it?" Subaru asked as he held out his hand. Rem gave him the note. Subaru held it up and began to read it.

Subarus' face grew agitated as the letter he was reading was a love note from another student. It was a cringe poem about how beautiful Rem was. The author didn't leave his name, so there was no way of identifying who wrote it.

Subaru had a hard time not ripping the letter to shreds; he was very frustrated at whoever left it there. Not taking into account whether they knew about their relationship. Rem noticed how Subaru was somewhat crumbling the letter, and ran up to snatch it from his hands.

"Subaru dont crumble it, Rem loves it. I am glad you wrote that for me"

"Rem I didn't write that to you.... Some other student did" Subaru said in a sad tone knowing Rem was going to get disappointed that it wasnt from him.

Her smile slightly faded. She looked back at the letter before she placed it on a nearby table and walked off. Subaru didn't expect Rem to get rid of it so quickly, seeing how she was genuinely flattered by it.

Subaru turned his attention to the interior of his locker, he soon felt a pair of hands suddenly shove him inside aggressively. The lock in his hand was snatched from him and the door quickly closed. With a loud click of a lock Subaru heard someone run off into the halls leaving him in the cramped darkness of the locker.

"Subaru!" Rem cried out. Subaru was shoved in so quickly that Rem didn't even have time to recognize the identity of the person locked him in. Clearly this person had experience of shoving people into lockers quickly without trouble.

Rem looked down the crowded halls to see nothing but a huge crowd. The identity of the aggressor remained unknown. Subaru knocked against the locker door aggressively.

"Rem! Are you still there!" Subaru asked.

"I am right here, Subaru,"

"Can you attempt to put in the combination?"

Rem grabbed onto the lock and looked into it determined to crack its code. Even though she had yet to unlock a lock once. It did little to discourage her.

"Yes, what's the combination?"

Subaru began giving Rem directions on how to crack the lock. Though Rem still had difficulty solving it. It didn't help Subaru couldn't see how Rem was entering the combination.

"It's not working Subaru," Rem replied, the tone in her voice growing irritated.

"Ok, let's try again, tell me exactly what you did last time, ''

Rem let out a frustrated sigh. She was getting Subaru out of that locker no matter what. Rem pulled on the lock aggressively. The lock held in place, giving lots of resistance to Rem's Oni strength but it eventually snapped open.

Subaru heard the sound of the lock snapping and was soon greeted by the light of the hallway. Rem flung the door open and hugged Subaru tightly.


The current period was lunch, so Subaru led Rem to the cafeteria to eat the lunch Rem had made for them the previous night.

They eventually arrived into the ginormous cafeteria and found a spot to sit down that was away from the massive crowds. Rem and Subaru enjoyed sticking to themselves, and not being affiliated with any other groups.

"Subaru, you really need to start listening to the teachers' lectures. It will help you perform better in math," Rem said as she sat down. Subaru sighed, Rem had been cracking down on his lazy behavior in school. She always made sure he gave every assignment his best effort.

"I know it's boring and difficult, but you aren't putting in any effort. I notice you look at me all class, and quickly turn your attention back to your paper when I turn to look at you."

"I don't do that,'' Subaru said in a defensive tone. Rem shook her head in disagreement.

Suddenly a random girl walked up hastily to their table. When she arrived she slammed her hand on the table and pointed to Rem.

"You Rem, are coming outside and we are going to have a little running race," the girl demanded

"But I am eating lunch," Rem responded.

"Who are you?" Subaru asked, cutting in on their conversation. The girl's face grew increasingly more agitated as she moved closer to Rem's face, staring her in the eyes.

"I am of no concern to you. I am here to deal with Rem, who always thinks she has the need to show off in front of everyone"

"Show off? I don't show off. I just do wha-"

"I don't care! Come outside and race me! I wanna rematch, for yesterday!"

"No, I am eating. Rem doesn't want to race you"

"Fine, be like that. I will let you have your precious little lunch break. But as soon as class ends today you better be in that field, I will be waiting for you!" The girl said before she stormed off.

"Who's that?" Subaru asked, as he watched the girl continue to storm out of the cafeteria. His sight eventually fell upon Marshal. They exchanged brief eye contact.

Subaru looked away back to Rem pretending not to notice him. He heard rapid footsteps approaching him. He noticed Rem grew a giant frown on her face as she looked to her right.

Subaru looked over to his right, and immediately felt a giant and painful punch to his arm. Subaru grabbed onto his arm and groaned in pain.

"Don't look at me!" Marshal said aggressively. He began to storm off back into the crowded cafeteria.

"Stop hitting Subaru!" Rem demanded. Marshal frowned a bit when heard Rem shout at him. He continued to walk off leaving Rem and Subaru without words.

Subaru resumed eating his lunch like nothing had happened. Rem was still very agitated at the kid that punched Subaru. Rem had only met him twice and she was already on her last thread.

"Subaru, Rem is starting to get very angry with that kid who punches you" Rem said in a serious tone

"Don't worry about him. He's weird and nobody understands him. I don't see him very often, so this isn't a common occurrence. In fact I think his family is moving back to America soon."

"He's not from here?"

"Yeah, when I first met him he barely spoke Japanese. He yelled at me in English all the time. This changed in a year or so"

"Why is he here and not in America?"

"Don't know, his family is fairly wealthy and his dads a business man that travels all over. That's all I can tell you"

Rem continued to eat her lunch. She still didn't like the kid that would constantly punch Subaru for looking at him. Rem wasn't going to tolerate it much longer. It was the number one thing to get her irritated.

"Subaru, Why do you let him do that to you?" Rem asked. Subaru dropped his fork and looked up at Rem.

"I don't know, honestly," Subaru said. Over the years Subaru had been picked on by many people. Most of them by now had matured, and moved on in their lives to greener futures. Marshal had yet to join them. He was one of the last of Subarus' bullies. Though he seemed to be keeping a fair distance away from Subaru ever since Rem joined him.

Lunch eventually ended and the next class began. Subaru and Rem had history class. Rem struggled in history along with Subaru. It was a class they both struggled on tremendously.

Rem and Subaru sat down and awaited the class to begin. "Are you ready for another boring class, Rem?" Subaru asked.

"Subaru don't be negative" Rem responded. Eventually the teacher walked in with a bunch of papers in his hands.

"Today you all are going to be doing a historical significance assignment. I will hand around a paper that contains a couple of events in history, and what you need to do is tell me if the event is globally, nationally, regionally, or personally significant. Please use the notes we took yesterday to help you on deciding the significance of the events." The teacher said, as he passed out the papers to the students.

After he was done passing them out he retreated back to his desk to read a novel of somesort. Rem picked up her paper and started to read over the questions.

"What scale of significance would you put in the following event? Canada becoming a nation? Subaru how significant would you say this event would be" Rem asked. She turned over to look at Subaru and noticed him look away back to his paper.

"Uhhh I don't know Rem. Where's Canada?" Subaru said hastily. Rem sighed.

"Subaru, were you looking at me instead of working again?" Rem asked in a disappointed tone. Subaru shook his head in denial.

"I dont know what you are talking about Rem" Subaru said as he continued to look at his paper. Pretending to read the questions.

"Subaru please take this seriously. You promised me that you would try and do better in class"

"Fine, so what do we do?"

"How significant is Canada becoming a nation?" Rem asked again.

"Well first off, where's Canada? I don't know where that is?" Subaru said. Heooked over at the globe on the shelf. It was a little far but he could make out the names of the countries. He read the name Canada off the continent of North America.

"It's over there in the north," Subaru said as he pointed to the country, hoping to point it out for Rem.

"Subaru, why is that map circular?"

"Because the world's circular"

"I thought the world was flat"

Subaru laughed, he forgot Rem didn't know much about how far science came in his world. He thought it was funny to see someone unironically think the world is flat.

"Truth is Rem, the earth is a globe"

Rem didn't understand anything Subaru was saying, she didn't get how the world could be circular. But decided her barrage of world questions were better suited for Science class.

"Anyway I don't think it matters where the country is located, Subaru. How significant is it?" Rem said changing the topic.

"I mean I don't really care if some area on the other side of the world becomes a country,"

"Subaru, if I remember correctly, globally significant means the whole world should know. Let me check the notes I took yesterday" Rem said as she dug around her bag and pulled out her notes. She read through them and a smile came to her face

"Yes, globally significant means most everyone in the world should know about it," Rem said. Subaru sighed and slouched on his chair.

"Rem this is killing me! How is any of this relevant!?"

"Subaru, if you lived in that area would that concern you?" Rem asked.

"No, not really. I wouldn't care if this city became its own country"

"So if our apartment became its own country you wouldn't care?"

"Well when you put it like that. I guess I would"

"Rem thinks it's nationally significant. Since if you live there it could catch your attention"

"Sure let's go with that," Subaru said in agreement. He and Rem filled out the question and moved onto the next one.

"Alright next question. The first person to go to space!?" Rem read out the question in disbelief. She looked over to Subaru pleading for an explanation.

"Subaru, have people actually gone to space!" Rem asked. Subaru nodded his head.

"Yah, a couple times. I can't really explain how. They send them up in a rocket of some sort. Then they somehow get them to come back safely" Subaru said

"Really, Subaru, that's amazing," Rem said in awe.

Rem and Subaru continued to work on the paper. Rem had to practically force Subaru to work on some of the questions. Subaru was looking for any excuse possible to get out of doing the work.

The class eventually ended and the day was over. Rem and Subaru did not have food studies that day because the teacher got sick, and couldn't find a suitable replacement. Electives like food studies were extra curricular so the teacher could just dismiss the class for the day.

Subaru was about to head home without Rem because Rem was scheduled to get her hair cut, and wanted to go by herself for once to get used to wandering the city without Subaru. She still had her phone on her just in case she got lost.

Subaru handed Rem some money for her haircut before taking off back to the apartment. He had his worries about Rem getting lost, but he knew she had her phone just in case.

Rem began her journey to the barber. Remembering to follow the directions Subaru gave her. While walking on the sidewalk she passed by the school field. That is when she laid eyes on the girl that challenged her to race during lunch break.

Rem had completely forgotten about the girl that wanted to race her. She wrote it out of her mind, and already moved on from the incident.

"There you are! You are pretty early, is there a reason for that!?"

Rem froze in her tracks when she heard the girl yell out to her. She didn't know what to do. If she should keep walking and ignore her or just get the small and irrelevant race over with.

"What are you waiting for!? Get over here!"

Reaching into her bag, Rem pulled out her phone to check the time. She had about forty five minutes to spare before her haircut appointment. Letting out a heavy sigh, Rem walked over to the girl to get the pathetic race over with.

She threw her heavy bag on the grass as she looked up at the girl with an annoyed look on her face.

"So what do we do?" Rem asked

A smile came to the girl's face, glad to finally have the chance to race Rem one on one. She walked up and grabbed Rem by the arm and pulled her to the starting point.

"Stand here. You see that line over there. First one to cross it wins. My boyfriend will be the referee. He's standing by that tree over there. Wait until I say go"

Rem nodded in acknowledgement. The girl got into a running stance, Rem just stood there waiting for her to say go. Rem was not taking this competitively, she didn't even want to race her to begin with.

"Ready! Go!' The girl called out as she dashed off like a bullet. Rem followed suit and the race officially began.

The girl started out in front, but Rem soon caught up to her. Throughout the majority of the race they ran side by side. Neither of them could get ahead of the other.

They ran across the field walking over every inch of grass. The finish line was soon coming up. Neither of them were able to get ahead of the othe as the line came closer, becoming only meters away.

Rem continued to run trying to finish the race, her sights dead set on the small finish line in the grass. Suddenly she felt her foot hit her opponent's ankle, she lost balance and fell onto the ground.

The girl stayed on her feet and finished the race declaring her the winner. She celebrated her triumphant victory over Rem, who was seen by her to be unbeatable.

Rem got up and brushed the grass off of her, and started to walk off not bothering to spend another second talking to that girl. That obviously tripped her on purpose to win the race.

Rem didn't care that she lost. She was just annoyed by how competitive the other girl was taking it. Every gym class she always played against Rem with so much built up aggression. Having no clue what motivates her to act aggressively, Rem just wanted gym class to be over with. She never wanted any of this.

"I declare Rem the winner!" The random guy shouted from the tree. Rem stopped and turned to face him. She noticed that her opponent stopped celebrating after those words left his mouth.

The guy stood there with his arms crossed in disapproval as he gave Rems' opponent as nasty stare.

"I saw you trip her. Don't even act like you didn't"

The sports couple began arguing on if Rems' opponent intentionally tripped her or not. Rem didn't care about the argument or the race and continued to walk off.

She retrieved her bag and began walking off to the barber. Eventually arriving at the fancy hair dresser. She could have gotten there earlier, if it wasn't for the race and getting lost in the city. Rem had to ask the locals for directions, which was another brave step Rem took in her life.

Sitting in the chair, Rem was asked how she wanted her hair cut. Rem kept it simple and just asked the barber to trim it slightly. Still wanting her hair to cover half of her face.

Before trimming Rem's hair, The hairdresser inspected it. She immediately took notice that Rems blue hair seemed to be naturally grown out.

"Did you dye your hair blue?" The hairdresser asked as she inspected the roots of Rems' hair. Rem didn't know how to respond to the question. She wasn't familiar with hair dye, and didn't know what to say.


"No? So your blue hair is organic. In all my years cutting hair I had yet to see someone grow blue hair naturally. I thought it was impossible"

Rem started to get a bit nervous. She didn't have Subaru there to save her from moments like these. She had no idea people did not naturally grow blue hair in Japan, and wondered why Subaru didn't tell her.

Luckily though the rest of Rem's appointment went on without incident. The hairdresser gave Rem a short trim fixing her hair up.

She placed the scissors back on the table and grabbed a small mirror and pointed it to the back of Rem's head.

"Is this good"

Rem looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, satisfied with the trim the hairdresser gave her.

"Yes that's fine"

"Are you sure you wanna keep your hair over your eyes?" The hairdresser asked as she removed the hair bib from Rem and let her stand up.

"I'm sure" Rem said as she got out of the chair. She reached into her bag and pulled out the money for her hair cut and handed it to the hairdresser at the front desk.

The hairdresser was taken aback by the amount of money Rem was paying her for a short trim. Usually for trims like these customers would alway wiggle the price down to try and get out of paying for a full haircut.

The barber thought it would be unfair for Rem to pay this much for the amount of work she did. It only took ten or fifteen minutes.

So the hair dresser decided she was going to give her something for free. She reached into her cabinets and gave Rem two cans of hairspray to compensate.

Rem accepted the gift graciously and began her journey home, she couldn't wait to show Subaru the gift she got.

When Rem finally arrived at the apartment she rang the doorbell. Eventually the door opened and Subaru was met with the sight of Rem, her hair as short as the day they met at the mansion.

"Hi Rem, how was your haircut?"

"It was fine, but I have something to show you"

Subaru let Rem enter the apartment curious as to what she was going to show him. She unzipped her bag and pulled out a can of hairspray.

"The barber gave me two cans of this when I was there. I don't know what it is" Rem said as she inspected the can.

"Can I see it?" Subaru asked. Rem handed him the can of hairspray. Subaru shook it and pointed it at Rem and sprayed her. The sweet scent spread all over the apartment.

"Subaru! What is that!" Rem asked as she covered herself with her arms.

"It's like hairspray Rem, you spray it all over you to make you smell nice... I think"

Rem, having a better sense of smell, smelt the hairspray stronger than anybody else. It was a pleasant smell, but a really strong one. Mostly due to the fact Subaru sprayed so much of it.

"Subaru! You got it all over the apartment" Rem said as she opened the window trying to air it out.


Later in the night, Rem forced Subaru to stay up until he finished the math assignment they were handed. Subaru progressed slowly not wanting to put in any effort. Usually taking fifteen minutes to solve one question.

"Rem, can I please go to bed?" Subaru asked.

"Just finish the assignment and then you can '' Rem responded, she yawned shortly after. She was also keeping herself up to watch over Subaru. Because she knew he couldn't be trusted when it came to doing homework.

Subaru groaned and checked the time. "It's almost midnight"

"Subaru you only have two questions left"

"I will just finish it tomorrow," Subaru said, trying to procrastinate.

"Subaru, what will convince you to finish this," Rem said. Subaru looked over at Rem completely unsure of how to answer her question. He would take sleep instead of money at this point.

Subaru noticed Rem's face grew bright red "Anything other than that!" Rem said in a defensive tone.

Subaru got confused as to what Rem was talking about, he didn't even say anything.

"I don't want to get pregnant yet!" Rem cried out covering her face, succumbing to embarrassment.

Subaru eventually caught onto what Rem was talking about. He too covered his face as he grew really embarrassed.

"I never said I wanted that! I just want to go to sleep!"

"Then why did you look at me like that" Rem asked

"What are you talking about? I just looked at you"

"Anyways we aren't doing that!" Rem stated

Subaru sighed and face palmed.

"Are you aware that I could pul-"

"No you won't" Rem said, cutting Subaru off.

"Your right," Subaru admitted defeatedly.

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