Endangered | Ninjago Jaya AU...

By Dissmisery

5.6K 244 455

[WRITTEN IN 2021] When Nya, a hybrid monster, decides to runs away from the lonely town of Stiix, the only sa... More

°.•✮☽Before You Read☾✮•.°
°.•✮☽Bonus Oneshot☾✮•.°
°.•✮☽More Fanart!☾✮•.°


353 16 47
By Dissmisery


I'm sorry if my quality of writing has been awful lately. I really don't want to disappoint you all!


"Are you sure you don't want to stay for lunch, dear?" Edna asked her, yet she couldn't bring herself to face her after what had happened.

"9:43AM," read the clock on his wall, yet they were both sleeping peacefully as ever.

While she had fallen asleep on his bed, he had the common courtesy to claim his place on the floor, right after shutting the curtains. She couldn't know that he knew.

He resisted the temptation to climb on the bed with her considering she was merely standing at the edge of it, her hand hanging from the side as she slept.

A pillow and a blanket was all he needed for a good rest despite how cold the floor itself was.

The door creaked open, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Breakfast is ready, dearies," Edna said cheerfully, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nya opened her eyes slowly, cuddling against her blanket.

She moved her clinging hand to pull her pillow closer to her face.

How had it ended up on the floor, anyway?

When she heard a quiet chuckle, curiosity overtook her, taking just another peek at the figure at the door.

She looked down. Why the hell was her pillow pulling her back?


Startled, she let out a yelp as she fell down on top of him, their hands still (unfortunately) intertwined.

Of course, he had the same reaction when she landed on his chest, quickly pulling away upon realising their situation.

Had he really held her hand all night like that? Or was it her?

Regardless, he could proudly declare that fiasco as the first taboo topic in their purely professional relationship.

All while his mother was standing at the door, laughing.

"We'd love to, Ms Walker, but you know... this business trip of ours is too important to miss."

She sipped on her coffee, smiling. "No problem, hun. And if you don't mind me making an observation, I'd say that bluebird's mismatched clothes aren't the most professional for a meeting."

Her face grew only slightly red as she stared down at herself and at the blue, now wrinkly clothes she had been wearing from the moment she had met him.

But the implications of said actions was what worried her more.

"How do you know they're his?"

"Please, dearie! It took him 6 months to learn how to do the laundry on his own. I've seen enough of his clothes and underwear to recognise them," she said, laughing. "Ya wouldn't happen to be wearing those too, would you?"

"Mum..." they heard grumbles at the door. Lo and behold, the Bluebird himself had just walked in, just in time to process the sight in front of him.

Despite her own embarrassment, she looked at his mother.

They laughed.

"How is your little project going, Jaybear?" Edna said.

"It's basically done. Pa said to keep an extra tire in the back just in case," he said. "That's what I came here to tell you before you started talking about my underwear, at least."

Edna smiled innocently. "Just informing her, dear."

Nya chuckled at his expense, though he didn't seem to notice.

He walked closer to her, his stance more awkward than before.

Had he figured out she had emptied his sunscreen bottle? In her defense, deserts were no small deal for her.

Oh, right. She was honestly glad she had already forgotten about the morning incident, but being reminded of it was just as bad.

"I wanted to ask you something," she looked at him, hoping to break the ice as he sat down.

He tilted his head curiously.

"How come you have five days off every month? That sounds like a dream job to me," she tried to joke, remembering their little lie from before. "Your position, I mean. It's way better than mine is in the company..." she corrected herself quickly, hoping his mother would believe the lie.

"Scott still covers up for you, doesn't he?" his mother asked. "How's his motorbike coming along?"

When Nya raised an eyebrow, Jay sighed.

"Scott's my coworker. He agreed to take on my shifts five days a month if I built him a motorbike for free. It should be done in like a month, I think."

"Who needs five days off a month?" she said. "No offense."

"Everyone has got their reasons, sweetie," his mother smiled. "Now, I believe ya should go check on your ride."

Understandingly, they nodded.


As per usual, they were on the road once again.

That time, however, they were going slowly. Too slowly.

"We kinda need to get to Stiix quicker than that, you know," she said, both anxious about the sun and time.

It was already afternoon by the time they had left the Walkers' home, and the setting sun didn't calm her nerves in the slightest.

Instead of replying he turned around and shushed her.

She was about to speak when she heard it.

A truck engine.

In the distance, they could just barely see the forest leading to Stiix; and the truck was heading straight towards it.

They sped up, moving closer and closer to the truck's back.

Red flames were lighting up its insides, though nothing seemed to burn around it.


"That's the one!" Nya exclaimed. "That's where Lloyd is!"

"Are you sure they don't store fireplaces in there? Look at those flames..."

"Just drive!"

He did as he was told, shifting to the right lane and speeding up, ready to catch up with whoever was driving.

When they reached the passenger's window, Nya immediately recognised the man's red, straw hat.

"It's them!" she said, trying to reach out to grab the door's handle.

"Are you out of your mind?"


Suddenly, the window rolled down.

The man's blank expression turned into one of anger as he gestured at the one-eyed driver beside him.

"It's her!" he yelled at him. "Give me the wheel, you idiot!"

With one sudden drift, the truck leaned towards them, knocking her, and in turn, the motorbike back.

Within moments, they lost their balance.

The motorbike fell back with them, but the truck continued ahead, leaving a trail of dust to cement their defeat.

Nya quickly stood up on her feet, helping Jay do the same.

He looked at his now destroyed motorbike, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Well, I guess we won't need that extra tire anymore..."

Without another word spoken, they went off on their own.


Nya needed water. Badly.

She didn't care why or how; she just did.

She knew exactly where to find it. Thing is, would he notice?

He was currently laying down on the cold, dry ground of the forest. Had it not been so close, they wouldn't have survived the night.

But now, they were there. Under the sweet, sweet shade and moonlight. Well, at least that covered one half of her form.

She knew that place.

She was reminded of the times she and Kai would hang out by a specific lake; one that was quite small, but she was sure was also quite close.

She walked away from him, standing on her tiptoes. At last, he had fallen asleep.

A few steps forward and she came to an opening; one that did indeed house a small pond inside.

Her smile reached her ears, not hesitating to dive inside. She didn't bother taking off her clothes or anything else; she just dove in.

The sensation of letting out her tail and swimming freely through the water really was something else. Something that couldn't be replicated. Something-


She froze.

There was the so-called sleeping boy, staring at her with eyes as wide as hers. His pale face had become even paler as he continued to look at her.

"Hey!" she said, hoping he wouldn't notice.

He panicked. "You're a mermaid too?"

Now it was her turn to panic. "Too?" she exclaimed. "Don't tell me you're a-"

"What, no!" he said. "You're a mermaid and a vampire?"

"How did you-"

"You know what, get out first. This is... a lot to take in."

And so she did.

She did have to wait by the shore to dry though; something they both dreaded doing.

He decided to sit next to her, but he didn't speak. He just tried to take it all in at once.

"How did you know I was a vampire?" she said cautiously.

He gathered the strength to look at her in the eye. "You have fangs, for starters. Then, you drained all my sunscreen in two days and proceeded to eat that disgusting blood steak."

"It's not disgusting if you haven't tried it," she looked away, embarrassed. "Aren't you scared?"

"Me? Scared? Believe me, I've seen scarier things."


"Like..." He cleared his throat. "Other... scary... things..."


"So... a mermaid, huh?"


She scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

She wanted to tell him everything; she had to.

And so she did.

She filled him in on everything she could think of; from the true nature of Stiix, to her idiotic brother and Lloyd.

Instead of leaving, he pulled her into his embrace. He comforted her, he listened...

He cared.

And for once, she felt safe.

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