Killer Love [Kenma Kozume x R...

By Aizaten

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➽ ~ A story to where a psychotic serial killer and an everyday police officer accidentally fall for one anoth... More

⋆✪Before Reading Information✪⋆


678 33 35
By Aizaten


You turn and look down the hall with a curious look. "Hel-" Before you can even get the entire word out, you feel your body being picked up and pushed against the wall, hands on your hips tightly. A snicker leaves you at the feeling, your hands moving to grab hold of whatever you can tightly. As you look forward, you grin. "Why hello there Tsumu~ Nice blood splatter on your clothes and face."

Atsumu rolls his eyes, continuing to hold you against the wall. "And why are you here?"

"I just wanted to come and visit! Don't be mean," you pout. "You're my only killer friend and I loooooove you."

"When you learn the meaning of the word, I may just believe you," he says, dropping you down and stepping back.

You just giggle as you get onto your feet. You lean forward and wipe the blood back onto his clothing, a small hum leaving you. "Maybe another day. At least believe the first part." Atsumu just rolls his eyes before turning, his expression darkening as Kenma catches his eyes. A smirk begins to appear and he opens his mouth to speak. Before a word can leave his lips, you cut in, "Don't touch him-"


"Because I just said not to Atsumu," you say, hurrying over to Kenma and putting him being your body. "He's a friend."

Atsumu laughs, a crooked smile on his face as he stops. "You, making a friend with him? Yeah right. I've seen the video footage from the mall. Who actually is he?" Atsumu asks, tilting his head and taking a few steps closer to you. "Tell me, did you go soft Y/n? Did you lose your killer ways? I don't see a single cut, bruise, or injury on his body that seems to be decently recent."

Your entire thought process changes at his words, your face darkening. "I'm not soft. He is a friend and he will stay a friend. Don't think that just because I have yet to hurt him, that it means I've gone soft."

Kenma stays quiet and hidden behind your body throughout it all, knowing this is practically a conversation about his life at this point. After spending so much time with you, Kenma can practically see when someone is feeling blood lust and every bone in his body is telling him that Atsumu wants to kill him. If not kill, then at least torture and hurt him until he is unable to do anything more.

Atsumu laughs and goes to reach around you, your hand grabbing his wrist tightly. "Oh? Not soft? So... If I were to cut him, you wouldn't feel a thing. I mean- You are numb right? No emotion. No feelings. Just a broken woman who watched her parents die, who watched as a man who fathered you for years was murdered, who ended up getting raped by multiple men, and then... Then she decided to kill when she grew up? I mean... Last time I saw you that's what you told me at least. You are still that same serial killing woman right?"

"Cut it out, Atsumu. I don't feel but I would rather you not lay a single finger on my little play toy." You slam his hand away from you, reaching up and slapping his face harshly seconds later. "And don't bring my past into this. You know exactly how I feel about it all and you know I'm not afraid to cut your balls off with my knife and shover them down your throat to choke on," you say, your voice full of authority.

All you get in return is a laugh, Atsumu doubling over with his hand on his stomach. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. So serious," he snickers. "I won't touch your play toy. Although... If he decides to break anything or head into my basement, without mine or your permission, do not expect yourself to leave with him."

You roll your eyes and kick his leg. "Stop being an asshole. You won't touch him. His name is Kenma by the way."

"Kenma Kozume. A cop who has very little athletic abilities and strength but is very observant. He is amazing at solving crimes when given the time to do so and dyes his hair often so that the blonde doesn't fade too much..."

Kenma's brows furrow as he hears each word, peeking out from around you. "How do you know all this...?" he asks.

Atsumu's brow raises and he walks over to a wooden table, leaning against it. "Well little one, it's called research. Let's not forget my amazing hacking skills and how easy it is to torture information from people. Should I go on with what I know~?" he asks.

With a shake of your head, you sigh and look at Kenma. "He's just trying to pretend like he's smart. And let's not forget this man's horrible ego. Tsumu just hacks and likes to snoop around in everyone's business. Mine included since he saw the video footage."

"Awe come on- You know I'm smart for being able to hack."

"Even I can do it, Tsumu. Don't get your ego going too high or I'll find your brother and stab him."

A groan leaves the taller man's mouth, a pout forming. "Awe come on. Then my twin senses will begin to tingle again. Oh, which by the way, did you have to kill his boyfriend?"

You just shrug in response, ignoring the look that Kenma is giving you. "All I did was throw a knife at his eye. If Osamu would have called the cops, his boyfriend could have survived."

"That's not the point," he whines. "Now when I see him I have to pretend that I feel bad about it and we both know that I struggle with that."

"Yeah, yeah, you will live. When is he coming over by the way? I want to show you my pretty art work I did on his neck with my knife."

Atsumu just raises a brow at you before shaking his head. He looks up at the clock and sighs before turning back to both you and Kenma. "Keep your dog away from me," he starts, gesturing to Kenma. "I'm going to go finish off my kill and I'll be back in about ten minutes."

"How is this one dying?" you ask, walking towards the living room with Kenma close behind.

"That's something for me to know and you to not," he answers before disappearing down the hall and through the door.

You roll your eyes at his reply but continue making your way to the living room anyway. When walking in, one can see a bookshelf in the back. Along the bookshelf are multiple books but behind them is a part of the wall that goes back as if a dip in piece. You know about this due to the last times you were here.

As you walk over to it, Kenma decides to take a seat on the couch. He watches as you pull some books off the shelf and move them to the side, pulling a large bowl looking shape from behind them seconds later. You turn around and hold the bowl out to Kenma, gesturing for him to pull the lid off of it, but he shakes his head out of fear and concern. Kenma doesn't know what is in the bowl. He doesn't trust you to not try to show him something creepy or disgusting either. Especially since you decided to pull the bowl from behind books. That is something he personally deems creepy.

You make a pout and decide to set the bowl back onto the shelf, snickering as you cover everything back up. When you turn around, you immediately get questioned. "What was in the bowl?" Kenma asks.

"Oh, just the head of Atsumu's father."

"You're not serious are you...?"

You say no more as your lips move into a slight grin before walking over and sitting beside him on the couch. Kenma just stares at you in disbelief before shaking his head, feeling glad he hadn't opened it. He may have just puked if he had.

Time passes by before Atsumu comes into the room, you and him immediately beginning to talk. Kenma decides to ignore the conversation, not wanting to get involved with it. He just leans back against the couch with his body staying near yours. His eyes close and his thoughts begin to wander toward home, back to before you took him. Kenma misses it... He really does.

He also can't help but to want to stay with you. The fact that he has these feelings makes him feel disgusted with himself. He feels disgusted with himself and with his thoughts and feelings. Kenma's body stays leaned against the couch with his fingers tapping on his thigh. The thoughts cause the movements to progressively get worse. It's also his breathing that begins to get uneven, it going unnoticed by himself.

Atsumu on the other hand takes notice and raises a brow at him. You take notice and turn your head, looking at Kenma. You don't hesitate to grab his hand and move your other one up to his face, laying it on his cheek. The feeling of your hands on his skin causes his eyes to open and he looks at you with wide eyes, his breathing still heavy.

"Calm down Kenma. Breathe. Do you need your inhaler?"

Kenma begins taking deep breaths at your words, his eyes closing back and beginning to calm down a little bit. "No. I'm fine.." he answers.

You look at him a second longer before rubbing his cheek for a quick second and turning back to Atsumu. Your hand stays over his as you begin to speak again. Although, this time the topic changes due to the events Atsumu just witnessed. "Someone seems a little sweet," he comments, motioning to the fact that you'd put your hand on Kenma's cheek.

With a roll of your eyes, you reach forward and slap Atsumu. "Shut up dork."

Atsumu only laughs and you laugh along with him, your hand staying tightly around Kenma's. The three of you stay there in the living room for a while until a few hours have passed. It's been agreed that you can stay in the house for a while, but the longest you would be able to is three weeks due to the police on your backs and him not wanting to be caught somehow by being connected to you. You know you probably won't even be there for three weeks but that amount of time is a good thing for you.

Atsumu leads you both to the room you'll be staying in, not having a third bedroom. You of course asked about sleeping on the couch, but he told you no. Instead, both you and Kenma are sharing a bed in the guest room. You walk in with Kenma, the bags being set down on the floor as you get close to the bed. "I forgot how nice your rooms are, Tsumu..." you comment, turning and falling onto the bed with a bounce.

"Yeah, well don't do anything weird in here and keep the room nice," he responds. Kenma stands next to Atsumu, just looking in the room without even thinking about the fact that he is actually terrified of the man. Atsumu sets both of his hands on Kenma's shoulders and leans toward his ear. "You better stay by your little caretaker here or you might just get yourself into trouble~"

Kenma can only jump at Atsumu's voice, his eyes quickly closing. It's within a few seconds that you've sat up and pulled Kenma away from the bloodthirsty man. "Atsumu, leave him alone as I asked before. You already know who could kill who if we got into a fight."

"I was just messing with him, calm down." Kenma's body falls into yours as Atsumu speaks, his head torso bent and head against your breasts. You don't completely notice the placement of his head as you look at Atsumu, the two of you continuing to squabble for a moment. It takes a bit before Atsumu finally decides to leave Kenma and you in peace, the door closing behind him.

As it closes, Kenma pulls away from you. His face is a slight pink tint but it's not noticeable enough for you to actually say anything about it. With a quick jump, you make your way onto the bed onto your back. Kenma's eyes stay on you for a moment. A quick smile even appears on his face from it.

The smile stays on his face as he shakes his head and turns to look around the room. He roams it for a moment, allowing his finger to run over the dresser top, collecting dust onto it. With these actions, your night's spent at Atsumu's house officially begin.


I hope the chapter was Enjoyable~!!!

Okay- It's been a long time. I'm so sorry. I'm dealing with a lot in life and will post when I am able to. Here is this chapter though <3

Any Thoughts?!?


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