New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Compl...

Autorstwa cyndicyn22

101K 6.3K 3.2K

After being caught doing cocaine in a back alley by his parents, Jungkook was forced into a reform school for... Więcej

1- Unmanageable Youth
2- New Found Acquaintance
3- Touch and Go
4- Major Malfunction
5- Seeking Supplies
6- Dangerous love
7- Frightened and Upset
8- Promise to Protect
9- Incident Avoided
10- Taehyung's dilemma
11- If I can't have you...
12- Out of mind, out of body
13- Bittersweet
14- Resist the temptation
15- Crisis averted
16- Impromptu visit
17- On the contrary
18- Easily persuaded
19- Change of Pace
20- Denied Satisfaction
21- Opening Up
22- Vulnerability
23- Comprehending Each Other
24- Over Exertion
25- Forgiveness
26- News Flash
27- Peep Show
28- Hoseok's Dilemma
29- Obtaining your Way
30- Feeling Uncertain
31- Graceful and Erotic
32- Petty Theft
33- I'm Fine
34- Still Struggling
35- Problems Abound
36- Convincing Taehyung
37- Unraveled at the Seams
38- Mask the Pain
39- Brand New Man
40- Confessions
41- Reignited Love for Life
42- First Date
43- Passionate Night
44- Promise Revealed
45- Picnic disaster
46- Catastrophic Endeavour
47- Near Death Experience
48- Sudden Requests
49- Congratulations
50- Unwanted visitor
51- Concocting a Plan
52- Engagment discussion
53- Graduation Party
54- Talk it Out
55- Preparty Jitters
56- Unfocused
57- Announcement
58- Settled Fiancé
59- Dangerous Expanses
60- Surprise Surrogate
61- Fear for the future
62- Attempted seduction
63- Wake up call
64- Who are you?
65- Heart's Recognition
66- Upcoming Holidays
67- Christmas Eve
68- Christmas Eve date
69- Remnants of a ruined date
70- My presents to you
71- Christmas Night
72- Rough Night
73- Birthday Blues
74- Belated Birthday wishes
75- Surprise Guests
76- New Year Celebration
77- Bitter return
78- Conjugal visit
79- Misfortune strikes
80- First Meetings
81- Destined Day
82- Dire First Signs
83- Plans for a Future
84- Concerns and Questions
85- Location Scouting
86- Wedding Bells
87- Wedding Reception
88- Late Night Rendezvous
89- Off to a great start
90- Sweet Serenity
91- Sweet Surrender
92- Over Zealous Jealousy
93- He's More like You than You Know
94- Gabriel's slip up
95- Happy Anniversary!
96- Electric Love
97- Disaster Strikes
98- Unforeseen Misfortune
99- Lost Time

100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

1.3K 73 74
Autorstwa cyndicyn22

Hello, all my beautiful lovelies~♡ I have eagerly been awaiting the finished and final result of this book~♡ Mainly because I may now focus on other works that have unfortunately been neglected.👉👈 Such as Wish You were Here, Let Me In, and You're Mine Now.:3 We'll work towards completing Wish You were Here first though and work from there.😂🤣 When I first started this book, I had absolutely NO idea what I wanted to do with it. Although, I'd already started it and had an ending planned out.🤣😂 I did tweak the original ending I had in mind because why would I want to seperate the main characters like that?😂🤣 From there, I worked hard on each chapter to ensure that it was mostly interesting and to keep the story flowing well enough to update it as often as possible.:3 Most of these chapters were actually dreams that I'd experienced and written down to ensure I didn't forget them while writing.🤣😂 The more often you recall your dreams, the easier it will become with each passing day.:3 (For those that want to try dream recollections.:3) I hope that you guys have enjoyed this crazy work that my mind has cooked up and I hope that you'll look into some of my other works as well~♡ Because I try my best with each one that I release to you all~♡ I apologize for the long note this time but I'm just feeling emotional now that this story has reached its climax~♡ This chapter contains emotional moments and talks of reincarnation (for those that do not believe in that) so please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will continue to support this story even though it's finished now and I hope you have all had a wonderful journey with me~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the newest and last installment~♡♡♡


Jungkook stood solemnly and neglected behind Jimin as the lawyer he'd contacted sometime prior read the will for Jimin and his children. Jungkook watched faithfully as Jimin was given his handwritten letter and opened it to read. To his dismay, Jimin chose to read it out loud, but he couldn't feel the humiliation he normally would have felt. "Jimin, you were the only person that Taehyung trusted fully and so wholeheartedly that I am rewriting my will to leave everything to you in a display of good fortune. I know and trust that you will do right by everyone involved once the children are of age. My only hope is that I haven't burdened you with the rest of their upbringing. Please look after everything for me as you have for Taehyung. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive my foolish actions that have steered us towards this tragedy but I have to do something to stop Annalise from ruining her life. I also hope you find it in your heart to forgive my rejection of you when you kissed me. It's not that I never liked you or never thought of you that way. You would have been my first choice if my heart hadn't died the day Taehyung departed this world. I hope that Yoongi and Hoseok continue to bring you complete happiness. Love Jungkook," Jimin uttered the words softly, tears slipping past his eyes.

Jungkook stood vigilant by his children's side, watching everything unfold as the lawyer resumed reading the will Jungkook had left behind. He couldn't feel remorse or regret for what transpired that night because he'd protected Annalise and hopefully turned her down a better path. That, he would discern for himself as he continued to watch over them, always beside them but never being discovered. Jungkook had resigned the idea of ever meeting Taehyung again when his funeral and will reading passed without so much as a hint from his late love.

Jungkook sighed softly when Annalise stood to her feet and left the room, walking straight past Jungkook. Jungkook followed diligently behind her, hoping that she was okay and not blaming herself for what ensued that night. Jungkook noticed her sit down outside the lawyer's office and bury her face in her hands, Jungkook taking a seat next to her. He tenderly placed his hand on her back to try and soothe her sorrow, rubbing comforting circles as he did when she was a baby.

Annalise lifted her head after a moment of crying, feeling oddly comforted as she glanced around the waiting area. There was no one present that should have made her feel more at ease, but she did and she couldn't understand why. She glanced at the empty seat beside her, staring for several moments because it almost felt like there was someone there. Someone that may have been trying to comfort her, but she dismissed the idea as the door opened to reveal Jimin. "Are you okay, Anna?" Jimin asked softly, his eyes deep with concern.

Annalise offered a small smile as she sniffled and held back more tears. "Surprisingly, yes. I... I think I'll be okay," she answered softly, glancing back towards that spot she almost felt a presence. Jungkook smiled back at her, proud of her answer as he remained seated next to her. He watched as Annalise stood firmly to her feet once more, following after Jimin. Jungkook stood swiftly to his feet and followed after them, vowing to himself that he'd never leave their side until he was certain they were all on the right track. He only wanted to see them succeed and that had been so violently stolen from him that he couldn't bring himself to move on.

Jungkook still hated entering the home he'd once shared with Taehyung because he missed Taehyung more than anything. Even more than life itself. Although, he still hadn't heard a single peep from him and he'd wondered if Taehyung had already moved on, waiting for him beyond those pearly white gates. Once more, he remained by Annalise's side, following her to her room and making sure she wasn't going to be reckless. She was, after all, Taehyung's daughter.

Jungkook watched as Annalise lay on her side in her bed, curling up on herself to cry more. This Jungkook did feel guilty about seeing as how she was the last person that wanted Jungkook's demise. Jungkook was aware Annalise favored him to her own biological father and yet, he could do nothing to take back what governed these events. All Jungkook could do is remain by her side and continue to rub soothing circles against her back, hoping that one day she could forgive herself. This wasn't her fault after all.

Jungkook remained sitting on the edge of Annalise's bed as she slept now, crying herself into exhaustion. Jungkook glanced up towards the ceiling when a timid voice finally reached out to him. "I've been waiting for you," came the familiar voice as the world around Jungkook faded into the background. Jungkook hastily stood to his feet, walking towards the door and placing his hand upon it as he hesitated. "T- Tae?" Jungkook called cautiously, trying to figure out if he was only hearing things earlier. After all, Taehyung was someone he desired to see more than anyone and he could have manifested hearing his voice without realizing it.

"Tae? I- Is that you?" Jungkook asked once more, unable to pass through the door this time. He pressed against the wood again, desperate to see if he really wasn't imagining Taehyung's voice. "Yes," Taehyung's voice finally answered from the distance before he finally revealed himself. "I thought you'd be mad at me and not want to see me," Taehyung answered timidly, rubbing his left hand down his right arm. Jungkook turned in the direction of Taehyung's voice now, feeling as if he could exist once again just from observing Taehyung's face.

Jungkook felt an overwhelming emotion well up inside of him that he hadn't felt in a long time as he took a hesitant step towards Taehyung. Jungkook didn't think he'd feel anything again after Taehyung departed from his life, his body remaining frozen in place. "I- I missed you so much," Jungkook cried out softly, his face contorting with profound sorrow and anguish as he rushed toward Taehyung. Taehyung opened his arms wide and welcoming as their transcendental bodies collided, both burying their face in the other's shoulder with soft sobs.

"I missed you too," Taehyung finally answered softly, smiling into Jungkook's shoulder. "But I never once left your side, darling. I was always with you every step of the way," Taehyung added softly, caressing soothing circles on Jungkook's back to comfort him. "And you protected our baby when you wanted nothing more than to be with me. I didn't think you'd be joining me this soon but I'm so proud of you," Taehyung reassured all of Jungkook's efforts as Jungkook remained attached to Taehyung, his face still buried deep in Taehyung's shoulder with soft sobs. Taehyung could only smile and proceed to rub comforting circles on Jungkook's back.

After some time, Jungkook stepped away from Taehyung's ethereal being and offered a small smile. "I couldn't allow her to make the exact same mistakes we committed," Jungkook commented softly, glancing over at Annalise's sleeping form. "I'd like to think I helped her realize those people weren't who she needed to be hanging around," Jungkook continued softly as Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his own. Taehyung offered a firm nod and a boxy smile. "You did more than convince her to stop hanging around them," Taehyung declared passionately, sifting through their children's futures to show Jungkook that Annalise goes on to lead the company successfully. "You set her on the right path with your sacrifice," Taehyung added emotionally, Jungkook's grasp on Taehyung's hand tightening. "I only wish you could have lived a little longer," Taehyung added quietly as Jungkook shook his head.

"It wouldn't have done me any good, my love. I would have resumed hating every second of my life without you," Jungkook whispered in the silence as Taehyung glanced over at him. "You couldn't tell that I'd died with you that day? I was going through the motions without ever really experiencing them," Jungkook added softly, holding his head high before glancing back at Taehyung. "Life without you just wasn't the same, my love."

Taehyung smiled at those words and nodded in agreement. "Even though I was beside you, all I could feel was deep regret and remorse for having to leave you and our family behind... I tried with everything I had to comfort you in any way that I could on those really bad nights, but it never got through to you because you were so numb after that day... So much was left unsaid on my part and I could do nothing to fix that," Taehyung whispered tenderly, laughing self-deprecatingly. "I'm just glad to be able to hold you again, darling. I no longer have to sit patiently beside you, hoping that my feelings are being conveyed to you like you've been doing with Annalise," Taehyung admitted softly, squeezing Jungkook's hand harder.

Taehyung glanced up, hearing the call that he'd heard years ago once more. Taehyung glanced over towards Jungkook, wondering if he'd heard it too until Jungkook's eyes snapped up towards the ceiling. "D- Does this sound mean we're supposed to move on now?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, anxious as he glanced back at Taehyung. Taehyung smiled sweetly at him as he nodded his head in agreement with Jungkook's question. "Do you think that we'll be reborn and meet each other again?" Jungkook asked softly, holding Taehyung's shocked gaze with innocent and scared eyes.

Taehyung once again smiled sweetly at him, tears of happiness dripping from his eyes as they'd be moving on together. "No matter what, Kookie, I'll keep finding you in every life after this one. Just to be with you," Taehyung expressed in retort, squeezing Jungkook's hand firmly. "I'm certain we'll meet again, darling," Taehyung reassured softly as Jungkook closed his eyes in amicable bliss, even though this had been the first time he'd heard the call. It was soothing to him in a sense as he tilted his head up toward the ceiling once again. Taehyung turned his head back towards the ceiling once he saw how relaxed Jungkook became and accepted they'd still be together no matter what as they both faded into dazzling white light that remained irrevocably connected.


The unnaturally red headed college student rushed down the corridor outside his course building to his next class, his books clasped tightly to his chest. He'd been late so many times before and the professor had locked the door on him every time. He couldn't afford to miss another class and still hope to pass this course. Other students filed out of the building he was trying to get inside, the Physiology course dismissed right when he needed to be in his Psychology class. In his desperation to get inside the building, he roughly collided with another dark haired student holding a curvy blond headed female's hand. The red head stumbled backward from the impact as did the dark haired student that he'd collided with.

They both glanced up to glare at the other for being so reckless, their eyes locked on each other. An instantaneous spark flashed between the two, the red head's expression softening when his soul recognized this complete stranger's spirit. The dark haired male's expression eventually relaxed when he realized the red head was smiling softly at him now, a strange expression of recognition displayed deep within the red head's grey-blue irises. The dark haired male suddenly released the hand of the girl that had been walking next to him.

There had always been something off about his interactions with her. Something he could never quite place, but she never felt entirely right beside him either. He hesitantly stepped forward in recognition of his soulmate as tears slowly trickled from his eyes. "Tae?" The dark haired male questioned softly, using the name of a past life long gone now. The red head smiled brighter, even though that wasn't his name anymore. It certainly awakened memories that had long since been forgotten from that life.

The dark haired male's tender green eyes shone with more tears as the other's smile grew. "I- I've finally found you again," the red headed male remarked when the dark haired male cupped his cheeks and placed a tender kiss upon the other male's lips. It was an awkward and swift kiss because neither one of them had been with a guy in this life, but in that instant, memories flooded their minds that deepened the kiss into something far more passionate and loving.

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