You Asked For This ;; Squid G...

נכתב על ידי bIuebrry

62.5K 2.3K 1.9K

━━━ ❝ Go on and be a big girl. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, now you better show them why you talk so lo... עוד

001 ;; the root of all evil.
002 ;; an enticing offer.
003 ;; consent form.
004 ;; red light, green light.
005 ;; the vote.
006 ;; home sweet home.
007 ;; bloodied hands.
008 ;; back in the lions den.
010 ;; savior in red
011 ;; the bloodbath
012 ;; new girl
013 ;; tug-of-war
014 ;; bonding
015 ;; in another lifetime
016 ;; don't look down.
017 ;; you asked for this.

009 ;; sweet like sugar.

3.2K 139 202
נכתב על ידי bIuebrry

The next morning rolled around and all of the contestants were awakened by the lady's voice over the speaker informing them that it was time for breakfast. You fluttered your eyelids open and absentmindedly stared at the metal slats that held the bunk bed above you, a saddened frown pulled downwards on your lips.

With a heavy heart, you began making your way towards the center of the room. As you walked past some people, you overheard number 212 pestering Pickpocket over the details of what she had saw in the vent and you curiously stopped in your tracks to hear it as well — since that was apart of the deal the three of you made last night.

"You said you'd tell me in the morning," 212 demanded. "I'm sure you had time to see something."

"Those masked people were melting something in large pots," Pickpocket finally confessed.

"What were they melting?" you questioned, standing a certain amount of distance away from the girl, but still close enough to hear the conversation.

Number 067 glanced at you for a split second before drifting her eyes to gaze at her interlocked hands. "I'm not sure."

212 scoffed, a look of disbelief becoming evident on her features. "Damn it! I put on that huge show to save your life and you're not sure?!"

You peered over at her, frowning. Pickpocket glanced back up. "I smelled something," she added.

"What smell?"


"You smelled sugar?" you reiterated in a mumble, pondering over the given information and trying to decipher the reasoning behind it. "So they were melting sugar?"

"I think so," Pickpocket confirmed.

"That's all you saw?" number 212 asked. Number 067 nodded her head, earning another scoff from 212. "Listen, if you're holding back something, I'm going to burn your eyes out," she threatened. Pickpocket sent an expressionless stare towards 212, who took a step back at the unnerving glower she received. "I suppose I'm hungry," she began walking down the steps. "I'm craving.. something sweet. Maybe they'll give us candied sweet potatoes today."

You looked back at Pickpocket once more. "See you," you waved with a small smile. "Thanks for telling us."

You listlessly strolled away to go retrieve your breakfast, quietly scanning the area as you walked in search of your friend and teammate. When you finally spotted him, you rushed to his side and greeted him in a chipper tone, brandishing a warm grin. He returned the gesture and the two of you waited in line together.

"Hey, Ali?"

The man perked up, glancing down at you. "Yes?"

"Why are you here?"

Ali's lips tugged downwards at the sudden, intrusive question. Though, he did give you an answer despite how personal it was. "For my wife and kid.. we need money," he shyly confessed, as if ashamed at his own words.

You nodded in understanding. "Your kid, how old are they?"

You could see the faint, heartwarming expression beginning to brandish his features at the remembrance of his family, making your heart ache. "My son is only a baby."

"A baby?" you sighed softly. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," his signature, gladsome smile returned to his lips as you moved forward in the line, getting closer to receiving tour breakfast. Talking about his family must be a serendipitous subject to him and you couldn't blame him. "What's your reasoning?"

The recollection of everyone quickly crashed down on you, but you bit the insides of her cheeks to stop yourself from thinking too much into it. "I'm taking care of my sister's children and I've just got laid off of my job.. and I'm in trouble with a variety loan sharks."

Your confession wasn't meant to gain pity from him, but the sympathetic look he gave you almost made you feel nauseated. Fellow feeling definitely isn't something you needed, but you only returned his gaze with a saddened smile. "I'm sorry," he spoke. "What are they doing now.. without you? Surely there are some other family members that are watching over them."

[Name] shook her head. "My nephew is 17 and makes some money by underground fighting— which I don't approve of, but he won't stop. Even so, the cash he assumes from it is well enough to suffice for both him and his little sister while I'm gone."

The two of you finally retrieved your breakfast and made your way towards the rest of the group, sitting down next to each other and digging into your meals. As you eat, you couldn't help but notice the way Sang-woo stared off with an forlorn expression. You followed his gaze to realize that he was staring intensely at Pickpocket, making you wonder what about her seemed to intrigue him.

Perhaps he figured out she knows something?

"Sir?" Ali's voice lured you out of your own thoughts and seemed to snap Sang-woo back to reality as well. "Why are you not eating that?"

Sang-woo directed his eyes to where Ali was referring. He picked up his bread and extended his hand out to the other man, offering his food to him. "You can have it."

Ali peered down at the offering before directing his gaze back to Sang-woo, as if he was going to withdraw it. "Really?" he beamed and earned a nod in confirmation.

"I usually don't eat breakfast."

Hesitantly, Ali took the food from the other's hand. "Thank you, sir," he said before immediately digging in, just as you were almost done eating yours. 

"The smart ones never eat much, you know," Gi-hun added. 

You glossed your eyes over to him in surprise. "Really? Why's that?"

Gi-hun shrugged. "Wish I knew." You pondered over his words as he hands Ali his milk. "You can have this, too."

"Thank you, sir," Ali smiled gratefully.

As you finished the last of your meal, blaring music began playing over the speakers, catching everyone's attention as they scanned the room. You glanced over at Gi-hun, who seemed as perplexed as you.

"The second game will begin shortly," announced the lady. "Please follow our staff's instructions. Let me repeat. . ."

You followed in suit of everyone else, slowly standing up and glossing over the rest of the participants. They were all led into the familiar, pastel-colored room with various stairs and pathways. You walked behind Sang-woo, furrowing your eyebrows when he shoved past a couple of people to catch up with Pickpocket, whispering something to her.

Maybe he does know.

Eventually, you all made it into the room where the next game would be played. The area was huge, with oversized playground equipment such as a slide, swing-set, jungle-gym, etc. Your eyes beamed in delight, a wave of nostalgia overtaking your form as you slowly walked in, glancing back and forth around the room in wonder.

The walls were painted a sky blue with various blue clouds decorating them. Colorful fences surrounded the room and everyone else seemed just as intrigued as you, examining the room like you were. The nostalgic feel of the room brought you back to a time where you were young. A time where you had no worries in the world. Your heart sunk at the memories, but you directed her gaze over to your friends and observed their expressions instead.

"Why is this playground so big?" Gi-hun questioned in a mumble, as if asking himself. "What will they make us play?"

"Welcome to your second game."

You nudged Ali and pointed to where four guards stood, each one next to a geometrical shape. "Is it possible it involves those shapes?" you asked him in a hushed whisper, earning a small shrug in reply.

You pondered hard over the shapes and their reasoning, lost in thought. No matter how hard you tried to come up with a possible idea, everything seemed fruitless.

"Before the second game begins, choose one among the four shapes and stand before it."

So it does involve those shapes.

You gently nibbled on your bottom lip, glancing over at Gi-hun. "Circle, triangle, star, umbrella," he muttered.

"They seem very familiar," number 001 said.

"They do," you whispered to yourself, continuing to gnaw on your bottom lip as you racked your brain for any idea that could give a plausible solution. Yet, everything sounded stupid in her mind. "I can't come up with anything."

You directed your gaze to Sang-woo, whose expression looked as if he had just found the secret to life. You knitted her eyebrows tightly and pondered over whether you should ask or not, but Gi-hun had already beat you to it.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know," Sang-woo answered.

"Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately."

You continued to stare at Sang-woo, finding that his shrug wasn't plausible since his prior expression concluded he must have realized something. Anything. But you didn't feel like demanding an answer from him, you definitely didn't want to be seen as annoying like number 212, so you just stayed silent.

"Should we stick as a team?" Gi-hun suggested.

Sang-woo shook his head. "That might be dangerous," he argued. "We don't know what game it is. If we all pick the same shape, we might be in trouble."

"Is that so?" Gi-hun seemed hopeful.

"There's this saying in investing, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"," he added.

Gi-hun smiled proudly, turning to player 001. "Sir, he got to Seoul University as the top of his class. He was a famous prodigy in the neighborhood," he boasted.

Is that so? You gave him a skeptical look.

"Really? Goodness, he's an amazing man," number 001 grinned.

"Of course he is!" Gi-hun beamed before turning to you and Ali. "Then let's split up as Sang-woo said, and see how things go."

You and Ali nodded. "Who should go where, then?" you asked.

Everyone went silent, considering their options.

"I'll take the triangle," Sang-woo stated.

"What about you two?" Gi-hun asked you and Ali.

The two of them looked at each other before Ali made a circular motion with his hand. "I'll go Dayira," he said.

Gi-hun repeated the motion in a confused manner and Ali repeated it. "You mean circle?"

Ali nodded. "Yeah, it looks just like the moon from my hometown."'

Gi-hun nodded and peered over at you. "That means we have the star and umbrella left, which one do you want?"

"..." You narrowed her eyes in contemplation. "Umbrella."

Sang-woo looked at you with a baffled expression after Gi-hun nodded and turned to the elder. "Why would you choose the umbrella?" he whispered to you.

You shrugged. "Umbrellas are cool, I guess." You then looked at him, eyes narrowed with slight skepticism. "Why?"

He ignored your question and glanced towards the ground before turning his attention to Gi-hun as he said he'll choose the umbrella as well so Number 001 could have the star. Sang-woo stared at him with the same expression he'd given you. "Umbrella? Why?"

"My mom scolded me a lot because I always lost my umbrella," Gi-hun reminisced. "In the end, she only gave me broken ones. I always wanted to carry a good umbrella just like the other kids... You don't want the star? Do you want to switch?"

Number 001 shook his head. "No, the star sounds great. We rarely ever get to see stars in this day and age."

"Alright, let's get moving. Once we know what we're playing, we'll come up with a plan together."

The other four nodded their heads in agreement before splitting up. You shyly followed behind Gi-hun, before Sang-woo called for you two. You both turned around and looked at him, confused, before he simply shook his head. "Never mind."

You and Gi-hun glanced at each other before he sent a warm smile to his friend. You then made your way to the line forming in front of the umbrella. You stood behind him and glanced over at Ali, who gave you a reassuring smile that seemed to put your worries to ease.

"The time to decide has ended. We will now reveal the game." The doors that the shapes were painted on opened, revealing three circle workers in each room as well as a table displaying small containers. "All players please each take a case in front of you."

The line began moving forward as the cases were handed out. You and Gi-hun eventually received your cases and walked away.

"Please take a moment to open the case and check the contents."

The two of you did as told and cracked open the lid, peering at the contents.

"The second game is sugar honeycombs. The shape you have chosen is the shape you must piece out."

Both of your eyes widened as realization dawned upon the two of you. You worriedly stared at each other and only one thought crossed your minds.

We're screwed.

Your shoulders sagged in disappointment, pursing your lips together tightly as you begrudgingly listened to the rest of the instructions.

"The time limit is ten minutes. You will pass if you trim out the shape within ten minutes. Let the game begins."

You looked at the timer, your heart stopping at the given time-span. There's absolutely no way you'd be able to carve out a damned umbrella in that short amount of time. This is truly the day you'd die and you plopped yourself down onto the floor in a corner with a sigh, as if already accepting death's invitation.

Hesitantly, you began carving, sticking the needle through the outside and tearing off small pieces at a time. Your hands gradually began to shake as the sound of the clock counting down rang through your ears and spiked your anxiousness. You bit harshly down on the insides of your cheeks, closing your eyes and trying to level your breathing.

What made it worse is the triangle guard looming over you with his gun, ready to shoot you for the slightest mistake you may make. You huffed and continued carving out the shape.

A gunshot went off, followed by the sound of someone sliding down the slide. You flinched, lifting your head up and grimacing at the side of the bloody trail left by the victim of the bullet as he had slid to the bottom of the slide. Blood gushed out of his open wound, adorning his face, and his eyes were wide with shock.

You then heard as a woman began pleading for her life, only to be met with a bullet in her head and her body lifelessly dropped to the ground. Several others were shot and killed as well, fear-filled gasps spreading out throughout the crowd. You closed your eyes and inhaled, bringing your shaky hands to force yourself to continue carving, flinching everytime another gunshot and scream rang out.

Less than five minutes remained and the lady's voice came over the intercom. "Player 111, pass."

You felt envious of that person, frowning lightly.

"Player 067, pass."

Pickpocket? You glanced up and saw the mentioned girl holding her triangle out to the guard.

"Player 199, pass."

Ali. You were relieved that he had passed, despite him not knowing how the game worked.

More passes and gunshots rang out throughout the room, and you forced yourself to hold back tears as you carved out the shape in the honeycomb. Everytime you heard a scream followed by a bullet, your heart would beat louder in your eardrums. Surges of jealousy spread throughout your body as she were forced to listen to the numbers of the players that passed, fear followed after as you listened to the gunshots of the eliminated ones.

"Player 218, pass."

Isn't that Sang-woo?

Your question was confirmed when you looked up and saw Sang-woo showing his carved-out honeycomb to a guard. He glanced over at Gi-hun for a mere second before diverting his gaze elsewhere, turning on his heel and walking away.

He knew. That guilty look. He knew.

Less than three minutes now and you felt like you were about to start crying because you were only halfway done with your carving. You seethed a little at the thought that Sang-woo could've possibly known the game and just held back on his own team. You silently hoped that you were only looking too far into it, but there was also a part of you that knew everyone was searching for survival; regardless of how they would obtain it.

You didn't even realize you were lost in your own thoughts until you heard the crack of the honeycomb you were working on. The entire world stopped moving as you slowly glanced down and saw the cracked line straight cutting through the shaft, tearing apart the shape. Your breath hitched in your throat and you squeezed your eyes shut, not even bothering to glance at the guard and just awaited for your inevitable fate.

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