The Time Traveler's Wife. (Bo...

By AdriWrites16

280K 5.3K 6.7K

This is book two of The Time Traveler's Wife! This is based on Season two of The Umbrella Academy. Five Hargr... More

Meet the siblings (book/season 2)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Just to make sure we are all on the same page.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
My imagine book!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
I made another Five book!
Season 3 photos
Book 3!

Chapter 1

13K 241 321
By AdriWrites16

First chapter of Book 2! Let's get this started 🥳

On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very siblings who brought it on.

Y/n's POV:

I scream as I fall from the vortex Five had made. I land on my back and feel a sharp pain go down my spine, knocking the breath out of me. I slowly stand up and catch my breath. Where was I? I look around for Five and my siblings, but none of them are there. Where are the others? They are supposed to be with me. Five time traveled us all here...right? I pick up my backpack and put it on. I look back at the vortex and watch as it slowly closes.

"Five," I yell. I get no response.


Again, no response.


To no surprise, no response. I look around and stumble to the street. It was pretty cold outside and snowing. I watch as people in hats and coats walk down the street. People stare at me as I shiver because of how cold I am. I look up and down the road. Everything was so...colorful. Where was I? Or should I say...when? I look back around towards the alley that I landed in. I see a figure in one of the windows of the building in the alley. I could see that they had a camera in their hand. The camera flashes a light and then the figure walks away. I look up at the roof of the building and see a whole bunch of contraptions. I walk over to the door and read the sign. The sign said Morty's Television Radio. I try to open the door but it was locked.

"Hello," I yell as I bang on the door.

I was starting to get really cold. I was only in my uniform and Five's blazer. Five... I hope he is okay wherever he is. When no one opens the door I unlock it with my telekinesis. I step inside the building and instantly started to warm up. I look around the building and see a staircase. I walk up the stairs and come across two more doors. I knock on one of them and wait a couple of seconds. A few moments later the other door opens and a guy appears.

"What do you want?" the guy asks as he looks around.

I try to think of any excuse to get this man to talk to me.

"Hi, I'm taking donations for my school and I was wondering if y-,"

But before I could finish talking, he slams the door in my face and locks it from the inside.

"Alrighty then," I mumble.

I unlock the door and open it. I step inside a kitchen and close the door quietly. I see the guy who slammed the door in my face pouring himself some coffee.

"It's not nice to slam the door in people's faces," I say.

The guy jumps and drops his coffee. He puts his hand on his table and looks around for something. A couple of seconds later he finds a knife and points it at me.

"W-who are you?! And how did you get in here," he stutters.

"I'm Y/N, and I unlocked the door," I say as I step closer to him.

"H-how?! I locked it!"

"With my powers. It's a long story, no time to explain really."

I look around the apartment-type-looking place and see a fridge. I walk to the fridge and grab a water bottle out of it. I chug down the water and throw it behind me. I walk up to the guy and smile as he continues to point the knife at me.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"E-Elliott," he stutters.

"Well, Elliott, you are holding that knife wrong. Here, let me show you."

I take the knife out of his hand and hold it.

"Are you right or left handed?"

"Right... I'm right handed."

"Well, if you really wanna hurt someone with it, put your pointer finger just BELOW the blade, not on it. You will cut yourself. Take your thumb and put it on the left side of the barrel of the knife. As for the rest of your finger, you can just wrap them around the barrel."

I show him how I am holding the knife. I look to my side and see a dartboard hanging on the wall. I throw the knife at the dartboard and watch as it barely misses the bullseye.

"Damn, Diego would have been disappointed that I missed the bullseye," I say as I walk away.

"Diego?" Elliott asks.

I ignore him and walk out of the kitchen into a living room type of looking place. I see a whole bunch of bulletin boards with pictures and newspaper articles all over them. There was also a whole bunch of radios and machines. I go to the newspaper articles and see that they are all on Aliens.

"What's the date?" I ask.

"January 9th, 1963," Elliott says.

1963...damn it, Five jumped us too far.

"I saw that you took a picture of me. Why?" I ask.

"I was expecting you."

"What do you mean?"

"Over the last three years, I have seen 3 energy surges in that alleyway outback. Same thing every time. A bright blue light, then something appears."

"Only three?" I ask.


"Did you see what they look like or get a picture?"

"I didn't get a picture of the first one, but I did of the other two."

"Where are the pictures?" I ask,

"I haven't developed them. You can't really drop all this stuff off at a local Fotomat," Elliot says.

"Okay...well what did the three people look like?"

"The first one was really tall. He came in 1960. Had some kind of tattoo on his shoulder. He also talked to himself a lot."

"That's Klaus," I whisper, " What about the other two?"

"The next one came in 1961. She didn't talk and had something on her neck. Um... oh and she had curly hair."

"Allison," I whisper, "And the last one?"

"The last one came in 1962. He was really big and kept yelling some name. Umm... Allison," Elliott says as he snaps his fingers

"That's Luther. Have you seen a boy that looks around my age? Same blazer as me and taller?" I ask.

"No. I have only seen three so far. You are the fourth one."

I felt my heart drop. Oh. I guess I'm by myself till I find Luther, Klaus, and Allison. I hope Five, along with Diego and Vanya, will be here soon.

"How do you know these people? And where did you come from?" Elliott asks.

"They are my siblings."

I look around a little bit and sigh. I have nowhere to stay.

"Look, I know you just met me not even 10 minutes ago, but can I stay here? At least until I can find my siblings or until the others come?"


I look at Elliott and raise an eyebrow. I can tell he was still scared, but he also looked like someone I could trust. I bet he is harmless.

"Yeah, stay as long as you want. You can help me with all this stuff if you want," Elliott says as he looks around.

"And you can take one of the spare rooms I have. Just, can you explain these "powers" you were talking about and how you got here?" Elliott asks

"Thank you, Elliott. And yes, I will explain everything. I would sit down though, it's a long story. Do you have any more coffee?"

Elliott walks over to his table and pours me a cup of coffee. He hands it to me and I take a sip. I spit it out when I taste it and set the cup down on the coffee table in front of one of the couches.

"We are going to have to work on your coffee making skills bud," I say as I sit on one of the couches.

I take my backpack off my shoulder and set it next to me. Elliott sits on the couch across from me and looks at me. I let out a sigh and prepare myself to tell this man who I met not even 10 minutes ago my whole life story.

"I was born on October 1st, 1989 along with 7 other babies..."

☂   ♡   ☂   ♡   ☂   ♡   ☂   ♡

I just got done spending two hours telling Elliott about my life from the minute I was born to today. It was now nighttime outside and I was getting a little tired.

"So just to make sure I have all the details right... You were born on October 1st of 1989 along with 7 other babies all from different mothers. Your adopted Dad, who basically bought you all, adopted all 8 of you and trained you all to fight crime because you guys have powers."

"We weren't necessarily adopted. We were basically bought but still treated each other like siblings," I say.

"Right, so your Dad called you all by numbers and not names so your robot Mom had to give you guys names. One of the siblings you all thought didn't have powers so she didn't get to go on missions with you. When you were 13 you and one of your brothers who is also your husband..."

"Don't word it like that, it sounds weird. He was the only one I never counted as a sibling. I counted him as my best friend all the way up until we started dating. And then we eventually got married so now he is my husband," I say.

Elliott just gives me a confused look.

"Sorry, continue," I say.

"Okay... so when you all were 13, you and your husband jumped to the future and got stuck in an apocalypse that is supposed to happen on April 1st, 2019. You two started dating the first night you got stuck in the apocalypse and then got married in the apocalypse when you were 17. You two spent 41 years there until someone named The Handler found you and offered you jobs."

"Yes, and then after 5 years of service for them we were able to go back to whatever year we wanted to. Except, after working with them for 4 years we broke our contract," I add-in.

I decided to not tell Elliot that I was an assassin for The Commission because I didn't want to scare him away.

"Right, so you all broke your contract and time traveled back to 2019 to stop the apocalypse, but your husband got some equations wrong and got you all stuck in your 16 year old bodies. So you and your husband, wherever he is, are actually 58 but are stuck in your teenage bodies. You all try and stop the apocalypse only to find out your sister, who you thought didn't have powers, actually had powers. She then proceeds to blow up the moon which causes the apocalypse. So, in order for you all not to die you guys time-traveled here, and now somehow you, your siblings, and your husband are scattered across Dallas," Elliott says.

"Yes, well three of my siblings are here. I still don't know where Five, Diego, and Vanya are. I don't think they have arrived yet. My husband is Five by the way."

"He's five years old?"

"No, his name is Five. He didn't want an actual name."

"Oh... well this is a lot to take in."

"Yeah, tell me about it," I say.

"So, what are your and your sibling's powers?" Elliott asks.

"Luther has super strength, Diego can manipulate thrown objects, he mostly uses knives, Allison can make anyone do anything by saying "I heard a rumor", Klaus can conjure the dead, Five can jump through time and space, Ben could summon and control tentacle creatures from a portal in his stomach, but he passed away on a mission when he was 16, Vanya can manipulate sound waves, and I have telekinesis, telepathy, and can scramble people's electrical signals making them lose their memory temperately or if I really want to, permanently," I explain.

"Wow...," Elliott says, "And you are from the future, correct?"


"Can I see you use your powers?"

I chuckle a little and look down.

"How about tomorrow? I'm pretty tired and they don't work well when I am tired," I say.

"Okay. Do you um... need any clothes to sleep in?" Elliott asks.

I look down at my uniform and then back at Elliott.

"Yes please," I say.

"I'll be back," Elliott says.

He gets up and goes downstairs. He comes back a couple of minutes later with a nightgown.

"These were my ex-wife's, you can borrow her old clothes until you get new ones," Elliott says as he hands them to me.

"Thank you," I say with a small smile.

"Follow me, I will show you where you can stay."

I pick up my bag, get up from the couch, and follow Elliott. He leads me down a hall, into a bedroom. The room had a queen size bed with white sheets, blue walls, a wardrobe, a mirror, and a bathroom connected to the room.

"I feel like you will be staying here for a while, so if you want to tomorrow we can go shopping and you can redecorate it," Elliott says.

"Thank you, Elliott...really. I promise tomorrow I will explain everything else better," I say as I step into the room.

"It's no problem at all. It will be good to have some company. My room is right downstairs to the left if you need me. I hope you don't mind sleeping upstairs."

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine sleeping up here. Goodnight Elliott," I say.


I watch as Elliott walks down the stairs and towards his bedroom. I close the door to the room I was staying in and sigh. I set my bag down by the door and walk over to the bed. I take off my uniform and Five's blazer. I put my uniform on a chair in the corner of the room. I get in the nightgown Elliot gave me and put it on. When I am dressed I look at myself in the mirror. I untuck my necklace that has my rings on them from under my nightgown. I feel tears coming down my face as I look at my rings. I really hope Five is okay and gets here soon. It's gonna take some time to get used to Five not always being with me. I grab the blazer Five gave me before we left and get in bed. I hold onto it as I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

A/N: Here is chapter 1 of the second book! This chapter was so rushed so I am so sorry about that lol. I am just really excited to write Five's POV soon! I also am really excited to write about Elliott and Y/n! Like I said before if you have not read the first book of The Time Traveler's Wife I recommend doing that because a lot of stuff won't make sense in this book. Anyways, he is your first fun fact for the first chapter of this book...

Fun Fact: Vanya always knew Five had a crush on Y/n.

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