Not What We Expected. {JJK x...

By SSears90

45.9K 1.9K 516

~A BTS horror story~ The boys are sent on a vacation by their manager, but the location they end up in has a... More

We're Going on Vacation!
Is This A Joke?
The Whisper.
Listen To Me (Pt. 1)
Listen To Me (Pt. 2)
Something To Accomplish.
Talk To Me.
I Won't!
A Day Well Spent (Pt.1)
A Day Well Spent (Pt. 2)
Please Not Again.
Do You Understand Me?
Where Is He?
Just A Nightmare, Right?
Come Back Home. [Part 1]
Come Back Home. [Part 2][Final]


2.4K 89 23
By SSears90

"You don't look too hot either hyung." Jungkook wondered why his leader also looked a little sick too. The members decided Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung would help cook while Hobi and Namjoon would do the dishes after. They gave Jungkook a break from having to help out this time.

They had pork belly and spicy kimchi, Jungkook only took a few bites but Jin was glad he at least ate something. It was a normal dinner, with casual talking while Taehyung and Jimin tried to start a food fight that nobody was interested in joining. After the meal they cleaned up and Namjoon and Hobi got to the dishes.

The other members went off to do things on their own, Yoongi decided to go work on some lyrics while Jin and Jimin went back to playing Battleship in the living room.

Taehyung looked out the window to see that the thunder and lightning had stopped, but it was still sprinkling out a little bit.

"Kook-sii do you want to go sit on the dock with me?" He asked his maknae.

"It's raining out," Jungkook replied.

"I like being in the rain," Taehyung replied.

Jungkook decided to go with him, he was feeling kind of hot anyways and thought the slight drizzling rain would help cool him off a bit.

"Careful by the water, both of you!" Hobi yelled out after them as they left the house and headed for the dock.

The two youngest of the group made their way down and watched their steps as they slowly made their way to sit at the end of the dock, which was still missing the piece of wood that Jungkook broke earlier. They sat down next to each other and dipped their feet in.

The two sat and talked about things best friends talk about, life, goals, future plans, etc. They talked about how much they missed ARMY and doing concerts, how they couldn't wait for the pandemic to be over. How it was taking a toll on their mental state.

"This pandemic is really starting to stress out Joonie-hyung," Jungkook told Taehyung.

"Yeah, I hope he comes out of whatever is going on in his head. Sorry this vacation is sucking for you, mostly because of him. What did you two talk about when you went to his room to talk to him?"

"I asked him what was going on and if I did something to make him angry. He said I didn't do anything, he's just dealing with stuff I wouldn't understand. I told him maybe he should get on meds if he still feels angry when we leave here."

"You think he'll need meds? What kind of meds?"

"I don't know. Anger meds? Anti-depressants? Whatever helps I guess. I just want to see him happy again. You know, and not take his anger out on me."

The two continued to chat while inside Hobi was watching them sit on the dock from the kitchen window, which was in front of the sink where him and Namjoon were doing the dishes.

"They're so cute," Hobi said in admiration seeing the two sit on the dock together outside.

"Who is ?" Namjoon asked.

"Our maknae's," Hobi replied. He finished washing his last dish, while Namjoon still had a little stack to do.

"Ha, I beat you! I'm gonna go work on some lyrics with Yoongi-hyung. Keep an eye on those two, yeah?" he said while gesturing to the two outside.

Namjoon glared at them through the window. "Yup."

Hobi left for Yoongi's room while Namjoon stood there glaring at the two youngest members sitting on the dock. Am I their fucking babysitter? He pay no attention to them as he continued the dishes.

It was starting to get colder out and Taehyung decided he was ready to go back inside. He and Jungkook stood up together, but the piece of wood Jungkook was standing on broke, causing him to fly backwards into the water before he even had the chance to catch himself.

"Jungkook! No!" Taehyung screamed as he tried leaping forward to grab Jungkook but slipped and fell into the water with him. They both went under.

Taehyung resurfaced rather quickly, as he was the only one of the two who could swim. "Jungkook?!" He was panicking and looking around in the water. "Help! Someone help!" He started screaming towards the house. He dove back into the water to try and find Jungkook.

He was panicking under the water, trying to swim and find any sign of where Jungkook ended up. He knew he'd be panicking and knew Jungkook didn't know how to hold his breath under water. He flailed trying to get deeper and deeper in hopes of grabbing him.

Taehyung suddenly felt a hand grab around his ankle and pull him down. He reached for the hand and grabbed it, trying to pull Jungkook up out of the water with him, but Jungkook was panicking too much and it was causing both of them to go deeper.

No, I won't let him drown!

He tried to find the strength to fight against Jungkook's panic and pull him above the water. He wrapped his arms around a panicking Jungkook and was able to pull him up. Both of them sucked in a big breath which was cut short by immediate coughing.

"Help! Plea-" Taehyung couldn't stop coughing. He tried to scream with what little breaths he could find. "Hyungs! Hyungs! Somebody!" Jungkook was in a full panic and couldn't stop coughing either, he kept trying to climb Taehyung to stay above the water, and Taehyung kept being shoved back under.

Namjoon knew what was happening. He could see it all through the kitchen window. He saw how the board broke beneath Jungkook's foot and sent him flying into the water. He saw how Taehyung immediately flew forward to grab him but also fell in. How they were both struggling. He saw how Taehyung came out of the water and could tell he was screaming for help.

His desire wasn't for Taehyung to get hurt, but he also knew this could be the only chance he had for Jungkook to lose his life. He couldn't just go save one of them, that would raise too many questions. He figured if Jungkook getting killed also meant sacrificing Taehyung too, that would just have to work.

Finally. He ignored the scene outside and continued the dishes with a smirk on his face.

Jungkook wasn't purposely trying to shove Taehyung under. It was his fight or flight and his panic. He couldn't breathe. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to swim and he was trapped! Above the water, he couldn't even find breath to scream for help because he was coughing so much. His lungs were on fire, he had accidentally breathed in so much water it still felt like he was drowning even above the surface. Taehyung made his way back up.

"Stop!" He screamed at Jungkook. "Stop panicking! You'll kill us both!"

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook again who was consumed with tears and endless fits of coughing. Taehyung tried screaming for help again, he was so tired, he was losing what energy he had left to keep them both above the water. They were too far away from the dock to grab it at this point. "Please! Yoongi! Jin! Hobi! Anyone!"

Hobi came out of Yoongi's room to ask Namjoon a question regarding some lyrics he had written. He looked out the window to see the two maknae's were no longer on the dock. He also noticed it looked more broken than it had earlier.

"Where did those two go?" he asked Namjoon.

"I don't know."

"You don't know? I told you to keep an eye on the-" Hobi scanned the water and his eyes met a struggling Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Oh my God! Namjoon they're drowning! Guys, they're drowning!" Hobi screamed as he bolted out the door and ran as fast as he could to the water. The others heard him loud and clear and were also running at full speed towards their two maknae's.

Taehyung and Jungkook saw their hyungs sprinting to them, but Taehyung lost all his energy. He couldn't keep them above the water anymore. "I'm sorry," he whispered to Jungkook. His body gave out and they both went under.

The members all saw them go back under the water, none of them hesitated to jump in after them, except Namjoon who stood at the edge of the water and watched. Guess that didn't work.

Yoongi and Jimin found Taehyung and pulled him up, he sucked in a breath and then broke out into a fit of coughing. His chest was on fire. He looked around in a panic "WHERE IS HE??!?" he started coughing again. At that moment, Hobi and Jin came up with Jungkook.

 Their youngest was unconscious.

Taehyung stretched out his arm to reach for him. "No!" He was screaming through tears and coughs as everyone pulled them back up on dry land. They lay Taehyung and Jungkook down on their backs next to each other.

Taehyung's lungs were so full of water and he was crying so hard he couldn't catch his breath. Jimin was trying to help him, but didn't know what else to do besides hit his chest. He was screaming for Jungkook to wake up too.

Jin had immediately started CPR on Jungkook as soon as they were on land as everyone else surrounded the two in a panic.

"Someone call an ambulance!!" Hobi screamed as he shook Jungkook. "Please wake up. Please wake up!"

Jin pushed on the maknae's chest, and pushed, and pushed. He put his mouth to Jungkook's and blew out the strongest breaths he could. "Kook-ah please..." Jin was drenched in tears. "You can't do this to me right now! Wake up!" He continued pumping on his maknae's chest.

Yoongi had ran in and grabbed all the phones, then ran back out. He tried calling an ambulance on all of the phones they had. None of them had service and all the calls were failing. "What the hell is the point of a phone if it won't even work?!" He took his phone and chucked it into the river.

Laying next to Jungkook, Taehyung grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Through his sobs, he began repeating, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." In his mind Jungkook was already dead.

Jimin was rubbing Taehyungs chest, trying to calm him down even through his own tears. Everyone held their breath while Jin continued CPR .

"It''s not working...he won't wake up..." Jin cried. Yoongi pushed Jin out of the way and started doing CPR himself. While pumping Jungkook's chest he started talking to him. "Maknae. Listen. You have to get up now! Hear me?! You have to wake up now! You're not allowed to die yet. I'm the older one I'm supposed to die first! Right?! That means you have to get up now!" Yoongi was hysterically crying. Trying to catch his breath so he could give it to Jungkook instead.

Everyone's hearts were shattered.

Yoongi wasn't one to cry, ever. They knew if Yoongi was crying, this was probably the end of it. They were losing their maknae. Their sobs could be heard for miles, but nobody was around to hear it.

Yoongi wasn't willing to give up, he pressed on Jungkook's chest harder. "I'm your hyung and that means you have to listen to me! I told you to wake UP!" Yoongi pressed on Jungkook's chest as hard as possible and the members heard what they were willing to give their lives to hear.

Jungkook coughing.

Yoongi immediately turned him onto his side, water started pouring out of his mouth. Sighs of relief could be heard from everyone.

"Oh thank God! Oh thank God!!" Hobi yelled as he clutched Jungkook's cheeks in his hands and started kissing his forehead.

Taehyung was finally able to breathe again, as he placed his hand on his maknae's back and started to rub it while he coughed. Yoongi was hitting Jungkook's back to help him cough up all the water in his lungs.

"There you go! Just cough it up. You're okay. You'll be okay. Just try to breathe," Yoongi kept repeating over and over. He tried to help Jungkook sit up to help him get more water out of his lungs.

Everyone surrounded them and pulled Taehyung and Jungkook into the tightest hugs. Jimin looked around to see Namjoon had just been sitting back, watching, emotionless. He didn't care about that right now. All he cared about was that his two little brothers were both breathing.

Yoongi kissed them both on the head. "Our babies..." was all he could say through his tears and his sighs of relief.

They held each other for what seemed liked forever while letting the two catch their breath, not that any of them minded. Jungkook didn't have the energy to say or do anything else but cry. His chest hurt, his throat hurt, everything hurt. And his heart hurt. He was upset with himself for scaring his hyungs, and he was consumed with guilt for hurting Taehyung too.

Jimin looked back at Namjoon, and he filled with anger. "You!" he screamed. Everyone turned their heads to Namjoon.

"Me? What did I do?!"

"Absolutely nothing! That's what! You were supposed to be watching them! You were right at the window the entire time! I refuse to believe you didn't notice they fell in!" Jimin knew Hobi asked Namjoon to watch out for them, he was sitting right in the living room.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, and with their eyes they knew what the other was thinking. Namjoon had to have known.

"Seriously! I told you to keep an eye on them and you agreed to it! They were right in front of you!" Hobi was also furious. Everyone stared at Namjoon in shock waiting for what he had to say.

" I didn't see them fall in," he lied. His face was expressionless.

"So when you saw they weren't there, you didn't think to wonder where they went?" Jin asked with anger in his voice.

"No, I didn't."

Yoongi felt Taehyung and Jungkook start shivering in his arms. "We'll deal with him later, let's get them inside."

The members helped pick the two up and carry them into the house, bringing them both into Yoongi's room. They helped the two get dried off and changed into warm pajamas. They helped them into Yoongi and Jin's bed. "You two can sleep here tonight," Jin said.

Everyone gathered around them on the bed, afraid to leave them alone.

Taehyung and Jungkook cuddled up to each other. Neither of them had anything to say, they were both exhausted and their heads and throats hurt, and they were still scared. They quickly fell asleep in each other's arms as their hyungs rubbed their backs.

Hobi couldn't stop staring at his two sleeping maknae's. "Wow..." he began, "They look...they look so small." His heart broke all over again. He felt so guilty. He should've kept his eyes on them instead of asking Namjoon to. He was at the window washing dishes too. If he had just stayed and helped with more dishes and kept his eye on them. Tears filled his eyes.

Jimin walked over and hugged his hyung. "They are small." Jimin always felt that way. Sure they were taller than him, but they were both younger than him, so to him, they would always be small.

Yoongi ran his hand through Taehyungs hair, and then Jungkook's. "Let's leave them alone to get some rest. We can check on them in a little bit." Everyone followed Yoongi out of the room.

Namjoon was standing in the kitchen, staring back out the window at the dock.

"You." Yoongi said sternly, pointing to Namjoon. Yoongi began walking out the back door.

"Come with me."

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