The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault...

By Kronaeon

856 209 23

Unknown forces stir in the depths of Waterdeep, Dead gods, and fallen homes. The unsolved mystery of missing... More

Alekzandr Ikorov: I
Herod Westwood: II
Riu Astrial: III
Adleth: IV
Asher Exitium: V
Adleth: VI
Markos Amanodel: VII
Ammalia Cassalanter: VIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: IX
Riu Astrial: X
Adleth: XI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XII
Herod Westwood: XIII
Vaelle Lurval: XIV
Asher Exitium: XV
Markos Amanodel: XVI
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XVII
Herod Westwood: XVIII
Riu Astrial: XIX
Adleth: XX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXI
Markos Amanodel: XXIII
Riu Astrial: XXIV
Asher Exitium: XXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: XXVI
Herod Westwood: XXVII
Asher Exitium: XXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXX
Markos Amanodel: XXXI
Herod Westwood: XXXII
Adleth: XXXIII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XXXIV
Asher Exitium: XXXV
Vaelle Lurval: XXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXXVII
Markos Amanodel: XXXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXXIX
Herod Westwood: XL
Adleth: XLI
Asher Exitium: XLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XLIII
Riu Astrial: XLIV
Alekzandr Ikorov: XLV
Vaelle Lurval: XLVI
Andraste Liadon: XLVII
Adleth: XLVIII
Asher Exitium: XLIX
Andraste Liadon: L
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: LI
Markos Amanodel: LII
Riu Astrial: LIII
Herod Westwood: LIV
Ammalia Cassalanter: LV
Adleth: LVI
Asher Exitium: LVII
Herod Westwood: LVIII
Markos Amanodel: LIX
Donna Evergrove: LX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXI
Riu Astrial: LXII
Andraste Liadon: LXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXIV
Adleth: LXV
Herod Westwood: LXVI
Asher Exitium: LXVII
Markos Amanodel: LXVIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXIX
Adleth: LXX
Riu Astrial: LXXI
Ammalia Cassalanter: LXXII
Asher Exitium: LXXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXIV
Estral Ever'reiyn: LXXV
Andraste Liadon: LXXVI
Herod Westwood: LXXVII
Riu Astrial: LXXVIII
Markos Amanodel: LXXIX
Herod Westwood: LXXX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXXXI
Vestus Konstotte: LXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXXIII
Adleth: LXXXIV
Markos Amanodel: LXXXV
Herod Westwood: LXXXVI
Andraste Liadon: LXXXVII
Rishall Callahan: LXXXVIII
Herod Westwood: LXXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XC
Riu Astrial: XCI
Vaelle Lurval: XCII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XCIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: XCIV
Andraste Naïlo: XCV
Vestus Konstotte: XCVI
Adleth: XCVII
Riu Astrial: XCVIII
Markos Amanodel: XCIX
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: C
Alekzandr Ikorov: CI
Ammalia Cassalanter: CII
Vestus Konstotte: CIII
Adleth: CIV
Herod Westwood: CV
Markos Amanodel: CVI
Vaelle Lurval: CVII
Riu Astrial: CVIII
Adleth: CIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CX
Markos Amanodel: CXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXIII
Herod Westwood: CXIV
Vestus Konstotte: CXV
Riu Astrial: CXVI
Markos: CXVII
Adleth: CXVIII
Vestus Konstotte: CXIX
Vaelle Lurval: CXX
Andraste Naïlo: CXXI
Adleth: CXXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXXIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXIV
Riu Astrial: CXXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXXVI
Markos Amanodel: CXXVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXXVIII
Herod Westwood: CXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXX
Adleth: CXXXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: CXXXIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIV
Herod Westwood: CXXXV
Vestus Konstotte: CXXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXXVIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIX
Vestus Konstotte: CXL
Adleth Meliamne: CXLI
Vaelle Lurval: CXLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXLIII
Andraste Naïlo: CXLIV
Markos Amanodel: CXLV
Herod Westwood: CXLVI
Victoro Cassalanter: CXLVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXLVIII
Markos Amanodel: CXLIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CL

Donna Evergrove: XXII

9 3 0
By Kronaeon

Join us please: XXII

"Careful!" Donna sneered she didn't mean to come off so harsh but Vaelle had bumped into her as they walked in line.

"S-sorry." Vaelle whispered back. Donna observed her childhood friend, her dark raven hair looked glossy and perfect, her hazel eyes spitting the image of naivety. She would fix that, Donna promised herself she would prepare Vaelle for the Real world and how it acted. They shuffled neatly in the large temple chambers. It was underground situated with dirty grey rock on every side, it was shaped like a theater minus the chairs.. And with an addition of a large black metal brazier sat sternly in the center of the room, suspended in air by chains.

"Praise, Hail Asmodeus! Glory be to his grace, the father of true power. To Asmodeus the Lord of Nessus!" Those around her began to chant Donna felt her body get lighter as she joined in, happy to engage in the prayer.

"Praise be.. Glory.. Lord.." Vaelle muttered she was trying to keep up, Donna figured but didn't know the words, she nudged her friend.

"Just.. move your lips for now.. You'll learn it soon." She suggested. Donna felt giddy that elastic leap of butterflies in one's stomach as they achieved something new. This she especially felt as she guided Vaelle towards the faith. As the prayer came to an end Vaelle seemed to grow restless.

"W..where's Holiver?" Donna rolled her eyes, Holiver, all the young new disciple could think about now was her boyfriend in the great light of the Lord! She stopped herself, no.. no.. it was fine. Vaelle was still.. Adjusting it would all be fine soon enough.

"Among us." she replied. She felt like laughing for some reason. "Vaelle he is now one of your brothers.. And I your sister. We are family, a family in faith." she reminded her friend. In all reality she peaked over the heads of fellow followers wondering where Holiver had run off to. Vaelle pursed her big lips.

"But.. I don't wanna marry my brother?" The woman frowned. Donna stifled back laughter, no she did have a point.

"Acolytes of Asmodeus!" A voice roared from the stage, the theater like rooms dim light grew brighter as the brazier's red flames basked the room in a yellow light. "Followers of the true one god. Welcome." On the stage stood five people against the podium, a well dressed but incredibly tall female figure. She was dressed in scarlet robes alike to the others yet over her shoulders was a distinct golden shroud, to her right was a shorter man dressed in similar attire. Both of them were shielded by silver featureless masks. "For this mass.. Your Lord and I would like to read.." The speaker went on, Donna glanced at Vaelle trying to encourage her friend to loosen up. Vaelle looked practically petrified, her hazel eyes glancing in every direction looking extremely nervous.

"It's ok.." Donna placed her dagger at her hip and picked up Vaelle's hand pulling her into an embrace, she needed her friend to feel safe only then she would surrender to the great Lord. The priestess continued speaking before a noise interrupted the sermon.

"This faith is a lie!" Donna was pushed back as a group of five followers stripped away their cloaks. She spotted a group of people dressed in heavy scale mail, and studded leather armor, unsheathing blades and readying weapons. No.. her eyes widened realizing they were under attack, something she'd seldom seen. Vaelle began shaking violently, Donna wrapped herself around the girl but followers darted in numerous directions. "Priestess.. You and your broode have poisoned Waterdeep long enough! We, The Battle Teeth! Shall put an end to this at once!" The man leading the charge looked familiar; he had dark skin and pale eyes. His party of five total stood at the ready before lunging. Donna pulled Vaelle to the back guiding her to a nearby wall.

"Stay here." She snapped trying to give her friend reasurement. She saw panicked and frightened eyes as Vaelle stuttered to try and say something, not exactly what one would call the best introduction to the faith but she would have to make do. For now she charged. She was not the only one; numerous sisters and brothers lunged with her, including a member from the stage he was dressed in sturdy scale mail armor hidden under his robes in his right hand sat a long sword which he engaged with.

"Vile scum!" one woman in the attackers party hurled out as spells flew over Donna's head. The battlefield looked like chaos, members of the faith dodged, rolled, and swiped furiously with daggers as the party; 'The Battle Teeth' barreled through like a bull. However, there were five of them and many more of the faith. Donna sidestepped a tiefling rogue's blade before countering with her own attack.

"Eirzm zicy haf!" She yelled out, summoning a force of magic green energy spilled from her hand instantly the ground erupted as small vines shot out wrapping the figure in their grasp.

"Ah!" He yelled as he was run through by the hooded figure. Soon it became more clear that this attack was nothing more than a farce, more of the faith began to regain their pride and swarmed the would be adventurers. She used her knife to slash at one before noticing their cleanly dressed dragon born sneaking up on this new figure. Donna lunged, tossing her knife into the enemy she leapt back to avoid getting sliced in half. The hooded figure snapped his head to her.

"Thanks." He grunted in a deep voice. The two of them stood back to back for the rest of the battle as she defended him now that shed lost her knife she turned fully to spells. The leader of the charge battled the new hooded figure blade on blade, Donna watched an illustrious network of strikes as these two rolled and leapt through the air using the momentum of each strikes to twirl into another, no energy ever wasted.

"GH-A!" The black man yelled out in pain as his chest was impaled. The figure removed his hood and kicked the adventurer of his sword. The fight had ended in less than five minutes. She couldn't help but stare oddly at the figure next to her.

"Damian." He offered a hand. With his hood off she got a better look at his features: grey wolf like eyes, his curved nose and slender face with jet black hair protruding in a short shaggy cut.

"Donna.. Oh Heaven Vaelle.." She turned on her heel and sprinted towards her friend still shivering in the corner, Vaelle looked like she had been crying, pushing her brothers out of the way Donna slid onto her knees and engulfed the girl. "Vae? Vae are you alright?" She pulled away and studied every inch of the girl. She was utterly frightened and still crying.

"W-when you and Holiver.. Told me to join i-i never thought-" Everything she and Holiver had said was now ringing deaf an attack on the first day? The first prayer? It would be hard no.. impossible to fully calm the girls nerves.

"Vae.. hey, listen to me." She ran her hand down Vaelle's cheeks wiping away the tears. "This.. isn't the faith.. This isn't what it's like.. I promise. We.. this.. Was just.. Unexpected." Her mind darted around she could tell Vaelle wanted to go tears staining her cheeks the woman had little backbone and even less sense.

"I-i" Vae began, Donna searched her mind for some kind of remedy to fix this to bandage it until she could find a more permanent solution.

"Don't.. You want to marry Holiver?" This got her friends attention. Her mouth agape.

"B-but what-"

"Vaelle listen to me.. This.. this faith.. Around us. It's the only way for you to marry Holiver.. It's all you need.. All.. he has." Vaelle looked like she wanted to respond but they were stopped.

"Is everything.. Alright?" Donna looked over her shoulder to see Damian the swordsman standing curiously. He was taller, maybe five foot eleven a small stubble of a chin probably in his thirties or forties. He looked older.

"Everything is fine." She replied snappingly. "Right.. Vae?" Donna rubbed her friends shoulders.

"Uh.. w.. Yeah.." Vaelle whispered in response.

"Good." Damian replied. "Her priestess wishes to see us. Congratulations are in order." Donna licked her teeth. This was a difficult situation, she was already a Diviner in the faith but if she left Vaelle alone she had no assurance to sway the girl's mind.

"Of course.. Though.. I need a favor." she pleaded Damian with her eyes as she hosted Vaelle up pulling the girl along, he looked confused but nodded.

"I.. Donna.. I wanna go.. H.."

"Shh." she snapped quickly, she didn't have time to comfort her, no matter how badly she wanted to. A summon from the priestess was not to be ignored.. But she did have a way to ensure Vaelle felt appreciated.. Something, anything. She looked back to see Vaelle blubbering once again, not a good sign.

"Heroes." The priestess said lovingly, Donna pushed through the crowded towing Vaelle with her and she stepped nervously up careful to not let go. "My Donna.. We thank you, new Acolyte of truth Damian; thank you.. And er.." The priestess stopped in her tracks, cocking her head to the side. Not recognizing Vaelle.

"Vaelle Lurval." Donna piped up quickly before vaelle could do anything about it. The leader of their sect knew now.

"The fight would have been.. Unwinnable without her My lady." Damian fibbed. Behind them she recognized three other faces, brothers and sisters who had aided in the fight, they were all greeted properly.

"Unwinnable you say?" The Lady's voice tightened delightfully Donna had to stop herself from shaking in joy she felt like a child in a candy store; excited.

"She is not of the faith." Donna confessed. "At least not yet.. She is to be the bride of Holiver Tornrudder.. My Lady." she blurted out on instinct, she looked back seeing the mortified expression of Vaelle as her hopefully soon to be sister gilded higher and higher in the faith.

"Well, young one, we will look at you with great interest.. And once she has fulfilled the three testaments of faith.. I myself will wed them. Thank you little one for your service to his true grace-" The woman stopped, she began waving her hand in an irritated way. "Donna, she looks absolutely terrible.. I.. please.. Take our most exalted guest to the Fellaen chambers.. Mass must continue!" The priestess yelled into the chamber. "Sacrifice these.. Insolent fools.. And together we may bask in his light."

"Together!" A roar erupted from the crowd. Donna seized her moment grabbing Vaelle she pulled the girl off stage and towards another room somewhere private Damian followed closely behind Vaelle's tears had stopped, but Donna knew.. Her journey had only begun. 

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