Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

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Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 31 - In A Different Life
Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 52 - A New Title
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 50 - A New Ending

1K 50 8
By Castiels_Trenchcoat6


Falling in love with Severus Snape had never been the plan. Rowan had only dreamt that this would be how the pair would be; together and happy. Now, as they held each other gazing at the stars, it all felt real; and that was an amazing feeling. "Whenever I was- dying? If that's what you wish to call it, I saw my dad," Rowan whispered, leaning her head down onto Severus' shoulder. His arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, his other leaning behind him to stabilize them both. 

Severus, who had been focused on the stars and their forming images, furrowed his brow. "What do you mean? I thought you said he was- not with us," Severus replied, dancing around the truth of what happened to Rowan's father. Rowan exhaled and shook her head. "Not like that, Severus. It was- more of a vision I suppose. I was in my childhood home," Rowan continued, not sure of what she wanted to tell him. She knew how weird this sounded, considering what had just happened between the two of them; but it was something he should know. Rowan would choose him no matter the situation, and she would remind him of that every day. "Are you feeling alright? Maybe we should get you to Poppy-"

"Severus, I am well!" Rowan chuckled as Severus placed the back of his hand against her forehead. Playfully swatting away his hand, Rowan leaned into Severus' side. Severus turned so that they were facing each other, leaning his head down against Rowan's. "You're amazing," Severus whispered as he placed one of his hands around Rowan's neck gently, trailing his fingers down and around her collar bone. Taking in a shaky breath, Rowan locked eyes with Severus and saw that oh-so-familiar look. 

His eyes had darkened as he looked upon her, and the way his fingers danced across her skin was possessive. He wanted Rowan all to himself, and she wasn't going to deny him of that. "What's going on in that mind of yours, Professor Snape," Rowan asked as she bit her lip in anticipation. Severus let out a low growl before placing his arms around Rowan tightly and lifting her up, her legs now locked around his waist. "Why don't we take this to our quarters, Miss Knight," 

Rowan nodded as she buried her face into his neck, biting gently as Severus groaned roughly. As they walked, Severus still holding Rowan, she couldn't help but move against him. It was late enough at night that no students should be watching, the sound of his breathing becoming more rapid only encouraged her. "Rowan," Severus said in a warning tone, pulling away from Rowan slightly. "Yes, Professor?

"You keep on teasing me, and you will face the consequences," Severus growled as he set Rowan down on her own feet. Placing a rough and passionate kiss on Rowan's lips, Severus took her hand into his and they quickly sped down the hallway that led to their shared quarters. As they quickly entered, Severus mumbled a quick spell and the door slammed behind them; locking tightly. "I've missed this," Rowan admitted as she looked up to Severus. His eyes had darkened since they were outside and sweat had begun to form on his head. "I'm going to savor every moment of this," Severus growled as he roughly took off his cape and dropped it to the ground. 

Rowan began to reach up and unbutton the many buttons that lined the middle of Severus' vest, but Severus quickly caught her hand. "You first," He murmured, barely audible. Shrugging, Rowan slowly ran her hand down her own body, toying with the bottom of her sweater. "Rowan," Severus said in an annoyed tone. Rowan chuckled as she slipped her sweater off and let it fall to the ground. "I love how you say my name," Rowan said, reaching up and placing a hand behind against Severus' cheek. 

Severus smiled slyly and shook his head in pure disbelief. Rowan had grown to become such a young and confident young woman. Taking slow steps toward Rowan, Severus had her backed against the wall. Reaching into his pocket, Severus removed his wand and murmured a silencing spell before taking both his own and Rowan's wand and placing them on their kitchen table. Leaning down, Severus began to attack Rowan's breasts with kisses; making sure to leave a mark. Rowan folded beneath his touch as fireworks began to go off within her own head. The way he knew how to make her crumble. 

Slowly, she could feel his hand start to make small circles on his inner thigh. Taking a sharp breath in, Rowan leaned her head back against the wall. Her body yearned to just be close to him again. Pulling back, Severus watched as Rowan whimpered from the sudden loss of heat. "I'm not done, my darling," Severus whispered into her ear as he nodded toward his vest. Eagerly, Rowan began to unbutton Severus' vest, fumbling as she did so. Eventually, Rowan came to the last button and gave Severus a victorious smirk. Chuckling softly, Severus removed his vest and his shirt before grabbing ahold of Rowan's hand. 

Leading her over to the edge of their bed, Severus took a moment to admire Rowan. She was, and always would be, his soulmate. "Lay down," Severus commanded as his breathing began to pick up. An obvious tent was now visible for his suddenly tight pants, and he was more than eager to remove them. Rowan did as she was told as she shifted excitedly. 

Crawling on top of her, almost like a predator who had caught their prey, Severus began to kiss Rowan passionately. The gap between them almost closed as Rowan arched her back, filled with pleasure. Snaking her hand down, Rowan carefully unbuttoned Severus' pants and cupped his member. Slowly, she moved her hand across his underwear as Severus groaned at the friction. Severus bit Rowan's bottom lip as he pulled away before hanging his head down. "Fuck," He whispered as one of his hands found its way to Rowan's hair, tugging lightly. "You're so fucking beautiful," Severus groaned as he sat up and began to unbutton Rowan's pants, sliding them along with her underwear down to the floor. Rowan felt her face heating up from the sudden vulnerability and leaned up so that she may help Severus with his own pants; a pool of clothes now forming at the bottom of their bed. 

Shifting down, Severus began to place slow and intimate kisses along Rowan's thigh, staying in one spot longer depending on the amount Rowan gasped. Finally, Severus found his way to her center. Severus began to lightly swirl his tongue around her clit, earning a small moan from Rowan. Her hands became instinctively tangled in his hair, tugging in pure pleasure. As his tongue circled her entrance, Rowan's breath began to pick up. Exhaling slowly over her, Severus watched as Rowan's back arched. "Severus," Rowan moaned, closing her eyes in pleasure. "I need you," Rowan whined and Severus leaned back, smirking at her words. "You have to use your words, Miss Knight," 

Rowan took a deep breath before looking right into Severus' eyes. "I want you to fuck me, Professor," Severus gasped before smiling sly. "As you wish, my love," Severus said as he closed the gap between them once again, passionately kissing Rowan. Using one of his hands to guide himself, he slowly entered Rowan as his low and deep groan separated their kiss. Rowan gasped, though this didn't last long. Placing her hand against Severus' neck, she pulled his forcibly down into a kiss. 

Slowly, Severus began pumping inside of Rowan. Panting through their kiss, Severus snaked his hand down so that he could trace circles around Rowan's clit. "Sev!" Rowan exclaimed, her hands now gripping the sheets tightly. Severus smirked, his pace only going faster and harder. He was been waiting for this moment. "Oh my Merlin!" Rowan exclaimed, running one of her hands through her hair. 

Rowan could feel a knot beginning to form in her stomach. Biting her bottom lip, Rowan rolled her eyes back in pure ecstasy as Severus pumped through her orgasm. "Fuck, Severus!" Rowan exclaimed as she came around him. This was enough to almost push Severus over the edge. "S-say my name," Severus mumbled as his thrusts became sloppier. "Professor Snape! Holy hell!" Rowan exclaimed, still coming down from her long-awaited high. With her words, Severus came undone, nearly collapsing on top of her. 

With one last, long kiss, Severus fell onto the bed beside Rowan, both of them struggling to catch their breath. "That- was-" Rowan began, her head still spinning as she looked at the ceiling above her. "Yes. Yes- it was," Severus said between pants, his hand running through his hair. Rowan turned over and watched as the light from their window made the sweat across Severus' chest glint. Placing her hand against his chest, Rowan leaned into him. "You're wonderful," Severus whispered, placing a kiss against her forehead. 

Rowan felt as Severus' breathing slowly returned to normal, staring up at him as his eyes were closed. He looked peaceful and content, and she couldn't have asked for more. Reaching down and grabbing a thin blanket, Rowan covered both of them as she too let sleep consume her. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Rowan, are you awake?" Severus asked barely audible as he rubbed small circles on her back. Rowan only shifted, her eyes staying glued tight. Her head rested on his chest comfortably, and Severus knew that was where she felt most safe. Sighing quietly, Severus rested his hand on her side. "I cannot thank you enough- just for being who you are. Looking through my past, who I was-" Severus gulped at the thought. He simply cannot fathom how he had so much hatred within him to become a death eater all those years ago. He would regret that for the rest of his life, and spend forever making up for it. 

"I remember the horror of seeing you as a death eater in Juniper's alternate reality. I couldn't save you. Early tonight, you said that you would always choose me, and you did. You chose to be a death eater for me," Severus began as a single tear rolled down his cheek. The visions of what Miss Montgomery has seen; these were the nightmares that plagued Severus. It was no longer the night he had found Lily, or even the night he became a death eater. It was the fact that Rowan had become one, just so he would love her. In that reality, he couldn't save her. "I'm going to save you and protect you now. I will do anything for you," 

Severus thought for a moment, hoping he wasn't talking enough to wake her. She needed her rest, and he was merely trying to get his thoughts out of his own head and into the empty air. He would tell her all of this one day, but that day was not today. Today, he needed to admit all of this to himself. "I had never imagined a happy ending for myself. I always ended up alone, old, with no children to thaw my cold heart. You have gifted me a new ending. I am forever in your debt," 

Rubbing Rowan's back so that she would wake up, Severus watched as Rowan's eyelids flickered open. "Hey, Rowan?" Severus whispered, a large smile on his face. Rowan hummed in response, her eyes blinking sleepily. "I choose you, too," Severus said as he kissed the top of her head. Humming happily, Rowan leaned back into his chest. "Goodnight, Sev," She said, a smile prominent in her words. 

Looking back up at the ceiling, Severus' smile was as bright as ever. "Goodnight, future Mrs. Snape," 

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